View Full Version : WipEout HD Demo

19th December 2008, 06:50 PM
Coming soon to a PSN Store near you :)
You will get one track, then a preview of all the other tracks, and if you wish to buy the game you will be able to do so directly from the demo for a reduced price.

Link (http://www.ps3fanboy.com/2008/12/19/wipeout-hd-demo-coming-christmas-eve/)

19th December 2008, 07:40 PM
They are making the game even cheaper!! Damn this is a steal. I'm betting on a £9.99 price point. But that's mad. Good to know the game is doing well, seems like DLC could be a certainty soon then :)

19th December 2008, 07:50 PM
ok we have the demo...

c'mon guys X-mas is at the doors!

19th December 2008, 08:54 PM
...will return to its normal price on January 8th.

Hm, feels like DLC is pretty much around the corner now... my guess is that we'll have to wait approximately until January 8th. ;)

20th December 2008, 03:17 AM
coool, i hope for a Wipeout DLC christmas present

20th December 2008, 08:48 AM
umm without any anoucement so far...suddendly dlc appear under the tree 25 dec. mmmmm...i wish, i wish but...

20th December 2008, 10:15 AM
I wonder what track is it?:hyper

I will be getting one as soon as released!:banzai


21st December 2008, 08:37 AM
The demo should have been available from day one. On Xbox Live, there is always a demo version available when a new game launches; on the PS network, hardly ever. Often you just have to take a leap in the dark and hope the game isn't crap... luckily Astro Tripper turned out to be quite fun... if tough!:P

Sadly I don't think we'll be seeing any DLC soon. Hope I'm wrong. I don't know why I want DLC when I'm still crap at Sol 2 and most of the reverse tracks.

Rapier Racer
25th December 2008, 10:23 AM
Flashback Jack (http://www.ps3fanboy.com/profile/2467736/) said...

Typical Wipeout Zone arrogance.

Might as well pull the trigger Rapier, because there's plenty I know about the game that no Zone member has yet plugged into. The record tables are proof of that.

- F

lol toys still out the pram then. The two faced irony of that statement.

25th December 2008, 11:36 AM
He has something to brag about since he does have several top tier records. He does not however, have the right to speak as if he is the no1 online player in the galaxy.

OT, what track the demo contains?

25th December 2008, 02:23 PM
I tell you what Flashback Jack does have ahead of all of us here: an utter and complete lack of any social life whatsoever. The fact that everytime someone sets a new no.1 record, he beats it within half an hour, is proof of that. :P

And even if he was the best player in the world, the fact that he acts the way he acts actually makes him the worst player in the world. Someone teach the kid some decency :rolleyes:

RJ O'Connell
25th December 2008, 04:21 PM
He is friendly with Triple Lei who is a more notorious Zone basher (and as I have made clear before, I seriously think TL is the worst kind of arsehole for badmouthing this site at other forums and websites).

I seriously didn't expect this kind of remark from someone who has repeatedly been to the Toronto gatherings and has met members here in real life. Maybe Task or Gajo can shed more light.

25th December 2008, 07:31 PM
You shouldn't put oil on the fire Stephen by posting this, we know he has been banned from here ( he also asked to be banned few time) and also the reasons why.
Michael knows my feeling about him , i hardly can cope with his way of high esteem of himself and the way he may speak cause i am totally at the opposite BUT i admire his dedication & perseverence to the game, the undoubtly talent & skill he owns. I can really feel his obsession for HD or Pulse, it reminds me me several years ago before joining here when i was playing 2097 : i was fully obsessed, self centred a bit full of myself. When i joined here i realized i was not the unique being nuts about wipeout and i begann to open my mind to the others, this process kept accelerated by health issues and now i am fully happy being a member from this community.
FBJ didn't had the same background, we all different so please guy don't throw a stone to him, we need dark pilots with weird rhetoric and not sharing to everyone their turbo location or tips to counterbalance the open source from here :D .

Honestly if you read Ricanebleu thread : noones knows how future may be made of, so please forgive those futile battles and pray for a brighter future.

RJ O'Connell
25th December 2008, 08:56 PM
Meh. We're all a little on edge. Ricanebleu's recent tragedy and also, the awful WO64 review I discovered recently don't help either.

