View Full Version : What's the story behind your PSN name?

6th February 2009, 06:39 AM
I've seen some mad names out there on the PSN and a few in here, just thought it would be fun to hear the stories behind why you chose the PSN name that you did.

Mine is a totally made up word stolen from an episode of South Park, I just thought it was a funny name, however has resulted in much distress as I have now become known as stinky...not something I anticipated but I'll roll with it anyway :lol

Now how about the rest of you guys?l

6th February 2009, 06:56 AM
Goes back to when I started PC gaming. Wanted Red Scare ("Soviet Russia") but it was taken. So I took off the e and went with RedScar. Teh is for when RedScar is taken.

6th February 2009, 09:52 AM
mines pretty simple: yeldar=my surname backwards
you all know where the 2097 comes from :)

6th February 2009, 10:17 AM
We did a topic years ago like this one but i can't find it :(

About mine : i was living in south America (1999-2001) working in a Telecom group, lot of work, good income, amazing moments spending on enjoying life in general, so we were with jobmates drinking rum ( caïpirinha ) and to celebrate those rare moments we were always saying together :' life isn't beautiful ? - oh yeah ! I say Yeah '
So it turned to be A-say-yeah ( why the 'A' ? simply because i am Arnaud :P , it's also a matter of prononciation but that is another story)

I had also in the past 2 other nicknames :
- John Mc Arno ( i was playing tennis and Mc Enroe was my best tennis player, my friend gave me that nick also because i was yelling loud on each points lost by me : always contesting the ball to be in or out : yeah i know i was a nasty kid :bomb)
- Arnie Senandunen : this one i found it myself : i was in love with rally cars competition and at this time all the top pilots were coming from almost North Pole :lol ( Ari Vatanen for instance) so i just 'Northized' my real name :P

6th February 2009, 10:32 AM
Haha nice story Asayyeah :D

I did search for a similar thread but couldn't find one either.

6th February 2009, 12:26 PM


(Mine's in there)

6th February 2009, 03:15 PM
I was annoyed at all the crap I had to go through just to online play Resistance Fall of Man when I first got the PS3.

You think the user name is bad? You should see my other "info" - some choice words.

Next, imagine my surprise when I find out this name isn't just for Resistance, but carries over to everything else. :blarg

I've since come to embrace the dark side. :P

6th February 2009, 05:04 PM
second album ( EP ) " Vempire or DARK FAERYTALES in phallustein " of my once a time favourite british extreme metal band cradle of filth which i still remain very attached to

6th February 2009, 05:18 PM
Stinkleroy, you already know this story, but for anyone else who's interested... I often have a loud speaking voice and when people exclaim to me, "You're so loud!" (which has happened too many times to count), I exclaim back,"And proud of it!"...hence, LOUDandPROUD. :lol

6th February 2009, 05:43 PM
My grandfather, whom I greatly admire (and who fought in the Battle of the Bulge), is named Francis Xavier, and if I have a son someday, I want to give him this name. The original St. Francis Xavier spent time in my adopted country of Japan over 400 years ago, also.

On my PSN ID, I added the number 794 as it's the year of the founding of the city of Kyoto, where I used to live.

(Is there any way to change your handle name on this site? Another regular really is named Xavier, and I feel like I'm getting in his way by having his name. I'd be happy to change to "Heian Xavier" or "Kyoto Xavier" or something like that.)

6th February 2009, 05:47 PM
HAHAHA don't worry about it. :)
Sometimes I think I'm posting under your name but it isn't a big deal ;)

6th February 2009, 05:48 PM
Xavier - therein lies the difference between the typical American (me - oopidstay) and typical Japanese (you - smart and thoughtful) :lol How's the job market in Japan? ;)

By the way, should it actually be possible to change your handle, I want ILOVEYOU or I<3YOU - just for humorist effect.

