View Full Version : Killzone 2 - What was promised, is finally delivered!!

22nd January 2009, 02:30 PM
Who remembers the cgi trailer from half a decade ago??? yup me too! who could forget!!!
Now its only 30 or so days away from release, and ive never in my life seen something that looks so good.

Anyone who hasnt seen this trailer yet is missing out big time.

Plus having to pick your aligience FOREVER, and with excellent built in clan fucntions - i hope you guys are just as eager to get a helghast 'zone clan going as i am! :g

PS3 dwindling in sales? pfft, not for long! even the official xbox maganzine admitted it looks better than all the halos!

plus, what a great idea - those pesky snipers cant just hold a button to steady their shot.... they have to hold the sixasis controller perfectly still! :g

22nd January 2009, 02:42 PM
Yes, I'm hyped!! :hyper

22nd January 2009, 03:00 PM
Me too, Cant wait :D

22nd January 2009, 05:21 PM
gimmegimmegimme. iwantseveralofthese.com
that sniper idea is ace! if there is a clan i'm SO there

22nd January 2009, 05:22 PM
Played a few rounds in the beta (Didn't really have the time though, as it landed right in my finals period :blarg). The gameplay is very good. 'Twas a beta so there were a few kinks here and there, but if you managed to get in a match, you were completely sucked in. It's a buy for me, fo' sure. :)

23rd January 2009, 07:46 AM
Goddamn. This might just make me go and buy a PS3. I loved the first Killzone to bits. 'twas way better than any other FPS currently released at that time.

About the snipers - have they fixed the godawful bright-orange-can't-see-jack scope? That made the sniper rifle (for me, anyway) unbearable to use. I had better luck without the crosshairs!

23rd January 2009, 08:34 AM
I thought the first Killzone was rubbish - frame rate was poor and the game just felt sluggish. However, I loved the universe they created and I really liked the atmosphere in Killzone Liberation - despite some very poor game design in places.

Also, I have some good friends who have worked on Killzone 2 and I'm really looking forward to seeing the fruits of their labour. Might just be the game to pull me away from Fallout 3. :)

23rd January 2009, 01:52 PM
I'm very unsure about buying this game. I didn't really enjoy the first game from what I've played, although I should give it a second chance. It was a solid game in terms of build quality and difficulty but never really felt too special.

I've read some reviews of Killzone 2 and I am intrigued by it. The graphics do look very good and the game play is supposedly on par with Call of Duty 4, which I enjoyed very much. The multiplayer ideas sound very good with multiple objective games and large scale fighting. And if there is a Zone clan I might just want to be apart of it. I can't wait for the demo, I'll be able to make my mind up then.

With a lot of games that catch my interest coming out in February and March I'm going to have to make decisions. Killzone 2? Resident Evil 5? Street Fighter 4? Ultimate Mega Drive Collection? Too many choices! :blarg

23rd January 2009, 04:18 PM
Simple choice really: all of those you mentioned! ;)

But if I had to cut it down to 2, I'd go with Killzone and Street Fighter.

23rd January 2009, 07:01 PM
ill be picking up SF4 and RE5. probably not killzone 2...the next shooter i 100% intend to buy for a console is alien: colonial marines in june.

23rd January 2009, 10:07 PM
I have been waiting for years since first seeing the infamous CGI trailer, and this game is looking very good so far. I read the OPM review and they gave it 9 out of 10 with the only real competition being COD4 (notice its not COD WAW). I cant believe its only 1 month to go, I have been looking forward to this for so long!

23rd January 2009, 11:03 PM
So we're gonna start the Killzone Zone clan? Or the Killzone Wipeoutzone clan?

How messed up is that, if you say it out loud :lol

24th January 2009, 10:28 AM
and it's only £32 at amazon.
it's a deal, it's a steal, it's the sale of the f**king century.

24th January 2009, 11:12 AM

Don't know if this have been linked before. Some very interesting information about the game. They've thought about the 32 players multiplayer right from the beginning so the engine scales nicely to meet that demand. It also nice that you can mix the AI into the multiplayer.

