View Full Version : PS3 backup utility - RAGE!!!

11th July 2009, 10:18 AM
Just wanted to blow some steam over here. That BU gave me a few heartattacks yesterday. I upgraded from 40 to 500 gigs and made a Backup with the BU on my ps3. Round about 99% restoring is said "ERROR 80038456375656564356398457293857239850924759834754 385blablablabla" . So I restored to default settings, and disabled the powersaving tools. Again the same ERROR. I cursed the grounds that sony walked on...

Looked it up on a few forums and it seems you have to cancel the update when it hits the 98%. HOW STUPID IS THAT!!

It did work though, but damaged a few gamefiles. (not wipeout thank god)

WHY, sony...WHY. Yer system is 95% flawless, so fix this stupid sjit. You cant go 10 years with a 40 gig disc. :bomb

11th July 2009, 11:39 AM
Interesting. I was thinking of upgrading to an 80Gb drive I have lying around from the 60Gb one, but thought it might not be worth the hassle for such a small gain.

Now I know.

11th July 2009, 12:14 PM
dont make my post scare you too much, it did work in the end.;)

I just hope this thread helps a few people, and reduces the amount of cardiac arrests while swappin a disc. It seems you only loose gamefiles, wich can easily be reinstalled. I had no problems with the transfer of savegames. (and the savegames keep working after a reinstall of gamefiles)

ps : had 19 gigs of data

(hey look at that, im a content contributeuaaar<---french. Thats a nice gesture, thanx infox :) )

11th July 2009, 02:26 PM
Sheesh. Maybe I should just buy a Nintendo DSi. I was actually thinking about getting a PS3 because, as of the last few days, I might be able to afford one. Definitely bears thinking about. Thanks for the warning.

11th July 2009, 02:37 PM
Well, if you buy a new one, you don't need to backup now do yah. Save yourself the hassle and buy a 500 gig disc with yer ps3. Come home and swap the discs before your start-up. Done. The warranty is uneffected regarding disc-swap, so thats a big plus if yer buying a new machine.

ps : just found out I had to redownload PAIN again, pfff.

11th July 2009, 02:41 PM
Problem is that there will always be future upgrades to worry about, both harddrive and operating system firmware. The record so far has not been good. I sorta wish that WO were multi-platform, although the lowest-common-denominator affect would be in place then.

11th July 2009, 02:49 PM
Looked it up on a few forums and it seems you have to cancel the update when it hits the 98%. HOW STUPID IS THAT!!
That can't be right. :|

11th July 2009, 03:21 PM
Problem is that there will always be future upgrades to worry about, both harddrive and operating system firmware. The record so far has not been good. I sorta wish that WO were multi-platform, although the lowest-common-denominator affect would be in place then.

well, since the warranty isnt affected (<---got it right this time), AND there is such a thing as a backup utility, sony does seem to "promote" the idea of replacing your drive. And its so damn easy to do(the physical part, not the restoring). Its not like you have to jam open yer system just to get to the harddrive.

"That can't be right."

look it up, im not the only one with this problem.:frown:

11th July 2009, 05:42 PM
I was actually thinking about getting a PS3 because, as of the last few days, I might be able to afford one.

Playstation is the only right choice... Join us, Lance! Join the Dark Side! :twisted

11th July 2009, 06:40 PM
Sony has become the Darth Vader of gaming, so yeah, it would be joining the dark side. :)

Rapier Racer
11th July 2009, 07:58 PM
Hmmm Interesting, it was only the other day I decided maybe a backup would be a good idea so I was on my merry way to initiating one when up it pops telling me I need 29 gigs of space? I assumed most of this would be the game data so decided not to bother with that since I could reinstall should anything go wrong. I put all my game saves and game data files on my PSP memory stick just in case, whats the point of a full backup?

