View Full Version : General conversation thread: Chat about anything that's not WipEout.

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26th November 2010, 12:12 PM
No, you won't do, and it's a bit like those, yeah. But better! :g
Huh? Which question was that the answer to?Reference to :If this is the answer, what is the question?

Mr White Supremacist David Duke is planning on Presidency.I'd rather not talk about him.
And to set facts straight,US=/=Ally of North Korea

26th November 2010, 12:15 PM
That is an extraordinary gaffe. I'd be very worried handing the presidency over to her based on that remark. :blarg

26th November 2010, 12:20 PM
So who else is fighting for presidency? Other than Sarah Palin.
Anyone want to discuss the recent shelling of South Korea or is this already part of the discussion?
And I still haven't got my answer to my Quick Question. On another Forum(Non-WipEout Related.Digimon Related)I can post my fan fiction. I plan on posting that exact same fan fiction(after some refinements)

26th November 2010, 12:24 PM
It was an answer to both; you won't get banned and MTW is better.

Politics is a waste of time, it seems that someone who wasn't one would do better.

26th November 2010, 12:25 PM
F.E.I.S.A.R. i guess if its in context and makes sense then i guess its allowed.

Thats probably what brought about the Sarah Palin North Korea Gaffe.
there shelling the border because the US are doing training exercises with the south isnt that it? also maybe because the north supposedly is gearing up to change leaders so its sort of like a show of force

26th November 2010, 12:38 PM
Thing is,it's a mix of the video game series members here ALL like,Digimon,and quite a lot of other stuff that would just make everything nonsense,like characters having the ability to transform and other whatnot.And in the Fan Fiction,I'm almost equating them(KKK) to terrorists.Wait...they are...And I'm bundling them with that most common group whose lead OBL(osama bin haydn,it is not you)is status unknown.Why group them together? Their supremacists:turd
And MTW is very hillarious!:nod But why are they segmented?I keep seeing clips of a few minutes every time.

26th November 2010, 12:41 PM
Because the BBC doesn't want a full program on YT. :g

26th November 2010, 12:56 PM
So questions like Things you don't want to hear from your flatmate and Unlikely things to read on a packet may come one after another in an episode?
Politics+Racing Game=:twisted
Maybe I should write bullcrap bashing some people(don't worry,the "some people" will never come here because of their narrow-mindedness):twisted

26th November 2010, 01:03 PM
Yeah, pretty much. You can tell by what they're wearing.

You could write pretty much anything, JK Rowling does. :P

26th November 2010, 01:50 PM
I wonder what Rob's stance on text-based games on the forum are. On the other forum I'm on,there are games like "Crack Pairings","Write a Letter to Your Favourite Character","Meetings between Characters",and "What would you say?"
I suppose Rob will just disregard this post:|

26th November 2010, 04:52 PM
Threads like that usually end up getting locked.

26th November 2010, 10:34 PM
Now that seemingly all topics have been asked,I find it very hard to start a new topic other than in the Off-Topic Discussion section.Should have been more active earlier on.

26th November 2010, 11:53 PM
If you have questions for site moderators or admin, then it's best to ask directly, rather than just posting them in threads that we might take a while to get around to, and then feeling disappointed that no-one's answered.

Challenger #001
27th November 2010, 09:57 AM
With the greatest possible respect FEISAR, what's wrong with trying to write good, logical fan-made stories in the WipEout universe set around the time when wars have been postponed (hence Triakis, a weapons giant has to enter AG leagues to make any money) and equal rights remain supreme allowing female pilots to be equal to male pilots and all creeds and countries are perfectly eligible?

Why do you want to write something that will be controversial, you don't like yourself and will probably read very badly with little influence on actual WipEout events? If you want my advice, just start with writing about WipEout to begin with. Allow people to critique you until you've got a good head about you for writing and then start with the bigger stuff.

27th November 2010, 10:52 AM
It originally started with WipEout Pulse,then got blown into preposterous proportions. And maybe saboteurs are too much to deal with.The Imagine a new teams thread was a partial RP thread.It had saboteurs...
Anyways,I now have my morale smashed because of my CCA.I missed a church wedding(not that I am a Christian nor Catholic)and it had a very good lunch.Why do I feel that life is about sacrifices?

29th November 2010, 05:38 PM
Well, I do agree with FEISAR's post (the first one, not the second one). I started my own Wipeout team thread and it turned out to be... horrid, as Challenge mentioned that. I could delete it (even though me and FEISAR became local moderators), but I'm unable to do so, so I'll have to be more creative, seeing as how my named team was... an embarrasment :redface:.

I'll probably redo my team profile, but seeing as how I'm somewhat uncreative in creating Wipeout fanon teams, I'll probably need some help on that, so this way I can restart my team profile and, hopefully, get a positive or average critique.

29th November 2010, 10:01 PM
Thread title:
General conversation thread: Chat about anything that's not WipEout.

Hint hint.

29th November 2010, 11:32 PM
D'oh! Should I edit my previous post? Sorry if we forgot that rule...

30th November 2010, 01:44 AM
Here's smething that is NOT that:
Anyone here taken before the General Cambridge Exam "O" Levels? Because preparation for it started in a sense just after I received my report book.

30th November 2010, 08:36 AM
had a great day today, hung out with my friends from acrobatics and watched Harry Potter 7 with them then went to Dr Sketchy's life drawing, this months theme was Grindhouse films, mmm fun times


30th November 2010, 07:54 PM
@FEISAR - According to the Cambridge site, they are equivalent to GCSEs, which replaced O-Level in the UK some time ago. Supposedly GSCE is easier than O-Level. I hate it when people go on about exams being easier these days. To be honest, I think it's probably true, and in general I think the UK education system is a massive fail...like, at least THIS BIG. But it's really a bit insulting for people who worked hard at school to be told they're basically not as clever as the generation above. Anyway, that aside, pretty much anyone in the UK will have done something of a similar level to what you are doing, from the looks of it.

@MetaKraken - You don't have to delete what you wrote, just try to keep things in the best thread and whatnot.

30th November 2010, 09:07 PM
Okay. I will (even though sometimes I make mistakes).

30th November 2010, 09:10 PM
Mistakes are perfectly acceptable. So is people alerting other as to their mistakes. Although sometimes it goes too far. It's all about balance (and moderation - fnar!).

30th November 2010, 10:15 PM
Hehe yeah. Anywyas, back on topic:

I just got another text message from the same caller, though it reads "Unsupported Message", so I waited for my class to finish before heading off and call someone who wrote a nice poem of me. Much to my dismay that my heart was on a verge of skipping a beat, she answered and I commented on what she wrote a poem about me, she laughed, but in a positive way, but since this was my first time, I got somewhat shy before I could even ask her name and hung up. IDK if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but sadly for me, I'll have to wait yet another six more days for her to send me yet another text message (unless me chance of getting a possible crush is all but inevitable).

I just hope I could get to talk to her more and then probably end up in a relationship when I meet her in person.... I hope :redface:.

30th November 2010, 11:42 PM
Wait a second - what's this again? Is this a secret admirer person or do you know who it actually is? It sounds like something out of a movie.

1st December 2010, 12:54 AM
Yeah, but I don't know who she is, to be honest, so I had to find out who was it.

1st December 2010, 12:53 PM
did you text back to say sorry for the hangup?