24th January 2009, 01:24 PM
Simple choice really: all of those you mentioned! ;)

But if I had to cut it down to 2, I'd go with Killzone and Street Fighter.

That's what I was planning to do if I were only to get two of them. I already have my trusty Mega Drive II in a drawer somewhere and I could leave Resi 5 until later.

But out of all them Killzone 2 would really do it for multi player. 64 players games! That's the biggest since Warhawk and Battlefield! And with a customisation feature similar to COD4 and a Warhawk-esque clan system it might just be brilliant, nay, incredible.

30th January 2009, 02:25 PM
hey Amorbis, I heard 32 players, not 64... Anyway, I just reserved it. I would be glad to join your future clan lol, I know you're already a cod4 expert!

2nd February 2009, 12:50 AM
Not long to go now. Saw this on the Killzone forums and I thought id share. I thought it was pretty funny.


2nd February 2009, 07:34 PM
I see they announced today that the demo will be on the PSN from Thursday.



Hope it lives up to my expectations. :)

2nd February 2009, 07:57 PM
Thats awesome news! I have no TV for the next week and a half but I will be downloading that as soon as I get it back!

2nd February 2009, 08:11 PM
Looks incredible. As long as the demo keeps me hooked I'll be buying it on release if anyone wants to see me suck :p
I just hope it isn't going to be an epic let down like R6V2 was. That got lots of attention and when it was released it was full of lag and glitches (but thats going off topic)....

2nd February 2009, 10:44 PM
counting the days:D

2nd February 2009, 10:51 PM
I got my demo code, except I can't download it till the fifth. :(

3rd February 2009, 08:20 PM
GT review is up on youtube...


a lot more reviews are up on www.gamerankings.com

copy is fully paid for and I'm so ready to pick it up...sucks I have an internship starting on the same day...which means I don't really have time to play it as much as I would like...

EDIT: just checked out the vid...really psyched for this...might even take over my addiction to COD4...see you guys and gals online...

3rd February 2009, 10:29 PM

Better quality than cybrpnk's. ;)

Yep, definitely getting this.

4th February 2009, 12:20 AM
ooo...better quality...

*triple clicks and re-watches*...eager to check out the hit detection system in this game...looks freakin awesome...and I thought Far Cry 2 was pretty good...

4th February 2009, 09:10 PM
i preordered this, good law i need more free time and this wont help.

5th February 2009, 06:14 PM
Can't get my pre-order demo code to work. Hopefully it's just not up yet on the servers. I WANT IT!!

5th February 2009, 07:36 PM
Make a Euro PSN, it is available there. ;)
And you don't need the code.

5th February 2009, 09:06 PM
Hmm don't have a address to use. :(

5th February 2009, 09:56 PM
Anyone played it yet? My TV is currently being repaired so cant download it for another week.

5th February 2009, 10:03 PM
As Darkdrium777 suggested I just made a UK PSN, and I'm downloading it now. GameSpot code still isn't working. Very annoying. :/

I'll let you know what I think.

6th February 2009, 04:19 PM
Just played the demo.It is short but it gives you a good idea of what is coming.This game is a must buy I must say.I will get it the day of release and I am very picky with my ps3 games if that means anything:P

P.S. Use alternate 2 controls for classic fps controls

7th February 2009, 12:47 PM
hope you guys have tried playing with no HUD.

so much more emersive. plus i despise crosshairs.

7th February 2009, 01:41 PM
I've played the demo now after taking almost a day to download and it is as good as I thought it would be. Graphically it's great with high detail and dense textures. You wouldn't call it 'pretty' though, more gruesomely well realised graphics.

The game play is more reminiscent of the Call of Duty series that of the original Killzone. I finished off Killzone 1 this week so I would know what was going on in the second game and found it to be fun if not slightly frustrating with the control scheme and horrible difficulty spikes. So I welcome the merge of everything good from Killzone 1 and everyhting good from Call of Duty.

