View Full Version : Do I have a 60gb or 80gb PS3? wtf...

8th February 2009, 02:38 PM
I was about to go make a post in the WOHD bug-report thread when I noticed something strange about my console model number. I hopped on Wikipedia to see what my model number was:
(scroll to Retail Configurations)
according to the table, it should have been "CECHAxx"

I bought this model because (if I were going to buy this godforsaken failure of a console) I wanted the PS2 hardware included inside the machine, so I would effectively have the most capable PS3 available.

Look at the qualifications for being CECHAxx- 4 USB, Wifi, card readers, starting Nov 2006

My PS3 has: 4 USB, Wifi, Card readers, and a manufacture date of April 2007

So by all rights it should say CECHAxx when I go to double-check it, right? Wrong, it says CECHE01 on the back... but then, that means my console would be the 80gb model with SOFTWARE Backwards compatibility, since the 80gb model claims to have not been available until August 2007!

THis is really bothering me now... I spent 400 dollars on this thing, and I went out of my way to try and find one that has HARDWARE BC for PS2 games. By the production date, it SHOULDN'T be a model with software-BC, but I have a feeling the model number doesn't lie... Does anyone know how to test to be sure? I have a few issues when playing Wipeout Fusion, and according to the Sony website:
Fusion should play fine on a true 60gb model, but jitters and freezes on occasion on an 80gb software-BC model.... Fusion jitters and freezes for me..... They say if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

Does anyone know what manufacturer Sony uses for their hard-drives? I have a Seagate Momentus inside mine; is that what model the usually include, or is there a chance the person who sold it to me merely swapped a 60gb hard drive for an 80gb hard drive?

8th February 2009, 02:45 PM
Very interested to know the answers here myself, Since I supposedly have one of each. I expect actually eyeballing the PS2 hardware inside the box would be proof positive in the end.

8th February 2009, 04:44 PM
Clever. They swapped stickers for the production date and a Seagate Momentus hard drive of the correct size. You've been fooled mate. :(

This may be untrue, but my 60GB has instructions instead of an arrow on the hard drive plastic cover. Check to see if yours has an arrow, if it does well it may be an 80GB disguised (Although as I said I'm not sure its a sure test to figure it out).

It is a Seagate Momentus that is used. 5400.2RPM 60GB

Model: ST96812AS
FW: 3.14

8th February 2009, 04:50 PM
Sony discontinued the Hardware BC a long time ago. Not sure of the exact date, but its possible yours was one of the manufactured after the removal. Chances your HDD is swapped is low, but if you bought it used then I recommend contacting the original owner and asking.
Find your old PS2 and plug it in

8th February 2009, 04:59 PM
the production date is stamped ONTO the same sticker that says CECHE01. My hard drive plastic cover also has instructions in Japanese, English, and French.

It wouldn't be such a big deal if I didn't have issues with some of the PS2 games I want to play... namely Wipeout Fusion, for example. I recorded a few videos of two other games with issues too.

I'm gonna start looking for another PS3 right now -_-

Redscar: yeah, I know, I've followed the PS3 debacle from day one. I was really disinterested in getting one because of all the BS Sony has done with it (hyping it up, over-pricing it, removing features), not to mention Sony put Lik-Sang out of business (PSP related, but still pissed me off), and the PS3 doesn't really have any games I want other than Wipeout HD. I knew I would breakdown and get one eventually, but I told myself if I were gonna buy one, it would be one with ALL the features it was supposed to have, not a neutered and watered-down piece of garbage.

8th February 2009, 05:05 PM
the production date is stamped ONTO the same sticker that says CECHE01.Wait wat?

Do you mean you don't have a very large sticker on the bottom of the PS3 near the hard drive bay, with the voltage ratings and everything?

8th February 2009, 05:47 PM
kinda blurry but you can see for yourself.

8th February 2009, 05:58 PM
Looks like an 80GB. They just swapped the hard disk. Sorry man.

8th February 2009, 06:08 PM
that's what I thought but if it were an 80gb model, it wouldn't have been manufactured April 2007. Sony's website itself says the 80gb package wasn't released until AUgust. The sticker is not modified in any way, and says April 2007 with CECHE01. It's the hardware of an 80gb model, before they started releasing a specific 80gb package.

here's the video I recorded, too;

8th February 2009, 06:33 PM
The sticker is the manufacturing date, not the release date. It is an 80GB. The guy just swapped the hard disk and scammed you.

The first PS3s ever released have a manufacture date of September or somewhere early around that, and they released in December. The date on the sticker has nothing to do with the availability of the systems.

You do have an 80GB, CECHE01 is an 80GB and cannot be anything else.

8th February 2009, 08:29 PM
the current generation of consoles was plagued with production shortages, I really dont think they had 80gb models in a warehouse four months prior to release. the pal 60gb was utilizing software-BC for PS2 games, though, before April 2007- which leads me to think they just started using the same hardware revision in the NTSC consoles before they started slapping the 80gb hard drives in there.

