View Full Version : How do you play HD?

Sel The Don
15th January 2009, 05:13 PM
Hello all,
Just a quick question (I searched but couldn't find anything), is what setup on the pad do you use?

E.g. d-pad only or pitch and steering using the sixaxis controller?

Also, I've noticed that when you push up and down on the d-pad, the ship lifts it's front end or drops it, does this help with the control of the ship around the track? (I play zone a lot).

15th January 2009, 05:25 PM
personally i use the analog stick for all things steering and pitch but that's mainly because d-pad gives me monstrous blisters. i find the d-pad a lot more consistent when pulling of BRs (or sometimes failing miserably), which is a bit annoying. pitching around the tracks helps a lot i find. i'll wager a lot of faster people around here will back me up on that. I also changed airbrakes to L1 and R1 which i find much easier and i get cramp less often.
there's my two cents.

15th January 2009, 05:28 PM
Standard layout (slightly modified):
[] Fire
O Absorb
X Thrust
/\ Change camera
L1 Left Airbrake
R1 Right Airbrake
L2 Voice chat
R2 Look back
Motion: Pitch only

Thrust: 10%
Airbrake: 10%
Motion: 100% (Not sure anymore)

Yes, pitch helps going up hills and down slopes. You should try it! ;) Although in Zone it doesn't really matter, as the ship is kinda glued to the track (For gameplay reasons) and behaves the same way no matter what the pitch in this case.

15th January 2009, 05:31 PM
Same settings as Darkdrium for me, except for the airbrakes : 30% sensitivity ;)

15th January 2009, 06:02 PM
just as an additional question, is it worth changing brake/accel sensitivities now that i'm used to default. i was never sure what affect it had so i just left it. cheers fasties

15th January 2009, 06:12 PM
I use a USB SEGA Saturn controller, it has the best d-pad ever! The shoulder buttons are nice and clicky too. I got the black version of this (http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/CS2-0003.html).

The button setup is as follows:
A - Absorb
B - Accelerate
C - Use pick up
X - Voice
Y - Look back
Z - Change view
<< and >> - Airbrakes

As far as I'm aware I haven't touched the default air brakes settings. I'm not going to change them as I've got used to them now. The other settings are the default as well, I don't see any need to change them. I can't use SIXAXIS tilting because the controller doesn't support it; I'm fine with that though because I never used it anyway :P.

15th January 2009, 06:25 PM
Are you f*king serious?! That's what you beat me with?! OH. MY. GOD.
Just out of interest: what exactly is the benefit of that controller over a DS3?

15th January 2009, 09:35 PM
Are shoulder buttons analog on that Saturn controller?
Or it doesn't matter?

15th January 2009, 09:36 PM
I remapped the airbrakes to L1 and R1 and set the airbrake sensitivity to 60%, enough for slight adjustments and enough to compensate if you need some serious turning to happen ;)

I dunno why they put the airbrakes on L2 and R2, they aren't optional, occasional buttons you press...and since they're analogue, the travel is way too much.

Amorbis, nice choice there!

15th January 2009, 09:38 PM
I use a USB SEGA Saturn controller

I have been looking for a good controller where the d-pad isnt just 4 separate tall-ish buttons with a huge chunk of space inbetween them. The Sega controller looks great, you could just rest your thumb in the middle there...

Personally I use stick for steering and motion for pitch. Stick feels a little wobbly at high speeds (maybe because I'm a nub still, only had this game for 3 weeks); I tried the d-pad and it felt steadier, and easier to correct the ship after being misaligned for whatever reason, but the d-pad just feels horrible under my fingers.

15th January 2009, 11:45 PM
Are you f*king serious?! That's what you beat me with?! OH. MY. GOD.
Just out of interest: what exactly is the benefit of that controller over a DS3?

Are shoulder buttons analog on that Saturn controller?
Or it doesn't matter?
The Saturn controller has a incredible D-pad and I much prefer a D-pad over an analogue stick any day. The buttons are in two rows of three, I prefer these positions over the face button positions on the DS3. They're much easier to press and the buttons are bigger too. The shoulder buttons are pressure sensitive but I admit the L2 and R2 buttons trigger shape do have a slight edge over the Saturn ones.

The Saturn was the first thing I played WipEout on, so I guess that has an influence too ;).

15th January 2009, 11:48 PM
I use the Analog sticks and default controls on a standard controller (which is in need of replacement). It works fine for me and I do OK.....

16th January 2009, 05:37 PM
Been using the standard controls and d-pad since XL -- and I'm far too stubborn to change that anytime soon. :)

16th January 2009, 06:07 PM
Well - it be worth mentioning that I played best with the Original PSX controller - you farts here will remember - the one WITHOUT analogue sticks. I have a Sony - USB adapter I plugged into my PS3. It works wonders - except for the fact you can't navigate menus or anything - only works for gameplay. Such a PITA to configure race to race. But, it does work superior compared to the wireless controller.

