View Full Version : Sebenco Climb & Chengou Project on Phantom Elite

16th December 2008, 03:15 PM

I've been playing HD for a couple of months now, but recently i really went trophy hunting.

I've got all the gold elite medals accept two.
I just can't seem to master Sebenco Climb & Chengou Project. I find these tracks really hard, especially some hard corners. :|

The CPU really makes it a pain in the ass. Not because they take that good lines, but because there always blocking my ship on these really tight roads. :?

This may al sound a little bit nooby for some of you guys, but i'm not an 'ace pilot' yet. And still learning.

So do you got some tips for me? Maybe icarus just isn't the best ship for these tracks, or need to change some settings?

Thanks :D

P.S.: My First language isn't English, so there maybe some spell/grammar errors

16th December 2008, 03:33 PM
I would say that Icarus is not your best bet to try and make first place on Elite on this particular tracks.

Better off with a ship that has higher acceleration and better handling. Like an Assegai or AG Systems instead. With all the hard corners, being able to shoot out of them with high acceleration on the ship really helps out.

Also, makes sure you are blasting the enemy ships every chance you get. Slowing the down is very important to taking first on these courses.

16th December 2008, 03:35 PM
Learn to turn using side-shifting on sebenco, and hope for speed boosts to use on the way out of the tunnel. That way, you can fly over the zig-zag section and shave alot of time. This 'trick' really helped me drive way ahead of the pack. Also, use barrel roles on some occasions if you can.

On CP, well, the only tricky part is the tight left corner. Master it and you master the track really.

And as some else already said here in the forums: Use mainly speed boosts and autopilots (ad shields). Absord the rest.

Edit: I managed them with Icaras, just have patience, you become better with each try :)

16th December 2008, 03:42 PM
I agree with what Heavy Metal is saying, boots and auto-pilots can be your best friends against the elite AI. Saving a boost to perform a shortcut or a barrel roll can get you ahead and saving an auto-pilot for the nasty sections, which there is plenty of on Chenghou and Sebenco :P.

As an Icaras pilot too I'd change ship for these tracks. Better handling and a chunkier shield will get you through easier.

16th December 2008, 03:47 PM
Well, what a backup here guys lol: 3 great answers in less than one hour! FrenkyV, I PMed you some links to the good & "forgotten" threads here. See ya

16th December 2008, 03:47 PM
A demonstration for Sebenco Reverse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38gqbuuSkB4

Now I quote myself:

1. Speed. Speed all the way. Hit all the pads, and do all the BRs. Very important. I found that out when trying to beat Chengou on Venom. The lead AI was putting a 7 secs lead after half the first lap. When you hit all the speed pads, you get back to him up his ass at the last lap, so passing him is no trouble from there. So speed first, weapons later.
2. About weapons, on tracks with BRs like Chengou: absorb only and use when you don't need to absorb. Because you will be doing BRs primarily, and they take off 15%. When on a track with no BRs though, fire, always (Except when it's mines or Bomb and you're in eight, that is common sense). Absorb when you only get hit.

Also, if you get hit more than two times, you need to restart. Unless you are really lucky you will not be able to get first place.
If you respect these two tips, you'll see it becomes much easier.

Remember: Speed first, weapons later. ;)

As you can see, I hit most of the speed pads on my run through Sebenco Reverse, and did only few of the possible BRs. If you do a lot more of them (And crash less), you will be much faster, and possibly even go under the 2 minutes mark in Single race. Practice the line with the ship you prefer, then hit the racebox to do it with the AI :)

16th December 2008, 04:03 PM
lol FrenkyV needed advices, & we gave him an avalanche of tips. Remember : WipeoutZone rules.:cowboy

16th December 2008, 06:18 PM
Yes indeed. And so quick!

Thx all you guys, i've already discovered that 'shortcut' over the zig-zag part at climb.

I'll guess ill change to Assegai for now, i've just saw that with that ship i've gotten the fastest time's anyway on these tracks.

