View Full Version : "KGB1971 invites you to a chat"

3rd April 2009, 11:45 PM
Eric's thought process:

"Oh? what's that? Oh that's right, that's one of the new things in the 2.70 system update. Alright cool, I'll load that so I can text with people between races. SaturnReturn is here, Chaos80, soccermom, all these people just raped me, but it'll be fun to chat. Damn I need practice.

-- Chengouh Weapons Off will load in 8 seconds

PSX button > Friends > messages > received > chat invite, open, accept

"cool, I'll get this started and just put it in the background before the race starts...

-- chat loading
-- chat loading
-- chat still loading
-- still loading
-- chengou loads
-- chat still loading
"What the hell?? come on... screw this

Circle button > LOLWAT?

-- countdown starts


-- Go.
-- Chaos80 rams into the back of my ship

Eric sits dumbfounded... infuriated... "what.... what the F***!!!!?!?!"

--> See attached image <--

I hate you Playstation 3. You are the biggest gaming-related disappointment of my entire life (thus far? PS4 maybe?). I only bought you to play Wipeout HD, and after an afternoon of stumbling around your online store trying to find SOMEthing else worth purchasing, it has only further cemented my disgust with your existence. You are no longer "PS3" in my personal dictionary, you are either "Wipeout HD machine" or "Black Monolithic overpriced turd nugget" (Friend: Something tells me the word "behemoth" should be in there somewhere.) Die in a fire, of which you will probably be responsible for because you burn with the heat of a thousand suns.

I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to race anyone this weekend, but I think if I make further attempts, more controllers will see a similar fate (unless of course I use my 360 controller on the machine, in which case the PS3 will probably die first while I bludgeon it with the 360 controller itself ... yes: http://www.xcm.cc/xcm_cross_battle_adapter_plus.htm ).

I'll see people on the track eventually, but i'm going to spend time with my 360 for a while.

4th April 2009, 12:03 AM
BWAHAHAHAHA! (@ the pic)

I'm on # 7 now - or is it # 8?

They only die when they stop responding (as in, I start turning left for 5 seconds straight - when I'm not pressing anything at all)

I have little tolerance for that. Very little.

Weird thing is - it's HARD to break the controllers normally - but when I'm in super-hulk-rage-mode &reg; they just tear asunder with no effort at all. :blarg

Future reference if your controller is buggy (this is only for controllers, sadly) you can reset the controller with a paper clip or a push pin - there is a tiny hole on the back of it - at the top-right of the label - it's the reset switch.

Back to your original topic - the chat function was dead to me the second I realized you can't share pictures like you can with audio chat. What's the fun if I can't show you my LOLCat pictures? :?

4th April 2009, 12:06 AM
hahahahaha :lol
best thing i've ever read...well nearly.

4th April 2009, 12:19 AM
thought it was strange you never chatted:frown:

4th April 2009, 12:47 AM
SaturnReturn.........just raped me

I well and truly refute all allegations. Not guilty!

4th April 2009, 12:51 AM
big LOOL :D

4th April 2009, 12:58 AM
any DNA?

4th April 2009, 01:49 AM
IH8YOU: the controller wasnt buggy at all, in fact the thing is... WAS practically brand new. It was the fact that the PS3 operating system/XMB/whateverthef*** is laggy and unresponsive anytime I try to even use it NORMALLY. This damned machine has disappointed and frustrated me more and more every time I use it, from the day I got it. I refuse to spend another PENNY on it except for the electricity required to operate it...

as I rushed home today from my friend's house, I needed to make it back into town before 9pm... GameStop and all the package stores in the state close at 9pm... I got into town at 8:55, so I could only do one or the other. Should I go to GameStop and buy a new PS3 controller even though I have an adaptor to use a PS1 controller? Or should I get beer.

Mother f***ing beer, damn right.

So I walk into the packie, and the dude greets me with "Hey! Your order just came in an hour ago!"

Made. My. Night. --> see attached image <--

I forgot I placed an order for this a week or so ago :D So I'm hopping back on WOHD and you're gonna see a drunk russian purple blur! Go Qirex!

PS: The little zip-lock baggie next to the bottle is the remains of the controller :P

well i WOULD be online if this "80710102" error didnt come out of nowhere. I tested my PSP and I can connect to the wireless connection here perfectly, so I know all my settings are correct. I tried a wired connection with my PS3 and got the same thing... I searched around online and there doesn't seem to be any intelligent answer to how to fix this problem, since I've already verified all my internet settings are correct.

