View Full Version : My unfortunate mishap

20th May 2009, 04:34 AM
So, last night while watching a DVD in my PS3, my console decided to give me the "red-blinking light of death". Figuring it must have just overheated, I left it until this morning hoping the problem would disappear on it's own. Needless to say I am now in the market for another PS3.

But I would appreciate any kind of advice first. Such as, what model of PS, any homemade fixes one could do, or anything else that doesn't involve telling me to get a 360.

I was curious to find out if other Zoners have experienced this, or any other PS3 related failures, that were either fixed by themselves or if $150.00 was paid to fix them through Sony.

Thanks, guys!:)

Oh, yeah forgot to mention my console is(was) 2 year old 60gb model, and both warranties I had on it are over.

20th May 2009, 06:34 AM
Hey mate, I found that, but not sure it can help. You know, the hard way...


20th May 2009, 08:00 AM
can ur ps3 do anything or is it completely dead? i had a problem with my ps3 where i could turn it on but couldnt do anything else or it wud freeze, this randomly sorted its self out about to days later, very random

20th May 2009, 08:08 AM
Send it back to Sony to get it repaired properly. if it's an original 60gb, I assume it can play PS2 games... it's not worth shelling out 400 bucks for a gimped new console; 150 bucks gets you basically a brand new machine which can still play PS2 games.

Or get a 360 *cough* ¬_¬ ... :D

20th May 2009, 09:21 AM


i feel for your lost dude...i wouldn't know what to do if my ps3 died...just hope my hdd still works...i'd probably curl up and mumble to myself...

20th May 2009, 09:46 AM
From what I have read at the technical help sections of offical Playstation forums, it's usually the chip that allows original consoles to play back the PS1 & 2 games that is the part that overheats.

I'd fork out the bucks to get it fixed IMHO,you could always sell it on Ebay for more than you paid for it afterward's [they are going for silly money if you have a look]and would recoup the cost of repairing it.

20th May 2009, 12:50 PM
Thing is B/C isn't my main concern right now. I play all of maybe three of my ps2 games and the legacy wipeouts regularly.

And yes my PS3 is completely dead, won't load the XMB at all.

EDIT: I have contacted SCEA, and am waiting for their service confirmation. Now all I need to do is get my saves and all my WOHD photos off of my HDD. Hopefully I can get my DVD back as well, but I know that might be hoping for a little too much.:D So, yes I am biting the bullet and paying $150 for the repair on the system. Thanks for the help, and info guys. I'll hopefully be back in business before you know it.:)

20th May 2009, 04:07 PM
Getting your saves and photos is not possible if the user interface cannot load.

20th May 2009, 07:19 PM
Just nick the hard drive first?

I'm on my 2nd ps3, without HD(>.<) but when you get yours back, vacuum the vents 1 or 2 times a month.

20th May 2009, 10:13 PM
'Doh, that sucks.

I don't even have a PS3. I want one...

21st May 2009, 02:02 AM
Getting your saves and photos is not possible if the user interface cannot load.

Well, damn. Guess I'll be busy catching up then;) it's sort of a relief though as I wanted to clean up my HDD of unnecessary/unwanted files anyway. Too bad I can't save my WOHD save though. That's the only one that matters to me anyway.

Well I guess I'll see all of you around online soon enough. Need to get my badges back.:g

21st May 2009, 06:10 AM
Hey Avenger, there are some useful threads over at neogaf about PS3 problems / fixes / recovery of data-- may be worth perusing some of these



Very sorry to hear about your problems. PS3s are generally well made but its seems that a fair number of the first generation machines have had problems :(

21st May 2009, 09:34 AM
in the uk Sony have continuous play (http://community.eu.playstation.com/playstationeu/board/message?board.id=62&thread.id=1277762). what ppl seem to do is when their ps3 dies they sign up, wait a few weeks then get it repaired. saves a lot of money but is a bit sneaky/borderline illegal ;)

not sure if you have the same thing where you are? You would probably be better with a new model tbh, they are fabbed at 65nm, run cooler, quieter etc. Buy a PS2 for $30 on ebay if you really want one. The BC is no good for action games anyways as it induces lag.

24th May 2009, 10:05 PM
Hey mate, I found that, but not sure it can help. You know, the hard way...


Kanar (and other members posting links like this)--

For future posts linking to a hacking site like this, you might want to mention as a forewarning that it could possibly infect your computer. As soon as the site opened with the article about the Yellow light of death, several other windows popped up, including one proclaiming to be a spyware/malware fixer (fake software that actually infects your computer).:naughty

Thank god I'm on a Mac/OSX, which doesn't get infected with Windows viruses. All you Windows users, be wary of visiting this site. Even though I'm running OSX, that annoying site immediately popped up several fake AV/Anti-spyware scanning windows and then proceeded to download the garbage program to my Downloads folder, all without my permission.

Sorry Kanar for chiding you, but with 90% of the computing populace using Windows instead of OSX/Linux/other non-Windows OS'es and Windows being the only operating system that gets massively hit by Virus, Spyware, Malware, Trojans, Worms, etc. a fair warning that the site may infect your machine would be appreciated.

Just concerned about my fellow WOZ members (most of whom are probably running various versions of Windows) who will get infected with this. Right now I'm cleaning out a co-workers computer as a side job from a bad malware infestation (Trojan_Vundo among others) and have run at least 6 scans and various registry hacks to get the system working. I've spent most of the day today and a good amount of last night (up until 3 or 4 a.m.) running scans in the background cleaning their machine off.

24th May 2009, 10:07 PM
NoScript ftw (Although in some instances it doesn't work :o)

9th June 2009, 08:32 AM
So.... Happy birthday mate! Maybe a new ps3 today? I've still my Boeing myself, but I don't think she's going (yes, SHE is a person lol) to survive this week-end.

9th June 2009, 10:28 AM
Happy Birthday Avenger, get that new PS3 you deserve it! :beer

9th June 2009, 11:29 AM
Happy birthday! :)

9th June 2009, 02:49 PM
Thanks guys! My PS3 is in the hands of Sony now, so it's a waiting game. Won't be long now!:evil:evil;)

9th June 2009, 07:26 PM
Tell 'em it's your birthday, they have to be quick! ;)
Happy day mate! :beer

11th June 2009, 04:17 PM
Well apparently my system is on it's way back to me now. So, we'll see by Monday if I'll get it then.:hyper:hyper

I may have it back in time for Fury.:g

11th June 2009, 05:12 PM
Unless your PS3 is coming back from Japan on a small rowing boat which has to pick up a cargo of bananas from the Windward Isles on the way I`m sure you will have it in time for Fury.

Obviously telling them it was your birthday must have worked, prepare to race again! In your situation I would be going mad without my HD :robot

12th June 2009, 04:37 AM
Actually my birthday remains unbeknownst to them afaik. They got it, fixed it, and sent it back. 'nuff said.:rock

As for going mad, well, that happened long ago....so....ummm, yeah.:lol No worries, as I remembered I put the game on my flatmate's PS3 some months ago. I am still going to need a lot of practice though.

@Lunars comment on the row boat: LMAO!!!! hahahahaha