View Full Version : The 21st December 2012 Doomsday Prediction

19th June 2009, 07:48 AM
I created this thread as to continue the 21/12/12 doomsday prediction that I read in the "How old are the pilots around here"thread as F.E.I.S.A.R.
From what I read at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_doomsday_prediction ,a possible scenario is that the ending of this cycle will correspond with a global "consciousness shift" and the beginning of a new age.
I just hope that the world does not end up like the "Earth"(known as Mobius) in the"Sonic the Hedgehog" universe!

19th June 2009, 07:50 AM
SL is shut down
/thread :P

19th June 2009, 08:17 AM
Hehe. Roland Emmerich will release a movie called "2012" at the end of the year as far as I know. The movie already features a whole set of websites saying what to do and how to survive etc.
Good marketing, one would say.

19th June 2009, 11:44 AM
I hoping for first contact (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_First_Contact) with aliens that year, and this 'end of the world' is actually us moving to one of Jupiter's moons... or something.

19th June 2009, 04:22 PM
prediction: Greedy corporation heads cease to vote bonuses for themselves and resign in favour of socially responsible people. This fake world ends and the rEal world begins.

Yeah yeah. I know, I must be on crack cos this prediction ain't never gonna happen.

13th July 2009, 06:27 PM
I watched a doco on the Discovery Channel many years ago on this.

Planet X Nuburiu sht,

Another coming Ice Age. If so im sure you English will love your weather even more.

13th July 2009, 06:32 PM
end of the world will happen like this..

china carries on with their polute the world and make some cash policy.America will make a virus and release it over thier to knock down the population and help the enviroment. china will find out and nuke america off the map. everyone joins in with the nukefest. earth dies and only mutants are left.

13th July 2009, 06:38 PM
Australia will be untouched, since we are neutral like Switzerland:)

New World Order i guess with Microsoft and Skynet.

13th July 2009, 06:39 PM
amazing thoughts :frown:

13th July 2009, 06:43 PM
My theories:

Communism and capitalism will ruin the world; (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkBNKa2KXZE)
Earth's natural resourses will dry up, destroying the way civilization lives as we know it;
LEDC's will become the MEDC's (essentialy the opposite way around);
Pollution will force the climate into an extreme change.

jasmin, have you played Fallout recently?:lol

13th July 2009, 06:50 PM
omympics im not familar with that term, please explan,

oh Olympics.

13th July 2009, 06:58 PM
I've just edited that post, shame I took so long doing that list.:S

13th July 2009, 07:12 PM
It'll end when it's ready. I can wait.

14th July 2009, 11:16 AM
The world was supposed to end several times in my own life already - and I'm getting sick of these false promises. :naughty

FYI - this is how it will really end, known this since 03, figured I should share this info. :)


14th July 2009, 11:29 AM
this thread is nonsense because in 2097, anti grav racing becomes a reality, doesn't it?

14th July 2009, 01:25 PM
Definitely! :D

31st August 2009, 02:53 PM
This movie seriously could give any young kids sleepless nights,

Have a look at the trailer,


31st August 2009, 03:12 PM
We will die in any case so what is the difference? :dizzy But I want to watch this movie Kigo. I like disaster movies!:+

31st August 2009, 03:25 PM
Cryogenics... FTW

Fortune favours the brave lol

31st August 2009, 03:58 PM
Usually it favours the rich.

31st August 2009, 04:04 PM
Cryogenics... FTW

Fortune favours the brave lol

Ace will you be stocking up on weed for December of 2012, just encase?

31st August 2009, 06:00 PM
Huh, I've been seeing these commercials on Adult Swim for "The Human Continuity Project" or something - but they're very vague and it didn't even look like it was for a movie - turns out, I think they were for that movie.

Clever marketing, for a change. :+

2nd September 2009, 05:41 PM
I hoping for first contact (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_First_Contact) with aliens that year, and this 'end of the world' is actually us moving to one of Jupiter's moons... or something.

