View Full Version : The Last Guardian / Project TRICO

10th March 2009, 05:30 PM
Anybody here waiting for Ueda?

Can't say what happens in me each time I think Ueda + ps3...

Shadow of the Colossus ( you played it, RIGHT? ), Ico ( try anything to find it, play it, love it... ), these two games made gaming a whole new thing... I don't know if this is art, but there is something different from any video game... even Okami looked like a video game. These two games don't. Anyone can play it, and enjoy it. If you can feel the artistic sense in the game, you'll enjoy the whole game in a very specific way... And you'll remember it. Each time you'll think about these hours, when u played, beat these colossi, helped yorda through through this castle, there'll be something sad in you, like a good friend that's gone...

And technically, SOTC was really a masterpiece. I can't imagine what Ueda can do for the ps3. Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, GOW 3... These games look brilliant, they look beautiful, I agree. In this generation, you can really stop playing and just look at the wonderful visuals, the fantastic feeling of life emanating from the game. But I can't imagine something next to the first time you see a coloss. It does look alive. A big, big thing alive, that you're about to kill, and you feel sad to kill this thing. Each colossus is a piece of art, detailed, it moves wonderfully smoothly, it has credible reactions, it looks at you, you can feel that something thinks behind this. Ueda's illusion works perfectly well.

I am seriously waiting for the next Ueda. His games run differently, they're based in an other definition of gaming. If that guy came earlier, maybe gaming could have been something else, something deeper. Don't worry, I enjoy what we have, some games really keep me playing like a child on my TV, I enjoy it. But Ueda really opens gamers to something slightly different that I can't definite, which I wish some developpers would explore.

Oops, I guess my english blinds you here. I didn't want to, really. I just hope you guys ( or anything else - kidding ) wait this Ueda game as much as I do. We can really be astonished the first time we'll see a teaser.

Wow, great news. The 24th, we may get this teaser, actually :rock

10th March 2009, 09:26 PM
+1 to all you said. I'm really excited to see what the next Ueda game looks like! I still consider SOTC to be the greatest game I've ever played.

10th March 2009, 10:07 PM
Other than wipEout?

10th March 2009, 10:33 PM
Ive been waiting on Team Ico for what seems like an eternity! I agree with all you said Eloi and share your enthusiasm for these beautiful games :D

11th March 2009, 03:04 PM
I agree completely, i couldnt stop playing SOTC but i never had the joy of playing ico sadly. Okami wasnt without its charms.

11th March 2009, 03:16 PM
+1, I liked Ico, but I really prefered SOTC, I've finished it around 10 times lol. What a game. Yeah, can't wait for this next Ueda game.

11th March 2009, 03:56 PM
I feel like the only person who really wasn't interested in Ico OR SotC. both of them bored the crap out of me, and I'm especially not moved by the idea of them as "art" either. I feel it necessary to defend Okami at least in the sense that it was a more engaging and substantial game, and its visual style was never intended to be a piece of art but rather an homage to the traditional japanese illustrative design... besides, you get to pee on people in Okami, that right there already trumps a lot of other games :D

tl;dr - Ico and SotC are games that some people "get" and some don't. Neither did anything for me, but in the same respect I know there are other people who can't appreciate something like Tempest 3000 the way I can.

13th March 2009, 09:13 PM
i loved both games.

in my eyes a next-gen SOTC would have to have the huge monsteres visable from a distance. They each appeared only after a movie. If i could see some huge intimidating flying thing a top a mountain long before i got anywhere near it...... :g

16th March 2009, 04:39 PM
I loved Ico; it was the game that inspired me to get a PS2. Pure fun, and never have I desperately wanted to win a final battle more than against that evil queen!

Actually, I was just thinking about Ico yesterday while playing Wipeout. You see, I'm the only one that ever plays my Wipeout games, so there's no point in entering my own three initials after setting a record time. So instead, I would enter the date using the letters of the alphabet (1=A, 2=B...) to let my future self know when I'd set the record.

