View Full Version : The day I lost my job....

24th June 2009, 05:36 PM
...was the 1st of april 2009 (and no, this is no belated april's fool). That was the day the company, which I had joined in january this year, presented me my layoff. I wasn't told the reasons why they fired me even though I asked them twice, but all I was told in a harsh voice was „You know we don't have to tell you, so we are not going to do so!“. After one day of being angry and shocked - I was thinking „how bloody hell am I going to find a new job now, right in the middle of one of the world's biggest financial crises“ - I decided to take my financial fate into my own hands from now on. I decided to start up my own company for private and buisiness financial consulting. I told my lawyer to check the situation concering my old comapany, set up my business plan and handed in all the necessary documents for starting up my own company at the competent government agency in my hometown. I also phoned a lot of my contacts and friends I had made over the last few years and got my first promises for future buisiness partnership almost immediately. On june 3rd my request for starting my own company was finally approved by our government. Since that day I am now officially my own boss and do a job which is really fun doing for me. The first three weeks have started out great and if everyone of my customers is paying their bills to me properly I won't have to think about money for the next few weeks to come. The thing I've learned from this situation is that there will always be friends and people helping you if you just stay true to yourself and focus on creating your future instead of mourning over some bad things that happened to you in the past.

I really don't know for sure why I am telling you all this. I guess that, as a long time member of this site, I just felt like doing so. And I think another reason is to tell you guys to always keep your head up even if life's a real bitch for you sometimes. Never give up, never loose hope! There will always be a way to deal with whatever troubles you might have to face in life and you'll always become stronger when you've sucessfully tackled one of the problems life is throwing into your way.

24th June 2009, 05:46 PM
Good luck being your own boss. :D
I am not but my brother is and I know it can be hard sometimes. Just keep up the good work.

BTW you gotta love the way German people use quotation marks. ;)

24th June 2009, 05:48 PM
Sorry about your job, but the outcome seems great though!
I hope it all works out for you, especially with the current economy. I got laid off february of '08. Went almost the entire year before i got another "stable" job, but do to a single "mistake" 10yrs ago...my employment options are limited.

24th June 2009, 05:55 PM
Congratulations Tom, it took a lot of guts to start up on your own and it sounds like you made the right decision. I`ve been working like my own boss for years, but the problem with that can be that the work and the responsibility becomes your new boss so you can end up doing crazy hours and all your hair falls out with worry! When you have a personal stake you will do crazy things. However, the good side is that you don`t have to put up with office politics and you don`t have to suffer bastards - and the kind of treatment you got in your old job.

I think you have done bloody well and I`m not sure I would like to start up again all on my own like you have done. Best of luck with it all, but don`t neglect your Time Cop duties. ;)

24th June 2009, 06:31 PM
Congratulations on loosing your job!;) Well, you know what I mean. Like you said every tough situation can bring a good experience. We talked about these things at the EWC. You really have set your mind to do things you want and therefore you will succeed. Also when your company will only survive for a few years. You tried it, you did it and took the opportunities life gave you. Every day we learn something new and we will grow from it. Tom, you are doing what you want and I think you are one happy man right now. Enjoy it to the fullest, you will. I wish you good luck and a bright future.

Greetz Mad-Ice

Rapier Racer
24th June 2009, 06:54 PM
Yeah well done mate becoming your own boss after **** like that :+ Christ what was company like to work for...

You've got the right attitude there.

24th June 2009, 07:29 PM
Congratz on this achievement. (I already knew you were running something on your own, cause you told me by one chance on msn...yeah, me bugging for Pure lol) From this text we, the younger peeps, can draw some thoughts and ideas and build ourselves with them and get stronger.
But when you "grown up" guys tell: "Never give up, never loose hope!", that really wakes another bright bit in me. The continual of my optimism.
Thanks for the words and I wish you all the luck in your work! ;)

24th June 2009, 09:40 PM
Remember, we had alot of private conversations! and the bottom line is, you WILL get there in the end!

Stick in mate and you WILL prosper! :):+

And lastly, we WILL meet again in near future!!!!!!;)


25th June 2009, 02:58 AM
Congratulations, Tom, on taking your fate into your own hands. The administration of a private business is a lot of work and attention to details that don't always make sense because of a high degree of government regulation, but the rewards can be great. Whatever you do and whatever its result, you are controlling your own life. Good luck to you.

