View Full Version : Doing a controller mod; need input/opinions

19th May 2009, 07:19 AM
long story short, I'm modding a US/Eur Model 1 Sega Saturn controller so I can use it on anything that accepts a PS2 controller. Don't ask why, it's my favorite non-analog controller (followed by the SNES pad).

ANYway, I need input on what people think is the best button layout. When I play Wipeout XL on Saturn, I map the buttons like such:

B - Accel
Y - Fire
C - Drop
Z - view

It nearly mimics the controls i use on the PSX version

X - Accel
[] - Fire
O - Drop
/\ - View

But for other games, it might be difficult to use because the stretch between B/Z and Y/C is not as ergonomic as the horizontal and vertical orientation of X/Triangle and Square/Circle on the actual PSX layout. The first games that came to mind was the twisted metal series, when you would have to shuffle manically between gas, break, turbo, and tight turn; your thumb would have to dance around the four face buttons.

I tried to think of a more conventional layout, but I'm not sure how well it would work... The shoulder buttons would be mapped to L2 and R2, so I would need to put L1 and R1 as face buttons on whatever 2 remaining positions I've got. What do you guys think?

19th May 2009, 03:31 PM
I use a USB Saturn controller to play WipEout HD and other games on my PS3 and PC. The default layout is uses is OK and works for most games:

Saturn - PlayStation
A - X
B - Circle
C - R2
X - Square
Y - Triangle
Z - L2
<< - L1
>> - R1

This layout is quite similar to the Playstation layout and works fine for most games. The L2 and R2 placement is a pain for some games that don't let you change the layout, though.

I change the layout for Playing WipEout HD to match the layout I use on Saturn WipEout games:
A - Discard
B - Accelerate
C - Use
X - Camera
Y - View
<< and >> - Airbrakes

The former layout, the default one, works well as general layout. I'd give that a try if you can't think of anything else.

I don't know if the fact that I've only got a smaller Japanese Mark II Saturn controller would change anything, so I'll mention it anyway.

19th May 2009, 03:42 PM
See, another Saturn Wipeout player, Rob should add the Saturn games to the time tables :P lol

I'm a huge saturn fan, I know about the 4 different controller styles (the model 1 US/Eur design I posted, the original japanese design which eventually came out in the rest of the world, and then the goofy Australian one, then the 3D pad), I actually have all the different color variations of the Japanese one too :P I have the USB Saturn pad (as well as the PS2 Saturn pad), but I don't like it as much as the original US one, it's very uncomfortable because my thumbs have to bend at an odd angle (see attached pic). The default layout

A - X
B - Circle
C - R2
X - Square
Y - Triangle
Z - L2
<< - L1
>> - R1

is also awkward for hitting Triangle and X :/ Since this is primarilly Wipeout-inspired, it seemed to make more sense mapping ABC as []XO... I dunno, I guess i can always just resolder the wiring if I encounter a game it doesn't work well with :P

19th May 2009, 04:13 PM
I see what you mean with the Y - Triangle predicament. The only other thing I could think of is if X is triangle which would put it above A which would be the PS X button. I don't know what affect that would have on any other games you'll want to be playing though. If the mod goes well you can always make more of them, each tailored for different types of games. Saturn controllers are relatively cheap on eBay if you want more, at least they are in the UK.

My hands must be a lot smaller than yours, the Mark II is perfect for me! I have an entire draw full of the things :g. They are after all my favourite controller ever :).

19th May 2009, 06:18 PM
Im also certain "IH8YOU" was doing something similar to this, i wonder how his project turn out...