View Full Version : life changing week

1st May 2009, 08:50 PM
well this week has been one of the most stressful ive had...in a long time. im going to share this with all of you because i know your mature and some ppl may benefit from it.

at the start of the year i had a run in a couple times with an X gf and ended up messing around with her (unprotected) twice. i hadnt seen her in a few years so i didnt fully know her status on anything, i know it was stupid, but you get caught in the moment. so earlier this week i went for a pyshical and was asked about sexual contact. i said yes and was a little concerned, stressing for almost 2 months about it, so he wanted to get a blood test and test for EVERYTHING.

ill tell you nothing was more scary than signing that hiv test consent form, i felt like i was signing away my life. and all week i felt so sick and upset. i got my results today and everything came out normal/negative.

i feel so liberated now and i look back and think were those hours really worth all this. NO and its sad it took me this kind of event to realize how stupid i was being and to change.

so next time your in that moment you gotta stop and think. be safe guys, i would hate to see any one have to go through the stress and pain that i endured waiting for the results this week. i got a second chance being safe and will not be taking things like that for granted any more.

FrostE out

1st May 2009, 09:03 PM

Describes it enough.:g

2nd May 2009, 12:57 AM
We're human, and that happens, unfortunately. :naughty

Trust me, I've done in the moment things, and regretted just about all of em. :lol

2nd May 2009, 04:28 AM
should I assume that's what your call was earlier in the week when I was at work? :P

Glad everything turned out okay, man... don't be stupid, babies and STDs are both easilly preventable- the morning after pill or an abortion can fix one of those mistakes... nothing fixes the other.

2nd May 2009, 05:18 AM
I should know, my mom works almost exclusively in this area (HIV). It ****s you up for life man, watch out. The stories she sometimes brings back from work... Sure the guy is walking on his two legs and comes in to ask for his meds but... yellow skin, tooth decay, skeleton like... :blarg

You are lucky, be careful next time.

2nd May 2009, 05:57 AM
Its always a very smart idea to keep Condoms around you. Put a few in the glove box in your car and in the coin pocket of your wallet, that way you are prepared;)

2nd May 2009, 08:17 AM
Exactly. I made my gf to put condoms in her bag (because she's always with her) so we're secure in every situation. I know that we're healthy, but we approach to that "area" very strictly. ;) Better prevent than cure.

Glad you're OK, TheFrostE! ;)

3rd May 2009, 09:14 PM
I know what you're talking about, FrostE, glad you were lucky!

Thanks for sharing!

4th May 2009, 10:39 PM
Congratulations on being lucky, FrostE; very often that's the only thing that saves us. Let's hope we're all lucky like that.

7th May 2009, 07:37 AM
Had the same kind of BS happening to me way back. God, it feels so good getting these kinds of results - while feeling so stupid having been there in the first place. ;] Listen to what TheFrostE said, guys!
