View Full Version : Games of E3 2009

28th May 2009, 07:39 PM
Hey all,

E3s coming up soon and I'm getting really excited over what's looming over the horizon...what games are we expecting or looking forward to here???


WipEout DLC announcement (fingers crossed),
Batman Arkham Asylum,
new Rainbow Six (fingers crossed),
Assassins Creed 2,
Dirt 2,
Heavy Rain

28th May 2009, 10:25 PM
More Killzone goodies
A release date for Final Fantasy XIII.
Uncharted 2 gameplay footage and release date.
God of War 3 footage and release date.
A FF VII release on the PSN.

Oh, Wipeout DLC of course.

28th May 2009, 10:54 PM
-wipeout hd DLC (in-game footage, none of this track flyby rubbish please)
-new full wipeout game (i can dream)
-halo 3: odst (in game pics/video)
-project trico (more info/screens/vids)
-final fantasy xiii (anything new is good)
-modern warfare 2 (in-game footage)
-Half Life 2: episode 3 (anything...seriously, anything)
-perfect dark on xbox live arcade (in-game footage/info on any new features)

the next three probably wont appear, but nintendo need some serious decent hardcore games this generation...
-f-zero wii
-f-zero ds
-starfox wii

29th May 2009, 12:39 AM
FFXIII, FFvXIII and f**king GT5 already.

29th May 2009, 03:58 AM
new F-Zero plz
Tempest 3000 ported to XBLA plz
Wipeout HD DLC plz
new full Wipeout plz
uhhhh... a Sonic game that doesn't suck? Maybe regoup the old STI team members? ;___;

29th May 2009, 04:10 AM
lol'd at "a Sonic that doesn't suck." They still haven't got the message at Sega, unfortunately for you. :/ Maybe you should make your own game, that way it will be better :lol

WipEout (HD) is what I want to see. The other stuff I know Sony will show because they have no choice (Killzone, God of War, Uncharted, Trico, Heavy Rain, etc.)

29th May 2009, 04:20 AM
(Killzone, God of War, Uncharted, Trico, Heavy Rain, etcThese are of absolutely no interest to me what-so-ever.

I also wanna see what the Zune HD will be/do... so far seems very promising.

29th May 2009, 04:52 AM
They weren't in reply to you either.

29th May 2009, 06:55 AM
NAMCO come back....

Ridge Racer 8
Ace Combat 7

Radical Entertainment

Crash Bandicoot [PS3 exclusive]


Vigilante 8 3rd edition


Of course the Wipeout projects;)

29th May 2009, 07:55 AM
Mass Effect 2, how could I have forgotten you?

29th May 2009, 09:07 AM
An Ace Combat announcement would make me very happy. :)

Looking forward to seeing some in-game footage of Modern Warfare 2 and MAG, although I'm thinking that MAG will be more my kind of game than MW2. Oh, and in-game footage of God of War 3 and Madden 10, too.

Sadly it's not as if there's any TimeSplitters 4 to look forward to now - I reckon that would have been shown for the first time at E3 if Free Radical hadn't gone tango-uniform. :|

29th May 2009, 12:50 PM
NAMCO come back....
Ridge Racer 8

This. Except make it like Rage Racer, or RRT4. Those where great.
Heck even RRV was better than 7.

29th May 2009, 01:05 PM
An Ace Combat announcement would make me very happy. :)

You should check out Tom Clancys HAWX in the meantime if you havent done so already - its pretty cool :D

The only thing I want to see at E3 is PGR 5 :D ...and a new wipeout of course ;)

29th May 2009, 01:46 PM
This. Except make it like Rage Racer, or RRT4. Those where great.
Heck even RRV was better than 7.

**** yeah now you are talking:g:g:g:g:D:D:D:D

**** they where great games. Rage Racer 1997 **** yeah. (remade on the PSP actually in "PSP Ridge Racer 2")

Ridge Racer Type 4

"Real Racing Roots '99 in Phantomile", god that was a bitch to do with team Dig Dug.

RRV was a small game for the release of the Playstation 2. But is was such an important part for the Ridge Racer series. It featured all the tracks plus more from the Ridge Racer 1 era. Like Sunny Beach (Route 765). That game was awesome along with its sound tracks. All track revolved around Ridge City.

Ridge Racer 7 was ok, but it was clearly just a copy paste version of RR6 from the Cuntbox360. Had some good parts in it. The only thing really liked about it was seeing my favourite Ridge Racer track in HD.