I had another great day, went and got my mates simcard(she lost her phone_ off some dude who found it in a park and was nice enough to save it for me
caught up with my parents who are just back from Mexico
and went to a great talk on Romi Kapa Lele Hawaiian Bodywork :) :rock


1st December 2010, 05:32 PM
@ze0: I didn't, she simply hung up on me, so I wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but the next day I got another text message from the same caller before.

1st December 2010, 06:36 PM
What did that say?

1st December 2010, 06:47 PM
To tell you the truth, it's written in Spanish, so I'm not sure if you and the others would udnerstand what it says :P.

1st December 2010, 06:52 PM
Google Translate. :g

1st December 2010, 06:54 PM
Lawl, I use it, though I can rougly translate to what my text message says to English if ya like :P.

1st December 2010, 07:16 PM
Up to you dude. :D

1st December 2010, 07:29 PM
Let's see...

This is my recently received text message translated to English:

(I'mma skip the first paragraph, seeing as how it's difficult to translate it)

"Wake up wake up because this patrol is this as you like... Wake up wake up that we went until dawn !!!"

1st December 2010, 08:05 PM
Erm... sounds..... exhilerating for you. ;P

1st December 2010, 08:06 PM
Haha yeah xD.

2nd December 2010, 12:26 PM
just logged on to my email. im getting messages from sony in spanish?

Te presentamos Legends of War™: Patton’s Campaign, un impactante juego de estrategia ambientado en la
Segunda Guerra Mundial. Adopta el rol del General Patton y revive las emocionantes batallas en el Viejo Continente contra el Ejército Nazi. ¡Tienes hasta 35 misiones

Nazis?!?! WTF :lol

2nd December 2010, 12:59 PM
I used Google Translate.I got this:
Meet Legends of War ™: Patton's Campaign, a stunning strategy game set in the
World War II. Adopts the role of General Patton and relive the exciting battles in the Old World against the Nazi army. You have up to 35 missions
I'd rather do Zombies,thank you.
Anyone here tried the Google Translate "beatbox" trick?

2nd December 2010, 01:05 PM
whats the beatbox trick.?

2nd December 2010, 01:10 PM
this is :D :http://translate.google.com/?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=de&tl=de&text=pv+zk+pv+pv+zk+pv+zk+kz+zk+pv+pv+pv+zk+pv+zk+ zk+pzk+pzk+pvzkpkzvpvzk+kkkkkk+bsch&file=#de%7Cde%7Cpv%20zk%20pv%20pv%20zk%20pv%20zk%2 0kz%20zk%20pv%20pv%20pv%20zk%20pv%20zk%20zk%20pzk% 20pzk%20pvzkpkzvpvzk%20kkkkkk%20bsch

this is awsome. more fun than when i learned i could text my answer phone and it reads it aloud :lol
thanks FEISAR, my day stuck in doors just got interesting! :g

2nd December 2010, 01:12 PM
thx for tip..im indoord too..im trapped in by snow..i need a polar bear from golden compass to get to the shops..can anyone help :P

2nd December 2010, 01:23 PM
same. at least i dont have to work, yay :D
im sorry but you'll only find pandas on here ;) fresh out of bears

threw my cat out in about 1 an a half foot of snow. she certainly was pissed :P

2nd December 2010, 01:41 PM
Animals in your midst? Fat hope in Singapore. I live in a flat and there is no backyard for me.But I like it. I guess Singapore has it's pluses and minuses/pros and cons/advantages and disadvantages.

this is :http://translate.google.com/?js=n&pr...0kkkkkk%20bsch
this is awsome. more fun than when i learned i could text my answer phone and it reads it aloud
thanks FEISAR, my day stuck in doors just got interesting!
Bingo. Enjoy your winter. Chrismas is coming.Soon.
I found out that I could text to landlines and it would be read aloud to the person who answered the "call".

9th December 2010, 08:06 PM
I'm surprised that I hit at the local arcade and played the game that was from 6 years ago :eek.

10th December 2010, 06:44 PM
Anybody get spam emails like this?

Dear Friend,

This message might meet you in utmost surprise;I apologize for sending you this sensitive information via e-mail instead of a Certified mail/Post-mail. However,Its just my urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction,This deal is based on Trust.

I am Mr Ali Bokhari Personal Assistant to the Branch Manager of Bank Of Africa(B.O.A) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.I want to inquire from you if you can handle this transaction for mutual benefits/life opportunity for you and me.The transaction is about seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin/ beneficiary of the US$10.5 MILLION DOLLAR,(TEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS),he was a customer to the bank where I work. He was involved in 11th SEPT 2001 plane crash attack in (AMERICA), with his entire family during their vacation journey.

The Fund is currently in a suspense account awaiting claim, the bank made a public notice that they are ready to release this fund to any of his relatives abroad.THEREFORE,by virtue of its nature as being utterly CONFIDENTIAL, top secret should be maintained please!,because I am still in the active service I do not need any form of implication especially now I'm in the verge of my retirement to endanger my career at last!.

Since we got the information about his death,we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines and laws.In that regard, I decided to seek your consent for this prospective opportunity.

Have it at the back of your mind,that the transaction does not involve any RISK, and does not need much engagement from you,since I am familiar with this kind of transaction being an insider in this bank.Necessary modalities will be worked out to enable us carry out the fund claim under a legitimate arrangement.

I have resolved to offer you 40% of the total fund,10% for sundry expenses that may be incurred during the process of executing this transaction and 50% percent for me.I will give you more details about the transaction when I receive your affirmative response,more clarification information.Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interested.here is my private email please contact me for more details(***************)


Epic lolz.

10th December 2010, 07:05 PM

Please tell me that photo was attached? :lol

10th December 2010, 07:16 PM
No, I added it. :D

10th December 2010, 07:27 PM
:lol shame, wish i got awesome spam like that. all of mines just for fake Rolex's and *ahem* 'Member' enlargement ;)

10th December 2010, 08:23 PM
Yeah, I got about seven of those, might be because of the recent Nexus hacking, I'm not sure. :/

You know, it's wierd because I actually started reading that email like Mr Agdgdgyngo as soon as I knew what it was about, shows how much I know Fonejacker. :P

12th December 2010, 12:54 PM
I've received a number of spam messages that have someone dying by accident like an air crash or car accident.Like this one.And I'm betraying the trust which is nonexistent.:twisted:With Due Respect

Dear Friend,

Pls i want you to read this letter very carefully and i must apologize for barging this message into your mail box without any formal introduction due to the urgency and confidential of this issue and i know that this message will come to you as a surprise, Pls this is not a joke and i will not like you to joke with it.

I am Mr.Ibrahim AliA Manager in Bank of Africa (BOA) Ouagadougou , Burkina Faso. I Hoped that you will not expose or betray this trust and confident that i am about to establish with you for the mutual benefit of me and you.

I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($15)millions usd into your account within 7working banking days. This money has been dormant for years in our Bank without claim due to the owner of this fund died along with his entire family and supposed next of kin in an air crash since July 31st 2000. Pls go through the website (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm)

I want our bank to release this funds to you as the nearest person to our deceased customer while i come over to your country to share this fund with you as soon as you confirm this fund into your account and ask me to come over.

I don't want the money to go into our Bank treasure as an abandoned fund. So this is the reason why i contacted you so that our bank will release this money to you as the next of kin to the deceased customer. Please I would like you to keep this proposal as a top secret and delete it if you are not interesting.

