View Full Version : 1st time overseas!!

5th March 2009, 04:02 AM
woohoo in germany right now!! just passing through to get to Qatar...
this new thread is for whoever want to express there 1st time overseas...

(stin, wont be back for another 4 months friend.. take care.

5th March 2009, 07:50 AM
Take care Logan in Qatar, enjoy this period in which you can open your mind to different cultures , that is always good for our own spirit :)

1st time overseas ( i mean to cross the pond) i was 15 years old , it was a school exchange between le Havre (FR) and Buffalo in the US, i did spent 3 amazing weeks and also visiting Manhattan. That journey was so incredible that i promised myself to go back to USA asap ( i needed to wait like 20 years before beeing back to North America so every dream may can come true , one day :) )

5th March 2009, 10:43 AM
I remember the first time I went overseas, 6 weeks by boat to Australia.

Did that trip 2 more times,each time stopping off at different places,going by different routes.

5th March 2009, 12:23 PM
My first time overseas was coming to Japan as an exchange student. I loved it! So exciting to see modern technology and 1000-year-old temples side-by-side... and I could actually make myself understood with the Japanese I'd been learning... it was just great. I ended up coming back here for work, and live here still!

And my second time overseas was just as fantastic... I went to Vienna for an academic conference, and hadn't spoken German since high school a decade before. All the same wonder as my first time in Japan; maybe even a little better because I could wlak the streets without anynoe noticing me or thinking I was foreign. On the first day, I struggled to speak German, but I got right back into it and by the time it was over I was looking for ways to get back there again! I also took the train to Bratislava in Slovakia and spent the day wandering around (and had some great food for a really cheap price!).

Travel as much as you can! Sooner or later the outrageous airfares will be back, and it won't be so easy!

6th March 2009, 08:57 AM
Thanks a lot Assayyeah!! I will enjoy it, not going off base though haha...

well I have to say I LOVE this base so far!! I bought a bottle opener in Germany that said Germany... that is going to be my momento for my 1st trip overseas... ;) and I'm glad Germany was it... always wanted to go there... didn't really go anywhere, but still glad it was the first place I landed...

I love this base it's already pretty hot, and I love the sun. really nice gyms and base exchange... wifi everywhere.. events going on all the time... even a couple swimming pools. nicest deployment base it the world I guess...

I'll still be able to play pulse online over here guys!! but not gonna be on this site much... okay gotta go later!!

6th March 2009, 11:15 AM
The first time I left England when i was 19, we went inter-railing round Europe. which is basically, buying a train ticket that takes you all round the countries of the EU. I still have great memory's of that time. It opened my eyes to another world. I would still like to do it again someday but I'm not sure if you can still get the tickets.

6th March 2009, 07:19 PM
I went to France when I was not yet born. \o/
I think that this is as early as you can get xD

6th March 2009, 07:22 PM
I would still like to do it again someday but I'm not sure if you can still get the tickets.

yeah you can still get them. or if you're feeling really adventurous you can get one that works with planes so you can do the same sort of thing but on a worldwide scale. might do it in my gap-year

6th March 2009, 07:29 PM
I don't think I would want to try with 3 kids, but maybe when they are old enough to fend for themselves. I did the round the world on a plane thing, only got as far as Australia. Got drunk, came home. Brilliant!!!!

7th March 2009, 01:03 PM
(stin, wont be back for another 4 months friend.. take care.)

Ok, let me know when you ready.....;)


EDIT, my post number is the year I was born!:eek

7th March 2009, 05:22 PM
I hope you are having an excellent time in Germany! :)

8th March 2009, 06:58 PM
I live in the North Eastern US, and last year I spent about a month in Israel (for my job) - and it was beautiful. I found many of the people I worked with and saw day to day were very genuine and warm natured.

Hope to return there again, and actually get to look around instead of working. :beer

9th March 2009, 05:05 PM
LOL, Darkdrium!!

First time overseas was to France, oh beautiful place you are!! Coming from rural Canada to TGV trains was like a time warp. Had an awesome time and ran through Spain and Portugal too. Hostelling International all the way, the weirdest things happen when you travel on your own...

France :rock

Stay safe, Chill!

11th March 2009, 02:24 PM
I wont be on here or pulse online anymore guys for the next 4 months... hardly have the time. My wallet went missing yesterday, and over here in the mid-east, that's a big freakin' deal!!! it sucks...

I didn't hardly spend anytime in germany only a few hours...

later guys.

11th March 2009, 02:33 PM
Hope you get your wallet back..... not a great start, I guess :( But all the best for the next few months and I hope it goes well in the end! Drop in here if you can :)

13th March 2009, 03:45 PM
Nope didn't find it but everything's secure and safe now and no money is gone, so thankfully all that can be done now is stolen Identity, which is actually gonna be a bit hard...

[off topic] @ haxorger: sorry man my PSP crashed on pulse... peace. [/off topic]

17th April 2009, 12:30 PM
Well here's some really really good news for most of y'all, considering most of Wipeout Zone consists of Europeans... In late July, I'm changing station to RAF Mildenhall, England for 3 years... so now I probably will be able to make conventions!! wooohoo!! ;)

17th April 2009, 01:05 PM
That's very cool Chill! In 2010 we will be in France with the EWC. See you there. Oh, and if you make it to the Netherlands, you are welcome to my place.

Greetz Mad-Ice

17th April 2009, 03:03 PM
Wow!, looks like I will meet you eventually!! ;)


23rd April 2009, 03:39 PM
Haha oh yeah... looks like I've already made a few tour guide friends! :D

18th July 2009, 05:18 AM
Welp I'm back in Washington and headed over to the U.K. in less than a month... and I will be getting Wipeout HD and a PS3 when I get there... I'll be there for a full 3 years, so I can't wait to have a jolly-ol' good time!

P.S. Here's a sport I kinda always wanted to get into, and found similarities in it and Wipeout:

You play along with music strongly.

The goal it to move fast and smoothly.

The entire environment of the situation and people come into play.

You have contendors.

Made all for simply the fun of the sport.

It's an artform.

Capoeira (Brazilian dance/fighting).

Check it out!! I only had one month of training before it, so don't expece much out of me! (The red head)... The instructor took care of the intro and played as well... This was in Qatar. This is called a roda.


I plan to take classes in London here:


18th July 2009, 06:22 AM
Oh!, you back for time being. But we do need to talk asap!;)


18th July 2009, 05:25 PM
We will talk as soon as I get into U.K.!! I'm not situated right now, I'm just using someone elses computer without MSN. So I will talk to you when I'm in the U.K. and have a good address, and I'm not busy with getting ready to go to the U.K.! ;)

13th August 2009, 09:01 PM
Welp I'm waiting on my flight from new york to london this very moment! And posting this message with my new international blackberry tour! So let me know if you want my number stin... Talk to you soon!