25th June 2009, 08:27 AM
Wünderbar mein Freund Thomas :clap
We did talked about this at ECW, you were very close to start your own business, now i am happy for you , your 1st customers did helped you like they promised to you : there's always trusful people : we only have to find them!
But there's someone much more closer to you than your customers who did helped you a lot to give you the confidence you deserved to run your business, kudos to her ( ahhh and she got a french 1stname Yvonne,right? :P )

All my wishes of success for your business Tom :)

25th June 2009, 09:14 AM
congratulation, inspiring !
best wishes of success !

25th June 2009, 09:57 AM
Great to hear that you are doing well on your own. Good luck with your business. Cheers!

25th June 2009, 10:09 AM
Persistence and struggle for justice must be rewarded! Wish you the best in your business

25th June 2009, 11:57 AM
Thanks for all the kind words and good wishes my friends. I really appreciate that guys!

To be true, I didn't imagine that starting up a company involved THAT MUCH government fees and paperwork only for getting approved by the government. The first week I was literally only running from one government office to the next, then off to the copy shop to copy all the necessary papers and back to the offices again, then off to the office cashier to pay some stupid fees... (rinse and repeat) But I think the worst part of this is now lying behind me and I can concentrate almost fully on my work now.

It's true that being your own boss involves a lot of work, discipline and responsibility. But I assure you it pays off. Like lunar said you don't have to put up with office politics anymore and you can choose with which "bastards" you want to work and with which ones you don't. Also, even though you might have to work far more hours every week than in an employment, you can choose when you want to do your work and don't have to stick to certain office hours. I've already experienced those days where I'm having my first business appointment somwhere around 8 am and come back home from my last customer around 10 pm, but I always know I'll be getting paid for every single hour I invest into my customers (even if it's not in money, but in terms of acknowledgement) and I rather do overtime hours for my own company than for one that doesn't belong to myself. And another thing is that I now do the job I like and I have fun doing, and I don't do the work somebody else feels is fitting me. I cannot put words to the feeling I have right now when I come back home after a long day full of work, but if I look into the mirror after one of those days I can see myself smiling and that's a good thing! :)

And no, I'll definately not neglect my duties as a time cop here at the Zone. I'm very proud that Rob and all you guys have approved and are respecting me to be WZ's one and only (part) time cop ;) So thank you for that too!

RJ O'Connell
25th June 2009, 08:04 PM
Thomas, what is this new business?

26th June 2009, 08:09 AM
I only just stumbled across this thread - so cool to hear things are working out as planned, Tom! I remember you telling me about how you wanted to set up your counseling business and I can honestly say: If I were in a position (business-wise and geographically :) ) I'd be among your first customers. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!

Btw: I know you were a huge fan - are you still into Monster Hunter?

*waves from up north*,

26th June 2009, 12:03 PM
Thomas, what is this new business?

My company offers financial consulting to private and business clients. That means that for example I'm helping private clients to find the right kind of investment for their money. Because I'm not getting paid provisions or bonuses for selling invesments to customers (like a banker or maybe an investment broker) I can really concentrate on the individual financial needs of every one of my clients (like security, flexibility,...). For business clients I offer services like helping them out with their business plans and creating their financial forecasts. I also can be their helping hand in any banking appointments they have, for example if they have to present themselves and their own companies to the bank to get a new loan. I also know a lot about the government regulations for public funds and help my clients to get money out of those funds for their private and/or business invesments (like renovating their old house or investing in a new machine for their company).
I'm concentrating on helping the small businesses like the typical one-man carpenter companies and that is where I am different from most other financial consultants here in germany who only want to make fast money by consulting the big companies and business groups.

Btw: I know you were a huge fan - are you still into Monster Hunter

Yes I am! :D I've started with Monster Hunter Freedom 2 about two months back and still play the first part of the series sometimes, too. I'm online with kai playing some monster hunter quite often in the later evenings. If you want to join in and do a few hunts together, let me know. I'll be glad to fight at your side against the most evil wyverns and dragons ;)

29th June 2009, 12:53 PM
I was made redundant on 20th March 2009 after 5 years as a self employed consultant. Being your own boss is the way forward.