But that was ok because those two awesome Ridge Racers where released on the PSP. Ridge Racer 1 and Ridge Racer 2. That featured all the Ridge Racer tracks from Ridge Racer, Ridge Racer Revolution, Rage Racer, Ridge Racer Type 4, and some track from RRV.

Ridge Racer 8 [also know as from Ridge Racer Project 2010]
Is a working development, not sure what is happening to it now. Namco Bandi better not put this game on the CuntBox, this should be a Playstation exclusive. Ridge Racer is home on the Playstation, just like Wipeout and Gran Turismo.

Namco Bandai should make a Ace Comabt for the PS3 and use the PS3 processing power potential.

29th May 2009, 02:12 PM
You should check out Tom Clancys HAWX in the meantime if you havent done so already - its pretty cool :D
I checked out the demo, but after a time it forced me to play in third person mode and I just switched it off. Had thought it might tide me over until Ace Combat arrives, but... meh. :|

29th May 2009, 02:20 PM
Do you have Ace Combat X on the PSP Rob?

That was pretty good, gotta say. you could permentally have the internal view in that game.

29th May 2009, 02:21 PM
Rage Racer 1997 **** yeah.

Racers, Start your engines, and let's get it on ;)

I never beat that Extra GP...

Also got a hold of the RRT4 album, it's awesome.

29th May 2009, 04:55 PM
I thought MW2 wasnt actually another COD game?
Plus surprised no ones really mentioned dirt, its a great racing game. Better than GT, Grid, and any other recent racing game ive played (besides wo of course!) :)

29th May 2009, 07:36 PM
agreed on the idea of a new ace combat. those games are always great.

as for mass effect 2, i imagine that will get a good showing for microsoft, along with bioshock 2 and assasin's creed 2. 'tis a year of sequels!!! :)

oh and a sonic that doesn't suck would be really really awesome......but they just announced that sonic kart racer, so i'm guessing sega still don't have a clue what they're doing. :(

RJ O'Connell
29th May 2009, 07:42 PM
Gran Turismo 5 or Forza Motorsport 3, I'd like to see details on either one of those. Oh, and a new F-Zero game for either DS or Wii.

29th May 2009, 07:44 PM
Out side of an Acecombat annocement for my PS3, WOHD DLC, and a new PC exclusive version of Battlefield, E3 has nothing for me.

29th May 2009, 11:19 PM
WOHD DLC, obviously, then some more info on the new Ueda game, and please, PLEEEAAASE, Capcom, announce a new Onimusha! I know you are working on it!

30th May 2009, 12:27 PM
Gran Turismo 5 or Forza Motorsport 3, I'd like to see details on either one of those. Oh, and a new F-Zero game for either DS or Wii.

If GT5's 2010, I'm gonna be pretty peeved, lol.

Also speaking of games like Ace Combat, a new Afterburner would be sweet Sega. Make it happen.

30th May 2009, 04:02 PM
New Mach Rider. That game has a lot of potential to be a good Wiimake, and after Punch Out, it seems plausible.

30th May 2009, 11:30 PM
An Ace Combat announcement would make me very happy. :)

Absolutely forgot about Ace Combat...Namco has been so quiet for so long on any possibility of a PS3 Ace Combat, I had given up hope...even considered getting HAWX...

But we'll wait for E3 before I jump into Ubisoft's efforts...I'm confident Namco will come through with the goods...Tekken 6, Ace Combat, maybe a new Ridge Racer and *fingers crossed*...update on the PS3 Katamari

30th May 2009, 11:36 PM
Fuking BANDAI NAMCO, part of the Cuntbox empire i see these days. No more Ridge Racer or Ace Combat. Ace Combat on the PS3 would be out of this world. Fuking disgrace i say. Die Microsoft Die:pc



Who here at WZ are actually going E3 2009 this year?? Theres a few people here that live in California, RAIDER and BARTgai.

RJ O'Connell
31st May 2009, 12:00 AM
How so? Is Bandai Namco working on five new bratty-child-friendly and slow-playing FPS's for the 360 that I haven't heard about?

31st May 2009, 12:18 AM
Sad isnt it. Why cant Microsoft be one of the failing American corporations, instead of GM and Chrysler. If that was the case, i could point and laugh:P


Ace Combat 7 on the PS3

1080p. 60FPS. complete 5.1 surround. online gameplay.

Sad isnt it.