Whatever the case, the fact still remains that i need to get a new PS3. I don't think the guy scammed me, he was probably just oblivious.

woot, won a different one:

now i just have to wait for it to arrive. Once it comes, I'll get it set up then sell the other one

8th February 2009, 08:57 PM
Wow, is plugging in your PS2 really that bad? my consoles sit side by side. Well, minus when I get my DC out.

8th February 2009, 08:58 PM
As I said, release date has nothing to do with the manufacture date. The 80GB was released in August yes, but it has to be manufactured before August. April is a pretty good date to start. Especially when you consider this letter (http://cache.gizmodo.com/assets/resources/2007/03/ps3_80gb_pdf.jpg) from Sony to the FCC.
And oh, look at the original grant date: September 2006. What a coincidence that the systems sold at launch have a manufacture date of September... :o

You didn't buy a "transitional system". You bought an 80GB. Now maybe the guy who sold it to you as a 60GB didn't know about it, but somewhere along the line someone was dishonest. CECHE01 is an 80GB, there is no doubt about that.

8th February 2009, 10:38 PM
One thing still doesn't ring true..

My PS3 has: 4 USB, Wifi, Card readers..
I thought these were 60Gb-only features?

8th February 2009, 10:46 PM
AG-Wolf - I'm sorry to rain on your parade here - but I have the 60GB original (launch) PS3 (I bought it at - well, launch day)

And it STILL has many issues playing PS1 and PS2 games. Wipeout Fusion - the music will randomly stop playing just a few seconds into the game. And the intro video is fubar. (it's not a damaged, disc issue)

Anyhow - I keep my slim-line PS2 for the older games. Forget about the fact it plays them better than PS3 - why fire up a tractor trailer to pick up a gallon of milk, when you have a Prius in the driveway next to it? The PS3 uses a LOT more power than a PS1 / PS2 - and also - it spares the expensive console wear and tear.

Gotta face it - all optical drives (any moving component for that matter) has a limited lifetime.

8th February 2009, 11:48 PM
One thing still doesn't ring true..

I thought these were 60Gb-only features?The first 80GB line has those features as well.

8th February 2009, 11:55 PM
I recall in a message you sent me over the PSN many weeks back saying the PS3 you got was a re-constructed one up from the ground, along those lines.

Ive also got the early gen 60Gb model. Playing Fusion on it is odd. you get about 30minutes to an hours worth of gameplay before for it ****s up, there is nothing but fracture polygons all over the screen, but the gameplay and the music is still continue fine. What causing that?

9th February 2009, 06:47 AM
Now maybe the guy who sold it to you as a 60GB didn't know about it
pretty sure I said that and emphasized the fact that I didn't care anymore before you continued to try and make your point ;P lol

As far as keeping my PS2 out, I've spent the last two years organizing, consolidating, and packing up all my videogames... NES, SNES, N64, GCN, Genesis-32x-CD, Saturn, Nuon, Jaguar, PS1, PS2, PStwo, Xbox, and god knows what else- not to mention all the damn games and peripherals. I just sold all my Atari 2600/5200/7800 crap, too.

My goal is to not HAVE all this crap out anymore. I have a modded original xbox with a 160 gb hard drive in it, the machine functioned as my NES, Gen-32x-CD, SNES, and a few other consoles, not to mention my entire Xbox game library was installed on the drive. THat saved room, but when I got the 360, I packed the original xbox up because I dont even play the emulator crap anymore, and I just kept out discs of a few original xbox games I played.

My fat PS2 has a 200gb hard drive in it with all of games, it was all in the effort of saving space, but now I barely play any of that stuff anymore either. It's easier to have just a few games out that I still play, and have consoles which can play them. My 360 plays all the original xbox games that I still play from time to time... My current PS3 plays less than half of the PS2 games that I would still play. For years, videogames were the central focus in my room; and now I'm trying to make them as unobtrusive as possible. Few people here quite realize that I'm practically a videogame museum MYSELF Capcom Soldier pad for Genesis? Sure, got the SNES one too. Boxed NeGcon? Check. Sega Channel, Super Magic Drive WITH floppy drive, Super Mario All-Stars with Super Mario World on one cartridge, Magic Knight RayEarth USA version for Saturn, undumped revision of Bible Adventures for NES... the list goes on. this crap has ruled my life for too many years, and while I can't get rid of it yet, I can at least put it out of sight and out of mind until I have the time/space for it or when I can finally let it go.

... bit of a tangent there, I suppose ¬_¬

it's late and I don't really care :P

If you wanna talk about optical drives dying, someone find me this:
Because i was going to get that and a modchip for my slim PStwo, that way I could launch the up-to-date patched HDloader .elf file either from the modchip's flash memory or a USB drive, and play my games right off the hard drive, therefore completely sparing the laser. As it stands, my launch fat PS2 does this without a modchip, I load HDloader off my memory card- but it uses a PS1 game to trigger the whole process, and it has a hell of a time reading CD media anymore, so I'm usually lucky that it at least recognizes the disc enough to initiate the boot sequence, and then the drive is off from that point.

9th February 2009, 07:23 AM
pretty sure I said that and emphasized the fact that I didn't care anymore before you continued to try and make your point ;P lolJust answering your question: it's an 80GB. That's what the topic was for wasn't it?