Thx again :)

16th December 2008, 06:20 PM
I would say use ag systems for sebenco, and feisar for chengchou

16th December 2008, 06:56 PM
two vidéos from Amorbis on chengou & sebenco :
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=mSXg4x...eature=channel ;)

16th December 2008, 07:42 PM
i used feisar for both, actually for most of them. but the extra maneuverability it gives you will be great for the 2 tracks, but you must be a crack shot with your weapons to compensate for your slower speed

16th December 2008, 09:34 PM
Just takes practise. I left doing the Elite arcade for a while after I was useless at CP, Sol2 and *gasp* SC, but I came back after a week or 2 and found them all relatively easy. Oddly I did none of them in my beloved AG-S ship. I had more luck with Feisar / Goteki 45.

17th December 2008, 07:38 AM
Personnaly, I used Harimau for these 2 tracks, for me it was the good ship with good handling (I found it a little bit "lighter" than assegai,but maybe I just play too much with it) & speed.

The only thing when you have average skills like me is that the AI make you going nuts: on one try you can finish 2nd or 3rd with an average time (2'12 or around), and on the next you can finish 8th with a not so bad time and the 1st place AI is close to beat the world record. you need a strong willpower to prevent you throwing the gamepad on the walls.
I use SL sessions to train, made a few days pause and try again, and it works better.
Be sure to take all the weapon pad you can when you are first on the last lap, because you can be sure that the 2nd or 3rd AI is just behind you, waiting for a speed boost (and they surely have it if you let them go on a pad)and beat you on the last straight :)

17th December 2008, 09:57 AM
I think i used Harimau for these two tracks, I was also using Icarus but kept getting pasted.

On Sebenco, personally I would use the Turbo at the top of the hill going into the tunnel as using it coming out of the tunnel takes good timing which at the time i didn't have. You need to master side shift to get round the track smoothly try not to to take the corners too wide.

On Chengou, Take the hard left, wide and earlier than you think. Also time can be lost on the long sweeping left. Try to keep your nose down right round this part as it will stop you jumping about too much (still learning this myself). ;)

17th December 2008, 11:39 PM
just have patience, you become better with each try :)8 D Or, as might have been said before, Practice Leads To Perfection (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/search.php?searchid=830404)!

18th December 2008, 07:41 AM
Yeah, it's (lots of) practice (sideshifting) and maybe some luck. Get some AP or Turbo and you will make it - use it at the right point. But only if you know the track and imho take the right ship (I preferred AG, Feisar for S/C and C/P). The biggest pain was S/C forward ... I flew record after record but never managed it better than 2nd. After 2 nights and dreams about improving my skills I finally made it. For elite pilot I had to do it again *sigh* this time practice hit me. I made it in my 3rd attempt w/o much luck regarding the extras. Same was for all the other back tracks that I mostly never practiced. Not that much of a problem. Got elite pilot after three nights of ~2 h racing. W/ only 4 trophies missing I have to go for the zone an zico (I'm not that good w/ barrel rols) events.

18th December 2008, 09:23 AM
I don't think that a thing such as 'the right ship' exists. I used Icaras on all tracks and got elite campaign. I think it was great practice, but the thing with elite AI is that there are times when they are ELITE and times when they are elite. That and getting lots of speed boosts on SC and it is quite easy.

Only when you play against real people online do you understand that the AI is not the real threat :)

18th December 2008, 01:32 PM
Ok, than it's even more practice. I did not get the 90deg turns or the long left turn in S/C managed w/ Icaras. After all, luck is when the AI is elite != ELITE . More Online races is the next thing if zone sucks big time. Need to do some more eliminations.

18th December 2008, 05:57 PM

I've been in front two times on SC, but then those words of doom from a women's mouth "ROCKET"... :( And boom....

But i've been using Harimau now, its going better ^O^

18th December 2008, 06:37 PM
I'm not sure for the trophy mates, but without weapons the elite ai is not that strong.

18th December 2008, 07:21 PM
Too true. Although if you're not used to Sebenco or Chengou so much you will crash everywhere and the AI will still distance you. :S

18th December 2008, 09:37 PM
I'm not sure for the trophy mates, but without weapons the elite ai is not that strong.

Actually I forgot to mention this, I found winning easier without the weapons on tbh.

20th December 2008, 12:34 PM
To bad this is for those gold medals in the campain. So weapons are on...

21st December 2008, 12:17 PM
I've beaten them :D

SC with Harimau
CP with Feiser


And now for the tournament, damn...