For the other 99.999% of my game time, I use the DS3, D-Pad, L1 + R1 Airbrakes @ 70%, O Fire and [] absorb.

16th January 2009, 07:09 PM
Im old skool player from the Original/2097 days, since i never played the ps2 or psp versions of the game, using the d-pad felt perfect! a few minor adjustments with the HD settings (2097 hud and 90% airbrake sen) im just as fast now...

Hands down to Amorbis for an ingenius idea! now all i need is a d-pad form the 16bit era and ill be good to go! Cannot stand the noice and clicking from the analog sticks, how can u steer and barrel roll with analog? weird! :p

16th January 2009, 07:16 PM
100% percent DPAD. in any and all wipeouts. i use completely deafault settings on HD. check out my youtube.com/travisfrosty page to see the dpad truly mastered in XL with pirhana :p. NO NEGCONS FOR ME AL AND ARNAUD! although i will pick one up if it comes to ps3

16th January 2009, 07:48 PM
Whoa whoa whoa whoa..... whoa!

There is another HUD in HD that ISN'T 2097? ;)

Honestly - no BS here - I've been using the 2097 hud since the instant I acquired it. I completely forgot about the original HD HUD. It looks so.... foreign!

I only recently realized this because a friend of mine had seen a video of HD - and asked why mine looked different.

The only other HUD I'd use would be the original Wipeout - but without my good ole robo-pal announcing LOIDS - it just wouldn't be the same.

Sel The Don
17th January 2009, 10:08 AM
Yeah there's another HUD, it's the wip3out version.
On another note, I've dropped my airbrake sensitivity down to 50% and got an extra 10000 points on zone! Woo hoo! I'm going to start playing with the settings to see if I can bump my score up.

20th January 2009, 10:56 PM
This is not about settings, or maybe it is in a way, but i think it's near enough of the topic.

SO, i think i'm a bit neurotic to the way i sit when i'm playing, i have only two possible position that will do (would be only one if my legs wouldn't hurt after 20-30 minutes), otherwise i feel like i'm sitting somehow "wrong" and i feel uneasy, which means i'm all over the place. It's not only how i put my legs, it's also my hands, if i move them like 5cm from the "right" place it stars buggin' me instantly.

And if i'm not exactly in the middle of my sofa it's almost impossible to play, sometimes when my wife is reading a book on the sofa, she usually sit's at the either end of the sofa half sitting, and half laying down (try to understand what i mean :) ) so, i need to ask her to move her legs so i can sit on the middle. Ofcourse she says: why can't you sit at the other end? Ehm.. ya know, i just can't.. At that point i usually feel little bit stupid. OK, i know that the biggest issue on that one is, that wipeout is hard to play if you don't look straight to the tv, or at least i think so :D If i sat at the end of the sofa and turned my tv pointing straight towards me, it would not be a problem, BUT guess if i can find my sitting position there? no.. it can only be done in the middle :D

20th January 2009, 11:44 PM
i use six axsis for pitch and steering ,see my thread for all the details

zoth i know where your coming from about being perfectly aligned to the tv

21st January 2009, 09:10 AM
Being perfectly aligned to the screen -yes, I totally understand. Can't play at even the slightest angle either.
But that middle-of-sofa thing? Bit neurotic, are we? ;)

21st January 2009, 09:16 AM
well he's not alone, i have to play with my feet crossed on the coffee table and with a boomerang cushion on my back. Once the screen was slightly turned, cause my dad was messing about back there, and i didn't notice until i started playing and thought that something didn't 'feel' right.

- default controls, wip3out HUD- and can't go back.

might try setting airbrakes to a certain sensitivty though, any recommendations?

21st January 2009, 09:28 AM
LOW. you don't want to have to press real hard for maximum effect, do you?

21st January 2009, 09:54 AM
Mine is default, with sensitivity tweaks. For some reason I don't like the 97/XL HUD's or the WO3 one. Something about them bug me. lol

I use the sticks which is a double edge sword for me. :/ One I have really small hands and the sticks are quite a stretch for my thumbs. I don't like the tapping when trying to bank with the D-Pad, it drives me crazy. I like to be able to hold a bank at a given angle. Although I find it a lot tougher in WOHD then I do when driving a Bike in Burn Out Paradise. Hmm..

Two, I've never liked the D-Pad on the PS, even back on the PS1. Since having super small hands the D-Pad is the pain in the ass to push. I don't have the thumb surface area for it. So hitting diagonals is incredibly hard. I miss the old circle type D-Pad. Much easier for me to use, instead of the four point buttons.

