View Full Version : NEW V 2.07 PS3 update

2nd April 2009, 01:20 PM
YAY,copy and paste messages,about bloody time.
Still would of preferred being able to "Group messages"

2nd April 2009, 01:28 PM
Yeah it's certainly a useful tool and about time! You can group message on the xmb :D

2nd April 2009, 01:31 PM
2.70. :P

Just another update I guess.
Anything good on the store this week?

2nd April 2009, 02:23 PM
OH man this is a BUMMER,have a look at your friends list!

It now lists your friends by "Last log in Time" so Alphabetical order has gone out the window.

What a Fu(king balls up that is.:naughty

Who thinks of stuffing things up like this?
Is there a special department for dud updates?

2nd April 2009, 02:27 PM
Yeah I thought I'd lost half of my friends until I scrolled down....
What really irritates me is that you have no choice whether or not you want a specific update, you are forced to install it if you want to use PSN. It would be nice to have the choice not to download useless updates.

2nd April 2009, 03:16 PM
third line down: http://www.joystiq.com/2009/04/01/ps3-firmware-2-70-brings-16-player-in-game-text-chat/
i haven't got the update yet but by the looks of things you should be able to sort them differently. hmmm

2nd April 2009, 03:16 PM
A full update list can be found here. (http://www.joystiq.com/2009/04/01/ps3-firmware-2-70-brings-16-player-in-game-text-chat/)

I'm very interested in this 16 person chat that they speak of. It could have potential.

Argh, Yeldar beat me to it :dizzy.

2nd April 2009, 03:24 PM
I've just been playing around with this new update.
A word from someone wiser that I says that Alphabetical order will be restored as others on your friends list get the update,I sure hope they are correct.

One other problem I've just discovered messaging Sinus1.
If you use the new "CHAT' method ,you will receive a message via both systems originally [flash up on the old] but NO history [receipt] of the message will be stored if sent via the new CHAT system,so if you miss a message you are stuffed basically and will remain oblivious to have known that anybody had messaged you.

It must of been designed by Chiryou007.;)

2nd April 2009, 03:33 PM
The chat is only like a PSN version of MSN it seems. But you can chat in game according to the EU PlayStation forum (http://community.eu.playstation.com/playstationeu/board/message?board.id=138&message.id=17266#M17266). That could come in handy for Zone tournaments and improve organisation. Hopefully no more confusion when I can't see someone's room ;).

2nd April 2009, 03:47 PM
6 chat people all playing different games at the same time all being able to message each other in real time.

That would go down a treat during an AVALON meet....your trying to fight of other racers while some of you friends are killing Zombies and a few others are picking up HOE's.....yeah,thanks for the message dude.:brickwall

2nd April 2009, 05:03 PM
**** took like 5hours to load. ****ing irritating.
.... and the **** didnt update right. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So guys i will not be online until this ****er takes another half a ****ing day to upload again. Cunty internet connection. And if the alphabetical system has gone im going to be pissed.

2nd April 2009, 05:10 PM
LOL kigo,

I was just going to ask how big is this update its taken 45 minutes to get half way. Is it any good?

EDIT: hang on its just set off at phantom speeds and downloaded the remaining 40% in ten seconds WTF! Now installing, I hope its worthwhile.

2nd April 2009, 05:40 PM
I downloaded it this morning and it only took 5 minutes. Presume it worked correctly but I've read the updates it does and I'm not sure if its just me getting older but it doesn't really mean very much to me. :frown:

2nd April 2009, 05:59 PM
Finished downloading it 20 mins ago took about 10mins if that? As soon as it got to 45% it flew through.

2nd April 2009, 09:25 PM
Took 10 minutes to dl and, well, you can still sort alphabetically, but it doesn't put those who are currently online first.
The text rooms have an overly thought out sensor that blocks 'ass' in all languages.
You can only be in 3 text rooms at a time.
And now I cant get in any text rooms because of error 8002232C....

aside from that its good fun :p

2nd April 2009, 09:28 PM
Bastard took just over 3hours. Did some organising and some Pulse Eliminator in the mean time to kill the wait.

Used Chatbox is a pretty good feature. This might make me consider getting that txting device for the controller.