I haven't played with the HUD off yet, I'll probably not be as good as Haydn without it :lol. Maybe I'll try it later.

8th February 2009, 11:22 AM
Sorry to say that I was disappointed with the demo. :|

The front end is awful - all that blipping and distortion put me off right away. Then there's the controls - if I can't reconfigure my controls for an FPS then the game can just **** right off. I could reassign keys on ZX Spectrum games, for goodness sake - there's just zero excuse for limiting me to a few different configurations.

Graphically it looks brilliant. No faults at all there.

Gameplay-wise... it feels sluggish and I found the field of view too narrow, like my character had tunnel vision. The mechanic of having the choice of either a poxy pistol or a good gun is rubbish. Considering the baddies take half a magazine of ammo from an assault gun to go down, if it ever got to the point where I need to use the pistol I'd be screwed anway.

Finally, the trigger point for when the guy you're with hacks the door controls at the end of the level is just... *sigh*... I dunno, as primitive as the AI is good. I just knew... knew when he said "Cover me while I get this door open!" that what he really meant was "I'll be zero help to you for the sudden influx of baddies that I somehow know are coming. Despite us standing a better chance if both of us fight off the baddies that I somehow know are coming, some game designer - probably the guy who will come across as most smug and arrogant on the making-of video - has, with all the cunning of plant life, decided it's better for me to pretend to open a door until you've killed every last one of the baddies that I somehow know are coming by yourself. But don't worry - as soon as you've killed them it'll magically equip me with the skills required to unlock the door and we can march on towards the next set-piece."

I wasn't expecting it to be totally revolutionary, but I was expecting more than what I saw in the demo considering the legions of people they had making it and the amount of time it's taken. Ah well...

8th February 2009, 11:57 AM
Gameplay-wise... it feels sluggish and I found the field of view too narrow, like my character had tunnel vision
Oh dear - for someone who gets motion sick, this isn't going to be good for me >_>

8th February 2009, 04:59 PM
Damn man, you should play UT3. AWFUL UI.
KZ2 IMHO has a very good interface, plenty of options easily accessible. I've played it with 5.1 and I didn't even notice there were blipping sounds on the menu. And I liked the motion sensitive and holographic loading screen.

As for the controls: I think it's Alternate 2 that is the standard controls for FPS. If you've played FPS before, these are the best controls trust me.

As for the ending, while predictable it may be, on that difficulty level it shouldn't be too hard. There's only four guys coming down so it's not really a big deal I think (Unless I'm missing something).

If you're passing up on this one I don't know what will satisfy you on the PS3 Rob, it's the best game there is on it, all the critics agree (http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/ps3/killzone2). Scores can't go passed 100% man...

And it's a demo. Keep that in mind. They're not going to choose one of the key points of the game for a demo, that would just be spoiling it when the full game comes out.

8th February 2009, 06:22 PM
As for the controls: I think it's Alternate 2 that is the standard controls for FPS. If you've played FPS before, these are the best controls trust me.
Did it not occur to you that the best controls for you aren't the best controls for everyone else?

I'm afraid I'd rather trust myself and the console FPS button configuration I've used since TimeSplitters 2 allowed me to set it up five and a half years ago.

I'm also having plenty of fun with my PS3, so the decision not to get Killzone 2 will hardly leave me with nothing to do on it.

8th February 2009, 06:38 PM
Did it not occur to you that the best controls for you aren't the best controls for everyone else?Everyone's agreeing that the default layout sucks and that whichever the one is standard for most FPSs is the best. It's a fact. You may not like it and I can't do anything about that, but a lot of people have changed it and they feel it's for the better.
Personally, I'm still on the default layout and have no troubles with it. I could switch to the standard layout, and I did try it once, but it reverts back because it's a demo so I just don't bother anymore, the full game will save it.
I was suggesting this because I've seen you play Fallout 3 a lot and if it were the same layout it would help you a lot to get used to it.

