View Full Version : Players being removed from the leaderboards for inactivity

29th December 2008, 02:48 AM
The disappearance of AHH-QUADZILLA from the leaderboards on Christmas Day has been discussed in more than one thread on the site, but I thought it worth making a thread for I am now fairly sure that I was correct when I suggested it was for his inactivity.

Anyone who has spent time viewing the Zone leaderboards, particularly for the reverse tracks, will likely recognise the names sjteeeeef and SanderVB, both of whom were frequently in the top 5 or 10, and who once upon a time held several records each. Since the time I started competing for Zone records they have never once responded when any of their scores were beaten, so I have always assumed them to be inactive. Anyway, as you might have guessed, both these names have disappeared on every track.

It seems to me, therefore, that there is a time limit for your records remaining on the leaderboards once you stop playing the game. My own opinion on this is that it is unusual and surely unnecessary, and in the case of someone like quadzilla it dilutes the quality of the competition at the top.

So I think it shouldn't be happening, and that if it for some reason it has to happen it would be nice if we could be told exactly how much time we have when we stop playing the game for a while.

It would be good if one of the developers might address this issue, but I'm not so presumptuous as to expect that ;). What does everyone else think?

(NB: I am aware I could be wrong about this. Larikun's times and scores also disappeared but have all since returned.)

29th December 2008, 03:22 AM
Something bizarre is going on regardless.

IF records are being removed for inactivity,it would seem that the cut off point is roughly 10 -12 weeks inactivity before your records are removed.
I'm basing that on Larikums last activity here [he only posted here over 4 days then stopped]

I wanted to check something in the records but I haven't been able to get online,I've been getting a "An error has occurred whilst Logging into the WipEout HD servers,This account is already logged in",I have no idea what that's all about unless my PSN id has been stolen and being used,can't get into HOME either.

My view on the whole matter is unless a record can be proven to have been made via "Cheating or Technical error [1 sec lap times etc]" they should stay.

You don't get the Olympics scrubbing the record for the 100 m every 8 years,why should Wipeout have a perpetually changing records board,makes the whole thing rather pointless.

29th December 2008, 05:25 AM
i like both types of record tables. In super stardust there's a "monthly high-score" table that is easier to compete on (making it more fun for scrubs like me). I dont really compete on the overall high-score table, but i like to look at the monthly ones.

Maybe wipeout could benifit from having both types of scoreboards (having one where times only stick around for a month or so). The downside to this is that it would be like an MMO where people would have to grind out new high scores for every event, with every track, every month, to stay at the top of the boards. Still, it might be fun for some people.

Also, this is probably not the place to suggest this, but trackmania had a good idea with local times. So you could say "global", "friends", or "texas" (if you're from texas, for example). I always wanted to see how other players in my local area are performing.

29th December 2008, 05:58 AM
A local ranking board would be very useful.

Need to see if there's any faster australians out there. :D

29th December 2008, 08:27 AM
Both AHH-QUADZILLA and Larikun are in my friendlist. AHH-QUADZILLA himself doesn't play Wipeout HD, it is a different guy who plays on the PSN account of AHH-QUADZILLA. I don't know his real name but I do know he hasn't been online for 48 days before the 15 december. After this day he only was online once. He has moved on to different games just like Larikun. These guys are really fast but not interested to keep their places in the rankings.

But I am, I think their records are really important to be up there for always. Just like the records here on Wipeoutzone or the records on Wipeout-game.com. I really hope SL will fix this. A big thumbs up for these great racers.

29th December 2008, 09:14 AM
Well if SL are going to wipe records what are the options?
Someplace here to keep records taken off monthly screen shots of the leader boards?just a suggestion.

29th December 2008, 09:34 AM
Although I don't own any TOP-20 record yet (I'm still a beginner :redface: ), I agree 100% that highscores should never be removed because it asks sooo much time to beat a highscore ! When they delete your score it's like all your efforts are ruined and you don't feel like playing the game anymore, and according to me it's not a good thing for the popularity of the game.

PS : there are many reasons why someone doesn't play the game for 2+ months, he found a job, went to jail, etc. that doesn't mean he won't play WO anymore !

A local ranking board would be very useful.