I hope everysingle Cuntbox that has a BANDAI NAMCO game from this day onwards gets the ring of death. Bastards.

RJ O'Connell
31st May 2009, 12:23 AM
Just got a look at the PSP Go, and I must say it looks like it'll be more comfy than my PSP-1000 Phat and Dark and Stiff....that's not saying much but still.

Oh and GT Mobile will be confirmed at E3 as well. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1FF8_0mAOA)

31st May 2009, 12:33 AM
Holy ****.

Gran Turismo Mobile

Ive been waiting since 2005 for that game. Great:D

RJ O'Connell
31st May 2009, 12:36 AM
No mention of a PSP Go WipEout title though....YET. (Come on, Wipeout Pure Special Edition with Infrastructure!)

Though LBP Mobile looks intriguing.

31st May 2009, 04:40 AM
E3 is no longer open to the general public,it wasn't last year either.

Invite and pre booking [with vetting] only.

RJ O'Connell
31st May 2009, 04:58 AM
It was way better when it was open to the public, IMHO.

31st May 2009, 08:08 AM
I think the fans over ran it,thus little business could be done.

Only registered guests [gaming Mags/Forum -head of mast] people are allowed apart from those directly involved with either the programing or promotion/sales of the games shown.

Fair enough,there are HUGE $$$ spent on development of games these days,you don't want the head of SCEE to be holed up answering questions by some half witted 45 year old dressed up as Darth Vader.:eek

31st May 2009, 08:55 AM
You should check out Tom Clancys HAWX in the meantime if you havent done so already - its pretty cool :D

The only thing I want to see at E3 is PGR 5 :D ...and a new wipeout of course ;)

Hell yes for PGR5. Gave 4 a spin last night and it's great.
@ Rob, there's only one mission in HAWX that requires you to play 3rd person. it's completely voluntary in the others. Plus, it's an absolute bitch to master.

I'd like to see Forza 3 announced for the xbawks, and also some more info on WH40K: Space Marine. That was looking awesome.
An Ace Combat for the PS3 would be fine too. Dunno why Bamco Nandai jumped ship like that


1st June 2009, 01:45 PM
who here is actually going to E3 this year, (or has invites)?

RJ O'Connell
1st June 2009, 05:21 PM
Because of Fury? Probably nobody on our side of the Pacific. Man, Leipzig getting shiat-canned was awful for us.

Also, Sony went on record as saying "Don't ask Kaz (Yamauchi) about Gran Turismo 5". Either they aren't showing it (BOOO) or they're keeping the suspense up for something huge (YAAAY).

1st June 2009, 05:24 PM

Watch here (http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/?tag=content_nav;press-conference) or here (http://www.gametrailers.com/e3/?show=Press+Conferences#Content).

RJ O'Connell
1st June 2009, 05:25 PM
Please tell me there's going to be mention of Forza 3.

1st June 2009, 05:32 PM

Watch here (http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/?tag=content_nav;press-conference) or here (http://www.gametrailers.com/e3/?show=Press+Conferences#Content).

Good thing im going to sleep now hey;)

RJ O'Connell
1st June 2009, 06:38 PM
Forza 3 in October? With 400 cars at launch and a video editor/sharing? Damnit Sony, announce GT5 already.

1st June 2009, 07:08 PM
RJ i think Sony might be delaying GT5 some more, since now Gran Turismo Mobile is now in priorities again.

1st June 2009, 07:22 PM
That last thing with Milo was amazing, simply amazing. If it turns out as good as that, wow :o
Microsoft innovating, who would have thought? ;)

1st June 2009, 07:48 PM
Milo is type of chocolate energy drink that is sold in Australia, its also available in a cereal too did ya know;)

RJ O'Connell
1st June 2009, 07:57 PM
RJ i think Sony might be delaying GT5 some more, since now Gran Turismo Mobile is now in priorities again.
FML :brickwall

1st June 2009, 08:01 PM
Haha, Microsoft's pressconferance was sooo LAME :D

1st June 2009, 10:37 PM
Just give me one of these and I'll be in heaven (on PS3 of course) :

Ring of Red 2
Black 2 and/or Timesplitters 4
Vigilante 8 3 (Yeah, I know Twisted Metal is coming, but the last one sucked big time in my opinion. Nothing beats MP in Vigilante 8!)
And a date for Fury goddamnit!:D

2nd June 2009, 12:43 AM
Haha, Microsoft's pressconferance was sooo LAME :D

I disagree. There's was pretty impressive actually. A lot of good anouncements. That natal thing makes the Wii look disfunt now.