21st January 2009, 02:08 PM

just saw wellington set a new wr in race or tt on chenghou reverse with something like 5 seconds less than the second player ...
Wellington ? you found a new shortcut or what? i know u'r good but 5 seconds less ... no :)

the time is 1.53:something
impressive !

21st January 2009, 02:19 PM
1.53?! are you having a laugh?! predicta: nothing but turbos and AP's. i joke, wellington's fast enough to do it without. is it easier to get fast times on novice or elite do you reckon? maybe it's psychosomatic but i always get faster times with elite. or do you get turbos more freqently or something like that?

big congratulations frenkyv! just keep results as consistent as possible and you'll be fine cos the same AI ship seldom wins all the races.

21st January 2009, 02:38 PM
That time isn't for single race it's for Multiplayer race. I got it because I got lucky enough to pick up a boost right at the beginning of the race, allowing me to do the shortcut on the first lap and get ahead of the pack. Then I picked up four more boosts, one for the shortcut on each remaining lap. I also had the good fortune to have no quakes fired at me and to avoid any bombs left on the track. It was a 1 in 1000 sequence of good luck, and fortunately I didn't make too many mistakes. I remember it was in acrooklyn's room, but I forget who else was there.

Edit: You might be talking about the Rapier TT, in which case I'm that far ahead because no-one bothers competing there. AHH-QUADZILLA was way out in front and just on a whim I decided to try and beat him. His scores have now been removed though, so that's why it's just me.

21st January 2009, 02:49 PM
ok then :)
i was talking about that multiplayer race i think.

good job picking the boosts !!

21st January 2009, 03:07 PM
is it easier to get fast times on novice or elite?Elite. They force you to go fast because they are very fast themselves. Novice you're sleeping on the gas pedal I guess... That's how it works for me anyways, my best races are with the elite AI.

21st January 2009, 06:31 PM
I'm glad I found this! Hehe...
I started to play Wipeout HD directly in Elite, I still need to beat the last two grids. Really useful hints what I found here!

Playing in Elite can be frustrating sometimes ... AI makes it really hard, and you can't make mistakes.

21st January 2009, 11:56 PM
AI makes it really hard, and you can't make mistakes.Keep in mind it's also not only up to you. When you get hit too many times, it's best to just restart because there's no way you'll come in 1st except if you're really lucky for the next remaining lap(s).

22nd January 2009, 09:46 AM
Elite is easier to spot good times rather than novice : i tested months ago and in novice you can lap easily the last ships on lap 5 and they can slow you down with quake/missile and else : in elite you can't lap them so if you are lucky and skillz you can be 1st at lap2 in elite and have 4 laps completely clean racing and do better times

22nd January 2009, 11:35 AM
i would never have thought about it like that, i'm a bit slow see. it all makes sense now. cheers ASA and DDD777!

22nd January 2009, 06:20 PM
There's only two Ds :lol

22nd January 2009, 06:56 PM
what can i say, i like symmetry. no...i'm just an idiot :)
maybe the first d stood for dangerous? ;)

26th January 2009, 03:09 PM
Must admit those two tracks were only ones i had trouble with on elite phantom, was rather challenging

I always thought elite mode was 50% skill 50% luck you always need some luck

26th January 2009, 06:07 PM
just thought i'd mention it: i find it's much easier to get faster times on anulpha novice because on skilled and elite they really get in your way on the overpass, whereas novice you can take the lead before then.

4th May 2009, 03:52 PM
I have been stuck on Chengou for a day or two now, 5 times have been leading going onto the last lap and each time taken down with weapons.

Also the number of mines and bombs is ridiculous!

4th May 2009, 05:46 PM
I'm sure I might have said this before, but I'll say it again. If you're having trouble with the Elite AI on weapons races you can always turn weapons off, Jambo. The races still count and the Elite AI turn out to be quite easy without their weapons. If you still can't do it again after that then you'll just need some good old-fashioned practice ;).

4th May 2009, 05:50 PM
Is it possible to turn off weapons in elite in the campaign mode?!

At the moment I usually get up to about 3rd or so on the second lap before being nailed!

Just led for two laps that time, the barrel rolled by mistake and got hit by a missile and blew up!

