View Full Version : Stealing isn't cool.

RJ O'Connell
31st March 2009, 10:20 PM
My brother was able to use my debit card and PSN account to buy a movie without me asking, but there weren't sufficient funds on the checking account that my card is tied to, so I also had to pay a bank fee to cover the transfer of funds from my savings account. I ended up having to pay the bank an extra $15 along with the $3.99 that was deducted. (And that's why I can't wait for the PS3 system update to add support for password locking user accounts.)

Anyone else have a similar problem happen to you with other family members/roomates/etc?

31st March 2009, 10:47 PM
Don't you have to enter a password to sign in to Playstation Network?

Brothers sure do suck sometimes :(

31st March 2009, 10:52 PM
never happened here but im the younger one at age 21..so sometimes i "borrow" his movies to take to girls houses on occasion...:p....

on another note, i NEVER leave my card/wallet sitting where someone can just reach and grab it, home or not. Its always in my back pocket....especially since about a month ago someone stole my info and started pulling money from the acct so i had to go through a bunch of disputes to get it all back to normal.

RJ O'Connell
31st March 2009, 11:01 PM
Don't you have to enter a password to sign in to Playstation Network?
Oh damn. Thanks for reminding me about that. The password was stored so I could sign in as quick as possible - in case of any urgent online HD events.

I'll try not storing it from now on.

31st March 2009, 11:05 PM
I've got my username/password stored for both my XBox 360 and PS3/PSN. I don't have automatic login enabled on my 360 but I do on my PS3 (since I'm the only account on the PS3, whereas I've got my wife and nephew's local profile stored on my 360's HD). What I don't do is tie a credit/debit card number to my account. Any purchases I want to make via the XBox Live or Playstation Network (i.e. WipeoutHD and XBox Live Arcade games) is done through MSPoint and PSN point cards bought at GameStop and Blockbusters, respectively. No way I'd risk letting Microsoft or Sony have my card information. Especially since I have a debit card only and not a credit card. I can't afford to take the loss if I get charged, whether it's a false charge by the company or by somebody using my 360/PS3 while I'm not home or right next to them.

1st April 2009, 04:07 AM
lol just the thing I need to hear when I ask someone if I can gameshare some stuff they've gotten over PSN XD hahaha

1st April 2009, 07:04 AM
But to buy stuff from the PSN I still have to enter your password at checkout...

1st April 2009, 11:47 AM
Zeez is right, there is an option in the account settings to request your password anytime something is purchased over PSN, but you have to turn it on as it's not automatic.

I had the same experience after leaving my card details on my brothers PS3 when I bought him wipeout, he continued buying stuff and didn't realise I was getting charged for it.....fool :p

1st April 2009, 12:31 PM
Stinkelroy, why did you by it to him, when you could just have downloaded it to his PS3 using your account? Every item bought is downloadable 5 times on any PS3 system :)

BTW, stealing is not cool! :)

1st April 2009, 12:41 PM
Because I'm an idiot Chaos and didn't think of it until after the deed....doh. Damn fool hasn't even bothered playing Wipeout either...or paid me any of the money back :naughty

1st April 2009, 12:45 PM
Ah, **** happens... Didn't mean any offense though. Maybe not everyone is aware of it, was more like my thinking. ;)

1st April 2009, 12:52 PM
Hey no offense taken, I was being self depricating...however if you knew me you'd probably agree that I am in fact an idiot ;)

I've game shared with people before, if sony didn't want us to do it then they'd find a way for us not to :D

1st April 2009, 01:23 PM
I've had a similar problem with my brother entering in to my xbox live account and using my Microsoft Points to pay for pointless things like extra icons and picture packs for games we didn't own. It sucked, because the first half of the 1600 point card I bought, went to the first round of halo 3 map packs. The rest were saved for the second maps expansion. Unfortunately, thanks to my disrespectful little brother, I had to buy another card. He only used about 100 of them, but that 100 that he wasted, restricted me from buying the packs. I don't see what's so hard for a 13 year old boy to understand about respecting other people's stuff. I never had problems with that. Why he does, is a mystery to me.

and just recently, my youngest brother of 12, decided to sleep over at a friend's house. I found out later that he had taken my Emperor(black metal band) hoodie that I ordered from Europe. This is the same brother who also stole my 13 year old brother's expensive video camera, where he took it to that SAME friend's house-- he managed to break it. It gets worse. Months after that incident, he took my dad's briefcase outside, and succeeded in breaking that as well. Then he left it outside in our back yard just sitting there in the grass. That little :turd just won't learn!

1st April 2009, 02:49 PM
My brother was able to use my debit card and PSN account to buy a movie without me asking, but there weren't sufficient funds on the checking account that my card is tied to, so I also had to pay a bank fee to cover the transfer of funds from my savings account. I ended up having to pay the bank an extra $15 along with the $3.99 that was deducted. (And that's why I can't wait for the PS3 system update to add support for password locking user accounts.)

Anyone else have a similar problem happen to you with other family members/roomates/etc?

Push the **** down a set of stairs the next time he does that, or a backhand would do some good.;)

RJ O'Connell
1st April 2009, 03:08 PM
Except I don't have any stairs to do that with in my house! ;)

1st April 2009, 03:51 PM
Hey no offense taken, I was being self depricating...however if you knew me you'd probably agree that I am in fact an idiot ;)

LOL that makes us two then! ;)

1st April 2009, 04:13 PM
I'm sure there's more than just two of us Chaos ;)

I hope they put Kigo in charge of a country some day hehe :g

1st April 2009, 04:22 PM
Push the **** down a set of stairs the next time he does that, or a backhand would do some good.;)

:eek (lol)

1st April 2009, 06:23 PM
Kigo in charge of a country some dayI can see it now. The only legalized weapon would be the hammer. :g

1st April 2009, 08:02 PM
We. Need. Crowbars. How else can we fight off Headcrab Zombies?

1st April 2009, 08:34 PM
Lol, at the above comments cheers:g

Except I don't have any stairs to do that with in my house! ;)

You live in Alabama right, push him into an alligator infested swamp if you dont have a set of stairs in your home.

2nd April 2009, 10:10 AM
I hope they put Kigo in charge of a country some day hehe :g

Kigo would make an awesome Prime Minister, I'd vote for him! Monthly Pendulum appreciation days anyone?

Back on topic, people nicking your things, be they money or otherwise ain't cool, same as people borrowing things and not returning them. I've had a few games go walkabout without my knowledge, and my copy of Killzone is now somewhere in the UK...

24th May 2009, 09:56 PM
Gotta say this is quite a funny thread. RJ has reported no further theft incidents from his siblings ive heard. lol

31st May 2009, 12:22 AM
Any thefts issues since, RJ?

Remember what i said, push down the staircase;)