Sony's going to have to be good to top MS's conference.
GT5 better not be 2010...

2nd June 2009, 08:51 AM
The only good announcemt was Metal Gear Solid Rising and the fact that FFXIII will be released early 2010. And of all the games shown, only Alan Wake seemed interesting. And Natal? Might sound cool in theory, but I am very skeptical... At the end of the day it's only a gimmick. And gimmicks are fun for like... 10 seconds? :) Wii is a gimmick, the difference being the gimmick was released as a console, and not as a peripheral.

2nd June 2009, 12:01 PM
Not to forget Splinter Cell Conviction - first Splinter Cell game that looks interesting to me...

2nd June 2009, 02:35 PM
Hmm skipped through the MS conference today and frankly, nothing exciting to me there. I almost turned it off when they brought out Stephen Spielberg. Seriously.

And regarding Natal...I agree with Chaos, it's a gimmick...kind of like the eye toy but much better. Not something I'd use, I happen to like my controller :p

Liking the looks of AC2 though :)

2nd June 2009, 02:56 PM
DrMannevond i salute you, ring of red was amazing, so addictive, me? im waiting for team ico to put me out of my misery and shed some light on what they have been up 2 :D

2nd June 2009, 04:34 PM
Here's hoping Gamespot doesn't fail for ten minutes then we get Tony Hawks talking about his skateboard controller... :blarg

Watch here (http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/sony-e3/), it's starting soon. 1h25

Oh yeah from the comments apparently Nintendo still sucked... Sorry guys :(

im bored to tears and my heart is crying
Edit: Nintendo link (http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/nintendo-e3/), if you wish to watch the horror.
There will be a Mario and Luigi RPG inside Bowser's bowels. If you needed any proof Nintendo's conference sucks...

2nd June 2009, 04:45 PM
Have been watching this for the last ten minutes on Gamespot and it's awful. The user comments are very funny though :lol

2nd June 2009, 05:01 PM
Edit: Nintendo link (http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/nintendo-e3/), if you wish to watch the horror.
There will be a Mario and Luigi RPG inside Bowser's bowels. If you needed any proof Nintendo's conference sucks...

hahahahahahahahah, loooool. I was laughing at that. WTF:eek

Just wondering, whats the load limit on the Wii Fit stand? Im just thinking about a fat **** breaking it since they where too heavy, clomp!!! thud!!! loooooool.

Wii Fit XXXL for fat fuks, lol.

2nd June 2009, 05:02 PM
ROFL Wii Vitality sensor :lol

OMG, please use that on the audience!!! We must determine if they are still alive!!!


2nd June 2009, 05:15 PM
Thank god that's over...why did they spend, what seemed like 4 days talking about Mario? Then go on to give Res Evil, Dead Space and Metroid but 5 minutes of air time? Weird strategy there Nintendo lol....

2nd June 2009, 05:19 PM
OMG what a stupid presser again, after M$ yesterday... Sony can only do better than them.

However, that new Metroid game by Team Ninja looks rather sweet. Pretty nice snatch for the former Ninja Gaiden Team that couldn't do Ninja Gaiden anymore because their former leader took off with the licence :P

RJ O'Connell
2nd June 2009, 05:26 PM
I think Nintendo's press conference was actually really great. You can't beat a 2D Super Mario Bros. with 4 player co-op. You just can't.

Unless GT5 has some ridiculous surprise in store or an entirely new Wipeout is announced I can't see Sony topping that.

2nd June 2009, 05:38 PM

Well, at least Nintendo's got the peripheral to check they are still alive after Sony's press conference. I personally doubt they will be, what a ridiculous load of :turd
Metroid, Dead Space and all that was pretty cool, but come on. Give it more air time guys, there was like three applauses the whole way... >.<
I hope for Sony's sake they top it.

2nd June 2009, 05:56 PM
Okay, to anyone who bashed the Microsoft conference yesterday... you can't say Nintendo's was better. I just watched it... it was pitiful. The only interesting thing was New Super Mario Brothers 2 on the wii... and I dont even care enough to play with other people.

2nd June 2009, 05:59 PM
Sony in 1 minute, watch here (http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/sony-e3/) it's working. :)

2nd June 2009, 06:07 PM
I think Nintendo's press conference was actually really great. You can't beat a 2D Super Mario Bros. with 4 player co-op. You just can't.

