View Full Version : Death Road - Next wipeout should take note

8th May 2009, 06:54 PM
so check this out!


this is what i want wipeout to be more like, less bright neon, more moody darkness, think of this but as a new wipeout with the ion trail of a ag ship, decent HUD, decent weapons and a remake of altima vii, and i'm in heaven. (perhaps minus some motion blur, there's a lot in there, but art style is good)

...also, this game could be good too i suppose :)

8th May 2009, 07:01 PM
i would love the next wipeout to have more of a dark atmospheric theme like WO1 even. good find

8th May 2009, 07:16 PM
Looks interesting, sort of Extreme-G crossed with WipEout 1. It looks a bit slow on the trailer which I hope is just a slow speed mode. I'll probably end up buying this if I can get the opportunity, anything anti gravity is a must have for me, except for maybe Fatal Intertia. The game appears to gave a gritty feel which could work if done well, it'll be interesting to see how they mix this with all the neon and minimalism.

The article doesn't mention a PS3 version, I hope it isn't a Xbox 360 exclusive because I'm getting tired of those. I can always hope.

8th May 2009, 09:14 PM
Well you couldnt really complain, i mean wohd is ps3 only maybe they're making their own ag game. But i wouldnt having a go, so i hope that isnt the case.

8th May 2009, 09:36 PM
I always favored (and dearly miss) the atmosphere of WO-XL.
Very dark, some tracks were even rainy i believe, (speaking of which i'm suprised we dont have more weather or time of day variety in WOHD).

I vaguely remeber the 1st WO, i still have the demo on a ps1 demo disc though, and that level was rather dark as well.

Perhaps SL's vision of what the WO sport is and how it's perceived in its current point in time is much different or evolved from Psygnosis' original presentation.

Even Fusion was brighter overall. And in HD, Anulpha Pass is has "darkest" feel IMO, and even then feels more techy; pretty colors and flashing lights, like tron :)

8th May 2009, 10:20 PM
Anulpha Pass is one of the worst!!! it belongs in an F-Zero game. (Which is odd to say, as i love f-zero too, but wipeout always had a certain real world future feel about it...kinda and i prefered that!)
and don't get me started on the sebenco climb track surface.

imo, chenghou project got it right...spot on in fact.

i like a lot about HD, but the choice in art direction has shifted a lot, even since wipeout pure...which was definitely in line with wipeout 3, i would say.

a return to 2097/XL would be great.

btw. as far as i can tell, i think this Death Road, is an xbox 360 only game.

9th May 2009, 12:04 AM
Tracks are too wide. :( It also seems that the controls aren't worth anything, tracks as wide, it's as slow as say Venom or Flash, and the driver is still hitting walls.
The darker feel is good though, I'd love to have some WipEout tracks like that (And I'll agree with Anulpha Pass not replicating properly the older feeling).

Also, too much next gen effects. Blur, DOF, bloom, etc... Oh please.

9th May 2009, 12:11 AM
When I first watched the trailer I thought it was on the Unreal 3 engine. It certainly has that over-the-top loads of next gen snazzy special effects kind of look to it. Not so much snazzy, it is a dark looking game. I hope the crashing was just the pilot and not bad controls or something like that.

I personally prefer the Wip3out style but I don't find anything wrong with the 'dark' look. If Death Road can pull it off then that would be ace.

9th May 2009, 12:49 AM
Although atmospheric I think you would quickly tire of that game.

There's nothing to look at ,therefore no point of reference if you wanted to describe a portion of the track.
That's what makes wipeout so special ,the detail.

The crafts handling seems rudimentary in comparison to wipeout,it would probably be a lot easier to pick up that game and play it relatively well without any previous experience.

Personally I would be bitterly disappointed if wipeout ever went down that design route.
Let somebody else make a game like that.

9th May 2009, 01:16 AM
Mmmm...dark and moody...much like I prefer my women. :p

9th May 2009, 04:41 AM
Dark and moody is your bag? You're living in the right town, my friend. ;)

Only better place I can think of would be Lawrence.

Okay, so that last bit was over the line.

Back OT - I think XL / 2097 had the best blend of colors and atmosphere - HD IS very bright - that said - I think it was needed to show off the detail of the tracks for the "HD" aspect of the game. Can't show off all those pixels and shaders, ect... when it's too dark to see em! And I don't mind it really, worked just fine visually - functionally has changed a bit since Sept.... But that's anudder issue.

But I love me some Gar'd Europa, deep colors, yet dark and rainy, too.

9th May 2009, 10:31 AM
This looks pretty good, but there is faaaar too much motion blur. The speed could use a kick up the pants, too!

9th May 2009, 12:55 PM
i like the effects, but itll take a lot to beat the onslaught of colours that wipeout offers.

15th May 2009, 11:38 PM
well looks aside the stering seemed soft and unprecise, combined with 50 yard wide tracks it doesent seem to be in tha same ballgame as Wo at all, i agree with a style going back to 2097 days would be awesome as long as they dont overdo the effects as they seem to have done o this game. even if this did come out on the ps3 i probably wouldnt buy it

15th May 2009, 11:55 PM
It will take me a while to get over that video. I mean, "Comming Soon"? Seriously?! I can't think the game will be made very well if they can't even spell-check a bloody promo video.

16th May 2009, 01:07 AM
It happens. Clearly explained that they are polish. :)

16th May 2009, 01:09 AM
It happens. Clearly explained that they are polish. :)

as am i...FRENCHY! anyways, ive decided im making my brother buy this on his cuntbox360 when it comes out XD

RJ O'Connell
17th May 2009, 07:32 AM
I want another future racer so bad, F-Zero and Wipeout need good competition badly.

Fatal Intertia EX just didn't do it for me, and that's the GOOD version of the game :-

17th May 2009, 04:54 PM
i dont think i could take another future racer right now....i have some big plans for gaming within the coming months that will for sure drag me away from wipeout hd atleast. Bomberman ultra...Blazblue, mmmmmmm

17th May 2009, 05:04 PM
i hear u there froste do you no wen bomberman ultra is out if been waiting for ages for that. not sure this future racer willl have the depth of handling that the lovely wipeout has

17th May 2009, 05:32 PM
i know man...hudson is really slacking on this .... should have been out a while ago...but i have faith, soon enough.

17th May 2009, 08:39 PM
Wipeout XXL plz.

This looks interesting, but I echo D777; tracks look too wide and the handling looks stiff and stale in the prelim video on that site. Guess we'll have to wait til it releases... chances are I'll be the only person on the site who gets a chance to play it if it's 360 exclusive lol