8th February 2009, 06:52 PM
I actually changed the layout for Fallout 3 to my preferred button layout, because it let me. Same as I did with TimeSplitters, WipEout Pure, WipEout HD, WipEout 3, Gran Turismo's aplenty, and loads of other games over the near 30 years I've been playing them.

I expect that level of customisation if I'm expected to hand over the money for a game. Killzone 2 fails in this regard - it won't be the first game and it won't be the last. I'm not willing to go to the frustration of dealing with a button layout that's being forced upon me by the game designers or some perceived "standard".

8th February 2009, 07:31 PM
So you won't play most games because you can't assign what the X button does in them?
I would only have 1 game if I did that, and that would be WipEout HD. :(

Fortunately, I'm not doing that so I have ten of the best games on the PS3 on blu-ray only, most of which are exclusives. I've never had this many game on any systems.

And it will soon be eleven, come feb 25th.

8th February 2009, 07:40 PM
It doesn't amount to most games - it amounts to games that I might have played whose designers & development teams have not made the effort to make the buttons reconfigurable. Sometimes I'll make allowances because the button mappings they force upon me are close to what I want, but that's pretty rare.

These are tough times - if devs want my money they have to earn it with more than just pretty graphics. :)

8th February 2009, 07:43 PM
Well again, this was a demo, maybe there are more layouts in the full game? Or maybe even customizable buttons. I remember in the beta a lot of people suggested it or more layouts at least. And I think there were actually more layouts in the beta than in this, though I'm not sure I will have to check (Yeah I still got the beta even if it don't work anymore :g)

Maybe it will be in a patch idk.

8th February 2009, 07:48 PM
Rob, if the first Killzone had fully customisable controls, then this one might, since a demo for the first one couldn't customise either. Besides, I'll tell you once it comes out on this thread.

8th February 2009, 11:34 PM
Yeah, I'll wait and find out with the final version. The doubt over it has moved it from a day one purchase for me, though.

9th February 2009, 10:05 AM
Even though I mostly get along with whatever button layout designers throw at me, I wholly sympathize with Rob. I too hate it if games fail to serve even the most profane needs of usability. The latter actually makes or brakes a game for me. Convenience is everything!


9th February 2009, 12:21 PM
im mainly after the 64 player multiplayer. ( and a 'zoner clan of course!! )

like the good old battlefield 2 days.

im interested in what your ideal layout would be mr.infoxicated :g

i love the camera personally, actually as if its through his eyes. i get annoyed with shooters when you see past your guys elbows while hes holding the guns.

9th February 2009, 06:57 PM
Im sure its only 32 player multiplayer, they were aiming for 64 but I dont think they managed to squeeze it in.

I finally managed to play it properly and get a few runs in of the demo, im well impressed! It took a few goes to get used to the sluggish character but after turning all the sensitivity modes up to max I was sorted (im used to playing COD4 on high setting so this was a necessity). Graphics are amazing, just make sure you get your PS3 to only output 720p and youll get the best (1080i still looks pretty good though). My pre-order is justified, Ive now just got to wait!!!!

9th February 2009, 07:27 PM
Controls don't really bother me...I'd get used to whatever is on offer...with FPSs in particular, I find myself having to adapt constantly between Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Far Cry 2 and COD4 (I'm not really into alien/sci-fi shooters...tried Resistance and it was a bit too sci-fi for me)...

As long as Killzone 2 is somewhat similar to either of the above, I'm a happy chappy...

For me, I'm not really a sucker for graphics...I'm a physics whore...anything that can boast realistic or hyper realistic physics with the whole bullet detection thing...I'm in...

9th February 2009, 07:43 PM
I'm downloading the demo now, I really hope it controls nothing like FEAR2, in which I had massive aiming problems. They should let people use a mouse and keyboard in single player :D.

9th February 2009, 09:04 PM
The physics are also top notch cybrpnk. This game is awesome and I cannot wait for it to launch!