Unless GT5 has some ridiculous surprise in store or an entirely new Wipeout is announced I can't see Sony topping that.

Yes you can?
The game is called LittleBigPlanet. Does tons more on top of the 4player 2D Jump'n'Run stuff. And clearly, LBP's success is Nintendo's reason for New Mario Bros.

2nd June 2009, 06:26 PM
Well, Sony just won E3, Uncharted 2 Gameplay, MAG Gameplay. OMG!

RJ O'Connell
2nd June 2009, 06:28 PM
Watching Sony's conference right now. Uncharted 2 looks like a really awesome action movie. And MAG looks cool but I'm not all for gritty, military-themed FPS's, they're such an overdone cliche IMHO, but it seems to play well despite 256 players at once.

Wow, the MAG players are awesome. You know damn well the players won't nearly be that smart once it releases to the public.

Okay, they just got jazzed about the Hannah Montana bundle and a Petz game. I could care less. Not even my inner PS fanboy can get jazzed about that.

GRAN TURISMO MOBILE JUST BOUGHT ME A PSP GO. I could care less how the thing's built. And Forza 3 will be out the same month. My inner car geek needs new shorts.

2nd June 2009, 07:00 PM
Am loving the cheers whenever Hannah Montana is mentioned...brilliant :lol

2nd June 2009, 07:11 PM
I can't watch the Sony one. Think I was too late or something :( I'm watching the Microsoft one though. How long do they go on about the Beatles? So freakin long, and who are these two old rambling fellas they just brought on?

I agree with chaos80 and stinkleroy about the Wii. I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees it's an overpriced gimmick that you have to buy more overpriced gimmicks for just to get the most out of it.

Oh ****, the skateboard controller wasn't a joke? It's real? Why not learn to skateboard? Go learn to play guitar too. Day Tripper is really a very simple riff. Damn all this stuff is just so ridiculous.

2nd June 2009, 07:21 PM
Assassin's Creed 2 looks amazing!

2nd June 2009, 07:41 PM
Gran Turismo PSP, f u c k i n g a w e s o m e !

800+ cars
30 tracks plus varients of each tracks
4 player online mode with ad-hoc mode
Avaliable both on the PSP GO and the standard PSP
60fps gameplay

I want this bad now.

2nd June 2009, 07:50 PM
Assassin's Creed 2 looks amazing!
I saw the cinematic trailer. Was that game footage, CGI movie, or real people? It was mpossible to tell at times. I really like the original so that's definitely something for me to look forward to.

RJ O'Connell
2nd June 2009, 07:53 PM
ModNation Racers has my money. Gah, why do I feel like I'll be broke from buying too many awesome games?

2nd June 2009, 07:54 PM
Trico: The Last Guardian.
We have a title folks.

Assassin's Creed was real live demo.

God of War 3 Live demo :o

"Other companies ask you to imagine the future of gaming, we were proud to show you the future of gaming."
HAHAHA Awesome conclusion!

RJ O'Connell
2nd June 2009, 08:08 PM
I think Sony just won E3 for me with the GT5 trailer. Damage, WRC and NASCAR licenses, confirmation of Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Would have been nice to have F1 too but Codemasters could make a good game of it.

Nothing made me smile more than seeing Jeff Gordon's driver suit early in it, then Tony Stewart's car racing alongside a host of Chevy models, then all the rally footage featuring some rollover(?) and a crumpled front end of an Impreza WRC.


2nd June 2009, 08:10 PM
ModNation Racers has my money. Gah, why do I feel like I'll be broke from buying too many awesome games?

Same here, that reminded me of Rally Cross 2 on the PSX 10 years ago with the track editing feature (wipeout needs this bad!!!!)

That game would be awesome too.

2nd June 2009, 08:11 PM
Yeah hats off...that was a lot more exciting to watch, but maybe thats just because I don't own the other consoles? :p

GOW 3....I have no words :D

2nd June 2009, 08:11 PM
It's quite an impressive array of titles they've shown that'll be coming our way next year.

Shame this is 2009 and not 2010 - WTF am I going to be playing for the rest of this year?

2nd June 2009, 08:11 PM
Wow. Sony definitely won E3 this year. Not only did they show the biggest lineup of absolutely gorgeous titles, but also their motion sensing tech seems way better and more precise than anything I've seen so far.

One thing baffles me though: amidst all this glory, they didn't even show a GLIMPSE of the HD Fury expansion, not even in the big showreel that held clips from over 30 titles... Really sad. SL, you deserve better marketing!