Why not, it would give me a chance to reach the TOP-10 :P

I have other suggestions :
- give the date of each record on the leaderboard
- create a General Ranking based on the performance on all of the races on all classes

Studio Liverpool if you hear me you know what to do :P

29th December 2008, 11:56 AM
I dont think times should ever dissappear. Inactive or not.

I wouldnt want to see my name at the top, if i knew a faster time should be there. A world records a world record surely?

If they dont like inactivity; the normal leaderboard should be of the past week / month and you should be able to select the all time records seperately. Not remove them.

29th December 2008, 12:35 PM
I wonder if the game restores all the previous times based on the save file of the game. This would make sense if Larikun's times were restored (his previous times that is) due to activity in wipeout HD again.

Would be nice if the times weren't cleared due to inactivity though.

29th December 2008, 12:56 PM
How fast were these times because i don't remember exactly?
I do recall them being on the leader boards very early on and thinking they were speedy. Personally, it seems strange that they were that fast so quickly after HD was released. Are the times on there now a lot faster? If the best players in the world are just approaching their times now then those two must be incredible!

I'm sure everyone would agree that to get the record for these tracks takes more than a week of practice. But if they are legit then they should not of been removed. Period.

29th December 2008, 08:47 PM
Why not, it would give me a chance to reach the TOP-10 :P
Don't you live in France?

29th December 2008, 08:53 PM
Yes I'm from Paris. How do you know ????? :eek

29th December 2008, 09:49 PM
Well Larikum's times are still on the record boards,so the ONLY name that has been removed [that is certain]is AHH QUADZILLA.

KGB1971: QUADZILLA's times were very fast,even after 3 months some tracks they were up to 4 sec faster than what is currently No1.
That's a HUGE gap between 1st and next in Phantom.
Either QUADZILLA [or the person that played under Q's account according to Mad Ice]knew of some short cuts that still nobody else has found,which I somehow find unlikely but possible,or previously unknown places to BR ,again possible but unlikely, knowing that tracks are gone over with a fine tooth comb looking for them by forum members.

29th December 2008, 09:58 PM
If the times are deleted than it kinda defeats the purpose of having the leader board. I mean someone like me could be on tour with the forces for 4 months etc. But I'm sure when you log back in and check your records, all the data should synchronize with the server anyway correct?

If this is not the case then that means a lot of our times may not be on the leader board which is worrying as I thought they sorted the server issue.

30th December 2008, 01:29 AM
maybe the leaderboards have just been reset sometime so the scores needed to be uploaded again.

btw ive been told that my name is missing too in the leaderboards- this would make sence cause i havent played WO HD for a month i think.

Ergo the "RESET" happened some weeks ago or something.

Only SL can give a proper answer.

30th December 2008, 01:30 AM
Yes Axel, I agree. Since your PS3 must keep the records on it's hard drive, when your records have been removed from the leaderboard you presumably just have to synchronise the records again. I would hazard a guess that someone told larikun that his scores were removed and that he went and synchronised them again, which is why they reappeared.

But I don't understand why they have to be removed at all. It seems senseless and surely isn't good for the competition.

@Blackwiggle, AHH-QUADZILLA is not the only name that has been removed, as I said in the OP I have noticed that several regulars on the Zone leaderboards have also disappeared. No doubt there are plenty of other names that have been erased. And I can't tell if you're still implying he was cheating, but again none of AHH-QUADZILLA's times were unrealistic and almost all of them had been beaten by the time of their deletion. This is almost certainly nothing at all to do with cheating, especially since the most obvious cheats weren't removed with them.

30th December 2008, 08:10 AM
I wasn't implying ,just wondering.
Seems strange.a gap like that....then it gets removed....with NO notice.

Only SL will Know the truth.


30th December 2008, 04:57 PM
Need to see if there's any faster australians out there. :D

KANDANG, KANDANG, and KANDANG, check the www.wipeout-game.com yourself. His records are writtin all over the Pulse courses. He is truly 'Fastest Wiper in AUS'. His contribution in team ANZAC when vs. FRA in Wipeout Pulse made us won in front with a big gap. Good thing about him, he is a quite achiever. Comes, wins in great consistency, then he vanishes into oblivion. Busy man he is.