9th February 2009, 10:01 PM
Well I tried out the demo, and initially, it controls o.k., but the game is very unclear. Someone shouts 'get the f'in rocket launcher and blow up the bridge'...but there's no rocket launcher in sight, and all the while I'm getting shot at! I'll have to actually practice playing FPS games on a console to appreciate this one, but it does feel very much like call of duty, except the enemy has glowing eyes.

9th February 2009, 10:38 PM
I'm downloading the demo now, I really hope it controls nothing like FEAR2, in which I had massive aiming problems. They should let people use a mouse and keyboard in single player :D.


I'm so tempted to get one...the fragfx v.2 that is...

10th February 2009, 12:51 AM
Someone shouts 'get the f'in rocket launcher and blow up the bridge'...but there's no rocket launcher in sightThere is a rocket launcher propped against crates in the beginning of this area. Additionally, just shoot in bursts at the guy with the launcher perched high up so he falls down with his gun.
Or just use your assault rifle to shoot the red barrels stacked on the bridge.

10th February 2009, 12:49 PM
i cant wait, 17 days to go!

11th February 2009, 10:02 AM
I can't wait either - this is the second game I bought a PS3 for, you know ( Wipeout HD being the first ;) ). The demo was pretty impressive, but way too short to give any real indication on the quality of the final product. I do believe that it will deliver, though.

11th February 2009, 02:08 PM
I made a little Killzone2 desktop wallpaper (http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k166/eLhabib/sniperback.jpg) in anticipation - also does a nice job of stating clearly which faction/class I intend to play online ;)

11th February 2009, 09:45 PM
Thanks for all the tips guys, I'll be sure to try the demo once more and give the game a chance at least!

12th February 2009, 01:14 AM
Snipers are hackers. :mad:


12th February 2009, 09:02 AM
baaahahaha...i like a good challenge and i like trying to sneak up on snipers and its even better...like in COD4 when I can get them with a knife slash...so rewarding...

I don't know what class I will be yet...I like to be hand on and in on the firefight with a trusty sub-machine gun...although...medic is quite appealing...I used to play medic in a game called Vietcong a long long time ago...and I don't mind providing life support to the comrades...

12th February 2009, 09:22 AM
Snipers just have a bad vibe with online games because most people don't know how to scout properly, they just camp (which sucks). I love it that Killzone2 has a class system for multiplayer, I enjoy class based online shooters way more than the likes of Halo, where everyone rushes for the powerful weapons. Last online shooter I really enjoyed was Battlefield: Modern Combat on the XBox. I just loved sniping pilots out of their helicopters :D

Anyway, you try and sneak up on me when I'm sniping, that's part of the fun ;) Just don't forget that I don't camp. A good sniper never fires 2 shots from the same position.

12th February 2009, 10:31 AM
i despise snipers :g
though snipers having to hold the sixasis steady to steady the shot is a fantastic sounding feature.

12th February 2009, 11:05 AM
I don't know, do you usually vigorously shake your controller when you play games? :P

EDIT: Happy 1000th post for me.

12th February 2009, 01:23 PM
The furthest I got in the beta was medic, and between standard soldier and medic I won't be soldier.

We should defo form a clan with diverse squads in it, that would be awesome :D

Anyone managed to obtain the gun from the guy perched on top in the warehouse? It's AWSUM >:D
(Hint: it pops heads off)

23rd February 2009, 07:37 PM
Killzone 2 webgame (http://killzonewebgame.com)

If you want, you can register and choose to join an existing squad called WipEout-Zone (http://killzonewebgame.com/playerstats?tagname=Darkdrium&kp=107d6272c8f7e9c621dfbec44ecf517f) :D

24th February 2009, 05:20 AM
I was never really into FPS (except the whole Doom-series) ... but after playing the demo I have to say this one is really a must-have for the PS3, especially for a FPS-noob like me . So Darkdrium, if you don't mind having a complete 'Private Ryan' in your squad ... I'll join ;-). This game is immersive as hell, there's so much war-action going on around you, it keeps the adrenalin flow steady.
And it's just a matter of days now until release, i hope my Shanghai game store has some imports ready as quick as possible.