11th July 2009, 09:58 PM
it saves time...(not in my case) but yes its better just to backup savegames

and if this is the only thing that can go wrong....unlike that other system.. hehe

12th July 2009, 01:25 PM
Thats extremely dumb. 40GB PS3 is such of a lump of sht, original 60GB was a better build quality console. Still a massive shame that console still isnt in manufacture. Well Hemicrania if you want to blame someone, its not SCE at all, they wherent the sole people who wanted to downgrade there consoles to there loyal consumers. Im sure they wanted to offer the most advanced and technological advanced console to there consumers, its those bastards at Microsoft dumbing down the competition for there own selfish desires.

Anyhow, best to backup your HDD content once and a while, to prevent events like this to happen again.

Love your Avatars btw Hemicrania:)

12th July 2009, 01:47 PM
I think the best way to backup and clone data is to use special software with PC or MAC :banzai

12th July 2009, 01:53 PM
thanx Kigo. :)

But yeah, that 10 year plan does seem a bit stupid if you buy a 40 gig ps3. My troubles are over, for now. If the problems continue in the future ill just put back my 40 gig disc....lets hope it never comes to that.

12th July 2009, 02:00 PM
I think of when Sony where thinking of there 10year product and marketing strategy, they had the 60GB PS3 in mind, with all its backward compatibility and additional hardware on it, not with the 40GB console.

If you can find one of these old 60GB consoles with the PS2 emotion engine in it, i suggest you purchase it. Im not sure how the backwards compatibility thing works on the 80GB console, some sort of emulating sht, but works worse than the older consoles from what ive heard.

But when i transferred my 60GB data on a backup device, then onto a new 160GB HDD, everything seem to work all good. Hey did you make sure the removable HDD you put your backup data on was a FAT32 format? Not a NTCS or whatever its called. That might be the cause of your problem.

12th July 2009, 02:05 PM
Yeap 60GB version with model number CECHAxx seems to be the best (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PlayStation_3#Models). Dunno how can I find this version here :frown: All versions are for Commonwealth of Independent States

12th July 2009, 02:06 PM
Got your hands on a 1985 DMC DeLorean12 by any chance??

12th July 2009, 02:22 PM
:) Hope Sony will return processor from the past in their future consoles!

12th July 2009, 02:27 PM
heres some answers

12th July 2009, 04:19 PM
Hey did you make sure the removable HDD you put your backup data on was a FAT32 format? Not a NTCS or whatever its called. That might be the cause of your problem.

It's NTFS (New Technology Filing System) first implemented on WIndows NT (one of my fave windows platforms) because of its secure filing system, problem is - nothing else really recognizes the filing system so FAT32 is the preferred option...

Hope that helps in some obscure way...

13th July 2009, 06:54 AM
Hey did you make sure the removable HDD you put your backup data on was a FAT32 format? Not a NTCS or whatever its called. That might be the cause of your problem.

Yup, thrust me....I did everything by the book. Im not the person that just blindly screws open his PS3 and ****s arround with it. I did a fair amound of research, and I did see the people having the same problem. But hey, never thought I would had to go through the same sjit. I seems people with smaller backups have less problems.

13th July 2009, 08:15 AM
@ace: you got it spot on, i use ntfs on my system to. to bad this made my external drive useless for interacting with the ps3 though :P re-formating it is out of the question so i prob need to get the monees to by a second one for use with the ps3 :bomb

13th July 2009, 09:51 AM
Motorsagmannen you can convert file system without losing your data ;)

13th July 2009, 02:53 PM
It's NTFS (New Technology Filing System) first implemented on WIndows NT (one of my fave windows platforms) because of its secure filing system, problem is - nothing else really recognizes the filing system so FAT32 is the preferred option....

It was my understanding that all subsequent Windows OS systems [with the exception of Millennium Edition] use NTFS. Although I do have a version of Win2000 Pro that allows one to choose either FAT32 or NTFS on installation. I chose FAT32 for compatibility with another pre-existing harddrive within the same tower.

