View Full Version : The Secret Life of Asayeah? (a.k.a. new Red Dwarf)

Spaceboy Gajo
22nd December 2008, 06:04 AM
Just a little humor I hope to pass us by for the holiday season.

Doing the usual rounds on my bookmarked sites I click on this particular news item.


Something about that first picture looked familiar. Then it strikes me, the dude that plays the android Kryten looks like Arnaud!

Any ways, like I mentioned thought it'd be good for a laugh and see how many Red Dwarf (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dwarf) fans there are around here. Been itching for more of it after Series VIII, since they ended it kind of in a cliffhanger. It's been far too long, but I'm happy they're making at least something new.

22nd December 2008, 07:35 AM
I haven't met Arnaud, but its nice to put a name to a face!

And there's 8 seasons of Red Dwarf? Holy sheet, thats a lot of back-viewing. One of the TV stations over here plays a few episodes a week, and I watch that whenever I can. I can't belive I didn't get on this show sooner!

22nd December 2008, 01:55 PM
Never heard of 'red dwarf', in fact the article was a bit hard to follow... but..

WOW, that totally looks like Arnaud!! Although, the chin and jaw give away that its not, but everything from the mustache up is Arnaud - even the hair matches! :P

22nd December 2008, 02:39 PM
Holly crap i am unmasked :bomb

Gajo i paid you to NEVER release that picture and my android story, you betrayed me :D

22nd December 2008, 03:02 PM
Smeghead :)

22nd December 2008, 07:59 PM
ROFL!, that looks like his identical twin.

22nd December 2008, 09:35 PM
An amazing likeness! Impressive :lol

22nd December 2008, 10:19 PM
I knew it!!!, but I did not want to say anything to him, just in case I offended him. Every time he arrives here in my house and he does talk like a robot`s voice!, you know, I`m terrified of him:blarg, this is getting better, he even had a drink of oil to loosen his mechanical muscles inside his body!:eek

Red Dwarf!!, brilliant series, if they hopefully making a movie, then I`m looking forward to it.


22nd December 2008, 11:46 PM
i managed to get on set with him for the latest episode!!!!


Good times arnaud....I mean Kryten!

23rd December 2008, 12:05 AM
Froste, it looks like ARnaud's head has gotten twice the size that it used to be. What does that mean? :)

23rd December 2008, 02:27 AM

What were you eating that day, its all over your face!!

Edit: ahh, the ho-ho's (swiss cake rolls, whatever you call them)

23rd December 2008, 03:28 AM
Asyyeah's double Robert Llewellyn [Kryten] also host of Scrapheap Challenge.


Always wondered what happened to all the debris from eliminated craft,now I know who's been collecting it.

23rd December 2008, 07:22 PM
Ahahaha great laugh guys , thx you bastardoooos :D

Travis : i paid you to let that stuff covered , and now you betraying me in public : noes :pirate

Stevie : Black oil is fantastic to lubrify your internals and will let fluidify your Golf swing easily you fatty B***** :g ( no sex pun intended here :D )

Al : what head are you talking about ( possible sex pun here : children please get the mask on )

24th December 2008, 02:05 AM
the one in froste's picture, you know, the only one that's visible to the naked eye !! :)