24th February 2009, 06:36 AM
No problem if you wish to join. I don't think many people will want to shoot Helghast in their web browsers. There are four spots in the squad. :)

The squad is already ranked 231st with just me in it.

Note: If you are using Firefox and the NoScript add on, the game will not work. To make it work, wait until it says you are attacked, then click on the "Engage" button. Now go to NoScript and check to allow mosso.com. After the next attack should play :)

24th February 2009, 07:27 AM
Hah Darkdrium, I just realized now that it is a web application :paperbag was wondering if there is a Multiplayer Beta you are already playing ... Well i'll join your squad for the remaining 3 days anyway :+ to help making the web a better place , but then it's time for the 'real stuff'. A WOZ-squad would be sweet as candy.

25th February 2009, 10:25 AM
anyone picked up their copy yet???

got a call from game today but I was at work...and I will be at work till about 2.30pm tomorrow...the wait is killing me...(no pun intended)

25th February 2009, 11:37 AM
27th here, so no. Haven't pre-ordered also :blarg

I heard people have already finished the game :o

26th February 2009, 05:37 PM
picked my copy up yesterday with a pretty cool t-shirt to go with it since I pre-ordered (not a bad shirt for a promotional one)

been reading online on people complaining about the slight lag in movement controls...and I have to say...I disagree wholeheartedly...it is a unique fps that tries to capture the realism of human movement in first person...and that's what makes Killzone 2 unique and I can appreciate that and get used to it...

the gameplay is just awesome...fire fights are exactly that..fire fights and not twitch response encounters...and the cover systems adds to the tactical element a lot...you have to be tactical, accurate...a thinking man's fps much like rainbow six vegas and vegas 2 which I love above cod 4...

only gripe...no customisable control layouts...and it would have been nice to have an option for a crouch toggle instead of hold...

all in all...very nicely done by guerilla games...here's one way to shut the critics up after those first ever videos...blow their minds with an fps experience like no other...definitely one I would play for a long time to come...and a game that will take me away from cod 4 for my online skirmish fixes...

26th February 2009, 08:41 PM
and it would have been nice to have an option for a crouch toggle instead of hold...There is I think. Unless it's only for zoom.

26th February 2009, 08:51 PM
Of course, this game is dope. But I'm... a little disappointed. I'm now addicted to 60fps. Can't go back to a lower framerate. Allright; I know, I'm really intoxicated by wo HD. I don't know why, maybe I'm insane, but whatever the new killer app I'm buying, I say after 10 mn... Ok. So what about a cool Speed lap session now. lol.

sorry guys for trolling this thread. Really, I love killzone 2. I'm just sick. Lol

27th February 2009, 08:54 AM
Darkdrium, I'll get my copy in about 3 days ... have a pretty important project to finish first. You created a KZ2 - squad yet? Helghast or ISA? I know that ElHabib has a burning desire to join the Helghast-side, sniping down some poor humans ... guess I tend more towards our own race, although playing the bad guys is always tempting ... I just hope you didn't already made it to General before I join the online fun ;-)

27th February 2009, 12:21 PM
Just got my copy...I'll let you guys what I think of it tonight:g

27th February 2009, 12:58 PM
I haven't got the game yet :lol

And the Helghast aren't really the bad guys, if you followed the story since KZ1 and KZ1's website. ;)

They were exiled by the ISA.

I'm probably getting it this W-E. There's also No Gravity on PSP... Hmmm

27th February 2009, 01:47 PM
picked my copy up yesterday with a pretty cool
a thinking man's fps much like rainbow six vegas and vegas 2 which I love

lol your joking right? Vegas is far from a thinking mans fps, since it is more efficient to run and gun then it is to sit and wait. I've play both for well over 200 hours on the PC and while fun, don't try and change the genre other then the cover system which is 75% of the time useless because your head always pops out into the same spot.

I am disappointed in the class/badge system that they are showing on Gametrailers. Its like they took BF2, TF2, and a bit of Vegas and just mixed them together.

