View Full Version : Most Treasured game/console
11th October 2002, 10:48 PM
my most treausured game (s) is Ridge Racer and the First demo disc. also my first Playstation console which has the Red, Yellow and White holes. NOT! the new slot that goes into it and then you hook those 3 in the TV.
12th October 2002, 09:37 AM
My most treasured console is probably my Sega Megadrive. It has a lot of nostalgic worth for me... To see Sonic make his superspin at Emerald Hill brings back memories :)...
12th October 2002, 09:43 AM
oh i loved sonic :D
the sega was good, but i think the ps2 is my favourite.
12th October 2002, 12:47 PM
sega mega drive is also my treasure. best on it was sonic of course, but also konamis masterpiece rocket knight adventures.
and the special diamond between all was sonic4 (= sonic & knuckles) because you could plug on another game (which made it with sonic3 the REAL FULL sonic3 game).
nevertheless im also in love with my sega saturn - because of rarities like bug and panzer dragoon zwei.
12th October 2002, 01:50 PM
Hehe, I have Panzer Dragoon Zwei as well! I still don't know why the title was half in German though. Does anyone have a clue about this.
And yes, Sonic & Knuckles still rocks. If you inserted other cartridges in it, you were even able to play additional "blue sphere" levels. Really coolL
12th October 2002, 06:40 PM
not just half-german, 2 words out of 3! :)
i would love to have a sega saturn; it was a cool machine that never got its due.
my most treasured game is wip3out for the psx.
i love the psx because it was my first games machine, and because it's a good design. [ and it's the one that plays wip3out!] i also love my sega dreamcast equally because it is as perfect a game machine as there is. and it was the machine that just stunned me with its abilities. when i played Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast, i was amazed at how good the machine is. [and at how great a job NAMCO did on the game] but not just the first time i played it; i am amazed EVery time.
13th October 2002, 10:47 AM
2 words out of 3???
Panzer = tank
Zwei = two
Dragoon??? = recently i found out that a doubled O dragon means "a soldier in european armies trained to fight on a horse, armed with a gun"... the german word "Dragoner" means a light rider.
so maybe even 2,5 out of 3 :roll:
13th October 2002, 03:40 PM
Heh, in Dutch "dragonder" means a bossy, heavy-built woman :D.
15th October 2002, 08:25 PM
i just got a very bad image of dutch women now, lol :evil:
16th October 2002, 07:38 AM
No problem Feisar. I am Belgian :D.
16th October 2002, 12:16 PM
has to be 2097! most treasured
stin :D
17th October 2002, 10:02 AM
either the Coleco Vision with the game Hero.. or.. the Atari ST with Alpha Waves.. that game had a huge impact on me..
17th October 2002, 10:48 AM
I kind of dug (can I say that?) my Atari Lynx and the small collection of games.
Come to think of it, the games were £30 a shot and I had five or six of them - doesn't make a modern console and games sound so expensive after all :o
I was an apprentice electrician at the time, and a Lynx with its screen cover and all of the games fitted into my toolbag no problem at all!
Off I'd go, fix some air conditioning somewhere or service some electric motor, then have a sit down and dive into the world of California Games or Hard Drivin' :)
Masterful piece of kit, the Lynx. I still have it now, but sadly the on button wont latch on and you have to hold it down to play the thing :cry:
17th October 2002, 02:54 PM
Foxy: The marvels of duct tape!
This is a slightly tough question. My first instinct is to say "Carnage Heart for the PSX", but I've got the other two CH games as well, and I'd hafta choose one of them, and I don't really "treasure" the game or the console, I just really like them.
So I"ll hafta go with "Alternate Reality: The Dungeon" for my Atari 800XL. The system is ancient, the game is almost as old, but I keep them both around for sentimental reasons. Every now and then I pull it out again and hook it all up and play stuff. It's handy for when I hafta show people how old games can be really good.
17th October 2002, 03:17 PM
Jay, i first heard of Alternate Reality: The City, when i had a Commodore 64, though i never played the game or even saw it. [yikes, that was a long time ago.] wasn't it an adventure game of some sort, sorta like an RPG? how many of the AR games were there? i never got into the games back then; i wrote database programs and invented my own sorting algorithms. that was more fun to me. don't laugh. it was! i swear!
anyway, the machine quit functioning after about 3 years of heavy use. don't know why. i still have it, though. i remained computerless for a very long time after that
Synthetic Consciousness
17th October 2002, 05:13 PM
I used to have Alternate Reality: The Dungeon for my old Apple II+. Never got very far. Only made as far as the Crystal Caverns, and then my brother accidentally erased my character disk. :cry:
I'd have to say my most treasured console is my Neo•Geo cart system, and the game I have for it, Sengoku 2. Very rare game. :)
Rest In Peace, SNK (1978-2001) :cry:
17th October 2002, 11:49 PM
AR was originally envisioned as an epic 5-part series.
