View Full Version : Which side of the split do you take?
29th April 2009, 08:09 PM
Which side of the Ubermall split do you usually default to? The reason I ask is because i've been noticing that people that drive (in real life) on the right or left side of the road, automatically default to the opposite side of the Ubermall split. I'm an American so I default to the left side, but drive on the right.
So yeah, which side of the split do you take and which side of the road do you drive on? (Even if you can't legally drive yet/don't drive. :P)
29th April 2009, 08:12 PM
I don't drive, but I did pass my test. If I were to drive it would be on the left. I indeed take the right side of the split on ubermall forward, but the left side on reverse, until recently. I changed to the right side to get the weapon. I think on ubermall forward you can get a speed pad and a weapon on the left so it should be better.
An interesting observation that anyway :+
29th April 2009, 08:20 PM
same!i drive on the left but take the right side!:D
29th April 2009, 08:21 PM
I drive on the right (mostly...), and always take the left at split. Both forward and reverse. On forward you get a boost+weapon, on reverse there's 3 speed pads to get in in front of the guy going right, picking up rockets and killing you on the straight...
29th April 2009, 08:25 PM
Identical, I always go right
What an interesting observation! :D
29th April 2009, 08:34 PM
I drive on the left and take the left. TBH it felt more natural taking the left
29th April 2009, 08:42 PM
on forward i used to go to the right because it felt more natural (norwegians drive on the right side.) but now i always go to the left because of the speedpad+ weapon combo. on reverse it depends on how close i am to the guy in front. if im up to 5 shiplengths behind i go to the right, if less i go to the left. so it depends on my chances of getting a weapon.
29th April 2009, 08:48 PM
It's interesting to see what the results are but I have one more question.
For those of you (or anyone that wants to answer as well) who don't go the opposite way, are you left handed or right handed?
29th April 2009, 08:53 PM
I drive right, always take the left one. But on forward I think it's because the right of the split seems so dark, and I can't see dark stuff very well on my :turd tv. That's probably the reason for me not going beyond zone 60 aswell :D
I am... left handed, I think. I do write with left, but can do pretty much everything else with either hand
29th April 2009, 08:55 PM
interesting question, although im not sure what impact it would have :P
but anyways im around 60% righthanded 40% lefthanded. so im semi ambidextrous
29th April 2009, 09:01 PM
Drives on left
Defaults to left (situation depending of course)
I've come up with a reason for taking the left ;) : I'm dutch so I was born to drive on the right hand side, hence taking the left split :D
29th April 2009, 09:22 PM
I always take the right part of the split on forward and reverse. On the reverse track there's a weapon pad on the right which I always go for, but for the forward track I have no real reason.
Being British I drive (if I could drive) on the left and I'm right handed. I'm guessing it's because I'm right handed and the weapon pad is easier to get.
The same thing could be applied to other games, too. On any Street Fighter game I'm more comfortable fighting on the left and attacking to the right; I find it more natural pulling off hadoukens that way. Just for the fun of it I drive on the left sometimes in GTA, but I think that's just me being a bit silly :lol.
29th April 2009, 09:35 PM
Interesting thread!
I'm driving right side, am right handed.
On fwd I take the left side because it has always felt like the right cornering manoeuvre. My guess it is because it appears to have the best perspective taking the opposite side providing with the best view going into it. Although it's probably an illusion it makes sense because of the accustomed layout you're acquanted with.
On rev I've always taken the same side though, meaning turning right. I've thought about it before because it seemed to be non-sensical.. Both sides are most likely equal in shape but mirrored. In my case I'm thinking it's because of the order of the turns following eachother. In my way I'm making right, left (at the split), right moves; on rev I'm taking left, right (at the split), left moves. This means my hands never need to itterate taking sides at the split so the chance I confuse myself is minimal, and this frequently happens when I'm forced to choose different sides by situations during races..
29th April 2009, 09:50 PM
I'll be honest, on Reverse i never even knew there was a weapon pad on the right side. >>
It's also funny to note that the Autopilot even defaults to the right side of the split, SL being in England and all.
29th April 2009, 10:15 PM
Well i'm sure they are identical in length, but i always take Left on fwd and right on reverse.
A lot of it has to do with the illusion (i guess) in which this particular side IMO always appears as the shortest distance because it's visually seen. Also another reason is having given this some thought in the me it always seems that where the intial split is located on fwd is dead center equal split BUT where they conjoin back together the right side (going fwd) looks like it's more of an angle (not a large one though) and the left side (still going fwd) allows for a more straight line. For this reason is why i also veer to the right going reverse.