Have been at this for two days LOL

4th May 2009, 06:04 PM
I'm not sure about in the campaign, sorry if I misread your post. I thought you were talking about the arcade perfect trophy. I know you can turn the weapons off and still get arcade perfect. The best thing you can do is stick at it and practice. Try and learn a new racing line and if you're blowing up a lot you might want to switch ship for a short while if if has low shield or try to be a bit more conservative with your weapons usage, if you don't already try to absorb more to keep high energy.

4th May 2009, 06:10 PM
Just did it! Was in the lead by the end of lap 2 and just ran for it!

Changed to the Feisar for this one.

My plan of action was to absorb everything except turbo's auto pilots and shields.

I reckon arcade perfect will be a doddle in comparison to that!

4th May 2009, 06:37 PM
I'll post my video now since I had done it a bit for this type of thread:

Chengou Project Phantom Elite (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4594jgcGJE)


4th May 2009, 06:45 PM
Thats a great run there as well.
Have decided to platinum the game so thats campaign done!

Next up Zico!

7th May 2009, 10:57 AM
I don't want this to seem like i'm putting people down or that i'm big headed but i'm 100% sure this is easyer now with the 1.30 update. I tryed these before the update and had problems getting into the top 3 but since the update i did both first try and as i'm not a phantom pilot i can't put it down to practice? Some else who's already done this give it a try and tell us what you think.

7th May 2009, 10:40 PM
I had most of them done Gold before as I had the game from launch. However due to some hard drive error my game save was lost and I had to redo a lot!

I have to be honest I found t harder (from memory) as there seemed to be a huge number of bombs and mines. It may have been the same earlier (or easier) but i don't remember it as such.

8th May 2009, 12:17 AM
I re race the whole of Meltdown against Elite and found it easier than before,but I honestly put it down to practice more than any changes in the way the offline plays.

Even if you don't race Phantom all that often,if you put in enough time in Rapier [especially online against tough opponents ] you are bound to have gotten better,and therefore found it easier.

24th January 2010, 06:07 PM
Hum hum, how strange.
I'm started to run campaign in Elite last week end and now I have 3 medals missing.
Guess what? Chengou, Sebenco and the Tournament (didn't try this one yet... not ready).
So I searched '"sebenco climb" phantom' in google and I landed here...
Apparently I'm facing a usual issue.
Well, I have to practice ;)

24th January 2010, 08:05 PM
This is surely one of the only ridiculous things in WipEout HD that gets to me, and I don't think I'll ever not have issues with it. It took ages to figure out whether I just suck on Chenghou Project, or if the AI is actually given some sort of boost to enrage me.

Personally, I kinda laugh at people that always "blame the game".. but after acing the Zone event on this track on the first go, nailing the speed laps usually on the first go... and being able to win the other races on other tracks within first ten tries.. this track is completely different with the AI for races to me. Sometimes you get lucky and win by over a second, but majority of the time you have the track mastered and you still just have no chance, coming in the bottom three six seconds behind...

I hate myself for taking the "blame the game" route on this one.. but surely, hopefully, you get what I mean? I don't have this issue on any other track :/ It really gets to me.

24th January 2010, 08:23 PM
I really had a bad time on this track's when I first platinum'ed the game... I had really to try over and over... Now that I have a new account, here I go to platinum it again... Wish me luck...

24th January 2010, 08:27 PM
I understand Miguel, I've started a new account too, and am close to re-platinuming it. :D Most of the stuff felt much easier now that I'm more experienced, but Chenghou still has no mercy :(

24th January 2010, 08:36 PM
The Zone and Speed Lap events in the campaign are easier to medal than the single races and tournaments, I find.

Chenghou Phantom Elite was certainly the most difficult for me, but now I can get into first well before the start of the last lap pretty easily. It's not ridiculously difficult for the hardest setting in the game.

Before anyone else complains about this event, be sure to mention whether you have elite gold medals in every other event AND whether your PS3 fried on you while trying to get it on a hot July 4th and giving you the YLOD, destroying your saved game and anything you didn't sync online. Yep. It can get more frustrating, believe me. :P

25th January 2010, 10:39 AM
I'd try using Feisar and see how you get on :)

25th January 2010, 12:03 PM
ive had the yellow light of death twice now losing everything, had to play through campaign to unlock the tracks and ships and lost all my ghosts. i got my current ps3 the day fury came out so i made myself go back and re-do all my old times (beat them all except 4 BSB times :redface:), so in a wierd way im glad it happened.

