View Full Version : World of Warcraft

11th July 2009, 04:42 AM
I was talking in the WOzone chat room with TCK and Deepmix and it came up somehow. I play WoW, have 4 toons although only 1 lvl 80 (Holy/Shadow Priest) and enjoy it. I don't know of any other zoner that plays it so I'd thought I'd make a post on it, since its a big enough game I think to warrant a single post about it.

PS, I am a dude not a chick (even though I play 1)

11th July 2009, 08:05 AM
Whats War of Warcraft? Never heard of that before.

Does it have AG-Ships in it? ;)

11th July 2009, 08:13 AM
There are wolves and wyverns instead hi-tech crafts... Don't want touch this game cos it is not for me :lol

11th July 2009, 09:22 AM
A lot of guys pick the the female Blood Elves so you're not alone. I think the biggest issue is the Napoleon Dynamite dance that sets the players off, lol.

Been playing WoW since launch with a lot of breaks in between and only play when I get a chance.


That's the link to my character up there. Only toon I play and the only class I love to play.

11th July 2009, 05:38 PM
I'm not going back to an MMO ever again... they are bad for everything in your real life. You can have a social life while playing WipEout for an hour or two every second evening, but WoW just sucks you in and doesn't let you out. It's the cocaine of hardcore gamers. :(

11th July 2009, 05:55 PM
I know some of my friends that lost their job and family because of MMO games. Gaming MMO is a disease :|

11th July 2009, 11:55 PM
S'kilov nice gear, I haven't started doing any raids as of yet, just heroics so I'm working on getting that off-hand and maybe a waist. Nice to see another horde, to many ally's. How you like a disc priest? I've pondered if I should respec my shadow to it although I like that I can dps fairly easy with shadow so idk yet. Still have a long way to go gear wise, only recently started playing and don't think I will play it during the school year for obvious reasons. Your server PVP or PVE or heaven forbid RP :P. The economy in mine is broke so I might do a transfer either paided or free.

12th July 2009, 06:46 AM
Gaming MMO is a disease :|

Tell that to this kid... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc)

p.s. I know it's fake, but hell, if it isn't, there's something seriously wrong with that family...

12th July 2009, 06:54 AM
Or this crazy german... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee18vXyLBMM :lol

12th July 2009, 06:56 AM
There are wolves and wyverns instead hi-tech crafts... Don't want touch this game cos it is not for me :lol

The X-02 Wyvern? (Ace Combat X aircraft):D

In regards to WoW, I'll stick to Oblivion and Fallout 1, 2, Tactics and 3, I think.

12th July 2009, 09:30 AM
Gorefiend is a PvP server and it has a great community. As of right now I'm using a smite build which is my favorite of every possible build since I've been solo'ing a lot and helping some friends level. I've never raided as a disc priest but disc is the way to go for pvp; missing level 70 pvp. :(

I've always been Holy/Disc during the raids and it works, cept I quit at one point out of frustration over the Paladins (long story which I'll explain if you want me to but that's in the past now.)

Smiting is just awesome and I dislike Shadow simply because I prefer to be healing. I actually leveled as Holy/Disc up to level 67, went shadow to 70 which was fun while it lasted, but it's meh now. I look forward to trying out Disc spec at one point.

12th July 2009, 04:31 PM
I lvled a pure holy to around 65, swaping to shadow makes it SO much easier to solo. Going to have to look are ur spec and try it out if I ever decide to go PVP, as my server is also. I'm with you on the pallies though, they can stun you and spam skills long enough to kill you basically (least when I did 49 PVP) and if you actually get a chance to kill them they bubble and heal. I love dispelling a bubble though and seeing them panic as everyone unloads on them. Not sure what you had happen with pallies and raids but I'm sure its pretty bad.

Shadow in PVP I found fun also, since you have a few DoT spell that get you free kills if the enemy wants to run or after they kill you and they aren't watching there debuffs.

13th July 2009, 09:08 PM
I can't give you advice on how to spec for PvP atm since they added new talents to the trees and such plus I haven't specced deeply in Disc since Wriath of the Snowman was released, I can however point you out to a Holy build when I get around to it. I've always wanted to try Disc but the guild I was in needed the Holy power.

One thing I do need to look into is Spellpower vs. Intellect for gems/enchanting since I see most priest with +Spellpower. Do you find it more efficient than +Int or have you not tried that yet?

I always complained about running out of mana rather quickly during the mana intense raid fights (Patchwerk for example) so I focused on getting as much +Int as possible and it's still a bit of a problem. I do notice the high Tier priest go with spellpower once they get enough Int from the gear so that's one possible reason behind it, but I noticed you have +spellpower.

14th July 2009, 06:23 PM
ATM before 3.2 it is sorta a toss up, if you need the mana then you gem Int and if you don't you gem for spell. Gemming for Int also has the advantage of restoring more mana then spirit, when comparing 1 Int to 1 Spirit.


That thread has some awesome if not bias info on the topic but ya it is a tough one to figure out. I just got the belt bucket socket from a buddy and couldn't figure out to gem it Int or Spell.

You have 20k mana which is a great base although a full raid priest I've seen around 24/25 buffed. If you are burning mana then either switch your rotation if you can (I give the tank a bubble, HoT, and prayer of mending on pull) then heal the rest as it comes. Patchwork is a tough fight I've heard for healers since he is high damage plus that special move that tanks a lot of health (name escapes me). Either your tank isn't def capped (which is unlikely) or your DPS just can't burn through him fast enough (more likely) since those are the only real reasons that any priest when properly geared should run outta mana ;) .

Also, you don't have dual spec yet, why not spend the 1k and get it? Great for PVP/PVE style servers.