The City, The Dungeon, The Palace, The Wilderness, and Endgame. (not positive on the last one, this post is all memory)
It was the very first 1st person RPG and it was created for the 64-bit computers. First Atari and Commy, followed by "other platforms". Now a couple of you are probably saying "the first? I don't think so! What about..." and I'll tell you this: When they were running an early version of the game at some gaming show, a developer there saw it and ran home to get started on what eventually became The Bards Tale. Interestingly, when they made AR, they hit a point where they had to choose on full 3D movement or grid-based movement (a free turning system, or a 90' turning system) and they chose the 90' turning system 'cause they didn't think anyone would like the free movement system. When Wolfenstein came out (so many years later) they were kicking themselves.
Anyway, the first one was made and released to good but acclaim not widespread fame. Still, there was interest in the sequel and The Dungeon was made. It had better sound and graphics, and wasn't as difficult to survive (oddly enough, yes, The Dungeon was easier than The City). For many and various reasons, everything fell apart and the series was buried. In more recent news, a couple years back Monolith Games was going to pick it up and develop AROL, Alternate Reality On-Line. This hope died, however. I'm guessing that they figured that by the time they could get a product out, the big interest in PC-based online RPGs would have died down from its ferocious beginnings. If only the title had been picked up by a console developer...
To date, there's been a good port of The City to PC (look around for it, it's definitely worth it) but little else in the way of development in the AR series. Quite the shame.
To this day, I have every square inch of The Dungeon and most of The City totally memorized. If you dropped me in The Crystal Caverns (middle of tier 2) or The Taurean Maze (quadrant 3 of tier 1) I'd easily be able to find my way out and in no time I'd be wreaking havok with Razor Ice (the best sword ever forged) and on my way to killing The Ancient Wyrm inhabiting tier 3.
Was that ever a good game.
A search of the web oughta pull up a good half-dozen pages devoted to it, fairly impressive for an early 80s game. And yet somehow hardly anyone knows about it.
You know, AR is a lot like Wipeout that way. You knew I'd get this back to Wipeout somehow, right? 8 )
Synthetic Consciousness
18th October 2002, 08:29 PM
I no longer have the game, but I do still have the manual (and Trilog's map). There were seven games planned for the series (two of which were made): The City, The Dungeon, The Arena, The Palace, The Wilderness, Revelation, and Destiny.
I think another way the game was similar to WipEout was that both of the games were engrossing experiences...the world became believeable, and you just got lost in it. (I know I did!) That, and the music was really catchy. And I can easily imagine a techno remake of "The Devourer" or the Intro theme. :)
"How do you expect us to live/Here within this world of yours/Built on fantasy/And other illusion?"
21st October 2002, 07:43 AM
Hmm, it's hard to say which is my most treasured console, I actually have 3:
a)The Vectrex - Found this at a garage sale quite a while back ago, truly a rare (and awsome) videogame system. Had to make my own acitate (sp?) overlays for it though, as obviously the originals where long gone.
b)Turbo-Grafx 16/CD
c)Atari Lynx (glad to see someone else enjoyed theirs as much as I enjoyed mine! :wink:)
This is a slightly tough question. My first instinct is to say "Carnage Heart for the PSX", but I've got the other two CH games as well, and I'd hafta choose one of them, and I don't really "treasure" the game or the console, I just really like them.Whoa! I remember that game, LOL. I took one look at the overly complicated screen where you had to "program" your mech and said "forget it".
LOL, the furthest I could ever get with that was making my mech move about a second after it got hit, and I was like "Wo ho! It did something!" And another one I made just walked forward until it got to the end of the arena and just stood there until it died... :lol:
Artdink always made really "different" games, I remember that crazy caveman one, where you lived for thousands of years through many different generations of cavemen until you built a tower out of Mammoth tusks, or something like that.
21st October 2002, 12:20 PM
theres mechs in carnage heart? :))
23rd October 2002, 10:46 PM
the only console I ever owned is the Playstation (1)
and guess y I bought it !! ..
yeah that's right!
I played a demo disk with the first wipEout! 8)
Spaceboy Gajo
24th October 2002, 03:02 AM
Not a console per say, but gaming was one of the reasons I got it.
It was my Commodore 64.