25th December 2008, 10:08 PM
Obvious troll is obvious.
He's made too many mistakes on this forum to be taken seriously IMHO. Sure, he's good at the game, but being good at a game doesn't make a great person. The fact that he posts a message like this shows that he hasn't learned how to behave and interact with other people correctly. Let him be with his illusions and whatever else he thinks about himself. He's gone from here, and IMHO for good reasons.

RR, forget about him. There are many trolls on PS3F, let him be just one more... He's looking for the exact reaction you had.

As for the demo, someone posted on stin's thread that you cannot play the demo with the full game installed. So unless someone is willing enough to delete the game and check the demo, we may never know :)

RJ O'Connell
26th December 2008, 12:03 AM
What happened to demos being released before the full game, eh? I must be getting old. :/

26th December 2008, 12:15 AM
I don't believe i've ever seen him on a online game. Does he even play online matches or just sits there and does TT / SL's? I do admire his skills tho.

If he's banned, why is he allowed to compete in the december big speed lap challenge? Or maybe thats a question for kaori.

RJ O'Connell
26th December 2008, 12:31 AM
The Speed Lap Challenge is open to members of WipeoutZone and the French language site Wipeout Arena where -F is still an active and for the most part respected member.

Be that as it may, Wipeout Arena is a damn good community, yes the rules are less rigid but still they have done a lot for Wipeout competition for players speaking any language - example, Avalon Racing League. The fact that a member that had shameful behaviour here but is still held in high regard in another community is a total non-issue and shouldn't be held against them.

26th December 2008, 01:44 AM
Back on topic-- if it is out, someone can delete their game, make a new PSN account and download the demo to check it out?

26th December 2008, 11:32 AM
Did! and still the same, because, I just created a new PSN for my son, so no much difference.


26th December 2008, 01:29 PM
I think multiple accounts on one ps3 can use "all" downloaded games (not 100% sure though).

I created my account on my friends PS3 and downloaded wipeout HD. Not only was I able to play it, but the other account holders were also able to play it when they logged in to their account (till i removed my account that is :P) . So I'd imagine, if you already have wipeout HD, deleting it and downloading the demo under another account will work?

26th December 2008, 06:32 PM
I have played the demo, I downloaded it, when it's finished, I deleted the game, and installed the demo.
I wanted play but a message told me "il vous manque un fichier" in french lol, i must download the licence, the little file of 100 Ko.
So I disconnected of PSN, and I could play it.

The demo is the game, version 1.25.
1st message, are you a newbie in WipEout universe, no!!!
2nd message, you are in the demo of the game, only 1 ship, 1 track. You can buy the game (pushing triangle) for have 16 tracks, 12 ship and all game modes, etc.

Only Option and Race Box are available.
Only single race are available in Race Box.
You can play Venom or Flash speed, no more.
You can choose weapons on/off.
Difficulty, only easy available.

The track is Vineta K, the ship is Feisar, but you can see all tracks and ship.

You don't earn points of loyaulty.
You can use the camera.
You don't have trophy.
All music are available.

It's all :D

26th December 2008, 10:22 PM
i wish the demo was more easily available if you already own the full game, being an obsessive type i'd like to have it for reference like the trailers and making off but switching accounts and deleting full game to make it possible just seems a little too complicated for me.

never mind some of the other posts i've read on here about logging into jap psn store for namco arcades - far too technical for simple ole me - which i could do it mind you lol.

26th December 2008, 11:56 PM
Wait. Version 1.25? Aren't we at version 1.20 only? Am I missing something? :?

27th December 2008, 01:22 AM
It would only be the version numbers that differentiate the demo from the full game at the PStore,the demo coming later than the game would have the higher number.
If you downloaded the demo then upgraded to full game I think the version number would still be 1.20,it would be like rolling back a driver that doesn't work.

4th January 2009, 03:18 PM
Quite strange that they didn't gave a taste of each game mode, because
different modes will attracted different (more) people. For example, the
ZONE mode would also attracted people by its very own. I guess SL couldn't
decide how to restrict that mode, because running without end might be too
much for a demo, some people may only play VINETA K ZONE without
pursuing the game at all, but cutting it at a certain stage isn't an option, too.
However, I would had integrate the full mode because once you become
addicted you will purchase the game, for sure.

5th January 2009, 02:07 PM
Well, letting them play Zone on Vineta K wouldn't have been that unrestricted: everyone knows all actual Zoning actually happens on Anulpha Pass :P