anyway bit off topic there. these 2 tracks are unforgiving if you make any mistakes and the AI can be brutal with the weapons, as everybody keeps saying its just down to practice. why not have a few goes at the time trial of each track before you race to get a feel for the track without the distraction of "QUAKE, MISSILE, ROCKETS, CONTENDER ELIMINATED"

25th January 2010, 12:27 PM
it took me many a time to beat those courses i did exactly as shapealot said

27th January 2010, 02:41 PM
subenco wasnt too hard for me cos you got so many BR you can stick in to win.
chengu project was hard cos it has less options for BR

but for me sol forward was the hardest.even with two br per lap and a perfect run i had trouble winning and had to rely on A.I playing poorly to win.

27th January 2010, 03:32 PM
i'm having major problem with chenghou on phantom-elite...
the A.I. opponents have gone berserk and and they drive like they are cheating!beside that they are throwing bombs and mines only on me,i am really frustrated!
i have no serious problems with the other tracks, only chengou :'(
the only gold medals i am missing on phantom-elite are chenghou and the tournament...
i have to admit that i found beating zico and zeus easier than the chenghou race alone!
i guess i need more practice...

27th January 2010, 05:05 PM
:nodscary thing is when you are finally good enough to beat chengu on phantom elite you will still be average online in a phantom race on chengu with many players .thats how good the standard of many players who play phantom.
elite golds means you are ready to really start to learn from the pros out their playing.

the standard on many online players is shockingly good..

no one should ever feel gutted when they dont win a race due to this fact.just racing to your best is one should need to do.

27th January 2010, 09:15 PM
I'm going to put my WO bluray in a mixer !!!!
At least one hour on sebenco and couldn't get better than 4th place...

27th January 2010, 10:54 PM
Just did Elite Campaign again, so my feeling on it is, always go for the speed pads first and any weapons you pick up make sure you use it to good effect. Learn the shortcuts/Boost BRs as the AI just can't live with it.

28th January 2010, 12:15 AM
on subenco when you are in the tunnel that travels upwards use a turbo into Br that kills the A.I its a big time saver

oh and on first bump push down your nose otherwise the BR is a waste of time..

and the last bend as you head towards the big tunnel..well i never bother with the BR i just focus on hitting the speed pad so i can get the double BR in the tunnel on the way down.but if your hot you can do all 3. but for elite you wont need that much speed.

29th January 2010, 08:43 AM
I got Sebenco !!!!!
At least 6/8 hours on this track to get gold!!!!
Gosh, I did several 2'08" races and couldn't win... I saw some guys having gold with 2'11"...
Finally, with a 2'09", I got it!
I was third in right turn before the last uphill (good english word??), I do the last BR before the zigzag and get 1st. I panic, I screw the last turn but still stay first.

Yahoo !!! Remaining Chengou.
I did few tries... AI is quite different. On Sebenco they are fast but not so agressive (well, I can finish the race). On Chengou, they were not so fast but I got killed 75% of time and I'm hit as soon as I have someone behind o_O'. Not cool.

29th January 2010, 11:32 AM
well done Temet! ;)

at last i passed the cursed chenghou on phantom-elite this morning!yeah!
feisar really makes the difference here! everyone dont give-up! luck also is needed...
i also got the gold in tournament fairly easy,on my 3rd try...
again feisar works like miracle(won 5 of 8 races,even chenghou xD)
only arcade perfect left for Trancendence!!! yoohoo!:D

29th January 2010, 07:11 PM
I'm late, I didn't get the zone trophies, the 100 000 points or AG assassin and Endurance...
I just got gold on Chengou, a LOT easier than Sebenco for me... less than 1 hour to get it. As I wrote before, AI is quite slow on this one... if you get lucky enough not get shot, easy to get first. No so easy to stay 1st. I think this one can be easy without weapons ;)
Well, I don't feel the courage to fight for tournament... :paperbag

31st January 2010, 10:05 AM
Sebenco is murdering me even in Rapier class on Novice!

I think this is the one in the lower right corner on the Head Rush event. I spend most of the time in 7th or 8th and can maybe jump up to 5th in the final lap. Once I finally managed to get a bronze medal, but that unadorned brown medal looks pretty pathetic next to the Skilled and Elite golds around it!