-- -------

I've avoided the PS3-specific problems by buying a 360 Arcade model yesterday. I'm sUUUUUUre that KIGO would approve. ;)

13th July 2009, 03:00 PM
Why didnt Microsoft continue the production of Windows NT and XP, these OS just worked, and did what they where designed for, not that spastic cunty operating system Vista. If Bill Gates come to Aus he better be careful cause im going to kill him.

Now ignore the 360 Arcade thingy, you'll probably get more flashing red lights on that thing over a red traffic light in a entire operation of a week.

Keep on looking if you can find a old 60GB one, you will not be disappointed.

13th July 2009, 03:02 PM
you are a wipeout fan and you buy a 360? the ARCADE version!? *faints*

(not trying to be rude here, i just dont like the 360 :lol)

13th July 2009, 03:09 PM
I think there's a lot of non-objective thought about console choices, and little appreciation of the differences of individual needs and desires. Those are personal rather than universal.

13th July 2009, 03:12 PM
Lance have you actually played on any of these games before??

Wipeout Pure
Wipeout Pulse
Wipeout HD


13th July 2009, 03:14 PM
@ace: you got it spot on, i use ntfs on my system to. to bad this made my external drive useless for interacting with the ps3 though :P re-formating it is out of the question so i prob need to get the monees to by a second one for use with the ps3 :bomb

You can always partition your HDD to have NTFS and FAT32 running alongside...

My recommendation - put Windows OS and all system files on the NTFS partition (makes the operating system a lot more stable) and all other files/programs/apps on the FAT32 becuase it is accessed a lot faster through FAT32 and is a helluva lot more compatible with other systems...

13th July 2009, 03:16 PM
Lance have you actually played on any of these games before??

Wipeout Pure
Wipeout Pulse
Wipeout HD


No. Someday I may buy a PSP, but much of the DLC is not and never was available where I live, which tends to make the console less attractive than it might be. Too bad that the DLC is so worth getting, eh?

13th July 2009, 03:21 PM
I've managed fine without it... But can understand your fascination with Icaras (lol)

Rapier Racer
13th July 2009, 04:08 PM
I've avoided the PS3-specific problems by buying a 360 Arcade model yesterday. I'm sUUUUUUre that KIGO would approve. ;)

Yes but now you may potentially have much worse 360 specific problems at some point down the line..

I expect my Elite to last forever considering its basically a glorified dust collecting ornament, if consoles had mileage clocks It would be nearly new lol.

13th July 2009, 04:16 PM
Mine is replacing my old unreliable DVD player. Not to mention that I was playing Soul Calibur IV on it yesterday. But anyway, whatever future problems may arise, I won't have the PS3 backup problem for a vEry long time, probably. :)

13th July 2009, 05:16 PM
You can always partition your HDD to have NTFS and FAT32 running alongside...

My recommendation - put Windows OS and all system files on the NTFS partition (makes the operating system a lot more stable) and all other files/programs/apps on the FAT32 becuase it is accessed a lot faster through FAT32 and is a helluva lot more compatible with other systems...

You guys forget the brilliant exfat that windows vista uses. Vista doesnt even support exfat, but hell you can format yer disc with it!! WHY!!

Could be that this has already changed, bla...im talkin about Vista..im gonna shut up now.:|

ps : it still sucks

13th July 2009, 05:19 PM
My only suggestion is to wait W7. I am still using Release Candidate and I didn't get disappointed to use it with all narrow-specialized software I use at work

15th July 2009, 04:04 PM
I think there's a lot of non-objective thought about console choices, and little appreciation of the differences of individual needs and desires. Those are personal rather than universal.

i know, i was only joking. Dont take it to seriously;)

15th July 2009, 04:28 PM
I'm not taking it TOO seriously. :D

16th July 2009, 10:28 AM
No. Someday I may buy a PSP, but much of the DLC is not and never was available where I live, which tends to make the console less attractive than it might be. Too bad that the DLC is so worth getting, eh?

isnt it possible to say you live in, for example the netherlands, when you make an account so you get the european psn?

i've heard about people doing that to get in the japanese psn (and ps store)

20th July 2009, 06:01 AM
Well, because of a software error that shows up once in a while it convinces you to get the most dumbed down console with 33% of the units suffering from hardware errors?
I don't get the logic, sorry.

