View Full Version : Street Fighter IV

22nd February 2009, 01:46 PM
Simple question, really: who here's got it?

I have to say, I was never any good at SFII - and the high-res remake proved to me again that this game is just not for me - but Street Fighter IV, man, this game is one of the best I've ever played. It's been a long time since I really felt the urge to play a beat'em up, but I even ordered 2 SFIV Tournament Arcade Sticks, because this game is so ultra fine, and I wanna play the hell out of it!
Yes, the game's end boss, Seth, is the cheapest piece of sheit I've ever encountered in a fighting game, but other than that (and apart from the rather 'special' soundtrack) this game is simply flawless. Online is the smoothest and best I've seen in a fighting game as well. Even with people from the US, I've had fights as smooth as if they were sitting next to me on the couch.

Now I'm desperately waiting for my arcade sticks to arrive, my thumb is already sore from the d-pad!
If anyone here has the game - gimme a beating online, while I still suck at the game ;)

22nd February 2009, 02:34 PM
Interesting. I had fond memories of SFII. But after buying HD remix I realised that actually, I suck so bad.

That put me off getting SFIV, that and I kinda think it's a bit funny lookin'. But a lot of folks on my friends list have been playing it recently so maybe it's worth a purchase. I'd prefer to play a demo first though, just in case.

22nd February 2009, 03:49 PM
I've been a Street Fighter fan since I had SF2: Championship Edition on the Megadrive and I really would like to get Street Fighter IV. The only thing is I'm not that good at fighting games. I got Soul Calibur IV last year and I was quite bad at it :frown:, especially online.

Despite my rubbishness I might pick it up anyway. I'll probably play as Ken. It's always fun to do constant HADOUKENS!

22nd February 2009, 04:00 PM
I have it eL! and DjManiac21 has it too! I'm thinking of playing online tonight. I don't need the sf4 arcade stick. I have a X-arcade. Its also really good :)

22nd February 2009, 05:44 PM
Well, I don't have any stick right now, and doing ultras with a dpad is near impossible for my tortured thumb.

RJ O'Connell
22nd February 2009, 06:58 PM
Got it for the X360. D-pad is absolute ****e, so I'm going to buy a MadCatz FightPad.

Personally, my biggest complaints are 1) Seth is just excessively difficult to beat on any difficulty level and 2) how to unlock Akuma and Gouken - apparently you have to unlock the other characters, then finish arcade mode with 2 perfects, 3 ultra finishes, and no continues, while playing in downtown Newcastle, wearing Jacques Villeneuve's authentic racing suit used in the 1998 Formula One season, all while a crowd of exactly 32 performs a ritualistic rain dance behind you and Thom Yorke is reciting paella recipes through a loudspeaker.

Other than that, playing versus others is FUN.

22nd February 2009, 08:11 PM
I got it the other day and had a good go on Friday. Found the easiest way to win fights was good old button bashing. Only had 1 fight online but had a good go with the challenges and the arcade. Seth at the end is ridiculously hard (at medium anyway), always seemed to win the first round and then barely touch him in the next 2 rounds. Didn't do my hand much good using the dualshock but I refuse to shell out for a special joystick. Can't see me playing it that much but will play people in my friends list from time to time.

22nd February 2009, 10:46 PM
I always chose the Tekken series over Street Fighter (or Mortal Kombat), but seeing the videos and Gametrailers.com's review of it made me consider buying it... the game looks so fluid and fun, and I really liked the art direction for it too, wonderful trailers and character animations.

*goes off to ponder some more*

23rd February 2009, 09:12 AM
My favourite serie is still on the making... King Of Fighters!!! :D

23rd February 2009, 07:35 PM
got SFIV last week but I can only bust the old SFII moves, can't seem to nail any combos yet.

I also bought one of those madcatz fightpads which does help those shoryukens.

25th February 2009, 10:34 AM
I played a few rounds of this at my local Gametraders the other day, and I was very impressed. Never was much chop at Street Fighter, but the controls seemed fluid enough to me.

Nadia Elenova
26th February 2009, 07:31 AM
Hey, eL, I had a good time yesterday, get that stick soon to have a rematch :banzai

26th February 2009, 07:52 AM
Sorry for not putting up much of a challenge - I promise to give you more of a fight when I have my sticks ;) (and please don't tell me you fought with a standard controller as well - that would crush my hopes of ever getting good at this game :paperbag).

Anyway, I HATE Cammy, she and Zangief are the worst 2 opponents I can imagine!

Nadia Elenova
26th February 2009, 08:36 AM
Don't worry I actually play MUCH better with a standard controller, I couldn't get used to the arcade stick, and Cammy has been my equivalent to your "Assegai" since she first appeared in SSFII. :D

26th February 2009, 10:12 AM
Good news - my stick just arrived! :hyper
Now I just gotta get used to it and then it's ON, girl! ;)

Nadia Elenova
27th February 2009, 08:51 AM
Cool! I'm eager to see what you're capable of with your stick!
(I can't believe I've just said that :eek).

27th February 2009, 10:05 AM
Yeah it's been a few posts in this thread that I couldn't help making real classy metaphors in my head... :rolleyes:

27th February 2009, 11:10 AM
Have to say I traded my copy of SF4. Disappointed in it. Did manage to get £25 in HMV for it though so only cost me a couple of quid for a weeks play.

Just found on a Dualshock it battered my hands totally trying to do all the combos and that. Plus too many moves for my liking - I'm a simple kind of guy at heart :lol

Unlike Wipeout, it didn't grab me like I expected it to.

27th February 2009, 04:03 PM
Nadia, as you see I still suck with a proper arcade stick ;) but I'll blame that one on the terrible connection we've been experiencing. I must admit though, I need some time to really get used to this stick - it's supposed to be as close as you can get to the actual SF4 arcade machine, but somehow it still feels totally different to me. I played the original SF4 arcade machine last August at the GC in Leipzig, with some of the Capcom representatives from the US and Japan, and I was really kicking ass there, right from the get-go! but with this stick, it's slightly different - I think it may be a bit smaller in actual scale of the stick itself - which causes my movements to be messed up...

Anyway, these are all just lame excuses for the fact that you kick my ass all over the place ;) but I'll train hard, I promise, and one day I will stick that Tiger Uppercut up Cammy's ass! (there's a metaphor for you :P)

1st March 2009, 09:57 AM
brother got it for me for a graduation present...

just only got a hdmi capable monitor yesterday...

and this game looks absolutely wicked in hdmi...plays even better...everything is smooth as butter...

using the ds3 for my controller needs...I seem to cope alright not needing all 6 buttons on the top face of the controller...although some arcade sticks would be nice...


SF4 rocks!!!

1st March 2009, 11:17 AM
I got this, I played this, I played it horribly as usual with every fighting game ever.

Seriously, this makes Wipeout look tame.

1st March 2009, 06:10 PM
Absolutely - right now I'm having a rather hard time getting myself to play SF4, where I lose badly, and NOT playing wipEout HD, because I like doing well so much better ;) But my SF4 skills are slowly growing - had some nice fights with Acrooklyn yesterday - he kicked my ass, naturally, but not as hard as Nadia :D
So, if anyone sees me online, I'm always up for a sparring session! :robot