Somehow the AI ships get out to a 4-second lead in the first part of the first lap and the I spend the rest of the race catching up with them. I know I'mnot that awful, because I keep closing the lead, but I'm still about 2 seconds behind in the end. The winner will finish in 2:05:80 and I'll be around 2:08; sometimes that's last place.

I can't even imagine Phantom. Those turns must be insane.

31st January 2010, 11:10 AM
you have to master side-shifting!
practice in time trials or speed lap :)

31st January 2010, 11:55 AM
...and Barrel-Roll like your life depends on it :nod

I think there's maybe 10-11 per lap, maybe more if you're name is Leungbok :dizzy. Obviously one wouldn't use all of them in a race but it's pretty good to know them just in case :)

31st January 2010, 03:13 PM
I don't use side-shift, I won.
But still, I'm veeerrryyy angry just now, ****ing stupid game! :evil

2nd February 2010, 10:22 PM
Me too, I completed those challenges without sideshift, I thought it was only
useful to avoid a bomb or something, but in fact it's a big time cutter.
You really go seconds faster when you use it.

3rd February 2010, 11:45 AM
Haha, same! Actually if it wasn't for youtube (thanks Mad-Ice & Wowo especially) I probably wouldn't have started using sideshift.

Woohoo I can go sideways AND travel in a straight line....woohoo? :lol

3rd February 2010, 12:30 PM
Hum, do you have a link or something explaining how to use this?
I mean, I know the double-tap on airbreak, but don't know why to use it.
I know you can gain some precious seconds since the guy beating-Zico-without-BR almost sideshifts every 3 seconds...

3rd February 2010, 08:23 PM
Temet man, you've got that far without sideshift! My god, you must be pretty good.
I too was ignorant of the power of the side shift, however, after struggling for a while on Sol2/Flash/elite, I decided to see if it was useful.

And it was.

My advice is to do some practice on Sol2. On the first "spiral corner", use side shift to keep you on track for the speed pad upon exit ( I find this speed pad to be the most important on the track) and then use it to stay tight, tight, tight to the right hand side on the second spiral (the one downwards). That really trains you for the power of side shift.

By the way. As it took me over an hour to beat Elite on Sol/flash (Shameful I know), maybe we should have a thread for people struggling on speeds lower than Phantom. the reason I mention it is that some of the options available on phantom (I mean some BR opportunities) aren't there on the lower speeds.

Keep at it, I'm half way through campaign 7 on elite and not looking forward to level 8!

3rd February 2010, 08:36 PM
Thanks man but I'm far from being good.
I also had my first surprise on Sol2 on Flash... but not so much a big deal.
The real big fight for me was Sebenco on Phantom. I maybe raced for 5 hours on this track !!
I got gold on Chengou in about 1 hour... but now I have to do it again for arcade perfect and can't do it... and I spent more than 1 hour this time (a lot).
I made a break, didn't play since Sunday... when I won Chengou ex-aequo and noticed in statistics that this is not good for Arcade Perfect trophy :'(

I'm still shaking just thinking about reverse tracks...

EDIT : just got gold again on Chengou... yeah in turns sideshifts make you gain lot a time on AI. Indeed, I have been 1st several times but got shot every time. When I won, that's what happened... but I got a boost and used it just after the last turn and won on the line.
I had to do the 500 time on online records to get it... Elite is really hard.

3rd February 2010, 09:19 PM
The AI on the reverse tracks is not as hard as forward you will be pleased to know. You will find it much easier to beat them.

3rd February 2010, 09:41 PM
Thanks for the tip, the last remaining forward is Sebenco.
I have to do all reverse tracks except Anulpha.
Anyway, I'll have to learn the shape of the tracks... I always have troubles with this kind of reverse/mirror thing.

4th February 2010, 08:12 PM
Yeah, I won Chengou reverse with EXTREME luck !!!
The combo boost + autopilot is extremely efficient to close the last lap :hyper

Just remaining Metropia, Sebenco, Ubermall, Sol2 (all reverse) and I get platinum without using the 2nd player trick :hyper

5th February 2010, 04:02 PM
The AI on the reverse tracks is not as hard as forward you will be pleased to know. You will find it much easier to beat them.