Told my parents I needed one for school. Although I did do some school work on it, the majority of the time was playing games on it. To me that was a pure gaming machine. I couldn't tell you all of my favourite favourite games.
However, one that comes to mind was World Soccer League. It was a silly text based game, but wow did I ever play it. The thing was that you can save your progress but only on the cassette drive. So whenever I called it quits, I shut off the power and that was it for my work. No loss, I either chose different difficulty ratings or I found new ways to approach the season.
Still got my Commie, I'm thinking of resurrecting it once I find a disk drive for it!
spaceboy gajo
24th October 2002, 07:12 AM
the only console I ever owned is the Playstation (1)
and guess y I bought it !! ..
I had borrowed a friend's Playstation and bought Wip3out - played 'til my fingers bled! Later on I bought a PS One of my own, mainly for AG racing, of course :P
My first games machine was the C-64, got it when I was twelve. Ah, those were the days: Sanxion, Commando, International karate...
24th October 2002, 08:14 AM
Did Bryan Adams ever sing that one?!
I got my first PlayStation,
I picked up Wipeout 3 at the time,
Played it 'til my fingers bled
It was the summer of '99 :D
Piranha Advancements
16th November 2002, 06:04 AM
Make mine an SNES / Crono Trigger sandwich.
16th November 2002, 06:47 PM
well my first console was sega genesis i bought sonic1 and after that i borrowed sonic2 and sonic&knuckles they were much better than sonic1 but i only borrowed them so they were taken away. But im going to buy them again!
17th November 2002, 05:00 PM
totally the same: had genesis with sonic first, then borrowed sonic 2 from my neighbours. sonic 2 was the only catridge ive never bought, although i loved that game so much! (but with my saturn and "sonic jam" for it i finally had my sonic 2).
oh - and besides: i was so in frenzy to buy the sega mega cd -drive just for playing sonic cd. aware from the fact that this console was rather a flop ive never really bought it. and YEARS after that i was so happy that sonic cd came out as pc version. i bought it and played it to death of course - its the best sonic game ever made, despite the easy-skilled bosses. the time travelling is so cool! the only disappointing thing is, that they made a new music for the american version. the original japanese bgms were much better...
...and nowadays im unhappy because that game doesnt run on NT (which includes XP of course) - damn!
18th November 2002, 01:20 AM
did anyone ever remember the 3D gameboys? they came out in 1994-1995 i think, i woned one but gave it to my uncle some how.
it was a big red klunky thing that was on a satnd, you looked into it, it was virtual reality. it cost around $150, it came with one game, wario. i nearly forgot about it, i had a friend who had one but it didnt work. if anyone finds them, keep them, they shall be as valuable as the Atari, i promise you :lol:
18th November 2002, 02:17 AM
Feisar, thats a Virtual Boy; here in Peru i can find them cheap in used stuff market, i also once found those coleco mini cabinets that r harder to find but the owner didnt want to sell em, i think he had pac-man. My uncle also has it and those r really nice.
18th November 2002, 12:22 PM
well my first console was sega genesis i bought sonic1 and after that i borrowed sonic2 and sonic&knuckles they were much better than sonic1 but i only borrowed them so they were taken away. But im going to buy them again!
Woohoo! A fellow finn (terve, kaveri).
OK, back on subject: I picked up a used Mega Drive / Genesis at a flea market a few weeks ago. Paid five euros for it, and got Sonic 2 for two euros. Fun game, but I'm sticking with Wip3out 8)
DJ Techno
18th November 2002, 12:34 PM
Make mine the SNES/ Star Fox
"Fox McCloud's FIghter Squadron vs. EmperorAndreas"
"Good vs. Evil"
18th November 2002, 08:40 PM
THATS IT! A VIRTUAL BOY!!! i remember now, thanks mano, hey, can i send you $300 and you get me the V boy and some games?
thanks man
18th November 2002, 11:03 PM
Youre welcome. Last time i asked for a used VB price in the used stuff market it was like 30 bucks, thats without negotiating the price (which we do here a lot, specially for used items), but the shipping and tax from here to U.S.A. would make it more expensive than what you would find it, for example i see a VB going for 51 bucks (the most expensive one) on Ebay as we speak and many bids on other VBs on the 15-20 dollar range.
:o did i just pass on 300 bucks???? :D :wink:
19th November 2002, 12:06 AM
man, theres a million Vboys on EbAY!!!!!!
i had a cousin serve a mission in Peru, he said there was alot of dogs, my father said,
if Peru had Koreans in it, there wouldnt be a dog in site!
you can only imagine what he means by that :P :P :P :P :P :P
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