View Full Version : To bridge or not to bridge...

1st February 2009, 07:22 PM
That is the question. How much of a shortcut is the bridge in Anulpha Pass? Is it worth trying to get on it if it's tight racing? I was just online racing and I always take it but it was crowded right at the beginning of the bridge so I opted to take the "low road" and seemed to be fine doing so (even went from 3rd to 2nd). Next lap I took the bridge and got banged off by someone behind me and got into some endless loop where the second I respawned I'd be right back off. It happened about three times before I finally got control.

So I guess I'm wondering whether or not it's advantageous to take the Pass?

1st February 2009, 07:40 PM
Considering you get 4 speed pads in a row, with a weapons pad and a barrel roll opportunity - it's almost 100% the way to go.

Unless you get 2 back to back turbos on the pads below - i can't imagine the bottom being shorter.

You can't beat Zico on the bottom.

1st February 2009, 07:41 PM
I take it 100% of the time. The speed pads and straightness make it much faster I think. But be ready to sideshift left if you hear rockets/plasma/cannon etc as taking that road means you're a sitting duck. If there's a bomb, sideshift off too. If mines, you can often squeeze past. But invariably I will take it and just be prepared to stear clear of danger.

1st February 2009, 07:41 PM
The shortcut is shorter. (Obviously)
But you're right, it's riskier. It wouldn't be fair if it wasn't.

1st February 2009, 08:57 PM
That is the trade off unfortunately. Its definitely shorter, and it can be made a bit quicker if you duck off the top route before the end and barrel roll onto the last set of speed pads on the lower route before the finish. It takes a bit of practice though to not turn into this too much, you have to stay relatively straight to get the benefits of doing this.

1st February 2009, 09:49 PM
i go for the 'cut every time (unless AP decides to go below).
it's definitely faster, especially coupled with the 'zico BR' and the one at the end.
and even if someone fires something your way you can just fall down the the lower section and get a BR in while you're at it. just beware when it's tightly packed, lag can be a killer in these cases.

1st February 2009, 10:16 PM
If you have a turbo up your sleeve while on the bridge,and you have two or more people fighting it out in front of you,get your craft dead center of the bridge and then hit the turbo.
Bang ,two players off the bridge in one go.:lol

2nd February 2009, 01:01 AM
i think it depends on what kind of race you've gotten yourself into.

many of the replies suggest that trying to use the bridge in a highly competitive "weapons on" race might cause severe problems due to over crowding lol

i found that in order to beat zico you actually have to BR onto the bridge then fall off it into another BR so in timed races, the bridge helps alot.

i personally use it at every opportunity i get

2nd February 2009, 10:00 AM
the mid-multiplayer race 'zico' roll works a charm because i find most people don't tend to do it in competitive races.
blackwiggle you cheeky so-and-so. if that ever happens to me i'll know who i'm looking for ;)

2nd February 2009, 03:16 PM
I try and use the bridge wherever possible.

Never tried a BR onto the bridge competitively as I think its just too risky and I tend to stick hard left round the corner, pick up the weapons pad and then go onto the bridge.

Been trying the sideshift off the bridge but I've found I go too far to the left and hit the left wall.

However, saying all that I was in a race the other day and got hit by something on the bend. I had a speed up so used that, went high enough to do a BR and land on the first speed pad on the lower section, then hit the speed bump and weapon where you would drop off the bridge and made up 2 places.

But all in all stick to the bridge

4th February 2009, 04:46 PM
Well I try to use the bridge pass. I most of the time go all the way to the end and try to get the pick up and BR off. There's times that I try to fly off the side and hit the speed pad and the pick up but I'm not always successful doing that. I don't even try for a BR when doing that.

But last night I was playing and there were quite a bit of pilots banging around and I used the lower track for the first couple of laps and it seemed (for me anyway) to be a much better route. Once we sort of settled in I took the bridge pass.