30th June 2009, 10:34 AM
I'm very glad to read all this Tom!

At the convention I believe you were already saying that you were at a "good period of your life" (don't know how to say this) and it seems like it's getting even better! Congratulations! :beer

I hope that you'll have good stories to tell us about your company at the next convention! :)

30th June 2009, 02:31 PM

I just found this (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/kotaku/2009/06/mhbig.jpg) - seeing as you like Monster Hunter, you may wanna take a look, Tom :)

1st July 2009, 05:43 PM
That one is too small. The good one is this one.

1st July 2009, 06:56 PM
Wow. :eek

9th July 2009, 12:11 PM
:eek Wow! That's truly a nice picture there, me likes it! :) Thanks guys, that spurs me to kill even more of those evil wyverns, dragons and their minions. ;)

9th September 2009, 09:35 PM
Well just heard that I got the outreach job! Woo!

How's the self employment going?

9th September 2009, 10:39 PM
Congrats on getting your desired job!

The self employment is great, I love it! I have left most of the government paperwork behind me now and until this day all of my customers have paid their bills. I've had a good friend of mine, who is working in the marketing industry, design and develop a brand new logo for my company. Today I finally got my first 500 newly designed business cards and my new office stationery. If you like and if I'm allowed to I could post a scan of one of my business cards here.

10th September 2009, 12:19 PM
Go for it man - I'd be interested to see it. :+

I've had a whirlwind few days in terms of my career - I'll post an update when the dust has settled.

10th September 2009, 03:05 PM
Very cool Tom that things are working out for you. I am happy to hear that. I wanna see those buisness cards too. Rob, I am looking forward to read your story too.

Greetz Mad-Ice

18th September 2009, 06:18 AM
That one is too small. The good one is this one.

Awesome pic, thanks for that :beer

11th November 2009, 04:01 PM
Sorry it took me so long, but I had more pressing matters to do during these last 6 weeks. Here is the (kinda poor) scan of one of my business cards as promised:

11th November 2009, 04:58 PM
That sounds very good! Enough work for you then, :+ Probably all thanks to your business card. Looking nice and clean.

Good luck mate, greetz Mad-Ice

Rapier Racer
11th November 2009, 09:37 PM
Look good, shame I forgot all the German I learned back in high school :cowboy

11th November 2009, 10:04 PM
Financial planning seems certain, and insurance as Americans call it, underwriting. I have a friend in the financial planning business. Never could use his services though because I didn't have any finances. Wouldn't you just know. One of life's common little ironies.

'Tom', I hope your business is going well.

11th November 2009, 10:24 PM
Tom, that looks great. :+

I had typed up a big reply to this explaining my own situation, but then accidentally got my fingers in a knot and hit the back button. Damn netbook keyboard. Another time.

11th November 2009, 10:50 PM
@infox - I find that for me the words remain in the message box no matter if I go back and then forward again. This is Firefox though so maybe your browser is different?

12th November 2009, 12:47 PM
It was Firefox, but I was using the quick reply box and the javascript automatically resets it. :|

Not to worry, I think I was being a bit long-winded anyway. ;)

12th November 2009, 01:19 PM
Long-winded or not, I'd really like to hear about the twists and turns your career has taken during these last months Rob. You've got to post about it, pleeease...

Thanks for your appreciation regarding my business card guys. Right now I've got 2 bigger contracts going on which are pretty time consuming. I'm spending a lot of hours working in front of my computer, I guess that's why I've been posting some more during these last few days because everytime my head starts to burn from all the work I'll just relax a bit by visting our forums here.

22nd November 2009, 01:13 PM
Thomas, nice business card you have! and you are keeping to yourself busy and long may it continue!!!!

If you want my help? just pay my flights and I will do it for your house!:P


22nd November 2009, 03:52 PM
My own tale goes a little something like this;

I left Sony in early 2008 for a job in Glasgow that would bring me back to my home town and closer to my family. However, it became apparent right away that I'd made a bad decision. The job was just a really bad fit for me, but I tried my hardest over the year that followed.