27th February 2009, 05:14 PM
games brilliant.

only grief i have so far is the shotgun is stupidly hard, but its fantastic.

i much prefer online mode with switching objectives

27th February 2009, 06:33 PM
Im loving it loving it loving it! The campaign is brilliant and online is fantastic too. The demo really didnt do it justice. The only thing im not liking is that people are boosting their online stats because if you set up a room with bots on easy and one other human all kills count towards your stats, rank and unlocks. Apart from that its amazing!

Also I know people were complaining of control lag on the demo but I thought it was fine, however on the retail version I can really notice the difference. Its so much more responsive.

27th February 2009, 07:45 PM
I can't wait to get it. Finally a solid campaign after the R2 disappointment. :)
And the online, from the multi beta, was very cool.

28th February 2009, 07:41 AM
Im loving it loving it loving it! The campaign is brilliant and online is fantastic too. The demo really didnt do it justice. The only thing im not liking is that people are boosting their online stats because if you set up a room with bots on easy and one other human all kills count towards your stats, rank and unlocks. Apart from that its amazing!

Also I know people were complaining of control lag on the demo but I thought it was fine, however on the retail version I can really notice the difference. Its so much more responsive.
the bot leveling exploit has been already patched.As for the game I have to say it was worth the wait...Both the campaign and multiplayer are very fun to play.I will be playing this for a looong time:P

28th February 2009, 08:14 AM
Yeah, I'll wait and find out with the final version. The doubt over it has moved it from a day one purchase for me, though.

You can't customize.

BTW, were you after the Fallout 3 controls? Just a thought.:D

28th February 2009, 11:09 PM
random question...

and this is for anyone running kz2 in hdmi...

just got a new screen...and am running this in hdmi...when playing online...or in the menu screens when you choose stuff...does anyone get kinda a screen tearing effect???

if so...is this an effect of the game as in you might be viewing the menu screen on a computer screen...or is it my monitor having problems???

please help...thanks

1st March 2009, 12:53 AM
There is an effect in the menu, but I haven't tried the online yet

1st March 2009, 08:09 AM
Guess what guys?

I've finished Killzone 2!!!one!eleven

D777: It's there online too.
On another note:
Osama, when was there a 'Zone Clan?

1st March 2009, 03:46 PM
sorry buddy, didnt know you had it.

will be invited as soon as i get back on :g

1st March 2009, 04:42 PM

1st March 2009, 06:40 PM
Hey, so who did the zone clan? Can I join?

1st March 2009, 09:24 PM
Me too! If you are playing Helghast, that is...

1st March 2009, 09:30 PM
I've been online on Killzone all day and I'm enjoying it. It has taken getting used and levelling up is slow, but I'm getting there. Transitioning game modes are excellent and really keep the game fresh.

If you'd have me I'd like to join a WipEout Zone clan. Helghast forever :lol.

1st March 2009, 09:57 PM
this game is awesome!
it destroys most of the games i've ever played (except wipeout;))

one complaint: why didn't they put in control customisation? seriously, ALL the configs really annoy me.
still awesome though

2nd March 2009, 03:40 AM
BTW the screen tear is an effect of the menu. If it happens in game however there's a problem.

2nd March 2009, 04:27 AM
nah not in game...

was just a little worried when i scroll down in the menus and this line followed all the way down...

it's all good...all my other games work fine...SFIV especially...this game in hd is a sight to behold...love the art dierction they've taken...

2nd March 2009, 12:21 PM
some of the abilities you unlock are fantastic.

i love how you have to earn the ribbons 8 times to unlock new abilities. great idea.

ooh yeah! valor medal for being in top 6% players of this week :g

2nd March 2009, 02:53 PM
However, haydn:

Scout - Shotgun = me not happy.:(


Multiplayer Suicide Bombing Rules*!!

*Not real suicide boming, that's not nice.