Actually that already kinda happened (sort of, maybe;)) :


and slightly related : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bloop

Also, about 2012 : http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/090902-1859-solar-storm.html

So remember kids - turn off your PS3's in 2012, otherwise you will never, ever be able to play Wipeout again!:eek

Edit : Oh, and one more completely unrelated thing : http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/090902-tw-antimatter-hunter.html
It got me thinking along these lines : If the universe really is 90% dark matter that we can't see (or interact with) and there really is a crapload of antimatter galaxies out there then it's no wonder we haven't found the aliens yet; they're all made of antimatter, and if you ever meet one and shake hands you will both explode violently:D

And another edit : I just remembered this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%27lyeh
Compare the location with the Bloop. Now I'm really freaking out!

2nd September 2009, 06:37 PM
I've seen something about this on history HD. Something about the mayan calendar and the earth being in line with the sun and the center blackhole of the galaxy.

and blablah lots more nonsense :g

seriously though, history hd just went on and on about this for an hour!

2nd September 2009, 06:53 PM
Two large masses in close proximity being 'aligned' with one extremely large mass at an extreme distance from them would have near zero effect. Since, as we know, gravitational effect reduces at approximately the inverse square of the distance. Even a feather can't feel the pull of the black hole at this distance. That pull is completely overpowered for the feather by its being so close to the general mass of the earth. I suspect that this particular alignment has occurred many many many times before. Uh... we're still here. Stuff still works.

2nd September 2009, 07:01 PM
Spose to be a large red mass in the sky about the size of Venus that is supposedly to be visible in the sky in the southern hemisphere at night. I dont see **** tbh. But its something about a planet called planet X, that'll **** up the Earths gravitational pull and cause massive king tides (like in the movie 2012), at the end of 2012, so no christmas pressies for the little shits that year.

2nd September 2009, 07:14 PM
The Earth will be destroyed at 07:37 GMT tomorrow morning. All the world's governments know all about this, but they are saying nothing so that people will not panic, and will enjoy their final hours of existence with as much peace and enjoyment as they usually do.

2nd September 2009, 07:19 PM
It'll probably happen when im on the shitter,

I always get bloody calls at those moments in time too.

6th September 2009, 04:32 AM
Usually it favours the rich.
It favoured the brave, in Demolition Man :)

Kigo, 2012 - Planet X/Nibiru. All lies buddy, it's Aliens I tell you! They gonna come to earth in a Death Star, looks like a planet, they'll abduct some of us, including me! how do I know?

Well, about 5,130 yrs ago, they left me behind with a mission. To live amongst humans and observe their technological advances. Times up! Now they wanna do roswell style autopsys on humans, Poetic justice lol!

6th September 2009, 09:43 AM
In 2012 - GW will get re-elected (somehow) - and we're all fuct!

You read it here, first. :nod

Edit: You know, he probably could be re-elected, considering we only voted for him (as a country) once - so that's another term yet to be served, technically.

Should that happen, I'll be looking for apartments on the ISS, moon or mars - anyone wanna to halfsies on the rent?

6th September 2009, 02:38 PM

First 2 minutes. May or may not be relivant, but it's worth it.

6th September 2009, 04:07 PM

Hm... my prediction in that post above seems not to have come true. I'm not sure whether to be disappointed or not. ;)

6th September 2009, 07:45 PM
Lance, it did end! Just in a parrallel reality, is all. Apparently there was a subtle shift in time occupied space. Basically, the Space Time Continuum, zeroed itself, which was your prediction - and in doing so, the fabric of our reality became immune to the cause/effect which woulda seen our universe ended. However, when the STC zeroed itself, the resulting effect manifested itself in another Time Occupied Space zone - in other words, a parrallel reality! :)

you can go back to feeling smug now! :rock

6th September 2009, 08:34 PM
this 'end of the world' is actually us moving to one of Jupiter's moons... or something.

Aw! :( No love for Saturn? Saturn gots moons too y'know?! Jupiter gots 2 more than me, but I gots pretty rings too. Although I will get closer to Uranus than Jupiter ever will. Good or bad? You decide. :?

6th September 2009, 09:38 PM
well if we survive bird flu, sars, bse, swine flu or whatever is this months flavour of the week in the media's 'we're all going to die tomorrow' scenario...then it'll probably be those pesky giant space insects...