The situation really got me down and earlier this year I was diagnosed with depression by my doctor. A lot of other stuff happened at the same time, and after taking the advice of my doctor and my lawyer I decided to resign from the job in order to break free, and take on some freelance work I'd been offered.

So I did the freelance stuff during July, and it was quite a good size web project that did not have a lot of budget considering the work involved. This meant I had to get the work done quickly and couldn't afford to mess up the requirements, which were designing and building e-learning application for an Independant Financial Advisor.

At first I thought I'd bitten off more than I could chew, as I hadn't done a lot of code for a couple of years at this point and my confidence was kind of low. But as the days wore by I really started enjoying doing that kind of work again, and even working as a freelancer was cool. I could only do maybe 3.5 days a week due to family commitments, but it was enough to get the project done in just over a month.

I got paid, the bills got paid, but by late July I knew I needed to find another job. I had an interview with an agency and the guys there thought they could find me something, and then an independant guy who ran his own agency called and asked if I'd be interested in applying for a job with a company called Curious Group.

Now, when I was down in Liverpool and looking to move back to Scotland I'd looked at Curious Group and been really impressed, but from their jobs page it did not look like my skills were what they wanted. With that in mind I said I'd be interested in interviewing but I knew they were looking for a hardcore programmer and I wasn't strong enough. The recruitment guy said he would make that clear to them and a day or so later I had a phone interview with one of the senior tech guys.

The phone interview went well, and I was completely honest about my lack of Object Oriented Programming experience. That did seem to be a stumbling block, though, so I didn't expect to hear anything else. However, a couple of days later I was offered a trial day at Curious Group.

I was nervous and excited, and totally unprepared because it was just a day after I got back from attending The Great British Beer Festival in London. What can I say, my cousin had paid for my flight down so I wasn't going to cancel on him!

The trial day was tough - I had an hour long written test that I didn't think I did too well on, and then I had to take a look at the codebase and attempt to refactor a certain section of it. I was royally out of my depth - none of the studying I'd done could really have prepared me for this kind of thing. By the end of the day I had a stonking migraine and I left the building thinking "I'll never hear from those guys again!"

The following weekend as I prepared to go out and visit family I received a phone call from the agent who had got me the interview. He asked how I thought it had gone and what I made of the place. I said I thought it looked like a great place to work and the people were all really nice. I also said I thought I could learn a lot from the technical director and the other technical guys, but it was clear to me that I was well short of the skills required and I thanked him for the opportunity to go in there, even if it didn't amount to anything.

Which is when he told me they had offered me the job and asked if I could start on Monday morning. :o

I was shocked. A company that I'd wanted to work for for a long time was offering me a job when I thought I'd sucked at my trial day. Awesome! :D

So I started at Curious Group in mid-August. The first couple of weeks were tough - studying, learning the codebase, and getting used to being back at work 5 days a week.

I was just getting into the swing of things again when I received a phonecall on a Saturday night at 8:30pm. I was asked to attend an emergency company meeting the following afternoon in Glasgow. My experience from the games industry told me that this not good - an off site meeting and at a weekend. This means that bad things have developed very quickly and they don't want you in the building!

The next day, surrounded by almost all of the folk from my department, the news was confirmed. Curious Group was going under financially and we were unlikely to get paid for September because the company would be in liquidation and as individual employees we were very far down the food chain. My heart sank - I finally get back to a job I love doing and it lasts three weeks!

This was when our director of our department (not a company director of Curious Group) revealed to us that he had seen this coming for some time and had set up a new company. If we committed to the new company he would guarantee our salaries for September and the hope was that the new agency could stand on its own, being free of the financial collapse of Curious Group. But we had to quit in order to be free to join the new venture.

I was kind of stunned at this point. I was being asked to resign from a company I'd long wanted to work for to make a leap of faith. I'm an athiest - I'm not too big on faith! However, there appeared to be enough hard evidence and sensible people making that same choice to convince me that it was worth taking the plunge, as opposed to scurrying back to the job market.

That was nearly three months ago. Our new agency, Bourne (http://www.wearebourne.com), is going from strength to strength, my Object Oriented Programming skills are getting better every day, and I'm working for a company I believe in and doing a job I'm really enjoying for the first time in years.