Keep in mind this is merely how i see it and my mind interprets it, logically it makes sense SL would make the track equal in length on both sides.
*I'm American and drive on the right side of the road because those are our traffic laws, but i use left and right lanes as needed to pass traffic. (yeah speed, but where i live it's safer to speed a little than to drive along with traffic. People here don't pay attention and are usually oblivious to their surroundings behind the wheel...scary stuff)
29th April 2009, 10:25 PM
Live in US, drive on right, right handed (mostly; slightly ambidextrous), and on Ubermall forward I take the left side, for three reasons:
1) the speed & weapon pads
2) seems (psychologically) shorter & easier for me to make those turn combinations for the following section
3) which is me trying to pull off a semi-clean barrel roll at the top of that hill where the speed pad is.
Whenever I try to take the right I usually bump walls more often and can't pull off the following BR.
Another factor for me that happens in any Wipeout, going way back to the original. Because of the way the controllers and my hands/brain work, doing airbraking with the left airbrake is always easier than doing airbraking with the right airbrake. I always tend to corner left chicanes much better than right ones, because I get better drift when applying the left airbrake while turning left and having inertia slide my ship to the right. Too much wall scraping the opposite direction. I think it has to do (yet again) with living in the US, driving a car on the right side of the road, but the steering wheel being on the left side of the car. :D
29th April 2009, 11:05 PM
I drive on the right and I'm right-handed.
On Ubermall Forward I go left and on Ubermall Reverse I go right.
29th April 2009, 11:42 PM
Drive on the right but always take the left. Every time I hit the split with AP on it takes the right and I always freak out.
29th April 2009, 11:47 PM
Usaually right on both,but recently on Ubermall forward the weapon pad on the right side has not be functioning in a lot of races so I've been going left.
29th April 2009, 11:52 PM
i take the left side on forward and reverse. i drive on the right and i am left-handed.
30th April 2009, 12:04 AM
Unlike Zoolander I can turn left and I do, on both fwd and rev :)
30th April 2009, 12:37 AM
Nice observation. I drive on the right, and I must say I prefer going to the left.
However when I need a weapon, I'll go to the right on the reverse,
and left/right on the forward depending on the situation (if someone is just
ahead of me and goes to left, I'll go right). Avalon: always left
30th April 2009, 12:47 AM
I tend to go to the left for the most part, and I do drive on the right. I only take right on ubermall reverse when I need to absorb, otherwise I just shoot for the other pads.
30th April 2009, 01:43 AM
I go always go right, forward or reverse. I think its because im right handed more then what side of the road i drive on. :P
30th April 2009, 01:45 AM
I always go to the right. I cant drive like the brits. I nearly died at one of those backwards roundabouts.
30th April 2009, 02:55 AM
The Mall Forward:
In heavy traffic, or trailing someone closely - I go where traffic is lightest - better chance of avoiding munitions, and picking up a live weapon pad. (if cluster goes left, I fork right, and vice=versa)
When alone, I go left - as that allows me to strike both the speed and weapons pads with ease. (going right - I usually have to choose one or the other)
If I know the pilot (shouldn't be admitting this) and I know what way they split - I'll deviate to pick up the fresh pad.
On reverse pretty much the same - I favor the left side - as it has 1 additional speed pad over the right.
Obviously situation dictates my final choice.
30th April 2009, 03:21 AM
Unlike Zoolander I can turn left and I do, on both fwd and rev :)
A Zoolander reference! Girl after my own heart! :p
30th April 2009, 04:24 AM
Unlike Zoolander I can turn left and I do, on both fwd and rev :)
I am not an ambi-turner. :(
30th April 2009, 04:59 AM
I drive on the right and I go to the right on both forward and reverse tracks.
30th April 2009, 05:24 AM
/combo breaker.
Drive on the left, I always take the left on Forwards and Right on Reverse.
30th April 2009, 10:08 AM
I drive on the left (most of the time anyway ;), am left handed and almost always go left on both forward and reverse Ubermall.
I'd say from my experiences 60-70% of people go left on forward and thesame %age go right on reverse.
30th April 2009, 11:33 AM
Forward i take left, and reverse i take.. well left. it's written in my DNA, i can't help it.
30th April 2009, 01:28 PM
Forward I take left, reverse I take...right (yes, always the same tail)
I don't leave the good way for the new one! (:lol)
I love that wall :P
I drive in the centre (of the single track. on my MTB) :banzai
Please, don't use theese secret information during official tournaments :lol:lol
P.S.: Ubermall is a great problem by me. When an opponent push me on the "wrong" way... I TURN BACK! (yes, I'm not normal. I know...)
