View Full Version : He’ll never get to play WipEout!Ever!

25th December 2008, 04:37 PM
It`s Christmas Day. Merry Christmas everybody! I should be happy this day, everybody should. But my heart is full of sorrow and of a sense of futility in life. About a month ago I went over to a friend to see his child. His first born son. I looked at that little piece of life, at his eyes and his tiny hands and couldn’t believe how small he was, and how much joy it brought into my heart just by looking at him. Matthew Steven. This was his name. As today we have buried him; all I could think during the service, was that he’ll never get to play Wipeout, or eat coffee ice cream, or watch Donald cartoons, or (oh God!) wait for Santa Claus to come bring presents; ever. And over all the grief in my and everybody else’s soul, a sense of futile anger arose against such unfairness. Why would a life be born in this world only to leave it after 3 months? …………………..Thousands of words are twisting in my mind searching for a way to calm myself. The fact is that I just wanted to know that at least his name will remain somewhere in this world; to signal the departure of the greatest wipeout-pilot that will never join us.

25th December 2008, 06:22 PM
This is a sad story in that supposed happy day for everyone christmas is, accept my sincere sympathy to his familie.
No real words to be found trying to cheer you up in those hard moments, only by saying there's 2 members i know from the Zone who terribly lived this in the past. They found the power deeply inside of them to deal with such unfairness and year(s) later they decided to let a new life beginning.

RJ O'Connell
25th December 2008, 07:29 PM
Horrible. I just...I can't put it in words how awful this is, and I've never been good at expressing myself in tragic situations.

I just finished Christmas dinner and I put you and your family in my thoughts during grace.

DJ Techno
25th December 2008, 07:59 PM
(sipping the coffee)

awful just awful.

a best female friend. she had a baby like that one born out of her... almost didn't live.

be actual. (memory pull up) he lived. tho...

babies that are premature and still living. is a chance. i don't know what is going on the woman's body that the babies being created in there. either become born full life or partially. like a premature. But i still say it clear to every women i know.

Don't you ever ****ing be drinkin alcohol, smoke the green, do dope, any damn thing to mess up that kids life when he or she is born. ( and i'm all pointing my finger and looking really mad )

just things like that and whatever in the women s life, causes uncertain things to be.

somebody can edit the words or not. i won't. spoke from the mouth and truth

25th December 2008, 10:21 PM
Sincere condolescences :( There's nothing else I can say really, this is the worst ending possible. :( Good luck pulling through. :)

25th December 2008, 10:39 PM
:( ...

25th December 2008, 10:40 PM
It's not fair, and I'm sorry for the loss. Don't really know what to say here other than: try to be the best friend you can be to this couple that lost such a young child. Help them get through this hard time, especially the mother - I guess we all can't really imagine what it must be like - simply terrible.

Best wishes to them, and to you, Ricanebleu.

26th December 2008, 12:55 AM
Ricanebleu, that's a tragic thing to have happen at any time of year, never mind during the festive period. :|

This morning was my daughter's third xmas - the first time she really understood what was going on. She had a bad cough and was awake most of the night, and woke up a bit grumpy with the world. So it was great to see her face light up as she tore the wrapping off of each present.

In fact, it's so heart warming seeing the sense of wonder in her face at times, that I can't ever imagine life without her. Which in turn means I can't bear to think what your friends must be going through right now.

I offer my sincere condolences to them for having to endure what must be every parent's worst nightmare. :(

26th December 2008, 01:09 AM
as i am not a man of god i will give you my more spiritual condolence. its very tragic but the child will still be on earth as a spirit and will continue to grow with him and his family in their hearts and ethereal plane. if and when they decide to have another one, the first will watch over and make sure nothing like that happens again, he will be the guardian spirit.

i wish your friend and his family the best over the new year and give them the strength to pull through it all.

26th December 2008, 09:05 AM
We are thinking of you...


26th December 2008, 09:22 AM
babies that are premature and still living. is a chance.

True, I was born around 8 weeks before I should have been.

Ricanebleu, please give them my condolences.:(:(

26th December 2008, 12:17 PM
This is probably the hardest thing anyone can ever go through. There are no words to express my feeling, but I will share this: I have lost both younger brother and father, and I have been with my mom throuth it all. I have seen her after she buried her young son.

I may not know your friend Ricanebleu, but mine and my mother's heart are with him.

26th December 2008, 02:14 PM
A truly tragic event, I can't imagine what they must be going through. Wishing them and you all the best. :(

29th December 2008, 07:00 AM
What a sad story! All the best wishes and strenght!

29th December 2008, 07:25 AM
Such a truly sad story. I was a premature baby, and I lost a little brother in similar circumstances.

Even though I don't know these people, please give them my best wishes.

16th July 2009, 07:29 PM
This is such a sad story, why life sometimes dishes this out to people, i just never will know. Then having to deal with it, is a whole different story in its own. I felt in a similar manner to this many years ago when ive been accidentally told that i actually once had a twin brother. Something i still think about to this day. You never forget, you just adjust yourself with time.

16th July 2009, 08:19 PM
Life is so full of "regrets" and "what if's"..
It's hard not to dwell on them, it's human nature to do so..
We seek knowledge and understanding to have peace of mind...
Some sort of reasoning to justify such things...
But life just doesnt seem to work that way...

But I suppose all we can do is live in the here and now. Remember the past (for it's molded us into who we are), but not to dwell on it too much where our life passes us by because we are too busy looking back....

*my deepest sympathy to this tragedy.