View Full Version : Awkward Silences

7th April 2009, 04:16 PM


...........Whats er.... Going on.........


[your turn]

7th April 2009, 04:29 PM

Off topic: Well kinda on topic. But sometimes silences can be good. They're not always awkward. If you're really comfortable with a friend then you can sit there for a bit in silence, safe in the knowledge that eventually one of you will say something, or leave. I know someone who I swear must think any silence longer than 2 seconds must make her a social failure. It's nice that she can keep a conversation going, but damn, without thinking time some of the really good things you have to say never get time to formulate properly and you just end up never saying anything of any significance.

7th April 2009, 06:43 PM
....Yeah, sometimes they are good....

........The object of the thread... Err.... Is to make an awkward silence.....

...........Uh, yeah.....



7th April 2009, 06:46 PM
More of an awkward semi-silence-semi-notsilence [textually].

7th April 2009, 06:48 PM

....Um, yeahh.....

....So err, what are you errr, up to?...

7th April 2009, 07:09 PM
Trying to read all the posts quickly because as a mod, I read All of them.

7th April 2009, 07:27 PM




7th April 2009, 08:08 PM
Thats err..... Nice.....

.....Weathers nice... Err

.....Hows the err, weather... Where you are......


7th April 2009, 08:43 PM
lol man

8th April 2009, 03:16 AM

sooo..... whats going......on?

any...... well.....

8th April 2009, 09:43 AM
..... MINES!!!........BOMBS!!!

..........MINES!!! (again?!)........BOMBS!!!(whaat the hell)

.....QUAKE!!! ............ CONTENDER ELIMINATED........


... wan't supposed to take a break from here?......

8th April 2009, 09:59 AM





8th April 2009, 11:12 AM
Silence ....


Something new changed recently....


Nothing important .....


Just a new Wipeout patch featuring great stuff

Uh.... but what is Wipeout ?

Silence ./

8th April 2009, 12:00 PM

There's nothing here.

Why are you looking?

Don't click the Quote button...

8th April 2009, 12:15 PM
New Thread eh?................................


.............................................I see what you did there..........................

OH LOOKS ITS....uhh.... whats your name again????

8th April 2009, 12:54 PM
So hows that novel you're working on?

..............the novel you've been working on the three years now?

..............You know, the novel, you've got something new to write about now,

maybe a main character gets into a relationship, suffers a little heartbreak?

.....................Try to work it into the story, try to make the characters a little 3 dimensional?

.............. Maybe those 7 hundred pages keep the reader guessing what's going to happen?

................Maybe some twists and turns?

. . . Ah, forget it.

CLOCK SPIDER!!! (http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Clock_spider):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

8th April 2009, 01:28 PM
...Novel... Err........

......Anyway........Any err, games? You know.....

.....ANy good 'uns.......

.....Oh, ok....

8th April 2009, 02:05 PM
What the hell is going on in this thread? :!

8th April 2009, 02:08 PM

8th April 2009, 02:16 PM
...Maybe silence is for the best.....


What the hell is going on in this thread? :!

It's like a awkward silence......say everything as if we were in an awkward silence....

.....Do you err, get it?....

8th April 2009, 02:38 PM
Nope don't really get it but hey, go nuts :lol

8th April 2009, 10:12 PM


I.... errrrrm..... was going to write something........

about........ you know..........

but....... clock spider distracted me and.......


im off to another thread now............ it was good to see you again errrrm...........

sorry......... what was your name again?

9th April 2009, 10:30 AM

Unlocked Phantom Class on Pure last night....

Oh, you guys have been dominating that for ages now?

Bit late to the party, you say...

I'll go get my hat, then...

11th April 2009, 02:44 AM
No... Um...

We can er.....


....I dont......oh....

12th April 2009, 09:13 PM




14th April 2009, 05:06 AM
At the risk of turning this into a topic, aside from a waste of space, I'll tell you a tale about a very awkward silence...