Upon the receipt of your reply and indication of your capability, i will give you full details on how the business will be executed and also note that you will have 45% of the above mentioned sum if you agree to handle this business with me while 50% will be for me and 5% for any expenses that may arise on the process, Because i don't want anyone here in our bank to know my involvement until you confirm this fund into your account and ask me to come over for the sharing as i indicated.

Am looking forward hearing from you immediately,

Thanks with my best regards

From Mr. Ibrahim Ali

And the story in the link is real in this email.

12th December 2010, 01:10 PM

Yes, I receive spam from this e-mail.

12th December 2010, 01:23 PM
Were the spammers trying to cheat you with Viagra?

12th December 2010, 02:24 PM
Landed in my inbox few days ago:P.

I am Mr. James Reshma, the Foriegn Auditor Remittance Unit of Central Bank and I have had the intent to contact you over this financial transaction worth the sum of $10.5 million USD. It is an abandoned sum that belongs to one of our bank's foreign customers who died on a plane crash long ago, where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 55/45 in event of our success.

You have the absolute authority to claim the fund hence you are a foreigner as soon as you reply,step to follow in order to finalize this transaction immediately would be declared to you.(reply to : jreshma@mynet.com).

James Reshma

YES l'M GONNA BE RICH (or not):D

12th December 2010, 04:42 PM
thats a weird email.....

12th December 2010, 07:17 PM
...You have the absolute authority to claim the fund hence you are a foreigner as soon as you reply...

You have to become a foriegner if you reply? lmao.

12th December 2010, 09:31 PM
my gmails clean as, been using it for more than 2 years no spam ever :D
made a couple choc Mud cakes yesterday, went down really well after meditation :nod
mmm I love summer
life is wonderful
why no happy thread, surely we're not all sad emo's
I'm highly emotional
and thats usually due to awesome people and awesome happenings
and what about a Girl/boy awesomeness thread where people can talk about great relationships and happenings
like after meditation yesterday I had this wonderful dreamy...

meh I'm starting an awesome thread :rock


12th December 2010, 10:05 PM
There are some threads about good stuff. I think one is about little things that make us happy and stuff. Plus there's positivity in creativity here, and stuff like the competitions people organise. I guess the whole world is a bit emo at the mo though so it's no surprise to have a few threads that show that, and it's good for folk to be able to vent negativity. But by all means start a 'thread of awesome' if there's not one already. Good to have a balance, which leads me to my next topic...

I keep losing my balance. I swear I've suddenly become the clumsiest person in the world. I haven't actually fallen over but I keep almost falling over my bag at work and also other things like splashing boiling water on my hand when I make tea, dropping stuff, can't type for toffee, crap like that. I generally do stuff at roughly the same rate as a sloth, so this really shouldn't be happening to me.:bomb

13th December 2010, 05:52 AM
I've been up for around 48 hours and feel really spritely and slightly hyper. Is that normal? :dizzy

Seriously though, what gets people to sleep besides Horlicks?

13th December 2010, 09:02 AM
Chloroform. :twisted

13th December 2010, 10:14 AM
try over dosing on chocolate
after you've come down from your high you'll be tired as ****
I slept for almost 2 days straight after a giant chocolate binge:+

14th December 2010, 03:08 PM
Realy?? I know that chocolate makes you happy and fat, if you eat too much. But tired? That's new to me.

14th December 2010, 03:40 PM
I've been up for around 48 hours and feel really spritely and slightly hyper. Is that normal? :dizzy
I'm sure the MythBusters did some experiment on this.

Seriously though, what gets people to sleep besides Horlicks?
Horlicks is sold in the UK? I must be lagging much.
@Bullet:Milk,Dark or White?
@Rennfisch:I think it would be like your energy peaks for a while,then you plummet to zero.

14th December 2010, 06:46 PM
I can't buy the stuff over here anymore, but it was giant blocks of Willy Wonkas Chocolate Mud Sludge, mix of milk chocolate, some dark mud looking stuff and caramel I think
and yeh, I plummeted straight to zero, so much sugar

I got a sort of similar feeling from a tub of Almond butter and a big block of 82%
it may sound good at the start but using Dark chocolate as a substitute for toast isn't always a bright idea :nod

14th December 2010, 10:53 PM
Hahahah, as much as I love chocolate, I don't think that could ever sound like a good idea - not even at the very very start.

P.S. grammarrrr :P

14th December 2010, 11:13 PM
I've been up for around 48 hours and feel really spritely and slightly hyper. Is that normal? :dizzy

Seriously though, what gets people to sleep besides Horlicks?

Self medicating Rohypnol always helps me :)

Just watching an episode of Peep Show where one of the characters names a 9" dildo 'Kenneth'. Charming!!!!!

15th December 2010, 12:02 AM
I saw that, and thought of you. Nah, I didn't really. Must have been funny for you, especially at the end with the way they were talking about not needing Kenneth. Did it make you feel unwanted?

15th December 2010, 11:07 AM
Topic change that would be a failure:P
Ever wondered what your name would be if you used your real name and were a character in an anime?

15th December 2010, 03:22 PM
Did it make you feel unwanted?

I'd rather be unwanted than 'used' in this respect.....but then again :P

Anyway, I'm not not a 9" dildo, I'm a 5' 10" **** :+ ;)

15th December 2010, 03:44 PM
And we are onto what? Methinks I'd rather not know.
How big can this get?
(Meaning is vague,so you are free to whatever interpretation you have)

15th December 2010, 09:09 PM
Peep show is awsome. Although sometimes i wonder if David Mitchel is even acting? lol. seems like he could be like that in real life.

Oryx Crake
16th December 2010, 02:39 AM
what is this peep show of which you speak? I know it not!

16th December 2010, 03:56 AM
I'm with Oryx on this one.

16th December 2010, 08:55 PM
Peep shows a comedy program told sort of from the point of view of 2 loser blokes essentialy.

youtube it peep show XD

17th December 2010, 02:34 AM
Excuse my language but that show is f***ing hilarious! I just watched Season 4 Episode 1, and there was never a dull moment. I can't wait to watch some others!

Oryx Crake
17th December 2010, 02:39 AM
ooh brittish comedy shows are the best in the world! this seems to be no exception awesome thanks for putting me on the track of it =D

17th December 2010, 04:23 PM
thought people outside of the UK didnt 'get' British Humour :lol

i think most/all are on youtube and 4OD but i think thats UK only.

anyone seen that Frankie Boyles Tramadol Nights? i missed the last few. its pretty funny from what i saw of the 1st episode, bit hit & miss but i liked the night rider Pi55 take :g

17th December 2010, 05:48 PM
I have a feeling that I should perfect my drawing skills, seeing as how I've been obsessed with video game all of the time. :(

20th December 2010, 01:51 AM
thought people outside of the UK didnt 'get' British Humour :lol

In Singapore,we don't. Youtube is the only answer if it is searchable in the first place. I don't mind it not airing on free-to-air,but come on! It HAS to be on Pay-TV(ie cable tv).It's called PAY TV for a reason.You pay for content,so you should get it.
Whoops,mini rant.

20th December 2010, 11:51 AM
i see you don't 'get' it then F.E.I.S.A.R. :lol

20th December 2010, 12:19 PM
Somebody write something interesting for me, I'm bored..... :g

Flint Fandango
20th December 2010, 04:30 PM
How about that?



20th December 2010, 09:25 PM
kewl, but I need to rant about STALKER.