Anyways, if having a system with a problem so big and so widespread as the RRoD doesn't trouble you, go for it I guess... :|

Oh yeah, DLC for WipEout PurE is here (http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=ac4e894ae36fb46dd9d5c56d04dfa8b0965a36f0 b42feb03c95965eaa7bc68bc), always has been and always will. It's sadly the only one you can get this way, unless some day the DRM on the Pulse DLC is removed (somehow...)

20th July 2009, 08:29 AM
I just hope my save files aren't corrupted when I get my BD player replaced. They might have to format the HDD so its all backed up (minus the massive amount of ghosts saved) but im still worried about it.

20th July 2009, 08:32 AM
They will send another PS3 back, you won't be getting your HDD back. I haven't properly read, I hope you backed up all you could.

20th July 2009, 08:53 PM
Well, because of a software error that shows up once in a while it convinces you to get the most dumbed down console with 33% of the units suffering from hardware errors?
I don't get the logic, sorry.

Anyways, if having a system with a problem so big and so widespread as the RRoD doesn't trouble you, go for it I guess... :|

Oh yeah, DLC for WipEout PurE is here (http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=ac4e894ae36fb46dd9d5c56d04dfa8b0965a36f0 b42feb03c95965eaa7bc68bc), always has been and always will. It's sadly the only one you can get this way, unless some day the DRM on the Pulse DLC is removed (somehow...)

You're a bit late on giving me 'encouragement'; I bought the arcade model last week. I spent just about all weekend with it running [didn't sleep Saturday night.] in a house with no air-conditioning [In Florida][in summer!], so if it's going to self destruct from overheating, it's being given every opportunity.

20th July 2009, 09:12 PM
No AC. Shiit Lance, go and buy an box AC window unit.

No AC, bloody hell, i dont think Florida would get as hot as Aus, by the sounds of things.

BTW not good having the console on all weekend in summer, i know, it left a charcoal mark where the console once stood, i might place back in summer, didnt smell to good either, the PS3 went straight into the fridge for an hour to cool down.

20th July 2009, 09:27 PM
You're a bit lateOf course, I've been away for a week and a half.
I can look at post date just fine without your help.

And I'm not saying that your system will fail, just that for me the RRoD is a pretty big deterrent to getting the system. If it's fine for you well go ahead, but it shouldn't be a surprise when/if your system ever fails.

21st July 2009, 01:41 AM
So basically you're saying in those two posts that I made the wrong choice and I am highly likely to regret it, and you're going out of your way to let me know that my choice is a foolish one? Did I criticise your choice of a PS3? Do we not make the choices that fit our needs and desires the best rather than to buy what would satisfy someone else instead of ourselves?

In any case, all consoles and their associated software, firmware, and online organisations, have different strengths and weaknesses. For mE, one of the drawbacks of PS3 is higher repair cost that would go on top of already higher original cost. Not yet worth it to me. And the continuing troubles of Sony's failures and attempts at fixes and the associated irritations are definitely not worth it to me. Any desire I have to play any game on Sony's online service is definitely quashed by the frequent reports of difficulties that I read here in the WZ.


KIGO: It gets pretty much as hot in Florida as it does in Australia, except for the outback, but the humidity is way higher here than it is in the outback. Makes one feel the heat more, or so some people say.

21st July 2009, 06:25 AM
No, I am not saying that. Read again.
I said I didn't understand, from an observer's mentality, who hasn't got any system, how you could look at the tally of errors/drawbacks the PS3 has, look at the Xbox 360 in the same way, and decide for an Xbox anyways. Because you say so yourself, you looked at the shortcomings closely before buying... Surely the RRoD is something you consider?! I would... And that's not the only drawback of an Xbox 360 also (obviously.) That's why I said I didn't understand.
It also seems this backup issue is the particular error that convinced you of getting the Xbox 360, and IMHO I find that perfectly stupid if that's the case, as you most likely will never encounter this issue yourself (Whereas with the Xbox you have a significantly higher chance of encountering the RRoD, which is all I'm saying).