4th April 2009, 02:41 AM
mmm baltika cant wait till next weekend when me and you get some back at my house again like last week! SEE YOU THEN !

4th April 2009, 02:44 AM
nah, see you on the track right now :P then next wknd lol

4th April 2009, 02:50 AM
-.- you have pretty bad luck with the PS3 and it sucks because you're one who hates it the most xD It does nothing to redeem itself in front of you. I've had no troubles with the chat thus far, other than me being too late on the countdown call and missing the turbo start by a fraction of a second.

All I can say is keep the usable parts of the controller. Eventually with enough broken ones you'll be able to make one completely new out of spare parts.

4th April 2009, 03:59 AM
yeah i have a box full of controller parts from the NES to present consoles, i keep anything salvageable, even the joystick mechanisms... woot de-soldering skills :P

"It does nothing to redeem itself in front of you."
Precisely. I was really disinterested in the machine from the beginning, and quickly became attached to the 360 for its library of games, interface, everything... I kept waiting and hoping that the PS3 would have something that caught my interest, something that really made me want to play it the same way stuff like Geometry Wars, Braid, Viva Pinata, Rez HD, etc made me wanna sit down and play the 360... but nothing came. Finally WOHD was announced, and my hopes came back up.... but I was already convinced 360 was better.

I bought the PS3 just for WOHD, and crossed my fingers that there would be something else about the console that would keep my interest, but since getting the machine my faith in its prospective future has diminished even further than I had expected. This is no longer a debate about RROD, free/paid online gaming, or any other petty superficial arguments people have had between the two consoles.... I feel that every single one of my complaints and frustrations with the PS3 have been justified at this point, and there is nothing that anyone can do to convince me otherwise.

4th April 2009, 04:36 AM
Did you finally manage to get a real 60GB though?

As I've said, I have not had one single frustrating experience with the PS3 yet, to the point it made me wish I never got the system, so I can't help you with that. :(

4th April 2009, 08:10 AM
Christ how did you achieve a vertical crack along the controller. Ive never achieved a break like that when ive broken a controller even with my temper. The DPAD is the first to break in my cases. And with the wireless PS3 controller the triggers tend to fly off when i throw it a the cabinent when i crack the shits with a game. lol.

Maybe the controller self destructed on purpose knowingly that you are a Microsoft fan working with skynet, lol. Funny pic though.

4th April 2009, 08:39 AM
ironically the wireless SSID at my friend's place is "SkyNet" :P And I set the controller on the floor, and basically pounded the f*** out of it about 4 times. it literally broke in half; very disappointing as far as controllers go actually... while I don't make a habit of hitting controllers out of frustration, I've still hit other ones and they never broke quite as easilly...

777; yeah it's a real 60gb... and there's even something frustrating about that, too :P Whenever you play any PS2 game on the machine, it introduces lag for some reason. Doesn't matter what settings you enable, there's always lag when you use any video output other than SD480i. And since PS2 compatibility isn't in the machine anymore, sony probably won't ever release a patch to fix it. Yet another disappointment lol :P It also happens with PS1 games on ANY PS3, but not quite as bad.

4th April 2009, 09:16 AM
Again, I've got no lag when I play my PS1 Wipeout, and I didn't get lag when I played Kinetica and Monster Hunter (PS2). I'm sorry man, for me this is just unreal. :lol

4th April 2009, 04:51 PM
Uhm, if you haven't already figured it out, you can play and chat simultaneously. If you have the letterbox thingy on display, push O, you'll only have the chat board on view, then push the PS button.

There you go :)

5th April 2009, 02:40 AM
I hate you Playstation 3. You are the biggest gaming-related disappointment of my entire life

I second that :D

The online functionality is nothing short of a shambles.

5th April 2009, 03:05 AM
You just may not be able to notice it as much. For me, when my ability to play Sonic (Sonic Mega Collection) or Wipeout XL is hindered- there's a problem somewhere along the line and it isn't me. Every PS3 introduces lag in PS1 and PS2 titles.

This is exactly the reason I was so frustrated in the first place- I FIGURED I could keep the chat open while I was playing. The problem was that the chat itself took forever and a day to load, preventing me from being able to race once the countdown started; THEN it wouldn't let me cancel out and just go back to the game because it was still confused.