OMG. Who made this game so damn difficult? :bomb I love it though. :D

23rd December 2010, 12:46 AM
There's not much in this world which lives up to the things we're told about it in television adverts, but if there's one thing that does, it's crunchy nut cornflakes. OMG they're so moreish, and tasty, and moreish, and tasty, and still not even the slightest bit filling after two bowls, and moreish, and tasty, and so on and so forth. I swear to god it's impossible to feel full on crunchy nut cornflakes. There must be something addictive in them too. I feel like the freakin' cookie monster of cereals right now. OM NOM NOM NOM!

I knew I should have gone with the toasted sandwich.

23rd December 2010, 03:58 AM
Yeah, as if you'd ever choose anything other than cereal...:rolleyes:


23rd December 2010, 12:07 PM
Tea and biscuits would be number one choice. While eating my cereal I discovered the LOLCats bible. Has anyone read it? I just read the first chapter but I found it hilarious.


The whole internet meme thing is crazy these days. It's like a whole world of its own.

23rd December 2010, 07:50 PM
I finally managed to head back home after nearly getting lost on mountin roads.

28th December 2010, 02:57 PM
Looks like 2011 is closing in. :)

28th December 2010, 07:26 PM
Nooes! xD

28th December 2010, 11:47 PM
I finally managed to head back home after nearly getting lost on mountain roads.

Could of been worse, you could of been senile as well and driven around for days like this silly old fool.

29th December 2010, 07:36 PM
help me out here people please.
basically. with 2 days left on my contract at work. my bosses have said "oh btw we dont have any vacancies, (IE you have no job)"
this has pissed me off somewhat and i dont really want to work for the bastards tomorow for sod all thanks.
so would i be able to use my days in lieu that i got from when i worked this weeks two bank holidays to turn up tommorow and walk out without any negative effects. i don't want to have to start a fight :lol

31st December 2010, 10:37 AM

31st December 2010, 12:24 PM
I feel sorry for you man. IDK what's wrong with relatives these days. :(

31st December 2010, 02:01 PM
Aww mate, Im gutted for you Bom. If you lived in the UK id say come to mine. Always happy fun times here :)

Flint Fandango
31st December 2010, 06:34 PM
@Bom: That´s very sad, I feel sorry for you.

I also have no PS3. You´re not alone.
When I want to play online, I´ve to go to Rennfisch´s place, and her apartment is at the other end of town.
I hope you might get to know someone in your area, who shares his PS3 with you!

3rd January 2011, 02:21 AM
Don't take anything and watch/listen to this song, just freaked me the **** out :eek
Infected mushroom - Special Place (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u2a7od7yk8)

Erg :paperbag

3rd January 2011, 03:36 PM
Why would you subject yourself to that?!?! :blarg


3rd January 2011, 04:27 PM
I'm not even willing to click the link. Someone tell me how bad it is instead.:mad:

3rd January 2011, 06:22 PM
Doesn't make sense is how I'd put it.

3rd January 2011, 08:20 PM
I liked it, but then I didn't 'take' anything.

Oryx Crake
3rd January 2011, 08:58 PM
I had a period of infected mushroom listening way back when (the nineties some time) and this didn't strike me as awefully wierd compared to their regular stuff, the video however is of course... strange but quite nice looking.

4th January 2011, 04:49 PM
Don't take anything and watch/listen to this song, just freaked me the **** out :eek
Infected mushroom - Special Place (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u2a7od7yk8)

Erg :paperbag

Don't forget this video - weird as hell.

Future Sound Of London - We Have Explosive (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjADKQ-EuNE)

4th January 2011, 07:08 PM
that bit were the light bulb goes down the corridor with the plugs people moving back and forth is incredible. and im not even pissed, hmm thats one to try out

7th January 2011, 05:31 PM
Just made a 15min long video of me playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O60OZT8jteo). (Might still be processing for now... also, it'll be a dark video, so choose 720p and fullscreen to see anything)

Just felt like recording some Amnesia to share with others. Contains some early game puzzle spoilers (but they're dead easy and obvious anyway)... this is mostly for those who are intrigued by the game but too scared to play it. :D

If it's too long to bother watching it all... 10:00+ to 14:00 is the good stuff. :P

Main reason I'm replaying the game is to check out the developer commentary. More games need developer commentary!

Challenger #001
9th January 2011, 02:08 PM
Woop, seen this? ;)

9th January 2011, 03:15 PM
Ah yes, full frontal nudity in the game... must've been a real shocker for most people. ;)

Oryx Crake
11th January 2011, 05:17 PM
man chall where'd you dig up that comic?! I love it!

14th January 2011, 01:23 PM
Just killed the bank balance buying a laptop from staples, the first time ive been in a computer shop where the people actually gave a crap about what was going on and didn't spend all day trying to sell me insurance! :D (although thats possibly because my dad knew the guy) gave me speed tests and demonstrations compared to other laptops and comparing 7 to xp. and decided to go with the Toshiba Satellite L650 (or something) with the intel i5 thingy, totally badass and doesnt take forever to do anything Hoorray! nice vibrant screen and lightweight. :rock

14th January 2011, 04:43 PM
heh, I work part time in staples :D

14th January 2011, 04:54 PM
Lucky. I don't have jobs yet, though that's because I'm still at college AND hoping that I would take computer art class after that.

14th January 2011, 05:09 PM
Neither do I, primarily because I cannot get enough college work done in the time I have, which college work takes up much of, so I wouldn't be doing myself any favours.

16th January 2011, 11:31 AM
Hmm... I don't think there's a 'non wipeout video' thread?

Trackmania Nations Forever (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKh9Yt7w4vM) (The video might still be processing for a few minutes)

Well anyway, I think we should all get together and play this wonderful free game at some point (downloadable for free on Steam). It's really fun. :P

The above video is of a 'press forward' track. All you do is press accelerate and enjoy the ride... you can find some cool custom tracks made by users. I wonder if something similar would be possible on wipeout if there was a track editor. ^^

16th January 2011, 11:40 AM
free game? i like free. downloading it off the trackmania website now:hyper

there are 2 versions? trackmania nations forever and trackmania united forever? is one an expansion or something?

16th January 2011, 11:54 AM
Please tell me you can use something other than F1-style cars on this.. :hyper

16th January 2011, 06:20 PM
I think I saw the new Batmobile in one vid :dizzy

16th January 2011, 07:40 PM
I used to play Trackmania a lot before i got a ps3 and Wipeout.
Haven't touched the game for ages, i totally recommend it to everyone, fantastic and very fun game! :)

16th January 2011, 07:48 PM
@nut : well Nations only contains one environment, Stadium, and TMUF has stadium + 6 environments in previous Trackmania games. And each environments has a specific kind of car (which greatly change the handling) and specific sets of blocks. So yeah, you could call it an extension (I think you can even use a TMNF account in TMUF). Even though Stadium is the most polished environment, I think TMUF is worth its 30€^^
And there's plenty of downloadable content for it, so changing car skins/models isn't really a problem.

Damn, you've given me the urge to get back to it... I have to resist, that game was really addictive^^

16th January 2011, 10:23 PM
Yea, TMUF costs money... TMNF is a full free game though with plenty of content. :D

New video of another awesome 'press forward' track. Watch in 720p fullscreen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMz9qO7-T70 :g

(note my custom number plate with a "Wipeout HD" sticker ^^) The rest are just some anime chicks... I dub that car the 'ecchi mobile' (loosley translates as the 'lewd mobile'). :g

19th January 2011, 09:54 AM
Ive been prescribed a high dosage of Tramadol for my tooth infection and oh my god, Im ****ed!!! Heads off in the clouds and far, far away. Not too dissimilar from being really, really drunk. Can't focus on anything!