I also said feel free to enjoy your Xbox if the RRoD isn't a problem you find worrying (which appears to be the mindset you have about it, which is why I wrote that), so where do you get the idea that I say that you will probably highly regret your choice? From when I talk about the high failure rate of the Xbox 360? Well guess what, it's a fact that the Xbox 360 is a piece of crap hardware wise, if you're an informed buyer you know that as well as I do. Sorry for mentioning the truth.
But nowhere do I say that you won't enjoy it... I don't know what games you're into but the Xbox has some good games on it as well.

Lastly: what happens on a forum? People won't come here to post: "Hey, all is working good, I can play online perfectly well." (For example) They will most likely come when they have a problem, significant or not. FYI I've been playing the PS3 online since February 2007, I haven't had a single problem at all joining games, chatting or whatever. Started with RFoM a lot, now it's moved to WipEout HD. The only problems I have (as well as others here) are related to WipEout HD and are up to SL to fix. With RFoM online it was very good, no lag at all, voice chat working perfectly well, and that game is a launch title.

Now, I'm not trying to convince you to sell your Xbox for a PS3, not at all, so if you're even seeing this somewhere, forget about it. Like I said before, I don't understand, but feel free to not explain, it's just a general question I was asking and don't absolutely need an answer to it. I will live perfectly well without solving that mystery.

21st July 2009, 09:07 PM
I had the arcade xbox 360 for about a year. Apart from being louder than my vacuum cleaner and often drowning out game music (especially soft music like Oblivion's), and randomly restarting for no apparent reason, it also had a nasty habit of scratching the game discs, rendering them useless.

It's quite possible that mine was a "monday machine" as we call them here (whatever you produce, you occasionally produce one where everything is malfunctioning), as a few of my friends have 360s and are happy with them - apart from the disc scratching thing, which their consoles seem to do aswell.

So just a tip, check your discs once in a while, and have your drive replaced if necessary. Cheaper than getting new copies of games all the time. I believe you can get cheap generic drives fitted quite easily.

21st July 2009, 09:11 PM
isnt it possible to say you live in, for example the netherlands, when you make an account so you get the european psn?

i've heard about people doing that to get in the japanese psn (and ps store)

PSP games are region free, so maybe pick up a cheap euro copy on eBay? IIRC you could download the DLC via the internet and transfer to PSP with a thumbdrive (but it's been a while since I sold my PSP, so Im only 99% certain that's how I did it).

23rd July 2009, 10:50 AM
Ps3 doesnt have that much problems, and most of them can be resolved @ home. But thats also what you pay for in my opinion. I think that the whole free "replace my xbox when RRoD" service also ends in september. This year anyways, wich I find a bit strange since there are still xboxes sold with this problem. Not to mention the E74 (or something) error, were yer hdmi port breaks yer entire system cous it isnt welded propper.

That, and it looks like a VCR smashed between 2 bricks, and makes a noise like a vacuumcleaner. :p No thanks, not for me.

26th July 2009, 10:01 PM
I've run my 360 for ten to fifteen hours per day in non-air-conditioned Florida heat since I bought it more than 2 weeks ago, so I'm thinking that if the RRoD happens, it will be before September or whenever MS chooses to end the free service.

Xavier, to quote Garrison Keillor with reasonable accuracy: "Sometimes you just have to look Reality in the eye..
and ignore it."

And besides, you never know what your own reality is going to turn out to be. Going by the probabilities can cause one to lose out on a lot of happiness when you're afraid to take a risk.

26th July 2009, 10:17 PM
Really not a smart thing Lance having the console on in those really hot days and nights. Anything over 40degrees Celsius i dont turn the PS3 on for safety reasons.