Back about fifteen years ago I was seeing this girl. She was a little bit younger than me, so I was keen to do the right thing and make a good impression on her parents. After a couple of months of seeing her they invited me round for a family meal one evening - the perfect chance for me to show what a gentleman I was.

I can't quite remember why, but soon after I had arrived it transpired that her dad was running late and had called ahead to tell her mum to start serving and he'd be there in no time. Her mum cranked up the heat on the soup she had made as a starter so it would still be warm for the father, and promptly dished it out to us. The soup was so hot that it was still bubbling away in the bowl.

So there's me, said girlfriend, and her brother sitting at the table with the mother still pottering in the kitchen, and the mother tells us all just to start. After politely waiting for the others I take a sip of the soup and it's totally scalding - so hot I can't really taste it. No sooner had I done so and the mother asks "how do you like the soup, Robert - not too hot for you?"

"Perfect," I say, pausing for effect - "Just the way I like my lava!" (badum-tish! (http://www.instantrimshot.com))

I smile to myself at a well delivered pun, only to see that the mother is just glaring at me. My girlfriend is also staring at me, wide-eyed and looking completely incredulous. The brother is trying his hardest not to piss himself laughing. I realise pretty quickly that I must have said something completley inappropriate, and scan the memory banks for what could have gone wrong, but find myself at a loss as to what I could have said that's caused the noticable change in atmosphere.

What followed was four or five minutes of completely excruciating silece as we all Darth Vader'ed our soup down (you know, with the big intakes of air to try and cool it as it passes over your tongue). Then the dad comes home and he's quite cheerful. At last, soemone is pleased to see me, I think!

The dad is quite a strong character in the household and with him being all cheery it seems to diffuse what went down before he arrived and I make it through the rest of the meal unscathed - watching what I say the whole time, but making a good impression from that point on, I think. The mother still seems a bit peeved at me, but not so much that the father picks up on it.

After the meal is done, the parents go through to the lounge and leave the young ones to clean up (i.e. load the dishwasher). As soon as the door closes, my girlfriend's brother cracks up, while she rolls her eyes and walks off into the kitchen area.

"WHAT?" I ask, palms upturned.

"I just cannot believe you said that - it's a good job my dad wasn't here when you came out with that one."

"What one?" I demand, "did someone fall in a volcano that I don't know about?"

"I thought it was brilliant!" says her brother - "mum asks 'is the soup too hot?' and you say 'perfect - just the way I like my lover!' - could you have made it any more obvious that you're shagging her daughter?!"

"I.... I said lava." I offer, protesting my innocence. "Oh. I bet your mum is in there right now, bringing your dad up to speed with what I said. Not that I said it."

"No chance!" says the brother, "If she had you'd have been turfed out by now!"

And there you go... a tale of one of the most awkward silences of my life.

14th April 2009, 05:35 AM
I have a Moari [native New Zealander] mate ,huge bloke with a size 17 shoe.

Anyway,much like your tale infoxicated,he had just started going out with this girl and had been invited around for dinner.

So he rocks up ,knocks on the door,the door opens and they invited him in.

Second foot in the door he treads on the families pet Chihuahua crushing it dead.

Awkward silence for a few moments,then they said "I think you'd better go",shortest dinner date in history.

He felt so bad for weeks after that.

14th April 2009, 06:09 AM
Infoxicated: Oh lawd. That was a terrible misunderstanding... :o It reeks of awkwardness just sitting here in Mtl, can't imagine what it was like there. :lol

As a complement: ever parachute naked into a volcano (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gye80hv93UA)?

14th April 2009, 10:31 AM
I'd give you good rep, infox, but it won't let me, so you can have a headband instead.:) :banzai.

15th April 2009, 10:27 AM
At the risk of turning this into a topic, aside from a waste of space, I'll tell you a tale about a very awkward silence...

:cake Damn, Infoxicated. I think you'd better take this...
That was excruciatingly awkward to read