View Full Version : quantum redshift
14th October 2002, 10:54 PM
I was curious as to who owns this game on this site and how far you have gotten on it.
I beat the game last week, but it took me like 40+ hours to do it. over 8 hours longer than beating wipeout fusion(including all upgrades of every ship). It was kinda tedious, but you definetely get much better doing it. Also, Nick, I have a few more ideas for part two that really might catch some reviewers attention enough to say it's a large departure from the wipeout games. I'll post it on the smartgroup in a couple of days. Oh, and about the times I asked for on brakenstowe vale arcade race, does anybody have any times? do you? noone has replied of yet about any of my inquiries, including the fastest route on that course.
16th October 2002, 06:51 AM
I am working on it, Al.... Just got my xbox and way too busy with work and/or halo.
I will be posting on the smartgroups soon with praise and comments, but thats not before I finally get the thruster challenge 2 sorted....
Hydra XL
16th October 2002, 03:47 PM
i've had it since the day it was out. i played it quite a lot initially but now that my xbox is back in it's box and disconnected and all (got it back from a week long lend out), i haven't played it for a few weeks. Beat it fully w/ 2 characters and made some progress w/ a couple other characters, but it seems such a laborious chore to unlock redshift i probably never will (sans codes at least). Cool game tho' in its rite. Better than fusion.
16th October 2002, 09:24 PM
Im low on money right now, so I cant afford the game yet.. but will prolly buy it this year.
Looking forward to play against thruster2097 and Al using voice com and play.. uhm.. for example..Halo 2? ;)
4th January 2003, 12:30 AM
I`m not entirley sure if I can play online - I just got a broadband (ADSL) modem, but it only connects via a USB plug. Okay for a PS2 (I think), but the x-box has one of those geeky 10/100 ethernet connections.
Wow, sorry for dragging up an old post...
Just got back into QR, and I am finding it really boring at the novice and intermediate levels, and the expert and quantum levels are way too fast to accuratley control the craft.
I believe the accurate expression is "stuck between a rock and a hard place."
I do like the idea of having to build-up your weapon in stages before you deploy. Definatley something that could be manipulated and given to WipEout. Perhaps you could keep three weapons at a time and play the weapons like a slot machine - get all three the same type and you earn a super weapon....... or perhaps I just need a bit more sleep.....
Asche XL
5th January 2003, 01:05 AM
All I have to say is that, it's cool BUT
it's kind of corny, especially with the "feud" between characters between races.
It'd be cooler if the game had more of a darker feel, with better ship design, also it's pretty hard, I can rape all the wipeouts left and right, but this game is pretty tough I guess it's just hard to get used to the controls, later.
5th January 2003, 05:52 AM
All I have to say is that, it's cool BUT
it's kind of corny, especially with the "feud" between characters between races.
It'd be cooler if the game had more of a darker feel, with better ship design, also it's pretty hard, I can rape all the wipeouts left and right, but this game is pretty tough I guess it's just hard to get used to the controls, later.
Gee, I think Quantum Redshift is easier. I've been trying to get past Rapier level on Wipeout 3 for some time now (I'm working on the P-Mar Project), but over Christmas I managed to beat master level on all but two pilots (Pharo & Max) in Quantum Redshift. I hadn't played the game before.
The feuds are silly; I just ignore them. I suppose they could have added a less ego driven story line, but unless the story line is interactive in some way, there doesn't seem to be much of a point. And an interactive story line wouldn't be racing. In any case, I wouldn't mind hearing the explination for Kutoo.
I find the supposed difficulty of the tracks rather interesting. The Flames of Ra is the most difficult course for me at master level. Mount Gruan (or whatever it is) comes in second. I'm glad there aren't any courses in Quantum Redshift like Tentamesh Bay.
I like the fact that the various ships in Quantum Redshift are balanced; none have the best performance characteristics in everything. The same is true of Wipeout prior to Fusion. So, out of defiance, and a love of manuverability, I beat all the Leagues in Fusion with Feisar. Unlocking Piranha was anticilmatic.
5th January 2003, 07:51 PM
i had a go of this in HMV (music/video/game shop in UK) and managed to win a race - quite funny 'cause i crossed the finish line just as bohemian rhapsody was reaching a crescendo on the in-store speakers, hehehe
5th January 2003, 09:08 PM
hehehe... :lol: way to go, bruv!
QR starts off easy, but I just find the higher speed levels too fast. Okay, so those of you that know me would say that I have always had that problem.... I got a heck of a lot better at Wip3out after playing Rob Foxx, (preparing myself for a re-match) :P and finished phantom level. Still stuck on zone 4 on fusion, though! go figure.... :-?
And those damned stoopid storylines, with petty vengences.... If all pilots had an "aggression scale" like total immersion racing, then you could introoduce vengences... otherwise, there isnt a real point. But, these are the thoughts of a veteran wipEr, so I pretty much just want to go and race! With A-G newbies, it may be different.
15th January 2003, 08:50 PM
adsl via usb? im not sure what you mean Thruster , wouldnt a router solve it?
16th January 2003, 02:38 AM
adsl via usb? im not sure what you mean Thruster , wouldnt a router solve it?
With a ADSL device that connects only with USB, I think the only way to get the X-Box and PS2 online (unless I'm mistaken, it won't use a USB gizmo for networking because of proprietary interfaces for that stuff on USB) is to route through a computer. I know it can be done with Windows, but I only know how to setup routing with Linux, and it might not support this ADSL thingy.
I hate USB. Quantum Redshift is better.
18th January 2003, 12:15 PM
QR will NEVER beat Wipeout, and xbox wil NEVER beat PS2!
