View Full Version : Nostalgia! 13 year old swaps his ipod for a walkman...

29th June 2009, 12:45 PM
...and wants to keep it!

Not really.


29th June 2009, 01:24 PM
Heh! I had several, but even my first one wasn't as big as that, so I don't think it's a fair comparison.

Modern MP3 players have ten years of refinement in them - if he'd been comparing the original Walkman to, say, the Diamond Rio PMP3000 then it would have been a more accurate comparison.

I could fit 16-18 songs on my Diamond Rio at rubbish quality and eventually switched to a Minidisc player instead because I could have much more music on the go than with that first generation MP3 player.

29th June 2009, 01:44 PM
OMG do you have a minidisc player? I'm the only one who bought a minidisc player in France lol. I even bought a minidisc player for my car! And I bought hundreds & hundreds of blank ones. I used to negociate with the local supermarkets their unsold stocks LOL... I used Sonicstage interface for years... And now I feel so dumb with my entire collection. Switched to mp3 and left the atrac... sadly. I love the tiny sweet stuffs y'know... must admit I regret all this waste of money now.

29th June 2009, 02:14 PM
Yeah, I have two portable ones - one is a recorder the other is a player - and a HiFi that plays minidiscs as well as cassettes and CD's.

The compression/quality ratio of atrac is astounding. One time for an 80's theme party I put three and a half hours of music on one mindisc and left it playing in a loop. At the time (six years ago) the cost of memory meant you just couldn't have done that with an mp3 player.

The portable ones sit in a box gathering dust now, though... shame, but that's the price you pay for being a gadget fan. Heck, I guess with my current media playing camera phone (Nokia 5800) I actually owned the frickin' parents - a Nokia 6110, a Diamond Rio and a Sony digital camera that took floppy disks for its memory. Now I have those three things in the one gadget. :)

29th June 2009, 02:14 PM
Minidiscs were great, if you had time to record stuff onto 'em. UMDs should be more like minidiscs.

29th June 2009, 02:15 PM
Talking about ditching money you've got my brother in law with his collection of 250 laser disk and his 2 players... geez you have to turn the laser disk in the middle of the movie ! Oh yes i forgot he bought them because he thought DVD format was bullS*Hit. Maybe i could advice him to get a 'brand new HD-DVD player ' ;)

Rapier Racer
29th June 2009, 03:18 PM
I'm sure he'll thank you for that when he tries to put a Blu Ray disk in it... :banzai

29th June 2009, 03:27 PM
I had high hopes for a revitalisation of minidiscs after they appeared in The Matrix when Neo was selling his warez on them, but it wasn't to be.

Fortunately I've made very few hi-tech investments that have ended up as paper weights, so I'm not too fussed about my minidisc collection or the players lying around. I got a good few years out of them at any rate. :)

My aunt and uncle bought an HD TV and an HD-DVD player just a couple of months before the format war was won, though - they're not going to get much mileage out of that investment. They didn't ask me for advice, though, so they only have themselves to blame! ;)

29th June 2009, 03:39 PM
It took me three days to figure out that there was another side to the tape.
That explains pretty well how times have changed, eh? I mean: Kids really don't even know how a cassette works? Now what about VHS? Betamax? No? LPs? Erm… Gramophones? ;)

29th June 2009, 03:39 PM
God, so many Sony data formats that have failed, Beta Tape, Mini Disc, UMD (Kinda, (i think its a great format)). Great to see that Blu-Ray won the High Definition format battle. Sony would be doing it extremely tough in this current economic/market climate if HD-DVD was to be the successor. Great thing about Blu-Ray, it makes the Microsoft Console look crap;)

Ive bought a 20GB Nomad Jukebox Zen NX back in 2003, believe it or not, but it still works perfectly fine today in 2009. Best thing other than the PSP and PS3 that ive purchased this decade. Big limestone brick it is, but its got full equalizer settings on it so im happy. Still got a couple of gig of space left on it today.

Best MP3 player out there atm which is a bit of an underdog is the PSP, its an extremely practical device, one thing i hate about it is that the stupid thing organizes music either alphabetically or numerically not in track order, very irritating.

29th June 2009, 03:40 PM
HEH!, now, I just cannot imagine how they keep changing batteries in these days!:eek, it`s amazing how times can change after all these years!


29th June 2009, 04:09 PM
I just wonder what the future generation will think of what we have now...

29th June 2009, 04:58 PM
They will probably see our current - gen technology as crap, as they'll most likely never have ben brought up with a PS1*.

29th June 2009, 05:59 PM
I love Mini-discs. I have not only a recorder/player, but also a 4 + 2 [live for drum machine, etc.] mixer/recorder made by Sony. Bought it back in the days when I actually liked/loved Sony. When I respected them. When they focussed nearly all of their effort on designing hardware instead of on "digital rights management" with its consequent deleterious effects on hardware and on user rights. Sorry about the rant.

29th June 2009, 06:43 PM
I miss my old walkman ipods lack the character

29th June 2009, 07:10 PM
Whilst on the topic of lacking characters - maybe somebody should try some of these "." :p For a second I thought there was a walkman branded iPod.

I'm very suspicious of the child that wrote this article. Supposedly the standard of English is dropping, but he seems to be able to write very well for a 13 year old. Me thinks he may have had more than just the loan of an iPod in the way of help from his parents. Do teenagers really used words like 'plethora', 'nowadays' and 'practical'?

Rapier Racer
29th June 2009, 08:28 PM
That depends on how much of a smart ass the kid is mind, it's not a word I'd expect to hear from a 13 year old tho.

I've got a silver and blue tape Walkman in a drawer somewhere with built in FM Radio, it's hardly the size of that thing. You can get Walkman branded MP3 players can't you?

29th June 2009, 08:31 PM
Do teenagers really used words like 'plethora', 'nowadays' and 'practical'?

Nowadays, we teenagers have a plethora of technology like this that we, in a practical sense, take for granted.;):P

30th June 2009, 03:09 AM
Do teenagers really used words like 'plethora', 'nowadays' and 'practical'?
Hey! Give us more credit than that! ;)
I've a plethora of ways to show you that the use of this language nowadays is practical and common.

Don't make me elaborate on that sentence, >_>

30th June 2009, 04:44 AM
That depends on how much of a smart ass the kid is mind, it's not a word I'd expect to hear from a 13 year old tho.

I've got a silver and blue tape Walkman in a drawer somewhere with built in FM Radio, it's hardly the size of that thing. You can get Walkman branded MP3 players can't you?

Yes you can get walkman branded MP3 players,

My Phone is actually a walkman phone too, got a 4GB MS Micro in it, seems to be doing quite well. Interesting thing it actually works with the PSP-GO manager as well for video/photos and music organization. Quite impressive.

30th June 2009, 04:48 AM
Hey! Give us more credit than that! ;)
I've a plethora of ways to show you that the use of this language nowadays is practical and common.

Don't make me elaborate on that sentence, >_>

I wouldn't make you, but I would ask. :D I am not ashamed to be merely cartilaginous instead of vertebral by simply requesting.

30th June 2009, 04:54 AM
Was someone studying human anatomy today? ;)

30th June 2009, 02:56 PM
Nah, just happened to think about sharks.

mmmmm... shark. tasty.