Yesterday, 2009-03-15, spelled out "ICO". :) Made me want to play it again!

20th May 2009, 01:19 AM
WHOW! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF3fED8EXl4&fmt=22)

20th May 2009, 01:35 AM
:eek this game looks even more amazing and heartwarming than Ico and sotc. this company has so far failed horribly in making un-fantastic games, and it looks like they will fail once again :D

WOW!! is the right word elhabib...

20th May 2009, 10:11 AM
Finally! first trailer from team ico new project! beautiful!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF3fED8EXl4&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eps3gen%2Efr%2Findex%2Ephp% 3Foption%3Dcom%5Fcontent%26task%3Dview%26id%3D5393 %26Itemid%3D1&feature=player_embedded

OH **** DOUBLE THREAD SORRY MODS, JUST SAW THE UEDA TOPIC (& elhabib vid which is the same as my link) Thanks for erasing, sorry for the inconveniance

20th May 2009, 10:15 AM
I double posted here when I saw the vid Elhabib lol. BEAUTIFUL. Can't wait!!!

20th May 2009, 10:24 AM
What's even better, is that this very video is rumored to have been floating around at Sony for over a year now. Fans will recognize the chain in the hole from a screen that made it to the internets last year. So, chances are the game is way more polished by now, maybe even close to release!

20th May 2009, 10:47 AM
It looks prettier then i hoped. I hope it is coming out soon, I want to play it now DAMMIT. :)

20th May 2009, 11:32 AM

This is the best trailer ever, sooo happy to finally see some game footage. Cannot wait for this...go Team Ico! :D

20th May 2009, 11:37 AM
yay this just made my freakin day :) this and wipeout were the reason i got my ps3 and christ it looks like i made the right decision. once again YAY :dizzy

20th May 2009, 01:20 PM
It at least looks promising. I'll hold off final judgement until I actually have the disc inserted into my PS :)

20th May 2009, 03:54 PM
YESSS! Finally something new on TEAM ICOs new project!!! YAY :D

20th May 2009, 04:17 PM
This looks great, I hope we get some official news soon. It would be nice if we had it before the end of the year, although IIRC Sony has put out these arty/weird games in Feb/March... I'm sure Ico, We <3 Katamari and SotC all came out at that sort of time, in the UK at least.

21st May 2009, 08:55 PM
Never played ICO or SOTC. I've heard about ICO but it was always hard to track down on ebay. I didn't know about SOTC though. I might have to get myself a copy of both of them, despite the prices they go for. From what almost everyone here has said, they should be worth the money.

21st May 2009, 09:29 PM
Are they ever.
You have been seriously missing out.

21st May 2009, 09:32 PM
sotc, might be the most beautifull game ive ever played, its so vast, and yet so amazing. i would say its a must to any ps2 owner. only thing strange about it is how few people played it, but i guess thats the price for aiming away from anything comercial and safe. but rather making something unique and different

21st May 2009, 10:01 PM
i'm a huge fan of the two previous games, especially collosus...i don't think i can truly put into words how i feel when playing it, but it is wonderful and you get a great sense of achievement when you figure out how to beat a collosus...the new game will probably get me to finally buy a ps3! i trust them to make it just as good as the other two...

i wonder where it will fit chronologically...as ico is set after collosus.

i'm probably more excited about this then final fantasy xiii...and that was the game i was waiting for to get a ps3. (in 2011...no doubt, going on ffxiii's progress!!!!)

22nd May 2009, 01:50 AM
If anybody that has played ICO and Shadow of the Colossus was wondering when a new game like those for the PS3 was even going to appear,pretty soon it would seem.

Project TRICO.

22nd May 2009, 01:55 AM

22nd May 2009, 03:56 AM
DOH !:brickwall:redface:

22nd May 2009, 04:13 AM
ICO was a bit short but an amazing game.