19th January 2011, 11:50 AM
LOL!, that is exactly what happened to me two years ago!, I was suffering a headache, my wife gave me two high dosage of Tramadol tablets and guess what, I could not barely walk and act like a drunken man!!!!, but my wife had to help me go back to my bed cos I can`t go to work in that!!!

You know, I`d slept for nearly 30 hrs and not realising!:cold

This tablet is lethal stuff!! but she tooks them 8 a day!!:cold


19th January 2011, 12:14 PM
Just recieved 2 of my UNI applications back!

-Got an UNCONDITIONAL for Glasgow caledonian doing Information Systems development :D
-And a conditional requiring a B in Higher Maths for Vide Games Dev. :D

19th January 2011, 01:01 PM
Cool UBER :D :+

you know which one your gonna choose?

also in Scotland do you have to go through the stupid UCAS system?

19th January 2011, 10:12 PM
Dunno yet mate...still waiting to hear back from 3 of my other applications so I'll wait and see :D

And yes we have to go through that foul thing :brickwall

20th January 2011, 12:54 PM
Nice one... at first I was going to say: "You're going all the way up to glasgow??", but then I checked your location. ;)

Anyhoo, I've made a proper gameplay video of Trackmania Online instead of those 'press forward' tracks.


Remember that online play is a 5 minute time trial session per track. The reason you see people starting early and later than me is because you can 'reset' the lap with one button and start racing again in case you mess up your lap.

20th January 2011, 01:57 PM
God bless the Bristol Dental Hospital.
Taken me over 6 months to try and get somone to sort my teeth out on the NHS, then someone recommended me to get to Bristol Dental Hospital/University for 8am and they'll fix it for me.

Check up + X-Ray + Operation all in one morning, and it was free!

My saviors :hyper

22nd January 2011, 03:10 PM
So my dad just absolutly ****ed the home pc over, cant access the control panel or basically anything and there's tonnes of fake anti virus software all over the desktop.

ive put it in safe mode and installed McAfee 2011 and running a full scan. but other than that i havnt a clue what to do. theres no major important documents on there that i want so could i just reset to factory setting or do the reboot or whatever its called? or kick it into touch? :lol

absolutely no way in hell he's even touching my wonderful brand new laptop now he's sodded up the old steam powered pc. :lol and its no help that he's about as technologically knowledgeable as the Amish *fumes* :lol

please help me, before this becomes a GBH case :lol

22nd January 2011, 03:17 PM
As much as I'd like to trust Antivirus softwares... once you get a significant amount of crap on your computer, you should consider a format/reinstall of everything. ^^

22nd January 2011, 03:31 PM
thats what im think im gonna have to do. thing is, its pretty old and i cant remember how i do it, also the pc was originally xp but i put vista on it (using the CD from my brothers laptop lol. not sure if that was a good idea). im thinking wipe the whole thing and put xp back on it? im sure there must be a tutorial on the interwebz somewhere.

will system restore to a few days ago, then reformat and put XP on

22nd January 2011, 07:17 PM
For those of you zoners who experienced my last episode of (you know what) I'm sorry for hurting the feelings that had got hurt... It was not my place to speak of such a topic at such a time... Hope y'all can forgive me, if not... well, oh well I guess...

24th January 2011, 10:44 PM
EDIT: She is better now.

26th January 2011, 09:17 AM
Anyhoo, I've made a proper gameplay video of Trackmania Online instead of those 'press forward' tracks.


Damn, that's some good driving! This makes me want to start playing TMN again. lol'd heartily at 1:38-1:42, how many attempts did that take? :)

27th January 2011, 12:04 PM
I remember TrackMania. I played TrackMania Forever, though the liveries only has few countries. Shame that this game hasn't received updates since then. :(

27th January 2011, 12:25 PM
Played TrackMania Nations before. Used a custom F9000 FEISAR Model and tried to do a Florion Height mockup :D

27th January 2011, 05:10 PM
Do you mean the vehicle model, F.E.I.S.A.R?

30th January 2011, 07:14 PM
HAHA!! Andy Murray lost... im over the moon, he is a racist freak and deserves nothing... GTFO.
it makes me laugh when the english cheer him on, he hates them.

7th February 2011, 03:32 AM
Dunno about anyone else but the off center screen of the Xperia Play annoys the hell outta me


Mr Phlanj
7th February 2011, 01:45 PM
i went to my bros house last night. today i took my ps3 back home. got it all ready and thought "now wheres the HTMI cable".................................................. ................................DAMN IT!!!

7th February 2011, 06:02 PM
made a second PSN account on the japanese PSN to see if i could find Wipeout 2097. the accounts called SUB_ACCOUNT! (just so everyones clear,:lol)

2097 its not there :(, but the amount of stuff on there Store compared to europe is insane. theres probably as many ps1 games on there as there are items to buy in the european psn!

also i found that you can change your PSN username on your profile in the settings menu as and when you wish??? why arnt these things available in europe? :(

Mr Phlanj
7th February 2011, 06:05 PM
Run nutcase!!!! Run and hide now!!!!

7th February 2011, 06:07 PM
loool im not gonna use it to race and mess up your leaderboards ;)
just wanted to see what they had there, snooping around :D

ill probably delete it anyway as 2097 not there, although i found a suduko game with crazy flashing lights, had no idea what i was downloading at the time :lol

9th February 2011, 05:35 PM
My car attempted to cease itself by permanently disabling the radio and the digital clock. On top of that, my FM transmitter also dismantled itself so I can't listen to my own songs. :|

10th February 2011, 08:14 PM
Has anyone tried that new demo in the ps store called stacking?
its sooo fun to play! it reminds me of being stoned lol, and if you have ps+ you get the whole game for free! i spent over an hour on the demo doing all the little missions and finding things... you should try it out just for fun!

11th February 2011, 03:11 PM
I don't have PS+, since I don't have enough money to buy that feature. :(

13th February 2011, 09:08 PM
If your interested in gaming gossip and everything playstation you can be sure to find it here first
it beats all other gaming websites hands down:D

9th March 2011, 07:52 PM
More great stuff from Sony -_-
Link (http://www.joystiq.com/2011/03/09/sony-europe-cancels-games-across-several-uk-studios/)

Poor devs :(

9th March 2011, 08:48 PM
****sake. :bomb

11th March 2011, 04:55 PM
My god I feel so sorry for those in Japan. No doubt our Japanese WZ friends have been effected too.

The coverage of the tsunami is some of the most incredible footage I've ever seen. 7.4 meters above normal sea level.

Nuclear emergency has been declared too as a number of reactors have shut down.


11th March 2011, 05:00 PM
all the mobile phone technology has produced some incredible footage.
i cant help but find earthquakes and tsunami incredibly interesting. i mean not in a morbid way, i mean like how and why it happens. the forces behind it and the seismology

its just a very good thing that japan is one of the most if not the most earthquake prepared country in the whole world
i think gas and electricity is automatically cut off in the event

11th March 2011, 05:12 PM
Just been watching Sky News and it's saying the pressure is rising as the cooling system at a Nuclear power plant has stopped working, that doesn't sound good at all.

11th March 2011, 05:15 PM
Its the nuclear power plant that scares me. People for a hundred miles have been evacuated.