6th February 2009, 08:22 PM
years ago, in our first season of counterstrike 1.6 in CAL-I. our clans name was "Biggie Size" A.K.A BS//. and each of us had a name reflecting a food or beverage at a fast food restaurant. i ended up with ChocolateFrosty. The clan disbanded after our second season and the name evolved just like CS did when source came out. I was then dubbed Frosty. I then formed a clan with my best friend eric and the clan was then named "Play For Keeps" or P4k. we played a season in I again and actually made playoffs. we were disputed after the first match because we rolled the other team 27-3. i guess they needed an excuse for why they lost a playoff game so bad so they sent the adminstration a complaint saying we cheated. so we all had to send in our demos of us playing the match, and one of our guys didnt record a demo...(your supposed to record every match on your own PC). so it was an instant disqualification for us. i dedided to walk away from CS after that and evloved the name into a tencho feeling kind of new age version... TheFrostE....and here i am now :D

6th February 2009, 09:55 PM
TBH I dont really have a backstory . My old PSN ID was Cpl_Punisher, I didnt really like it and spent ages trying to think of another decent one without me having to put numbers or characters in it. It kind of rhymes (You - Are - Fu - bar) as well which I liked so went with it.

Nothing interesting or thoughtful. I do like the story behind Xaviers!

6th February 2009, 10:52 PM
There isn't really any big story as to how I got my name and it isn't really that interesting. Back about 4 years ago, maybe even 5 years ago I had Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for the Nintendo Gamecube. Within that game there was a boss called Amorbis. I took the name from there and have used it ever since.

You can watch the boss fight on YouTube. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwIKWrwRKPQ)

7th February 2009, 03:13 AM
Been using my tag for a decade now. This first time i used it was back in 1999 or possibly 1998 on NFS III Hot Pursuit, back in the good old days when computers just worked and didnt do stupid things, been using it on/off since then.

I should have a log on my save files and records "Kigo Since 1998":P

7th February 2009, 10:09 AM
The M.A.R.K. 13 was the killer robot in the movie Hardware (also called M.A.R.K. 13 in some regions) - Awesome movie and great soundtrack! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyY_iX9UCE8

I've used MarkXIII since I hogged the leaderboards on the local arcade machines (way before the interweb was some techy guy's wet dream).

7th February 2009, 07:23 PM
mine for 2 reasons the year i was born but more importantly the name of one of my favorite books. simple ;)

9th February 2009, 02:21 AM
~snip~- Arnie Senandunen : this one i found it myself : i was in love with rally cars competition and at this time all the top pilots were coming from almost North Pole :lol ( Ari Vatanen for instance) so i just 'Northized' my real name :P

Finnished it, sorta. :D

9th February 2009, 04:40 AM
Been using my tag for a decade now. This first time i used it was back in 1999 or possibly 1998 on NFS III Hot Pursuit
:Offtopic: Oh man Hot Pursuit was such an awesome game. I wish they would return the the old style of exotic cars on closed tracks with cops.

9th February 2009, 09:51 AM
Nothing special between my name. arch comes because i love to call myself archman, arch, arch_the_Lad, archles (swift invention) (archman is because my sun sign is Sagittarius); 595esc comes from an in flames song, which i used to listed to, back in the time. The song is Dial 595 - Escape - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB6u_kypQcQ
So the name si arch595esc ;)

RJ O'Connell
12th February 2009, 02:47 AM
It comes from my favourite of the Pacman ghosts, I first used "blinky78" on the AdultSwim message boards - which more accurately was a low-level troll zone than a message board.

Now my brother uses it in his e-mail, so I figured I'd just go down a number to distinguish between us...or something. Plus if my acting career takes off I need to remain slightly anonymous...heh.

13th February 2009, 03:28 PM
Mine finds its roots in Metroid Prime. For those of you who're unfamiliar with the series, phazon is a substance with mutagenic properties that was the subject of many Space Pirate experiments, and later developed for use in weapons. There is no such thing as green phazon, only blue and orange, but in my head, green phazon is the best.