View Full Version : Too many side shifts

4th May 2009, 05:02 PM
My left shoulder trigger broke on me yesterday while side shifting, spring completely snapped and as such my L2 button stick the moment I push it down once. Now I gotta go get another controller for the expensive price they are at or find another spring and manage to put it back together after a tear down. Anyone know a place to pick up the springs?

4th May 2009, 05:41 PM
How big are the springs?

4th May 2009, 06:58 PM
Here's an idea: switch the airbrakes to the small triggers, and assign voice chat to L2. Since voice chat doesn't work anyways... ;)

Of course, you will be playing other games on the PS3 too... Guess my solution doesn't work after all. :/

4th May 2009, 07:17 PM
There are other games? :blarg L1/R1 are probably a better choice for wipeout anyway, so if you do need another controller for one of these 'others' then it could be a good idea to keep the old one as just a wipeout controller as they can take a bit of abuse, or so I've heard.

4th May 2009, 10:54 PM
Spring is REALLY tiny, like im talking 1/32", im angry that sony would use such a weak and tiny spring on a trigger that is bound to be abused.
Broke while I was playing Socom, which uses L2 as PTT, but the spring was already half broke by then.
Kinda a bummer when im trying to play one of my other ones, so I'm pretty sure im just gonna bite the bullet and get another controller

4th May 2009, 11:40 PM
I never got along with those R2/L2 buttons anyway. They are definitely not my friends and I don't much like it when a game forces me to use them. They just seem quite badly designed in general.

It's probably still worthwhile to keep the broken one anyway, as a spare for games that don't need that button, especially considering how damn expensive the things are.

4th May 2009, 11:51 PM
hehe well I took the thing apart, now I just gotta put it back together again, which is a bit of a pain but I'm sure I will get it sooner or later.

4th May 2009, 11:58 PM
I wish you more luck than I ever had. I used to take things apart all the time as a kid, but they'd never fit back together again properly. It's a bit like the way that things rarely seem to go back into their original packaging without tearing it somehow.

5th May 2009, 12:50 AM
putting it back together is a bitch. my controller came apart after throwing it at a wall during some classic WO induced frustration :lol

managed to get it working again but now my L2 sticks slightly...
i guess i put the spring in the wrong place. anyone got a diagram showing where they go?

5th May 2009, 01:55 AM
I would have to take them apart again as it's been too long since last time. I can't exactly remember how to get it back together again.
I'll have to do it soon though, they're starting to get dirty. :/

Here are some guides (http://www.google.com/search?q=ps3+controller+disassembly), although it's pretty straightforward overall...

Well that's it tomorrow I'm going out to get a set of screwdrivers. :p

5th May 2009, 02:26 AM
PS3 controllers are @*$t to get back together - must be super easy for the robot or jig that does it in the factory - but in the real world - my gawd, what a royal PITA.

It makes opening up iPhones a walk in a park by comparison. :cold

5th May 2009, 01:01 PM
I'm highly disappointed with the longevity of the Dual Shock 3 I bought - the right trigger on it got lazy after a few months and now there are only certain types of game I can play on it.

Was going to open it up and replace the spring until I read online accounts of how torturous it is to do so and actually get it back together, so I won't bother with doing that unless it becomes unusable.

The end result is that I'll just make do with the two plain vanilla SIXAXIS controllers I have, rather than buying another Dual Shock 3 of dubious built quality.

6th May 2009, 10:11 AM
they do seem to be bad quality compared to ps1 controllers which i remember lasting longer than my console. i have broken 2 dual shock and 1 6axis. all on wipeout, all the shoulder buttons.

not buying anymore, or if i do they wont get used with wipeout :(

6th May 2009, 01:34 PM
My little 4 year old decided it would be a great idea to spill apple juice all over one of my controllers. It does work but only when plugged in.

The joy of children .......

6th May 2009, 04:22 PM
The reason the triggers go on these controllers are because the TINY weak springs that sony uses. Gonna look around at my local hardware store and see if I can't macgyuer (sp?) something together