30th April 2009, 02:26 PM
I'll be driving on the left in... 4 months, I'm right handed, and I go left forward and right backward. I think it's because of the way the light streams in through the windows though. I'm like a bug attracted to a zapper.
30th April 2009, 02:50 PM
P.S.: Ubermall is a great problem by me. When an opponent push me on the "wrong" way... I TURN BACK! (yes, I'm not normal. I know...)
Ur not alone there, i've done that a couple of times as well..
I'm just stubborn that way, LOL :mad:
30th April 2009, 02:56 PM
Ghehe, yes iLniK and Divided, I have the same messed up reaction when I'm not too far on the 'wrong' side of the track.. It's a bit frustrating so I've started to respond with sideshift jumps, sometimes fast enough to push insulting ships aside and run off ;)
30th April 2009, 03:55 PM
I go left because speed pad and weapon pad. It's harder to hit both when you go right.
30th April 2009, 05:57 PM
It's interesting to see the difference in everyone's driving habits, as in who drives mostly off impulse and who actually thinks about it. ;P
I for one drive mostly off instinct, which most likely is why I tend to get punished sometimes in online races.
30th April 2009, 06:01 PM
I am not an ambi-turner. :(
LMBO!!! :lol
30th April 2009, 06:26 PM
Drive on the right side of the road.
Take the left split on Ubermall FWD
Take the right split on Ubermall REV
I always went that way because it gave a dash plate and a weapon pad :P Plus it feels smoother than the opposite path for some reason.
30th April 2009, 09:53 PM
On Ubermall forward I take the right split because everyone else goes for the weapon pad - speed pad combo on the left, and on Ubermall reverse I take the left because of the speed pads and it feels a little more natural for some reason.
1st May 2009, 12:14 AM
Left (F) - Right (R)
On R I can do Left too.
I never took the Right one on F. Ever. :o (Well I did but it must be lower than 20 times...)
1st May 2009, 05:57 PM
Always left because of the speed pad and the weapon pad, here i drive on the left unless overtaking :)
5th September 2009, 11:41 PM
I raced alone for a while before trying online play. When I met Ubermall, I realized that it would be easy for me to always take one side or the other. So, I varied my pattern from race to race so that I *can* make that split-second decision.
There are probably subtle calculations that I make during each Ubermall online tournament race that I run but, for all intents an purposes, I don't know and don't especially care which side of the split I take from lap to lap or race to race. I will probably never know if this is a good or bad thing. :p
6th September 2009, 11:12 AM
I drive on the left and always take the rhs:)
6th September 2009, 12:47 PM
Drive on the left, left handed, but take the right split on both fwd/rev.
6th September 2009, 12:59 PM
I go right. EVERYTIME
6th September 2009, 01:07 PM
I go wrong. EVERYTIME
6th September 2009, 03:06 PM
I smash into the dividing barrier.
I'm doing it wrong aren't I?
6th September 2009, 03:32 PM
I hit a turbo and give the panda head a big hug.
Doesn't help with my times tho.
6th September 2009, 06:07 PM
Everyone is making fun, lol
Drive on right, go left on UMf and switch it up for UMr
6th September 2009, 08:28 PM
I ALLWAYS go right, right? :D
7th September 2009, 02:43 AM
I go right, cause only excentric, island-bound people would compulsively go left.
Now was that Japan or Britain?:burger
7th September 2009, 05:04 AM
I would go directly down the middle flying over the whole lot.
7th September 2009, 09:28 AM
I stop and ask for directions:beer
7th September 2009, 05:36 PM
Sounds like a good idea; taking the time to have a nice sit down, a few drinks, some food, and a good chat with the locals. Gettin' to know the place. :)
8th September 2009, 04:04 AM
Lance, it IS in the food court, so you could make that happen.
In the food court, I once held a guy in an AG Systems sweat shirt at gunpoint with an Icaras. He looked nervous.
8th September 2009, 05:48 AM
Theres this really nice shop in the Ubermall, it's on the 4th floor, 9th Quadrent, Area group B that makes some awesome pasterys. Good eating.
8th September 2009, 12:28 PM
I base my decision on each lap on how the other pilots go. If I see them going
the left, I go right. On the right side you can get shorter (not much though)
distance after coming out from the left hand turn but on the left you can get
the speed pad AND the weapon pad as opposed to choosing between them on
the other side of the split.
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