21st January 2009, 09:02 PM
I sit just slightly off center because I don't have a sofa,I've got two leather recliner/rockers and a coffee table in between.
I used to use the 2097 HUD but now the HD HUD, as I find the proximity gauges the best [I race in cockpit view]
I disable L2R2 by remapping controls elsewhere [I was always hitting them accidentally with my legs]
Air brakes are L1R1,I use the D-Pad as the sticks are just unmanageable for me positioned where they are [plus I find them too high]
All other controls default.
As for the controller,well I'm [like a heap of others] still having trouble with the whole BR situation.
Unless I can find/make something I can slip over the D-Pad to sort this, I might resort to a major transplant/mod of the guts of a Sixaxis into a Xbox controller,as shown in the link below.


That's where a left stick should be SONY,so you thumb is in a North/South position not diagonally across.:frown:

21st January 2009, 09:23 PM
Another old school racer here ;)
I use D-pad and default setting

PD: I also want a USB SEGA Saturn controller!!! :hyper

21st January 2009, 11:10 PM
USB Saturn controllers are easy to buy off eBay, I purchased mine for about £15 (around $20USD or €16) with postage from Hong Kong. Most of them ship worldwide.

On the topic of HUDs I'm in with the Wip3out crowd. I like the minimalism and everything is set out in an easy to understand way. I do like the 2097 HUD but I've never got used to the LED weapon pictures.

22nd January 2009, 03:26 AM
They're not LED based - but were fluorescent / tube based. Just wiki "Nixie Tube" or "Fluorescent Segment Display" and you'll see the connection.

I LOVE Nixie Tubes and FSDs. :)

22nd January 2009, 03:38 AM
L1 and R1 for the air brakes. A few sensitivity tweaks, and I use the analogue stick! I find it so much easier for barrel rolls!

2nd February 2009, 07:57 PM
Thought I'd bring this thread back just to say...
...WOW! Started using the d-pad tonight and I feel it gives so much more control over steering. I knew the analogue stick wasn't very precise but I had no idea. The only problem is I struggle to pitch at all with the d-pad and barrel rolls are definitely something I have to learn to do all over again. Not only that, but going back to the stick it feels as if it doesn't even have as much travel as the buttons. So overall I think the d-pad is the way forward. Only wish I'd persevered with it sooner.

2nd February 2009, 09:59 PM
I'm also trying to get back using d-pad, i began to use stick on wo fusion. Feeling of the ship is somewhat solid with the d-pad, as where the stick tends to wander around. Also you can handle BR's much easier in tight spots with d-pad, i'm struggling also with pitch atm, but i believe i'm getting hang of it quite soon. What i like('d) about stick is how smooth ride you can get with it, but when you are racing against some serious contenders, you can throw smoothness out of window. Week or two intensive d-pad practice should do the trick, and i can start racing online with it :)

3rd February 2009, 01:19 AM
been using the d-pad since PS1 days. motion sensor is soo hard i end up with an ache in my arms

3rd February 2009, 01:45 AM
Your damm fast anyway ZOTH.
You must of been using the sticks when I first raced you,I'm in deep doodoo if you find the D-Pad a better option,sort of explains the faster times in multiplayer you have been getting.

Pity we can't swap the D-Pad to analog control.
That would be the best of both worlds,though I imagine that it would even make Triakis and Auricom twitchy craft.
That is unless there was some for of adjustment regarding sensitivity of that particular control mechanism .

3rd February 2009, 12:34 PM
I began my d-pad revival sessions last night, so this far i've been racing WOHD with stick. We'll see how i will end up after week or two, will i go back to d-pad or not.

3rd February 2009, 01:40 PM
i love the d-pad, i find it so much easier. can't use it though, hurts like a *******.
i also have to play with a plaster around the middle of my right thumb.
i think i need to toughen up...

3rd February 2009, 09:55 PM
words etc

Couldn't agree more with you Zoth. When a race goes well with the stick it goes very well. The smoothness is awesome. The d-pad naturally feels too twitchy to me. But the precision is better. I tried it tonight though in ASTRAL and I sucked big time. I've actually started switching mid race now. For chicanes I'm using the d-pad because the stick feels sluggish. For long corners, barrel rolls and anywhere pitching is required I'm using the stick. Seems to work better if I mix it up like this.

Yeldar - that's one of the main reasons I didn't try the d-pad earlier. I imagined getting a very sore thumb. It's not actually too bad but I am already started to get a callus on my thumb. If it gets thick then I won't have much sense in my thumb anyway which will completely defeat the prupose of using the d-pad. I'm gonna get an adapter for my ps2 controller as the stick on that feels much tighter. Worth a try.