2nd March 2009, 02:57 PM
Ehh, I finished the game and the PS3 froze when it rewarded me with the correct trophy (Beat under 20 minutes). :lol

Man, I was on Veteran and that last fight took me like three hours (with breaks) to beat! :o Not the last guy himself, but his guards... Damn that was hard.

At the end I was tempted to yell "THIS IS SPARTA!", but I didn't. It would have been an offense to Visari. :P

3rd March 2009, 03:54 AM
Aaaawww , i still don't have it. And YOU Darkdrium already played through .... How long does it usually take to boost your stat online, respectively unlock the new abilities??

3rd March 2009, 04:06 AM
Time: 3h 21m 34s :blarg
Deaths: 72 re-:blarg

Salamun and Tharsis are also frickin hard, in order I have 34, 30 and 20 deaths.

Now for Elite :blarg I've already completed Corinth with 0 deaths. I'll go back for the two symbols I'm missing later.

3rd March 2009, 09:48 AM
Aaaawww , i still don't have it. And YOU Darkdrium already played through .... How long does it usually take to boost your stat online, respectively unlock the new abilities??

it varies.

Most ranks unlocks a new class, but to unlock the extra abilities you need to earn 8 ribbons.

For example, reviving 8 people earns you a revival ribbon. Earn 8 of these ribbons to be rewarded with health packs.

Same goes for most classes, most abilities, headshots, disarming bombs etc.

i cant get the air support badge very easily. the thing just isnt hard enough to kill 5 people on most maps.

3rd March 2009, 03:00 PM
The ATAK (sp) bot? Yeah it's kinda sucky :/

3rd March 2009, 03:43 PM
Some people I know have finished it already. Don't think the SP is very long at all.

From everthing I've heard tho MP is where the game comes into its own. I've heard off about 40 people who have all sung its praises.

The only FPS I played was COD4 and I was useless at it.

Much more suited at driving really fast than shooting people.

4th March 2009, 04:18 AM
to be honest...I have neglected the single player altogether...only played up to the bit with the lightning cannon things...

i've jumped almost immediately into MP...and from what I've experienced so far...I like it...a lot!!!

COD4 has officially been de-throned...for me anyway...I like Sony's online MP systems...like Resistance...you can filter games based on location, game types...etc...which is so much more better for smoother online rather than COD4s randomness which sometimes throws me into games with only 1 bar of connectivity...not cool...

4th March 2009, 02:25 PM
The ATAK (sp) bot? Yeah it's kinda sucky :/

has good advantages. spots enemies on the map for you, and will get you kills, just i rarely get 5.

the best thing about single player is the robot you get in :] pleas god put that online!

20th March 2009, 12:42 PM
So has anyone made the clan yet? Or will I have to make it :P

20th March 2009, 02:52 PM
yes i have, ill invite you :beer

annoyingly theres no alert to let you know youve been invited so not everyones accepted yet.

yet to sort out games, can hardly get everyone in the same room.

20th March 2009, 06:39 PM
i haven't really played online at all so i don't know how they've done it.
if they haven't implemented a warhawk type system i think they're fools, it was so easy to get people in the same game.
how've they done it in KZ?

20th March 2009, 07:43 PM
AFAIK there's the friend system and you can join friends in the game. But since I'm not in the clan yet well I don't know much more.

Tell me when you sent the invite osama (Doesn't show up yet).

5th April 2009, 11:28 PM
is it just me or is the xmb horrendously sluggish if you use it while playing KZ2?

really starting to annoy me...

6th April 2009, 03:49 PM
I find that generally with most games tbh. I think Sony pushed the hardware a bit trying to get the XMB working in-game.

6th April 2009, 10:08 PM
strange... i mean obviously the in-game xmb isn't quite as smooth as is on its own, but with KZ2 this is taken to a whole new level. it's positively laggy. maybe its because KZ2 is much more resource intensive than anyhting else so far...

8th April 2009, 10:14 PM
Yeah. Some games handle it OK, but I get the slow down in WipEout and it is a little worse in KZ2 as well. Like you said, it is a resource intensive game and thats probably the cause.