EDIT: and yeah, they even won the community racing game battle against M$ with ModNation Racers, YEAH!

2nd June 2009, 08:15 PM
eLhabib: there was two seconds of WipEout HD gameplay at the introduction video.
That's quite a shame if you ask me. :( Joins my point in my thread (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6233) there... Needs moar advertising.

2nd June 2009, 08:15 PM
I think Sony just won E3 for me with the GT5 trailer. Damage, WRC and NASCAR licenses, confirmation of Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Would have been nice to have F1 too but Codemasters could make a good game of it.

Nothing made me smile more than seeing Jeff Gordon's driver suit early in it, then Tony Stewart's car racing alongside a host of Chevy models, then all the rally footage featuring some rollover(?) and a crumpled front end of an Impreza WRC.


Damage is finally included into Gran Turismo, omfg the detail. NASCAR, rally, touring. FM!!!! Okay thats 100 e^9999% better than that Forza crap on the xbox.

"Gran Turismo is the Real Driving Simulator" Damn right it is.

2nd June 2009, 08:22 PM
Shame this is 2009 and not 2010 - WTF am I going to be playing for the rest of this year?

WOHD Fury, of course! :P

2nd June 2009, 09:12 PM
Sony's press conference did it for me. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is a must, I thoroughly Portable Ops and the other MG games of course. both Gran Turismo games look awesome with the wide car variety (I hope the DeLorean DMC12 returns from GT4) and the licensed events plus damage should give it an extra edge. The motion control looks interesting, although I'm still sceptical. As precise as it may be I don't think I'll ever get to grips with motion control, I hope they prove me wrong.

I've also just checked the PS store today for the alleged surprise E3 update, only to find no items added but another store layout. It's very snazzy! Or is it just me?

3rd June 2009, 01:48 AM
Anyone else thought Kazunori's interpretor was playing Sudoku while translating? :p
No seriously, they should've got the girl from Microsoft, although the one for Kojima wasn't that bad.

3rd June 2009, 04:55 AM
As I talked about this in another forum. I was impressed with Sony's Conference. But at the same time annoyed.

Uncharted 2 jizzed mah pants. Will be getting FFXIII, ModNation, GT5, U2, FFXIV day 1, etc. FFVII on the PSN today/this week. Awesome line up of games.

But then stuff that let me down.
Seriously $249US for the PSP Go. What the ****. Almost not worth it for GT Portable (which this is f**king made of win).
Nothing on WipEout (again), FF Versus XIII (or the PSP FFXIII), DJ Hero. Also nearly all the good stuff is 2010...


Overall, I though MS's one was just a tiny bit better. Lol at Nintendo.

3rd June 2009, 05:03 AM
Not true, there was three seconds of WipEout HD Fury at the intro video, look closely!


3rd June 2009, 05:44 AM
lol, i noticed that as well, it was on that detinator mode. I think you where being generous DD, i say about at second a max it was shown.

3rd June 2009, 05:46 AM
Sony's was more disappointing than Nintendo's.

3rd June 2009, 05:49 AM
Theres a reason Why Nintendos Conference goes for 45 minutes less than the other two...

3rd June 2009, 05:51 AM
OMFG you kiddin? Yes that Bowser shiithole adventures, i so (emphasize) want to purchase that when it comes out.

That women in white for the Nintendo press conference looked a little bit lost i gotta say, someone should give her a portable GPS or something.

3rd June 2009, 06:16 AM
The general consensus disagrees (Hear the clapping in Nintendo's conference?)
Reggie Fils-Aimé and that other lady ("Cammie") aren't good spokesperson. They just drone on about their stuff, they don't make it interesting.
I like the president of Nintendo better, and he doesn't speak Engrish vely werr. ;) :/

And common, you already forgot about the Wii Vitality Sensor? xD :lol

EDIT: Just dled the E3 trailers released on the store today.