18th January 2003, 07:27 PM
I dont wanna get too technical here (it might ruin my reputation) :lol: but when I signed up for ADSL, my service provider sent me an external modem (Alcatel SpeedTouch 330) which ONLY has a cord out for a USB port. Anyway, not that it really matters now, I am in the process of getting a small ADSL Router, which goes straight into my network card and/or my Xbox, and...... possibly.... PS2?
Does anyone really know about the networking system of PS2`s? (not the linux package) I signed up to be part of the beta team for navy seals online, it surely is only a matter of time now until WipEout goes online.... I can get eliminated by people in thousands of different countries!!!!! :P
:phantom class
technically, the xbox is far better than the PS2. this is something we have all got to accept. But, the range of developers for the PS2 far outweighs Microsoft`s and Nintendo`s combined. QR will never beat Wipeout. QR2 might, though! :)
18th January 2003, 08:13 PM
Phantom class : Well I have been playin alot of Quantum Redshift!. just imagine put all Wipeouts together into Redshift thingy! well near enough but very tough!! I have to admit its so close to wipeout!! and I throughly enjoyed it alot!!!
Thruster 2097: very possible with QR2!! but we need to ask Nick first!!! :wink: and yes X-BOX are much better than PS2!!!
stin :D
19th January 2003, 04:14 PM
better in some ways, worse in others. definetely better than fusion though. there is not going to be a qr2 though.
20th January 2003, 09:53 PM
Why not?
21st January 2003, 05:32 AM
I dont wanna get too technical here (it might ruin my reputation) :lol: but when I signed up for ADSL, my service provider sent me an external modem (Alcatel SpeedTouch 330) which ONLY has a cord out for a USB port. Anyway, not that it really matters now, I am in the process of getting a small ADSL Router, which goes straight into my network card and/or my Xbox, and...... possibly.... PS2?
Does anyone really know about the networking system of PS2`s?
The network adapter has a phone modem and a 10/100Base-T ethernet adapter. It uses regular TCP/IP. I imagine the ethernet part can configure itself with the help of DHCP. All standard stuff found on many LANs.
:phantom class
technically, the xbox is far better than the PS2. this is something we have all got to accept. But, the range of developers for the PS2 far outweighs Microsoft`s and Nintendo`s combined. QR will never beat Wipeout. QR2 might, though! :)
I have taken some time to learn about the technical details of both consoles, and I'd have to say that the Xbox is not far better. It does have its advantages, but so does the PS2. I have yet to see an Xbox game that makes the PS2 look like it needs an upgrade.
22nd January 2003, 12:17 AM
how about DOA3 (dead or alive)?
22nd January 2003, 08:27 AM
Even still, it's hardly next next gen, is it?
I'm sure we'll see more impressive stuff on the XBox in the coming year, but for the moment there hasn't been anything that makes a good PS2 game look like crap.
22nd January 2003, 09:38 AM
Honestly, the only 2 things the PS2 has going against it graphics capabilities wise, is it's paltry 4MB of texture memory, and the fact that it's hard to program for.
Right now, Splinter Cell is the pinnacle of the X-Box's graphic capabilities, but then Silent Hill 3 comes along and pretty much says, "Yeah, we can do all those fancy shmancy graphical f/x too, only on the PS2."
22nd January 2003, 06:47 PM
This game(Quantum Redshift) I`m playing at the moment. I`m on 80% and Redshift LEVEL which is really fast and this game is far better than Wipeout Fusion by a mile!! and its so similar to the originals Wipeouts!!
This is the best game I`ve played so far!! throuroughly enjoyed the whole thing but I`m still playing original wipeouts!!
stin :D
23rd January 2003, 03:36 AM
*off topic*
coz I dont have it .. but ..
every single time I see it mentioned around here I read it 'quantum fish' :D :lol: :lol:
dunno y .. :roll: 8)
24th February 2003, 11:35 PM
Hows the soundtrack on QR, is it good likw Wipeout?
24th February 2003, 11:52 PM
Hows the soundtrack on QR, is it good likw Wipeout?It isn't quite as good, but you can use the X-Box's ability to store compressed audio from CD and have QR play whatever music from CDs you store on the harddrive.
A few of the peices included with QR are good, and some are decidedly not, at least in my oppinion. Also, it always plays a single peice for a specific track. So, go around the same track a bunch of times, and you constantly get the same music. But when you add in your own music QR can choose something at random just like Wipeout does.
I gave QR some stuff by Fluke (including a non-insturmental Atom Bomb) and the two CD set of Paul Oakenfold stuff from Global Underground 007 about half way through what I played. It was much better, not only because Oakenfold is better than Junkie XL, but also for the greater variety.
9th March 2003, 12:04 PM
allthough Quantum Redshifts graphics are alot better, i still prefer the dark industral graphics of Wipeout fusion.
the game [QR] just looks a little 'light weight' [includeing the soundtrack] for my likeing, i know it plays hardcore, and thats what matters most.
its just that times are changing; Wipeout Fusion was a little 'retro', going back to the good old days of hardcore dance/trance, allso trying to look like a bit '2097' and it got bad reviews because of it. mainly because it didn't plus the genra forward one bit, prohaps going back a little, lazy programing you could say, or maybe they just knew what the fans wonted?
14th April 2003, 01:27 PM
I have taken some time to learn about the technical details of both consoles, and I'd have to say that the Xbox is not far better. It does have its advantages, but so does the PS2. I have yet to see an Xbox game that makes the PS2 look like it needs an upgrade.
8) Right on! try and beat Metal Gear Solid 2!
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