Oh Okay that is why. I recently thought "How did I manage to get gold on Sebenco, Metropia and Ubermall reverse just a couple of weeks after I began playing WOHD"

I just remember I did Ubermall reverse with Harimau (HD). that was quite easy.

5th February 2010, 04:09 PM
Just got the Elite Campaign Legend trophy:D

Took me about 7 hours total to complete all the races on elite.. Started 2 days ago so have been playing alot last couple of days haha..

Now I only have Zone Zeus and Bling Brigade left:cake

5th February 2010, 09:54 PM
Just got Sebenco Climb Reverse... about 1h45 and 180 laps to win...
Weapons off, highly recommended since the AI is so cheating...
Two times I was first at the last turn and screwed it up...

Ubermall reverse and Sol 2 reverse remaining.
Ubermall is the easiest of all tracks for me to get gold (I don't know why, AI looks not good at this one)... but the few laps I did on reverse are very bad :'(

Once I finish these two races, I don't play this game for several days... I've never been so mad playing a game in my whole life, I'm scaring myself with the anger I can feel...

6th February 2010, 12:52 AM
[...] I've never been so mad playing a game in my whole life, I'm scaring myself with the anger I can feel...
LooooooooL I know that feeling mate!!! I just love WipEout also for that! :bomb:lol
Once upon a time one of my friends told me that the most a game make you mad, the most the game will be awesome once you learn how to dominate it. SO true! :o

6th February 2010, 02:38 PM
... I've never been so mad playing a game in my whole life, I'm scaring myself with the anger ...
That's the reason why we love it so much. :)

6th February 2010, 07:54 PM
Yeah but that's strange ... the AI is terribly slow on Ubermall.
Today, only Ubermall reverse and Sol 2 reverse where missing for arcade perfect.
I trained around 30 laps in speed lap on Ubermall and they try with AI.
I did a terrible race and was first... I nearly stopped the race 'cause I thought I was not in "Elite" mode... and I was.
Very strange, straight or reverse, AI is bad on Ubermall...

6th February 2010, 11:07 PM
Ubermall is so easy when you do the shortcut. On reverse I hit the lamp post all the time though lol. I gotta stop doing that on online races...

7th February 2010, 12:02 AM
@Temet: Likewise, the AI is weak on each Fury track.

11th February 2010, 11:25 AM
I finally managed Chenghou Project on Phantom Elite today, finally being given the transcendency trophy! But, boy oh boy, do I hate the A.I.!

I practiced time trial first, always finishing between 2.07 - 2.09 but in campaign I first did not succeed. I nearly always got eliminated! Not once could I pass first place without getting hit by at least two rockets! At times it was just ridiculous! It's like all opponents wait for you to go first and then go berserk. Then the voice goes: Missiles, Rockets, Rockets, Quake, Contender Eliminated!

Once I finished in 2.07 but only got fourth place - unbelievable! I stopped using barrel rolls at one point, as it only weakens the shield and every second plasma will definitely hit you! Finished first with 2.09.

So my advice is: don't barrel roll, only pass first place with a shield. Good luck!

11th February 2010, 08:46 PM
Did you try it with weapons switched off?

11th February 2010, 09:47 PM
@ODK-Koma: Congrats for the transcendency trophy. :+

Well, a 2.07 to 2.09 in TT shows that the problem is on your side. The average
time, while having an almost clean race online, is in the range of 2.02 - 2.04.
Hence, you can improve a lot! :nod

So my advice is: don't barrel roll ...
Which is an just indication that your pick-up utilization isn't good enough. There
are enough weapon / item pads on the track to counter the lost in energy from
at least two barrel rolls per lap.

12th February 2010, 07:05 AM
Maybe you forgot how Elite AI is aggressive with weapons dude ;)

12th February 2010, 05:05 PM
The Elite AI is kinda aggressive but nothing to worry about too much. A good
pick-up utilization, BRs, and riding a good line will lead almost always to
victory on Chengou Project as well as Sebenco Climb. Once you've master these
three things the AI becomes a joke, honestly. I would like to have an AI that
adapts somehow to your speed and skills.

13th February 2010, 01:05 AM
There are some very excellent videos on Youtube about these tracks.
But essentially keep trying. At first I could not play this game, but then you get better with time. Now Elite AI is easy unless I fail really badly.
But keep making videos on Youtube, very helpful to a lot of people (including me.)