4th February 2009, 03:38 PM
Square - accelerate
X - use weapon
Triangle - absorb
Circle - look behind (thanks to the big red thing on the HUD I never need to touch this mid-race)
L2/R2 - airbrake and sideshift
No motion control

Thus far, I've only used analogue stick for everything, but on Pulse I used to jump to the d-pad for barrell rolls. Since my barrel rolling has become a bit inconsitent on HD of late, I may resort to this method again.

4th February 2009, 07:43 PM
I use default buttons except for air brakes: L1 & R1, the analogue sticks and no motion control. Tried the D-Pad, and although it has it's good spots in some tracks, I found switching between the two a bit confusing. Switching might be something for the future though.

I sit in the middle of the room on a kitchen chair. This position is about 2.5 metres from the tv screen and right in the middle of the 5.1 surround sound speakers - AWESOME :banzai :banzai !!!! Fully immersed in the game!!

8th February 2009, 09:46 AM
Okay, i have played with d-pad for a week now, and one thing is pretty sure: there is no going back to analog stick. I have few issues with pitch in chengou project fwd (at that bouncy left hander) and sebenco climb fwd (at every second corner :D), but i'll figure them out at some point. Biggest improvement has been how i manage quick turns with d-pad ie. last quarter of sol2, blind at metropia rev and hairpin at Chengou rev and fwd. Well, i think i'm going back to practice again.

10th February 2009, 04:18 PM
I'm going to write this before I leave for class. haha

R1,L1 airbrakes
L2 rearview
R2 weapon
square absorb
triangle (n/a)
circle (n/a)
x GO =D

motion, airbrake, accel at 100%.

In response to the angle of the television; I sit perpendicular to the tv on the left side. My cats take up the rest of the couches.

10th February 2009, 04:54 PM
Never changed anything.
But this is my first wipeout game...

10th February 2009, 10:29 PM
Looks like I originally posted this in the wrong thread.

My new control method is arcade stick. Precision of the d-pad, freedom of a stick.

11th February 2009, 01:40 AM
Rubix42: How do you control the air brakes with that?

I was just having a look at possible better options than the Sixaxis controller.

This MAD CATZ /Saitek PS2700 one looks promising.
The review says it has very similar characteristics as your Street fighter arcade stick.
It's a mutant frog cross between and Xpox and Sixaxis controller


After further reading this controller seems the answer to a lot of peoples prays.
GET THIS,it has what they are calling CYBORG MODE.

You can physically change the position of analog the stick to where the D-Pad is,the stick and the D-pad are mounted on a little platform,you just press a button to release the platform and turn it 180 to swap the controls around,BRILLIANT.
Only problem is that it's a wired controller.


Even better news,they have just bought out a wireless version of the PS2700 called the PS3500.

No motion control though,somebody at another forum has emailed Satiek to ask if they are going to have motion support in the near future and they replied NO. [I never use motion control anyway:shrug]

Looks like a new toy for the blackwiggle.

11th February 2009, 05:54 AM
I keep my ring finger down on the furthest out button for thrust
Middle and pointer fingers man left and right brakes
Thumb works weapons and absorbtion

11th February 2009, 06:57 AM
You must be a piano player.

I doubt that I could race better like that,I'd have to actually see somebody play HD with one of those arcade sticks before I could get my head around the drastic change in the control system.

Hey,if it improves your times it must be working.

11th February 2009, 09:05 AM
I'm surprised nobody uses triangle for acceleration. This way, I can easily rest my tumb on the pedal while slightly twisting it to activate weapons (circle) and absorb (cross). I also changed settings to L1 and R1 for airbrakes, with the highest possible sensitivity. Other than that: D-Pad. :) Also, I don't use Sixaxis, since *start rant* I find it annoying to not be able to hold the friggin controller in a comfortable position and instead having to vaguely guess which "shadow boxing" kind of movement does what in the game while also compensating for the slight lag. Wiimote and Sixaxis my back. *end rant* Oh, and L2 is for looking back. ;)


11th February 2009, 09:14 AM
I don't know how you manage that,I just picked up my controller to see how it felt and my right hand was way too cramped up.

I think you must of played a lot of wipeout on the PSP.

11th February 2009, 01:10 PM
You must be a piano player.

I doubt that I could race better like that,I'd have to actually see somebody play HD with one of those arcade sticks before I could get my head around the drastic change in the control system.

Hey,if it improves your times it must be working.

Yeah, it sounds weird, and I was wondering the same thing myself when I was setting it up. I went through 4 different control options before I settled on this one. After about a half hour though, I started shredding all my old times. By a full second or more.

Now I need to start really getting serious and see how far I can push this.