2nd April 2009, 09:43 PM
i have one of those but i'm so used to using the on-screen thing it's actually slower...
really infuriating.
i can't even download the sodding thing, my PS3 has been hidden by my parents!!
how uncool is that?!

2nd April 2009, 09:43 PM
Press Triangle on your friend list to change sort order...

2nd April 2009, 09:51 PM
I really like the new update! :beer

2nd April 2009, 09:57 PM
What did or didn't you do for your parents to do that Yeldar?
Sorry but I find your situation funny :lol

They might of pawned it to buy drugs [anti depressants] -Just joking

2nd April 2009, 10:04 PM
anti-depressants? i never realised i was that annoying.... :lol

they got a letter from my school saying that i haven't handed in my physics coursework which was due in about a month ago.

it's true that i haven't done it but taking away the PS3?! that's as bad as murder!

2nd April 2009, 10:19 PM
Maybe the ZONE should have a "Help me do my homework" forum:lol

2nd April 2009, 10:30 PM
well if you offering...
4000 words? cool. i'll expect an email from you soon :P

3rd April 2009, 12:52 AM
One word:

chat system = ownage.

It is so much faster than typing e-mails. If you use a keyboard it is really great, type your messages, when the race starts just press the escape key once, then the PS button and you're back in the game! Once the race ends, press the PS button, enter once and you're ready to type! It is insanely fast and responsive, now when the race starts you can wait until the countdown to quit the chat because it is so fast in returning to the game!

Downsides are: friends only can be invited. I don't know if anyone other than hosts can invite people. It would be cool if you could invite people you knew the ID of.
Dodgy word censor (Kigo can testify)
Very short messages (shorter than twitter), it's around 40-60 characters (About this sentence's size)

Upsides: very fast, very useful, very easy to get in and out (Press PS button to pop from whatever you are playing to chat and vice versa), chat history is saved so you can join chat room even I think a day after it was created, it will still be there so there is no need to re-create a chat room every time (If you want to delete a chat room, press triangle and delete, but then you have to be re-invited to join) which means we could have an Avalon chat room for a super long time if we want to. And since wipeout's voice chat doesn't work, this is very practical.

The PS3 is compatible with any plug and play USB keyboard or PS/2 through USB.

3rd April 2009, 06:07 AM
I like the text chat feature, it will work really well with HD.

Downloaded it and invited Greenix and Luxoflux to chat. What's the first thing we tried? to see if we could swear :lol. How childish (but necessary)! So I found out you can say bollocks and knob head, which you can also do here. Very important when discussing wipeout with friends. :P

3rd April 2009, 06:36 AM
(Darkdrium777 wrote)The PS3 is compatible with any plug and play USB keyboard or PS/2 through USB.

Any keyboard, right?


3rd April 2009, 06:46 AM
Yes today it would be any keyboard. If you have to install specific drivers for a keyboard in order to use it, it won't work (most likely) but if you can plug it in on your computer and it works automatically then there's a good chance it will work on the PS3. No harm in trying if you already have one. :) If you don't have one, check to see if the one you are buying is "Plug and play" compatible.

Alternatively, you may opt for a wireless bluetooth keyboard, but they are more expensive.

3rd April 2009, 02:02 PM
I tried the chat system yesterday with some friends on Street Fighter IV. It is as good as Darkdium said it was, very responsive and much better than sending messages. If you are a member of a chat room but are in game it displays recent messages in the top right of the screen, similar to when a message is received. It remembers the room you've been in so if you disconnect by accident you can rejoin. Very handy for random game crashes or internet disconnection problems.

I used a Dual Shock 3 and it worked fine. I have a wireless USB keyboard but has some awful dongle thing that trails out of the PS3. It's infra-red too, so it always has to point at the dongle making it a pain to use. I'll try it anyway ;).

5th April 2009, 10:06 AM
I think this update has ****ed up my PS3 sava data, since i downloaded this update i havent been able to get on the Wipeout HD servers. Not happy.

5th April 2009, 08:42 PM
I've been messaged by a few people saying they are having difficulty getting on. but I haven't had this problem myself.
I have noticed a far bigger delay between choosing Online, and my being able to select Join Game, however.