The 23 foot wall of black water sweeping across the Japanese countryside with cars, boats, buildings and other debris inside it was just mind blowing to see.

They've reported 300 bodies have been found. I can't imagine it will stay that low.

5th largest earthquake ever recorded since 1900 apparently, 8000 times stronger than one in NZ last month, and it gave off the same amount of energy as the US uses in an entire month.
My mind can't even comprehend that statistic.

11th March 2011, 05:21 PM
Thought id share thishttp://www.iris.edu/seismon/
the IRIS seismic monitor. it shows you every earthquake recorded in the world today, currently and in the past 5 years

http://www.iris.edu/seismon/bigmap/index.phtmlworld view big map
http://www.iris.edu/seismon/zoom/?view=eveday&lon=146&lat=37 North pacific

the nuclear reactor does sound bad. i hope all the people there and the japanese wipers are safe

11th March 2011, 05:29 PM
I hope my friends (on the PS3 and that they are also from Japan) are all right...

What is wrong with mother nature today...? :(

12th March 2011, 08:46 PM

12th March 2011, 09:24 PM
Good to hear from you Reach-big. It's a terrible time for your country, my thoughts go out to you all.

13th March 2011, 03:45 PM
Great to see your alright mate.

Over 10,000 people in one area alone are unaccounted for, and the Japanese authorities reported the situation with the reactor as "We don't know what will come of this", which doesn't sound very reassuring at all.

Hope the rest of the world does it's part to help your people.
A truly epic tragedy.

13th March 2011, 04:49 PM
It is indeed good to hear from you reach-big.

It is an incredible and terrible sight when our planet shrugs her shoulders. My thoughts too goes out to you and your countrymen.

13th March 2011, 08:12 PM
what happening to our world nowadays.

whats happened in japan is so devasting and upsetting.
2 million people have no water, power stations exploding, all the deaths and shattered lives and familys.i really hope the whole world joins together to help them rebuild there lives

why are we suddenly having all these world scale disasters latley

japan and austrailia this year
pakistan last year
haiti earthquake
indonsia in 2004
its like worlds falling apart.

13th March 2011, 09:33 PM
Thank you for your prayer and rescue effort, mates.
I'm crying against my will.

Oryx Crake
14th March 2011, 12:47 AM
hang in there reach! at the risk of sounding cheesy and unoriginal, though hopefully that doesn't detract from the statement, my thoughts are with you guys

20th March 2011, 06:46 PM
I'm glad my friends on the PS3 (in Japan, unless you already know) are all right, since I can see them going online, though I'm hoping everyone else is okay too.

21st March 2011, 06:51 PM
I was devastated when this happened, Sorry to hear it, I hope the Reactor doesn't go any worse. The world doesn't need another Chernobyl. :(

21st March 2011, 11:58 PM
I was watching a bunch of the tsunami videos that were posted on BBC at first, and then it really sunk in what I was watching...**** Absolutely heartbreaking.

I can't believe what is posted as the news, it was bad enough to watch Miyagi Prefecture being completely wiped off the map, but then they post a video with sound, you could hear people screaming for God's sake. Why is this sort of thing not edited out. For decency's sake they could at least dub over it. The one video of Minnamisouma, they showed people trying to run away from the water/debris while some on a hilltop are screaming "Hayaku! Hayaku!" (Quickly/hurry) to them. What do these victim's families think, if they are left. Their loved ones are being shown getting killed as news. Over and over again.
What the hell was I doing watching it?

Boxing Day 2004 all over again, but this time in Japan where there is video cameras everywhere, not like Indonesia...

22nd March 2011, 12:06 AM
problem i noticed with some these news channels is they way they cash in on human disasters..the worse it is the more they rub there hands together....they make it as dramatic as ever to boost veiwing figures which is all they really care about..sad world that we live in

22nd March 2011, 12:10 AM
Yes nearly every online site is profiting from this also, just look at what pops up on YouTube's main screens, they are making money from ads each time someone watches disaster videos, same with Yahoo, etc on and on...
At least with the legitimate news broadcasters they have the excuse they "need to inform." Yet at the same time they don't draw any limit anymore of what they show as video or photos. If it's news, anything goes. Sick.

1st April 2011, 12:12 PM
The times are wrong, it may confuse people who dont live in the uk.

1st April 2011, 12:25 PM
The times are wrong,

as in the newspaper?

does anyone read a news paper for news? it should simply be called 'paper' or maybe 'paper with some words on it'

1st April 2011, 12:30 PM
lol, no the time at the foot of the page... it says GMT+1 when its GMT+0.
its confusing me anyway lol...

1st April 2011, 06:47 PM
But still, you can#t believe them either. :g

So tomorrow, there's multiple protests going on, it's annoying how I can't do anything. :/

2nd April 2011, 01:39 PM
just had a Christmas dinner.... in April lololol

Christmas crackers, party hats and all :lol

feels a bit wierd TBH :g :xtree:dizzy

3rd April 2011, 12:11 AM
Today I was recently down in the dumps because of my friends (in the read world) I was thinking. It literally hurts me that after my graduations, me and my friends went separate ways. I miss them. :(

4th April 2011, 10:53 PM
Ah yes, having real life friends. I remember those days....they were crap.:g

Seriously though MK, if you do really get on with and value your friends then make sure to put in the effort to keep in touch with them. Too few people bother these days.

5th April 2011, 03:58 PM
I know, that's why I'm looking for my friends. Thanks, Saturn. ^^

6th April 2011, 02:08 PM
:o :o :o :o :o :o
Blimey.... you have to check this trailor out! Its a film coming out called Apollo 18.
It looks IMMENSE, i am definitely going to go and watch this :hyper lol

6th April 2011, 05:43 PM
That`s trailer looks good!:bat


6th April 2011, 06:33 PM
So it looks like some people are hacking(or whatever) the PSN to shut it down.

Dont really understand (or care) why but atleast it stopped me from downloading the stupid SOCOM beta and its annoying 'cant quit the download' system it uses like the MAG beta :blarg

as far as im concerned i bought my ps3 to play games, not so i could mod it to work like a toaster or PC ;)

7th April 2011, 08:00 AM

7th April 2011, 08:10 AM

7th April 2011, 01:59 PM
You need to broaden your horizons.
There area few other forums that should be on your Favorite/bookmark list since you are based in NZ.

The official AUS/NZ PlayStation forum for one, since you don't have a PS3 you can talk hard core with fellow PSP owners .

7th April 2011, 02:07 PM
@MyNameIsBom: I'm pretty sure you're not addicted to the forums, heck I come here everyday now and then (although I mysteriously left the forums a year ago), so don't feel bad. :)

7th April 2011, 02:42 PM
I was "uncool" because I don't take drugs, smoke and drink...

Are you telling me all your 14 year old school friends are doing this! Really?

If your that miserable I would ask one if they can fix you up with some of these drugs, then you will really find that happy place ;).

7th April 2011, 02:48 PM
Metakraken, don't feel bad about it brother. After graduating from high school and then college me and all my friends have gone our separate ways geographically. But we are still somewhat in-touch thru phone, facebook, and other means. Heck, just last week I got in touch with a friend I havent seen since college that I used to jam with. ( I played drums and he played trombone.) He's now the musical director of somecruise line that I believe to be based out of England as he said he's only in the states around sept. or oct. Just remember when your friends cross your mind, thats your subliminal cue to give them a jingle or an e-mail or maybe even find some on social networking sites.