In no particular order:

What looks sweet:
-Uncharted 2-OMFG that's a Hollywood-like trailer... for a game! It couldn't be more perfect, the game looks really awesome once again.
-WipEout HD Fury (Available in 1080p). Duur we all know it looks sweet; the quality of the sound sucks though. I got a bit of what Detonator played like going frame by frame, you have 15 cannon bullets but destroy enough stuff and you can launch a quake to destroy even more. It also seems there is a score multiplier involved.
-Rachet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time. Looks just as fun as the first RCF.
-Pixel Junk Shooter: nice physics effects, still wish it was called otherwise, but w/e.
-Gravity Crash: it says "Blast from the Past", it couldn't be more accurate. User generated content in this, and 4p online deathmatch apparently. It's a shoot them up with neon effects, spaceships and the simulated gravity effect we know from games like Lunar Lander. Pretty cool.
-Motorstorm Arctic Edge. Sound quality sucks too, kinda wished they showed the trailer on the PSP-3000 instead of the PSP-Go's smaller screen (:blarg), still looks awesome and like a full fledged Motorstorm game.
-Heavy Rain: graphics look good, I only hope they polish it a little more for anti-aliasing (For best cinematic effect). Story looks awesome though.

What looks fun for younger people:
-Invizimals: it's a PSP game, you need the Go!Camera and you go around your house (or presumably wherever) you follow indications from a "tracker" and you find invisible creatures wandering around your house that you can capture, it's shown you can do it with tickles. You can then have fights between PSPs, using your monsters against the opponents, your hands to cast spells and shaking the PSP as well (earthquake :dizzy)
-EyePet: looks pretty cool, IMO creature looks weird and I wish there will be more choices than the monkey type creature (Like I dunno CATS so I could finally maybe have one, even if virtually :D). And oh yeah, screw Mylo/Milo/NATAL's drawing recognition, this has it too, and shown way more tangible as you can actually make toys for your creature.

What is interesting:
-Echochrono: kind of a sequel to Echochrome, but not really. Play this flash game (http://www.kongregate.com/games/Scarybug/chronotron), it's basically the same thing. Haven't seen perspective involved like in Echochrome, looks only like a 2D game, which would be a shame if it's not 3D.
-Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier: looks at first like an aerial combat game, I hope it's not only that or in majority that and more of the adventure/platform shown at the end. Hoping for a revival of the franchise, I hope this is it and not just a racing game but again a game with good story, preferably something I can't finish in a day so more like Jak II (Just watch out for difficulty spikes please).

3rd June 2009, 08:48 AM
The SONY beta trial members for Uncharted 2 Multi Player trials have been issued a "post and lose status" message regarding how this game plays online,so I've been informed.

Still looks really good,a must have for me.

TRICO was the stand out,again a must have title,but heads and shoulders above anything else in the originality dept,jaw dropping graphics and rendering where it counts.

FFXIII - Is it me ?or has this once great marque of a title slipping in the originality stakes ,seems a much of a muchness,I'm looking forward to FFVII on the PSP more than this to be honest.

As for FFXIV....well....I think this is a SONY "CASH COW" title,much like LBP.
God knows what HOME will look like after this title has been released for a month or two.

GT5....the WRC portion interested me more than any other,that in 1080p will be worth the price of admission.
I read somewhere that this will not included in the Blueray disc of GT5,it is destined to become "added DLC at a $$" ,the same as other race types....you've been warned.

SONY lost 32 Bil US$ last year,they want to make it back,please help them out by buying some useless crap of a game from the PStore and never playing it.
[Insert automated voice] The SONY corporation thanks you for purchasing this game,we will contact you when updates become available.

How many people have really dumb unspent amounts left in their PS wallets?

Add them all together and put them to use on the short term money market by SONY's global financial dept.;)

3rd June 2009, 09:18 AM
How come nobody has mentioned the thrilling news of a pink psp, with Hannah Montana game...surely that gets you excited.


3rd June 2009, 09:27 AM
I don't know.
Maybe Lance ???;)

I hope this is taken in the jokingly manner it was meant.:paperbag

3rd June 2009, 09:45 AM
Haha Blackwiggle, I think you may just get away with that one :p

3rd June 2009, 09:50 AM
Hannah Montana: "Woooo!"


Hannah Montana: "Wooooo!"


xD Each time Jack said Hannah Montana the crowd cheered.

3rd June 2009, 10:05 AM
Payola prehaps?

3rd June 2009, 10:55 AM
GT5....the WRC portion interested me more than any other,that in 1080p will be worth the price of admission.
I read somewhere that this will not included in the Blueray disc of GT5,it is destined to become "added DLC at a $$" ,the same as other race types....you've been warned.
Actually, I'm fine with that, I would probably buy the WRC content if it ends up as well done as Evo Studios take on it, with WRC4 being one of the best rally games I've ever played... if a little too easy. I probably wouldn't touch the NASCAR stuff, though, so in a way it's kind of good if you can tailor the game to what you want to play.