For me, it's the light at the end of the tunnel. That's my story. Told you it'd be long-winded. :)

22nd November 2009, 04:07 PM
Sweet Jesus, that's quite a story there!

It definitely makes me curious as to how a talented web developer such as yourself gets into the software development side of things. Have you shifted into ASP.Net or something? I've definitely seen a big demand for that the past couple years, and it's very much a crossover area where both OOP and HTML go to play.

I'm pretty strictly an Object Oriented Design & Development kind of guy, with about 10 years on C# now. If you're looking for any tips/pointers in that area, let me know.

Getting back onto the original topic, I've been "running my own business" for a couple years now, just like Tom has been doing. Mine is a lot less serious though, I pretty much just have a business number so that I can bill GST when I invoice my clients. I'd rather not have to do this "running a business" garbage (I find it extremely annoying, so it's good to hear that you're enjoying it Tom!) at all, but it's been a long time since someone offered me a full-time position and there's bills to pay.

22nd November 2009, 04:08 PM
"Told you it'd be long-winded."

And yet I'm glad to hear it. Congratulations, Rob; I hope it continues to go well.


Things are going well, for me; thank the Universe that I'm not working and can spend my time for me instead of for someone else. Yes, I am a selfish git.

22nd November 2009, 04:11 PM
Good on you foxy and at least few guys can see the light at the end of the tunnel.....


22nd November 2009, 04:39 PM
Way to go, Rob. Not long winded at all, quite useful and inspiring tbh...

i'm getting transferred from the current portfolio, to one in shipping / freight. Something I didn't look forward to, but after reading your post, shipping / freight just might be my lucky break! i'm gonna give it a shot.

... one thing I learned from your story is that you'll never know when something you object to, is actually a blessing in disguise! I'm burying my prejudice with the shipping portfolio, and gonna go for it. Thanks for sharing with us! :)

22nd November 2009, 04:49 PM
Wow, your life certainly took some more turns during these past months than mine Rob! But in the end your story seems to be turning out great. It seems that, like me, you've taken the opportunity life threw into your way and had the guts to start something completely new. So all I can say to you at this point is: Congratulations for your new job! :+

22nd November 2009, 04:52 PM
You know what, guys? This place has gotten a lot nicer and friendlier already.

22nd November 2009, 06:05 PM
Thanks guys :)

22nd November 2009, 06:33 PM
Ill echo the words of joy and say to you both, Congrats!!

I could bore everyone of horror stories, but perhaps when I hit my cracking point, Ill blog about that later. So far in 32 years, Im running strong...well, crawling strong is more like it.
"But you know what they say-- If you cant run, ya crawl...and if you cant do that...well, you know the rest."

22nd November 2009, 06:48 PM
Yeah, great to hear all went well in the end, infox. As you know I'm completely computer tech deficient, but I know you're in a great company. This is how I know:

"These are our clients. The reason we're here. The reason we do great work. The reason we drink copious amounts of coffee."

Any company with a sense of humour and commitment to honesty has alot going for it!

I often wonder how everyone is managing these days with the big "R" word going on. Myself I've still got a job, but our raises have been very far and few between, nowhere near keeping up with minimum wage increases or cost of living. C'est la vie.

22nd November 2009, 08:06 PM
Thanks for the story Rob!
I'm very glad that you're going & doing well again!
Could you tell us on what specific project you're working on, if it's not confidential?

22nd November 2009, 08:11 PM
It's an application called Basis (http://www.iambasis.com).

23rd November 2009, 12:20 AM
I just wanted to thank everyone in this thread for making me a bit more optimistic about my own future. I recently quit my job and swore loudly and clearly to never work for anyone else but myself in the future, and you have given me that extra little push to start planning a bit more ahead. Now I just need to figure out what the hell I want to do before the money runs out:lol

23rd November 2009, 08:52 AM
I actually loved the idea of working for myself, but at the same time I didn't want the responsibility of doing all the non-web development stuff that comes with it.

23rd November 2009, 04:04 PM
Wow, just got to read through that now - great story Rob, glad to hear you're doing fine again! :+

17th January 2010, 08:55 AM
Darn, looks like I'd been idle for two long - I only just got around reading your post, Rob. What a story! Glad things turned out so well for you after what happened. Keep going! :)