SOTC had a very short release,I remember when I bought my copy,the store had a little notice next to the copies on the shelf say "Get it now as title has now been deleted",and that was approx 2 months after AUS release.
Around the same time PULSE was released if I remember correctly.

This is an amazing game,the sparseness of the surroundings in comparison to the immensity of the different colossi made them seem that much larger.

That flying one on the plains and the other one in the cave where you have to get at them via horse back were tricky,a lot of "You Bastards" before I beat them.

That reminds me,I still haven't made it to the temples top ,the secret garden,close but no cigar

22nd May 2009, 04:13 AM
The title isn't really appropriate though IMO, it's not really easy to figure out it's talking about the same thing.

22nd May 2009, 04:16 AM
That's what threw me.

23rd May 2009, 01:26 AM
Shadow of the Colossus is an amazing game. To be honest I completely overlooked it and wast going to bother with it until my mate borrowed me his copy and wow, I was blown away. Its different and immensely satisfying when you manage to beat a colossus.

I never played Ico, again it wasnt a game that immediatley appealed to me at the time so I never gave it a chance. Im wish I did now. This new game looks amazing, the graphics look fantastic and could be interesting in the same way SOTC was. Anyone know if there is an estimated release date?

25th May 2009, 03:12 AM
tl;dr - Ico and SotC are games that some people "get" and some don't. Neither did anything for me, but in the same respect I know there are other people who can't appreciate something like Tempest 3000 the way I can.

Cool. Another Tempest 2000/3000/Llamasoft/Minter fan. T2k was my favorite game on the Jaguar (and the reason I bought one). AVP was a close second. T3k was the reason I bought a Nuon-enhanced DVD player (along with VLM2). Space Giraffe (Minter's latest game) was what finally pushed me over the edge to purchasing an XBox 360 (Arcade model-the cheapest) along with the Neon VLM built into the 360's OS. Ace Combat 6 sealed the triumvirate of must have games and forced me to purchase the 360 back in November 2007. I ended up trading in my PS2, original PSP Phat (later replaced by a PSP Slim), and all the games I had for both to ease the burden of the $279 purchase price when I bought the 360.

And of course Wipeout HD and the BluRay capabilities are what finally made me find a way to buy the PS3 (used 40GB 2USB non-PS2 compatible boohoo). All you guys gushing about it only made me fiend for it more. :lol

25th May 2009, 02:05 PM
Shadow of the Colossus was fantastic, reminded me of some Amiga games like
Shadow of the Beast (almost the same name even!), because of the fantasy
world, music... you were really immersed in the world.

So yeah I can't wait, we need more games like that :)

28th May 2009, 01:53 PM
Shadow of the Beast... Now, there's a game I haven't thought of in years... Damn, those were good times! :)

21st June 2009, 09:28 PM
New trailer for project Trico, now called 'The Last Guardian':


Its got a few different bits mixed in with the trailer posted previous.

23rd June 2009, 09:19 PM
ooooooh goosebumps:hyper

20th September 2010, 02:52 PM
A new Trailer from the Japanese games show of further progress in the Last Guardian [aka Project TRICO].


This is a must get title if it is even remotely as good as the two games it takes it's basic structure from, namely ICO and Shadow of the Colossus.
Which have both been remastered and will appear for the PS3 shortly.

It must be pretty close to release as well, it's been almost 2 years since the first trailers were leaked to the public.

20th September 2010, 03:09 PM
I heard the last guardian will be released fall 2k11 BW. Anyway, can't wait to play with this pure poetry.

20th September 2010, 07:59 PM
Looks sweet, I cant wait!

20th September 2010, 10:36 PM
I merged 4 threads on this topic together. Two were from blackwiggle letting us know new trailers were out (admittedly quite far apart), so I guess we know who is looking forward to this the most. ;) Anyway, post order might be a bit off, so if anyone is wondering why then now they know.

I'm looking forward to this game, but am looking forward to playing it after ICO and SOTC now that they're going to be re-released. Should be awesome if they hype is true.