Yay I'm not alone :3

5th April 2009, 04:20 AM
What can I say. Get a better TV? I play loads of UT and now recently Quake, so I should know when my inputs feel delayed even the slightest. This stuff doesn't happen to me. People said Killzone 2 had input lag: I was like "WTH." I don't have any issue with input lag on KZ2. Same thing here. I tried Syphon Filter, shooting. As soon as I press square, the guy shoots. Tried WipeOut, as soon as I press start the sound plays and the pause menu comes up. (Along with many other tests like moving around)
For me it's a non-issue. As I said: UT player for many years. I'm afraid I would know at least a little if something was up. But there's absolutely nothing hindering my experience... Maybe it's there, I don't know. However if such an important lag existed, it would hinder everyone trying to play, yes? I know for a fact that making the PS3 pass through the DVR causes great lag, but nothing when using the PS3 alone.

The two screens I use with the PS3 are 4ms and 5ms respectively. The lag you talk about is around 60ms, I would notice that on my 5ms computer screen (Where I did the tests just now). But I don't.

5th April 2009, 10:05 AM
Crap, this thread reminded me of my old days with PSX controllers. I broke tons of them. One of them was some ultra crap red controller. He ended crapped out. Wall or so...
It's frustrating when you buy a console THAT expensive, and it actually responds like a crappy PC. When I buy a console, I want no freezing ever, and other bullcrap. I would surely to what you did, AG-Wolf :D:D:D

Playstation is crap nowadays. (massive production got it all)

5th April 2009, 03:48 PM
Hey I just thought about this. The two games I used to test the stuff are PSN downloadable games. There is a chance that they might have been re-engineered to work with 480p. Hmm. I'll try some disks later today.

5th April 2009, 03:52 PM
Could we return to the topic of this thread, please, gentlemen?

5th April 2009, 04:01 PM
Well, if it's about AG-Wolf's rage and destruction of his PS3 tiny bit by tiny bit, it hardly provides any material for discussion, no? If we somehow have to return talking to that I'm afraid I've got nothing to say.

About the chat feature freeze glitch, well it's never happened to me so I can't talk about that either.

Afaik the input lag issue was mentioned by AG-Wolf, so it's not ok to talk about it? :(

5th April 2009, 04:16 PM
Crap, this thread reminded me of my old days with PSX controllers. I broke tons of them. One of them was some ultra crap red controller. He ended crapped out. Wall or so...
It's frustrating when you buy a console THAT expensive, and it actually responds like a crappy PC. When I buy a console, I want no freezing ever, and other bullcrap. I would surely to what you did, AG-Wolf :D:D:D

Playstation is crap nowadays. (massive production got it all)

My mate has a so called 'graveyard' of broken Nintendo controllers. Watching him play those games an go apesh it was classic. An angry macedonian he was, still is a grumpy person today too. lol.

5th April 2009, 05:18 PM
What can I say. Get a better TV?
The TV I bought has no lag when I use an interlaced composite signal. I was playing N64 games with no trouble, believe me, it's not the TV :P

I play loads of UT and now recently Quake, so I should know when my inputs feel delayed even the slightest. This stuff doesn't happen to me. People said Killzone 2 had input lag: I was like "WTH." I don't have any issue with input lag on KZ2. Same thing here. I tried Syphon Filter, shooting. As soon as I press square, the guy shoots. Tried WipeOut, as soon as I press start the sound plays and the pause menu comes up. (Along with many other tests like moving around)

For me it's a non-issue. As I said: UT player for many years. I'm afraid I would know at least a little if something was up. But there's absolutely nothing hindering my experience... Maybe it's there, I don't know. However if such an important lag existed, it would hinder everyone trying to play, yes? I know for a fact that making the PS3 pass through the DVR causes great lag, but nothing when using the PS3 alone.

The two screens I use with the PS3 are 4ms and 5ms respectively. The lag you talk about is around 60ms, I would notice that on my 5ms computer screen (Where I did the tests just now). But I don't.
I'm not talking about Killzone or Wipeout or anyother PS3 titles. Only PS2 and PS1.

Again, it has nothing to do with whatever monitor you're using; the PS3 machine itself creates lag when you play PS1 or PS2 games on it, because it doesn't handle the image output properly; it has to take the native video format that the older games used (480i) and convert it internally or some crap, and in the conversion process to HDMI or Component (YPbPr) it creates lag. Did you even read that link I posted? If I were to use a standard composite video cable (Yellow RCA plug), there's no lag at all-- but I'm not going to sit and change video cables and settings every time I want to play an older game.