7th April 2011, 04:16 PM
Oh god don't tease the poor boy! As funny as that was! :g

Don't worry about it too much mate. Most kids are dicks at school anyway. You'll start to find more decent people as you and the people around you get older and start maturing. Chin up son :):+

7th April 2011, 05:03 PM
Yeah, that's what Saturn told me. Thanks for telling me as well, greenymac. :)

14th April 2011, 06:51 PM
Can somebody please help me....
I want to send a text message to the usa, florida to be precise and im in england.
I have the number but it wont work, I know that i have to put in "+00" or something before the actual number but im not sure what???
can anyone help? :frown:

Edit- iv got it sorted now, they text me so i just replyed!

Challenger #001
18th April 2011, 07:15 AM

Why doesn't it mention the development of anti-gravity technology? D:

21st April 2011, 07:14 PM
Well today, I can't get online from the PS3 for unknown reasons. Anyone else has the same problems getting in?

21st April 2011, 08:55 PM
Hey MetaKraken, check this out.... psn will be down for 2 days.

21st April 2011, 09:23 PM
Yeah. Saw it on Wikipedia and found out the reason. Thanks MegaGeeza.

27th April 2011, 03:27 PM
Is anyone watching the royal wedding?
I will be watching it... i know alot of people hate the royal family but he is the future King of England and its territories. It will be a historical event and will be remembered for hundreds of years...
I will be proud to witness this event :D

27th April 2011, 04:09 PM
You kind of have to watch it. its all thats on :lol
i probably will but if i hear BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchel gushing over the queen in his typically disgusting sickly sweet style any more this week i might crap out my brain and die :P

I hope were getting loads of money out of all the tourists :P

On a positve note i suppose its some nice news amongst all the bad

27th April 2011, 11:28 PM
I want her to say "I don't"; purely for shits and giggles. :D

But I'm not going to watch it, better stuff to do. :P

28th April 2011, 12:49 AM
LOL, Nicholas Witchel... i cant stand that faggot, i may watch it elsewhere if hes fronting it for the bbc.
Iv made sure im free to watch it, il unplug the phone and put my mobile phone on silent. i have a crate of beers, pizza and plenty of crisps lol.
If anything bad happens on the day i will be going straight to my army recruitment office.
I love my country, fk the haters...

28th April 2011, 11:30 AM
Nah, Why would I watch that bull? I'll be using my day wisely listening to some great music and playing football in my Ireland shirt. Splendid

28th April 2011, 11:55 AM
Pah, I won't be watching it...I don't hate the Royal family, I just don't care :D

28th April 2011, 12:39 PM
i cant stand that faggot

fk the haters...


28th April 2011, 12:54 PM
Im not a big royal fan because there not exactly british... but as i dont work i have a lot of spare time so i can enjoy this rare occasion.
fk the haters

28th April 2011, 01:48 PM
I'll still be in school...either mugging for my next exam or celebrating the choir's return to glory.

28th April 2011, 05:09 PM
Good luck. Hope you do well in school. :)

2nd May 2011, 04:16 AM
Seems like the head of Al Qaeda,Osama bin Laden,is dead.
My cynical point of view:Like the Nazis before them that spawned the Neo-Nazis,I think Al-Qaeda will spawn Neo-AlQaeda.

12th May 2011, 09:31 PM

It's camp, but I don't care. :rock

18th May 2011, 04:22 PM
Today, I'm learning to sing some of the japanese songs on YouTube. Even though it's not easy, I did got the hang of them. :D

28th May 2011, 03:20 AM
today I'm laxing out at my parents house, eating too many banana's, reading Cold Space and hoping to go to a lecture on Eco-building
just un-clogged a drain, should be, could be walking the dog
waiting for PSN store to come back online, looking forward to Starhawk next year and Hare Krishna shenanigans tomorrow

also not fond of the word faggot, thats not very nice now is it.


28th May 2011, 11:24 AM
Well,I came back from my service learning trip to Cambodia around three hours ago. Both fun and tiring. :D

16th June 2011, 07:19 AM
I been testing my brand new EZ-Cap before recording videos of my gameplay. So far, the device can capture great quality visuals, but it can't capture any sound from the games at all. What is the problem?

Lastly, is recording PS3 (seperately connected by HDMI) gameplay the same as recording from consoles connected by the red/white/yellow inputs and if not, what is needed to record under that condition?

18th June 2011, 06:26 PM
Today, my PS2 overheated three times while playing The Getaway. I just hope I can buy the intercooler (if they have it for the PS2 slim) so I can resume playing.

24th June 2011, 09:14 PM
GROSS :blarg
Soon you will be able to grow pork in your back garden, between the tomato plants and the gooseberry bush lol...
I know its an old story but its sick, i can understand about growing fake fruit and vegetables because these are things that we need to live... but growing pork or any meat is just sick.
This meat must be so unhealthy, yes it will save millions of animals but it will also make even more people jobless and it would be bad for you...
They should concentrate on healthy foods, making the unsustainable sustainable

24th June 2011, 10:28 PM
Not really sure I see the issue. It reminds me of this Dilbert cartoon where he makes a hybrid of meat and tomato - Tomeato.


24th June 2011, 11:01 PM
The issue for me is its just a muscle cell pumped full of animal hormones to increase its growth.. and in years to come sausages will just be grown meat "Fresh... straight from the petri dish".
In europe its illegal to give cows hormones to increase thier milk supply because its very bad for children and adults... but its legal in america.
Growth hormones are a very bad thing and to put it in our food chain is ridiculous. These days if it saves money its a good thing... it doesnt matter if its bad for your health.
I wont be eating 'petri meats' im not keen on pig hormones lol

24th June 2011, 11:14 PM
I think even grown meat would be a step up from whatever sausages are at the moment.

I guess from the hormone POV it's not great. That issue didn't really come across very prominently in the article to me. Who knows how it will be advanced in the future though. It could eventually be a good thing, or it could suck. I'm unconvinced it's definitely one or the other at this stage.

24th June 2011, 11:36 PM
lol, i agree! i think its illegal to call a sausage a sausage if it has less than 10% pork in it so they call them bangers... beware of the value bangers lol.
Here is a short article i found on growth hormones... like i say growth hormones in foods are illegal in europe at the moment but things can soon change.

26th June 2011, 07:56 PM
Heads up to anyone who has ever signed up for or played Battlefield Heroes.

550k user accounts were leaked with unsalted md5 hashed passwords.
If you share passwords with this and other accounts, I recommend you change it immediately.

26th June 2011, 08:07 PM
You'd think that in that picture, that child's parents would've ste[[ed in at some point.

27th June 2011, 05:26 PM
Hes a growing boy... :pizza

27th June 2011, 08:19 PM
That he is.

6th July 2011, 08:19 PM
Anybody here about the Casey Anthony trial? Bloody hell, I can't believe she got away with that. All the evidence was pointing toward her killing that poor 2 year old daughter of hers. Disgusting. :(

26th July 2011, 09:55 AM
I went into town this morning (worcester) at about 5.30am and i saw from a distance a dead seagull on the floor, it had another seagull pecking away at it which i thought was gross.
Anyway as i got closer the seagull flew away and when i looked down at the dead seagull it was headless!!! i was so shocked lol because the cut was so clean and there was no blood on the floor...
It gave me the creeps

26th July 2011, 10:31 AM
:lol Sounds like something out of a Horror film mega!

