View Full Version : Transformers 2

22nd March 2009, 04:31 PM
I've only just discovered that this movie is even in production so forgive me if it's old news but I'm really excited about Transformers 2! I didn't expect much from the first one as, well it's Michael Bay, but man was I blown away.

And I have to say this trailer looks pretty damn sweet!


22nd March 2009, 04:42 PM
Yes, as an old-school and hardcore collector of the original Transformer toys (sold my collection about 6 years ago), I loved the first movie and am excited for the second, as well!!! :hyper

22nd March 2009, 05:40 PM
I loved transformers but didn't like the movie. I love the old animated movies, despite the fact that, when I go back and watch them now, I realise the animation was actually pretty atrocious. Especially when compared to Thundercats, which was badass.

The new movie was weird for me. I just couldn't really recognise any of the robots. I couldn't even tell one from the other when they were in robot form. They were far too complicated to look at. Overall it wasn't very memorable either. I think the only bits I actually remember were the bits from the trailers that I had seen a gazillion times...at least!

But I'll still probably see the new one, because, you know...it Transformers!:rock

EDIT: I've decided to give it another go and just bought the DVD as it was only a fiver. If it still sucks though, then I'm blaming you stinkypants.

22nd March 2009, 06:34 PM
Well Saturn I'm sorry you may have wasted that fiver....you can send the DVD to me if you don't like it haha. I personally thought that it was a great film...the special effects alone are worth it. I guess you're just one of those Transformer purists hehe.....my only complaint with the first one was that there wasn't enough Megatron.

Seriously though, how can you not like it? I'm taking you to see a doctor :p

22nd March 2009, 06:40 PM
I saw a traiiler for Transformers 2 when I saw Watchmen the other day (also an excellent film) but I am really looking forward to it. In fact, this year should be a good year for films

Star Trek
Transformers 2
Terminator 4
Dragonball, if only

I almost can't take the anticipation :dizzy

22nd March 2009, 09:21 PM
Maybe it's just this type of film I don't really like. I mean, I didn't think a whole lot of WALL-E. CGI, robots, saving the world...CGI robots saving the world. As far as I can tell WALL-E and transformers are basically the same film, right?

Anywhoo, hopefully I shall enjoy it more this time so that I can enjoy the sequel too.

22nd March 2009, 09:28 PM
How wrong you are. Yes they both contain CGI, but Transformers only has it partially, whereas WALL-E is almost completely CGI. Transformers is about... well... transformers, but WALL-E is about robotic lifeforms that have character, as opposed to being your bog standard, lifeless Cheezoids.

22nd March 2009, 10:20 PM
WALL-E is amazing.

I liked T1 so I'll probably see the other one when it comes out too. :)

22nd March 2009, 10:43 PM
wall-e was the first pixar movie that has dissappointed me.. at least in part because it used live-action people as well as animated people - and they are as different as night and day

22nd March 2009, 10:57 PM
First off, screw WALL-E...this is a Transformers thread. :P

Secondly, @ SaturnReturn - I used to watch the Transformers cartoon religiously! Crappy animation or not, I loved it! As far as Thundercats, I watched that too! Such a great cartoon! Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder-CATS! LOL!

22nd March 2009, 11:13 PM
Sorry for my feeble mind here - but this is the first thing I thought of upon spotting this thread...

22nd March 2009, 11:48 PM
How wrong you are. Yes they both contain CGI, but Transformers only has it partially, whereas WALL-E is almost completely CGI. Transformers is about... well... transformers, but WALL-E is about robotic lifeforms that have character, as opposed to being your bog standard, lifeless Cheezoids.

Wrong, sarcastic...basically the same thing, right? I don't actually believe that WALL-E and Transformers are the same type of film at all. Weird how people always get things the wrong way when there aren't loads of these :p in the message.

I'm not trying to rubbish the transformers film or transformers. I freakin love the things. It's more like I just didn't get the film. Just seemed flashy with little substance. Sometimes I like that in a film, it's not as if I want to have to think really hard about everything. I just felt that the robots lacked individuality and I really couldn't pick one out from the other. In the cartoon, however, there's no way you could confuse any of the transformers even if you tried because they were all so vividly different. Except maybe the aerialbots. They were kinda just a bunch of planes.

As I said, I've ordered the DVD and am going to give it another go. There's always a good chance that I approached the film wrongly last time. Frame of mind can completely change one's view. Fingers crossed!

23rd March 2009, 12:06 AM

@ SaturnReturn - I totally agree with you about the robots in the movie...definitely not nearly distinguishable enough.

23rd March 2009, 11:46 AM
I'm really looking forward to watching TF2, enjoyed the first but had a few niggles with some choices made like the vehicle models Optimus/Bumblebee etc, the human characters were nice/funreally really didn't like the CD/Radio robot *shudders* eh was a nice film

Thundercats awesome!, Wall-E was good but not great, Watchmen was wonderful, so good I took me Nan to it and she loved it


23rd March 2009, 03:40 PM
Haha IH8YOU.....:lol

I know what you mean Saturn, I think sometimes you can go into a movie with a perception of what it will be like and that can determine how much you enjoy the film no matter how good or bad it is, I did that to myself with the Dark Knight I was looking forward to it so much that I was inevitably disapointed when it didn't live up to my unreal expectations.

Just give Transformers another go and watch it as a brainless action movie, whilst appreciating the great John Turturro :D

23rd March 2009, 04:33 PM
John Turturro is THE MAN! And The Dark Knight didn't meet your expectations?! You must have been expecting that watching the movie would make you immortal or something then, because it was ridiculously good! In my humble opinion, of course... :P

23rd March 2009, 04:37 PM
<Long post>
Sorry, sometimes I don't get sarcasm through text. It stems from some deep rooted inability to empathise... probably.

23rd March 2009, 05:12 PM
-off topic- L&P I still prefer Batman Begins.....I just think overall it's a better movie. Not enough action in the Dark Knight....have to admit no matter how good Heath Ledger was, I got a bit bored. Did get it on blu-ray though hoping it would improve on my opinion but sadly it didn't.

Damn right Turturro is the man! :D

23rd March 2009, 06:18 PM
By sheer coincidence I also ordered the Dark Knight on DVD at the same time. We'll see which one falls short by the smallest margin :p

The other thing about transformers is that the cartoon was a bit of a saga. So I guess the film is always going to be a bit of a quick fix by comparison.

23rd March 2009, 09:37 PM
@ Stinky - :turd :blarg


23rd March 2009, 09:41 PM
Disappointed by 'The Dark Knight'!?!?!?!? GASP
It delivered on my expectations and mOre. Had to have. Got it. GLAD


23rd March 2009, 10:48 PM
Alas its true Lance. Its by no means a bad movie, I just felt it lacked something. Controversial I know! :p

24th March 2009, 02:50 AM
For once it's realistic because Batman doesn't actually win. The Joker won his bet. :)

28th March 2009, 01:38 AM
Wow! I definitely approached this film wrong. I'm watching Transformers right now and really enjoying myself. It's hilarious! There's still a lot wrong with it as a Transformers film, but as a fun bit of entertainment it ain't bad. :+