8th September 2009, 12:22 AM
I'm fully into this 2012 junk, end of the Mayan calendar/Timewave Zero etc, as far as I can tell the calendar/Timewave Zero (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtnV25LWFQ8) just resets and starts over again
I'm hoping for aliens
I'm hoping we don't have an Amero or a world currency by then
I'm hoping for free energy, so many magnetic motors & engines that run on water out there all ready
maybe fox news will be off the air
maybe countries won't be run by corporations and blithering idiots
the dip in consumer driven culture
who know, maybe not much will happen, but for sure I think it will be some sort of tipping point

oh and a couple of my mates have told me the Mayan calendar ends in 2021 (or near) not 2012 so it may be a little way off


8th September 2009, 01:01 AM
I'm a christian first, and a scientist second. The bible claims that no man can predict the apocalypse, or the end of the world. Though the idea of a cosmic event that elevates mankind to a new level sounds fascinating. I was recently talking to a friend of mine on this subject. He said that he heard a rumor describing a huge cataclysmic event, slowing the earth's rotation and creating 48 hour days. I like sleeping, but 24 hours of sleep sounds a little ridiculous. I believe I'm going to stick to my faith on this one. Guess we'll just have to wait to see.

8th September 2009, 01:19 AM
Good post Wolfkill! I'm a Muslim, and we too believe that no man can predict the hour.

Yeah, the mayan stuff, nostradamus, paul daniels ... it's just all kinda feels false to me! my opinion, :) no offence to anyone :)

8th September 2009, 02:30 AM
In my opinion, nothing is certain, and all "knowledge" is just belief in what one allows oneself to see because it suits one's needs.

8th September 2009, 05:16 AM
*Hums* Knowledge is power
The idea of some predetermined date makes me giggle, crazy conspiracy theory creators.

24th September 2009, 10:49 PM
On a more serious note than my previous post (No, I don't think Great Cthulhu will rise in 2012:)), the reason we can't predict the apocalypse is simply the fact that we're all willfully ignoring the fact that it's happening (slowly, in a human timeframe) right now. To name a few :
- Methane clathrates melting (NOT GOOD! Possibly responsible for at least one previous mass extinction).
- Acidification of the oceans.
- Deforestation.
- Global warming.
- Pandemics (Nothing too bad yet, but think on this : It's already years since Toys'R'Us started selling pink plastic DNA test kits for $99. And they work! How hard will it be for some nutcase in a basement to cook up a deadly virus with off the shelf components, coupled with some mad Google-skillz? And how hard will it be 10 or 20 years from now? Not very hard at all if you ask me. Oh, and btw - you can buy yellow-cake uranium on Amazon, and Walmart can't account for thousands of radioactive exit-signs:D).
- Doomsday devices, or runaway scientific experiments. Examples :

And the list goes on. We are well and truly screwed (Unless we can get our heads out of our bum-holes and get off this planet asap)!

Sorry if I come across as bit grumpy on all this, but about once a month all this stuff freaks me out and I have to go on a rant to whoever's available (you lot!) to get it out of my system. Also, I'm sober.:)

25th September 2009, 04:09 AM
But, you're from Norway, and I don't believe in Norway - therefore your problems don't exist - so stop worrying about them.

By the by - on the 2012 - you should google "top 100 survival items for 2012/12/21" - water purification equipment and antibiiotics were pages down from the #4 item. Propane Tank Handle-Holders. Yes, that translated correctly and I'm not joking. Plastic (@#*ing propane tank handle grips - so you can handle the handle on propane tanks - was pages above water equipment.

So if the fact Norway dosen't exist can't put your mind at ease - perhaps knowing the level of intellect these "End Of The World" people supply - I mean, look at that list...


25th September 2009, 09:54 AM
Hey! I've seen this Norway you speak of. I was out looking for Nessie, when suddenly a fjord jumped me. Took quite a while to untangle me from that mess...

The search results are hillarious. Personally, I look forward to The Food Wars - aint nobody getting near my apple trees!