Like I said, the Backward Compatibility lag has nothing to do with what TV you use; THe PS3 doesn't display the video from PS1/PS2 games directly through HD video connections, it merely converts and upscales the native 480i video, and the process is what causes the lag.

Could we return to the topic of this thread, please, gentlemen? It's "Off-Topic discussion" in the first place, and usually conversations in real life flow from one topic to the next over the course of the conversation. Besides, I started the thread and it's not like I'm pissing and moaning about shifting topics. :P

5th April 2009, 05:49 PM
So if we mix all topics in one thread under the title of only one of the topics, then everyone will be able to instantly find the discussion of the topic they want to talk about? Seems highly doubtful.

So if people want to switch to an extended discussion of a different subject than the one the thread is about, they should start a new thread about the new subject if it doesn't already have a thread for it.

This particular thread started with discussion of problems with HD online chat under the updated operating system for the PS3, right?
so it is about a Wipeout related subject, specifically HD related and should be in the HD section since it is not actually offtopic to Wipeout.

We used to actually have on offtopic general chatroom on the WZ, but I don't know what happened to that. Hardly anyone participated, so there would be a posting by one person followed by hours of blank, and there was no live chat, But since humans like to chat, I think it would good if we had a true offtopic chat thread with no set topic as long as none of it was about Wipeout and needed to be in the Wipeout sections.

So I'm starting a general offtopic chat thread in the OT section. Let's see how it works out. [and if infoxicated wants such a thing. ;) ] At least, no one will be expecting any particular subject to be discussed and won't be looking for that.

5th April 2009, 08:18 PM
Did you even read that link I posted?Yes I did, all three pages of it. Hardly any proof that it actually does it (no videos like for Killzone 2). As I said, there might be lag yes, but it is so low (for me) I cannot see how it will actually hinder the gameplay in any way to the point that the game becomes simply unplayable (Like when I place my DVR). As I said: WipeOut 1 works really well. Syphon Filter (I don't play it at all though) works also. This might be because they've been re-engineered to incorporate 480p, I don't know. I'll try with some discs later (Rollcage 2 PS1 and Kinetica PS2 early title). I doubt there will be anything for me to see, as I was perfectly able to play these games some time ago.

5th April 2009, 09:52 PM
Hey AG-Wolf, if you want to dispose of that controller, im interested. That left side of the controller i could use for scrapping. And possibly fix my only fully broken controller. Let me know if you interested hey:)

6th April 2009, 03:40 AM
blah blah blahtl;dr

I cannot see how it will actually hinder the gameplay in any way to the point that the game becomes simply unplayable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUvaPmxocAk

Kigo: What part are you looking for? I usually keep all my controller pieces as backup bits; are you just looking for a part of the plastic case/shell?

6th April 2009, 03:43 AM
Kigo: What part are you looking for? I usually keep all my controller pieces as backup bits; are you just looking for a part of the plastic case/shell?

The clips that are between the 1 buttons and the triggers,and possibly the triggers them self also. I think i should be able to repair my fk up PS3 controller if i could get my hands on those parts.

6th April 2009, 03:54 AM
ah; one of the separator clip thingies is alright, but the other one is missing a small piece of plastic... it should still work though.

And for the triggers, one is kinda busted and one isn't.

Took a picture of them...

6th April 2009, 05:24 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUvaPmxocAkThanks. I will double check with disc based games.

Also, was wondering what happened with all your PSP ports of all the PS1 wipeout games. (You made a video about it) I'm particularly interested in 2097/XL 'cause when I ported them it didn't work.

6th April 2009, 12:00 PM
ah; one of the separator clip thingies is alright, but the other one is missing a small piece of plastic... it should still work though.

And for the triggers, one is kinda busted and one isn't.

Took a picture of them...

Yeah im chasing one of those clips. Yeah i think the trigger you have that im looking for is kinda fuked.... The triggers on my controller, i think i might be able to fix them myself. Given some time. But one thing i certain, all 3 of my controllers have non-functioning motion sensors now.:frown:

6th April 2009, 02:30 PM
Not like the motion sensor is really necessary anyway :P

What's wrong with your triggers? are they just really limp? Try bending the spring wire backwards... I've done that with two different PS3 controllers and it seems to help a fair bit.

777; yeah, I don't buy any PSX games through the PSN store because anything they have available that I would want I already own in the first place. Aaaand hit me up via PM or AIM about PSX -> PSP stuff, I can help you with whatever :)

6th April 2009, 02:57 PM
Pure...... Brilliance.