Heck, if they release it in totally modular form where I can skip the progression grinding you normally have to do by racing compact cars your granny would do the shopping in, then I call that an ideal scenario.

Now, if only they were to release an IndyCar add-on with the Indy 500 I couldn't buy it quick enough.

3rd June 2009, 11:29 AM
New God of war stuff for anyone who hasn't seen it yet

This is insanity but absolutely brilliant :g


E3 live demo


3rd June 2009, 11:41 AM
Damn that makes me feel uneasy, and I play UT3. :eek
Never played GoW, caught on with the story on Youtube so I'm ready for GoW3. :D

3rd June 2009, 11:45 AM
Oh it's a definate purchase for me...GOW2 was probably one of the best games on the PS2...I probably should have finished it before I gave my PS2 away :lol

Oh yeah I found this interesting too! :)

3rd June 2009, 02:53 PM
GOW would be like a girls night out after a Birmingham V's Wolverhampton game

3rd June 2009, 04:01 PM
I like the president of Nintendo better, and he doesn't speak Engrish vely werr. ;) :/

ROFL!!! I'd rep you for that if it would let me!!! :lol:lol:lol

3rd June 2009, 04:32 PM
i cant rep DD either atm, ****ing dumb.

This is some Gran Turismo Portable gameplay


dickhead obviously cannot drive, never the less, thats ****ing impressive graphics on the PSP there:eek!

RJ O'Connell
3rd June 2009, 05:34 PM
The only car I haven't seen from GT4 in that game was the GT-R from the vid and a Ferrari Enzo from the E3 trailer. :\

3rd June 2009, 05:46 PM
GT4 was released back in '04 (April 5th 2005 here)

Nissan released the new GT-R many years later, thats why.

3rd June 2009, 07:43 PM
GT Mobile looks insane. I still can't believe the PSP can run those kinds of graphics that smooth. I'm getting this the moment it comes out! God I hope the DeLorean is in there again! :)

3rd June 2009, 07:57 PM
As for me I am waiting for news about Diablo 3 release.

PS GT4 looks great!

6th June 2009, 10:01 AM
I will be trawling the net looking for a GT:M release date. That footage is excellent (Besides the driver, stop trying to drift sunshine...) AND the fact it's being shown on a current-model PSP makes me happier. +rep for you Kigo

6th June 2009, 03:18 PM
Thats got me thinking. Will the PSP-1000 be able to handle Gran Turismo PSP, it appears this game has been more made for the screen of the PSP-3000 and the PSP-GO. Either way this is the most excited game that i have been waiting for ages, there was a point in this game's history that it just was Vapourware that went to ****. So happy it'll be out in a few months. PSP rocks seriously!

6th June 2009, 05:22 PM
It should, or that will bring out a fanfare worse than when the hideous design of the PSP-Go was revealed.

7th June 2009, 06:19 PM
well i've finished looking through a shed load of E3 stuff and have to say it was pretty good. for all consoles really.

i had a wish list (back on page 1 of this thread) and a lot of it was answered:

-wipeout hd DLC
we got a trailer. woop, but there hasn't been much follow up like other games, video's, things like that, which is a real shame and continues to support the theory that Sony are incapable of marketing wipeout anymore.

-new full wipeout game
no such luck, or sony forgot to tell everyone ;)

-halo 3: odst
gameplay trailer, walkthrough's, stuff on new features...great coverage.

-project trico
now named 'the last guardian, with an all-new shiny trailer, like the old one but improved...good enough, i like not knowing much about these types of games!

-final fantasy xiii
new trailers, release date info...all good. didn't really care about final fantasy 14 been announced though...as it's online. boooooo. :(

-modern warfare 2
really boring footage shown, which graphically, was sound, but a bad choice to showcase the game...and the SAS using a weapon that looked like it was from the movie aliens...was odd....still probably gonna kick ass

-Half Life 2: episode 3
nothing....probably late 2010 then :(

-perfect dark on xbox live arcade
confirmed, free xbox theme and shiny looking screens. all features to be included with new ones too. wooohoo.

-f-zero wii
-f-zero ds
-starfox wii

nope, just mario galaxy 2..................... :(

9th June 2009, 08:45 PM
Gran Turismo 5 (http://playstation.joystiq.com/2009/06/09/gran-turismo-5-trailer-reveals-damage-system-amongst-other-feat/#comments)
WITH DAMAGE!!!!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :hyper