View Full Version : Picture quality of psx games on widescreen/HDtv

12th January 2009, 05:07 PM
Continuing my quest to piss my wife off completely, i recently acquired wip3out special edition (£9.99 Ebay). I did have a copy of the original, but it went missing a while ago.

I don't know if its me, but the quality of the graphics do not seem as good as I remember. Is this because of the widescreen tv and the image being stretched or the HD element. In fact none of the wipeout psx series on ps3 seem to be a good picture, I know there are smoothing features on the ps3 but these don't seem to change the image in the slightest.

Just thought some of you might have an explanation or some setting ideas to get the best possible picture.

Or am i just thinking they were better than they were. :|

12th January 2009, 06:18 PM
I think that it is your bigger tv and :

Or am i just thinking they were better than they were. :|

i also played the old ps1 wipeouts on both ps3 and ps1.
They look a bit better on the ps3 but not much :p, just play for a while and u will get used to the old graphics again!

greetz cnmth :dizzy

12th January 2009, 06:19 PM
Hehe. Memories can do weird things.
Yes, you remember them as being better looking than what they actually looked like. :) Although you can use an emulator on a good PC and max out the graphics, then it will look truly awesome (Antialiased, etc.) But the PS3 cannot do that. Make sure you have it set to smoothing and upscale to full screen. ;)

12th January 2009, 08:11 PM
I think it's a bit of both. The HD-TV does something to the older consoles graphic.

12th January 2009, 08:14 PM
Thanks both

I'll try those settings Darkdrium777 and see if its any better, cheers.

Im sure that wip3out was loads better than wipEout in terms of picture though, at the moment they both look as bad as each other.

EDIT: Cheers Chaos80 (where's that ps3?)