View Full Version : Twitter

2nd July 2009, 06:07 AM
What does everyone think of it? Complete copy of Facebook's status system or what?

Anyway, I'm prepared to give it a go... Follow me @xa0s (http://twitter.com/xa0s)

Rapier Racer
2nd July 2009, 09:23 AM
I've never been on twatters home page. It's just the current 'hot' social networking site something else will come along and replace it at some point. I registered on Bebo and that took long enough, I wonder why people like throwing their personal information around the internet so willingly.

2nd July 2009, 09:54 AM
facebook ftw :D
never used twitter, not sure what it's for....

2nd July 2009, 10:13 AM
I think it`s so the rest of the internet can be updated with one`s current mood (high, low or in between!) and with the knowledge of when one is going for a poo and other essential information that the rest of the internet is clearly desperate to know.

2nd July 2009, 10:25 AM
I did use Twitter extensively over the course of last year, but just found it soulless and now I use it as a kind of news aggregator for all the people I follow, but I don't actively post on it myself.

Instead, I use Brightkite (http://www.brightkite.com), which allows me to post pictures (without having to use a third party service) and take conversations off the main thread, plus it's location based, so if I'm in, say - Glasgow, I can look and see other people around about me there.

In seven months of using Brightkite I've actually made a good bunch of friends, but in a year of using Twitter, aside from folk I actually knew in real life, all I got was spammers. Twitter has actually implemented some of the features that Brightkite had all along, but Brightkite is still miles ahead - especially if you have an iPhone (which I don't) as the app for it is pretty good.

You can follow me at Brightkite here: http://brightkite.com/people/infoxicated

3rd July 2009, 10:56 AM
I personally think Twitter is one of the most useless things I have ever heard of. Do we really need to know what a certain person is doing at all hours of the day? Are people that bored that they need to watch for peoples' updates about what they had for dinner, what shops they went to, who they saw, blah blah blah?
Sounds like complete bollocks to me...

3rd July 2009, 11:13 AM
I think part of the issue with Twitter is that, in posting, you're meant to answer the question "what are you doing?". It leads to some truly mindless drivel on there - I've actually stopped following people due to the sheer volume of noise that they post, even if occasionally they would post something I was interested in.

That's one of the main reasons I switched to Brightkite, too - it's more about making a comment than telling people what you're doing in minute detail, plus the geolocation gives context to comments, and the pictures can say much more than 140 characters.

For example, I have one Brightkite friend who is a pilot in the Chicago area - he does pilot training and stuff for movies, so I find his updates really interesting and the pictures he posts of the planes and activities are cool. Another collects retro gadgets and posts pictures of stuff like old games consoles that he finds, so stuff like that is fascinating, I think.

It's also cool if you know there's an event on somewhere in the world, because you can narrow the update stream to that location and see what people are posting. I watched the stream for Washington DC when Obama was inaugurated and it was interesting having all these eye-witness comments and pictures separate from the mass media.

4th July 2009, 10:53 PM
I find this applet rather interesting: http://neoformix.com/Projects/TwitterStreamGraphs/view.php

9th August 2010, 07:40 PM
Heres my twitter, i'm usually posting either Martial Arts news or... well yeah Porn news lol. I promote both and some bands too. If Wipeout ever continues again thats my next project.