26th July 2011, 02:55 PM


26th July 2011, 03:01 PM

26th July 2011, 03:58 PM
LOL, Nice!
Worcester is so bad! its deafening in the town center between 4 and 5am, it is quite un-nerving when theres 100 seagulls all looking down on you from rooftops as they make so much noise, they are everywhere! especially the morning after a friday night... seagulls eating up all the regurgatated chinese food and the chips that have been strewn all over the streets by drunk teens lol... theres also massive fights between them which can be entertaining but also very dangerous. they are pests.

26th July 2011, 05:32 PM
Ha, that's mental! You'd think the council would just poison them though.

30th July 2011, 02:02 PM
Then the council would have to eat up all the regurgitated Chinese food, and that would never do.

30th July 2011, 04:21 PM
There's a dog or something barking incessantly every half second or so outside my window, it's driving me nuts. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHUT THE F*** UP!

6th August 2011, 07:47 AM
Turns out I forgot about Wipeoutzone. :O

6th August 2011, 05:19 PM
Omega, I got Freespace 2. :D

Mr Phlanj
12th August 2011, 02:46 PM
i read quite a few web comics and one of them is ctrl-alt-del and its not great but i follow it out of habit.

i got banned from the forum with my 1st post. i made a thread called "whats in scots room"(in the comic u never see whats inside but its got a huge metal door) and the 1st reply was from the creator of the comic saying "ive had it with people asking about brian(a rare character in the comic) and im not having some new member start up the same **** with scot". so the thread was locked and i was banned......

...what a dick.

so now after about 4 years since i was booted from the forum i will finaly see whats behind the door and it damn well better be good :D

20th August 2011, 08:36 PM
I Loooove salted peanuts... but recently everytime i eat them my lips start to sting and swell up? does anyone else get this?
I looked online and all it says is that swelling of the lips when eating peanuts is an allergic reaction... but i love them and have eaten them all my life!! but now i get swollen lips everytime i have a couple, one of my favourite snacks has turned against me lol.
Very, very annoying...

21st August 2011, 11:39 AM
You can randomly get an allergy, it's one of the ways the body can screw up. :|

Flint Fandango
21st August 2011, 02:36 PM
@MegaGeeza22: It happens when I eat an Orange. Very annoying indeed.
When I eat Mangos, I get incredible stomach pain...fresh fruits are too healthy for me.
Switched to coffee and cigarettes, way better now!

21st August 2011, 03:46 PM
You can randomly get an allergy, it's one of the ways the body can screw up. :|
I had a colleague once who was in his 40s and he loooved coffee but one day he started to get massive headaches and he found out it was coffee!
Maybe our bodys reject things if we indulge in them to often...

@MegaGeeza22: It happens when I eat an Orange. Very annoying indeed.
When I eat Mangos, I get incredible stomach pain...fresh fruits are too healthy for me.
Switched to coffee and cigarettes, way better now!
I agree! pineapple's make my gums bleed lol... but they taste so good i cant resist!
Coffee and cigarettes? thats sounds like the traditional english breakfast! a mug of tea and 2 fags lol...

21st August 2011, 04:17 PM
Well, (pure) Oxygen can kill you, so why not?

21st August 2011, 06:43 PM
Yeah, I hate it when I go all allergic to oxygen. :p

:lol @ the switch to coffee and cigarettes. So much healthier, Flint.

21st August 2011, 06:48 PM
Yeah, feels like I can't breathe. :P

21st August 2011, 06:50 PM
We should form an association for this. Maybe, The Association of Formerly Alive People For An Allergy Free Future
TAFAPFAFF to you, sir.

21st August 2011, 07:24 PM
Yeah! potentially useful post time!

Mega geezer, do you also have hayfever? sometimes with high pollen it being 'summer' in england you can have allergies to fruits and veg and nuts depending on the kind of pollen your allergic too. (if you even are? i am, i get an itchy throat when i eat raw cucumber, well thats my excuse for avoiding it anyway :P)

Failing that maybe there's some sort of additive in the peanuts that might be in a certain brand that irritates, so maybe and try another peanut brand, KP, Nobby's nuts (lol), tesco value, ;)

err also does this only happen when you eat plain salted peanuts or with lovely roasted peanuts as well (or even more awesome honey roasted peanuts!)

well thats about all i can think of :lol

Oh and with the headaches thing i dunno if its similar but i used to eat haribo when i was younger and now when i eat it all i can taste is plastic and it gives me headaches.

22nd August 2011, 07:18 PM
@ Nutcase, i dont suffer from hayfever but i will use your advice and try some different peanuts because im not sure if its just the salted ones that give me fat lips, but i will experiment!
Did you eat a lot of haribo? i do think that if you eat or drink something to excess your body rejects it because your body doesn't need it and it does more harm then good.
i think lol...
I used to drink 2 bottles of sprite a day at work and after a year or 2 it started to taste like rotten eggs... rank.

24th August 2011, 06:23 PM
Ok, so its GCSE results day tomorrow and I'm shitting bricks. :P

On the plus side, I'm off to America for a week tomorrow too. Be back. :P

Challenger #001
24th August 2011, 10:15 PM
Seems the 'What games have you played recently' thread has 404'd so I'll just throw this in:

Spiral Knights is a free game now available on Steam. It's basically what would happen if the Legend of Zelda, World of Warcraft and Magicka got into bed and had a baby game. It's also probably one of the best games to encourage co-operations since Portal 2. If anyone feels like giving it a go, I'd be more than willing to go on a few dungeon exploration runs into The Clockworks with you. ^^

25th August 2011, 12:19 PM
We should form an association for this. Maybe, The Association of Formerly Alive People For An Allergy Free Future
TAFAPFAFF to you, sir.

LOL. I can't think of anything to add to that. :P

Challenger, I shall be downloading this. :D

27th August 2011, 01:58 PM
Starting my first year of college this week. Wish me luck. :paperbag

27th August 2011, 02:37 PM
Good luck! I also leave next week, but second year. :)

31st August 2011, 01:47 AM
Quite surprised I remembered my login for this place. Been digging out my old Wipeout games lately so I thought I'd visit again. Hello there.

31st August 2011, 10:05 AM
Hiya! :D

1st September 2011, 06:08 PM
Finished Human Revolution, absolute class. :D

6th September 2011, 05:21 PM
I would looooove to meet this woman 8)
I never knew woman could get so tall

Flint Fandango
6th September 2011, 05:40 PM
Nice woman, that could be an interesting experience. Don´t forget to pick up a ladder. ;)

6th September 2011, 05:59 PM
for some reason sausages and tunnels spring to mind :eek

9th September 2011, 10:10 AM
There is a new game in the playstation store called SkyDrift, its a great game! its comparable to Wipeout... sort of.
There is also a demo in the store, i advise you all to have a go! i think you will enjoy it!

11th September 2011, 02:37 PM
Well guys, today's the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I pray for the people involved and died prior to the 9/11 attacks in '01. :(

11th September 2011, 07:13 PM
I second this :+

God bless America.

18th September 2011, 12:25 PM
Just had two Jehovah's Witnesses come to the door. It's the second time in a couple of weeks and I'm getting quite into it now, the conversations we've been having always start very formal, with a "let's agree to disagree" tone to them. But they won't agree and start coming out with ever increasingy bizarre statements.

Today's little pearl: the first humans were born approximately 6,030 years ago. Genius, I'm telling you. "Carbon dating? F**k off, we've added up the ages of all the people in a book!"

Can't wait for the next lot, they're awesome.