View Full Version : A WIPEOUT christmas thanks

8th December 2008, 06:07 PM
1) To ARnaud, for showing me how to go faster, from the brake tapping, to explaining the lines in significant detail. Also for flying over the the US twice to play in my tournament, that was a lot of fun

2) To El Habib, for sending me some seriously cool wipeout stuff

3) To Jay West, for inviting myself and ARnaud up to his tourney

4) To DJ Techno, for helping me take care of Rennie during the tourney

5) To Lunar, for having me help try and figure out some wipeout one times. It showed me that a perfect lap in wipeout 1, is not neccessarily a flawless lap. also for the download packs and wo1pal psn

6) To Medusa, for reading my wipeout writeup, and giving me some critiques on it

7) To Rob Foxx, for keeping Wipeout going among all of the Hardcore fans with this great site. Also for putting in all of the records tables, even if I am the only one to compete in them

8) To AG Wolf, for beating Arnaud in Terramx so I wouldn't have to play him in the final

9) To Travis, for beating Arnaud in Metropia, so I wouldn't have to play him in the final :)

10) To qdmc, darkdrium, for coming to the tourney last year

11) To FBJ, for giving me some of the lines that I needed to compete in the tables

12) To Hellfire, for wiping the floor with me on sebenco that first night, that gave me some serious motivation.

13) To Isaac, for downloading wohd for me, and for motivating my weight loss

14) To everyone else who has played me online, it has been a nice experience

15) To Nick Burcombe, who will be designing the next wipeout game (praying). I think HD is a great game though and certainly the best in the last 4 tries, but still want the old physics back, with online

9th December 2008, 07:40 PM
Good list!

A big "You're welcome!" And a big thank you to you for showing me how to go faster!, and I second numbers 1, 5, 7, and 15...most of those points also apply for me. Thanks guys!

Spaceboy Gajo
12th December 2008, 04:13 PM
Great post Al! I'd like to do the same if I may, or since I've got the time. Hopefully some of the time I spend being busy will involve Wipeout. Especially since my poor performance at the last meet.

Any ways, I'd like to say thanks to...

Al - I cannot say what a pleasure it was to finally meet you, the man the legend that is known as Al Sartwell, after all these years on the forum. Long over due, but better late than never as they say. Hopefully, we'll get to see more of each other in 2009.

Arnaud - Another year another flight across the pond. It was great to see you again and thanks for all you had done for us when your were. Your generousity along with your racing skills is truly legendary. I couldn't repay you in time for Christmas as I hoped to, but the new year is just around the corner and I can start anew and send you my thanks to start the year off.

Trinity College - We had an unfortunate break in the summer, but we can thankfully say that we're back up and playing again and having our beloved founder still with us. Speaking of which, Jay, thanks for letting us raid your house either for the Canadian tourney or if I'm crazy enough to bring my PS3. Also, for all those posts recapping our meets. Mike, it truly is a pleasure racing against you. If only I can say that racing with another legend who has brought home some records ;) Looking forward to start the New Year off with you guys and here's to adding to our numbers a bit in 2009.

The Bull and the Firkin - The owners and employees will probably never see this. I don't know how you put up with us, but I'm glad that you guys give us a place to call home when we have these monthly meets. Also, I'm thankful you provide me some eye candy and my beer to help making my insta fives less painful. I keep think it'd be great to have a big Canadian convention here. Any ways, here's another year of business, more Wipeout meets, eye candy and Rickard's Red!

Studio Liverpool - You guys and gals really spoiled us in 2008. I don't think we'll see two releases in the franchises in one year in a very, very long time! Hopefully, you'll have something to give us in 2009. At least some DLC ;) Any ways, HD to me was almost flawless.

Foxy - What a year it's been for you :) Even with all that, you still manage to bring us together at this wonderful place. Now that I've met Al, you're next on list! Hopefully next year if I manage to come over to your side of the pond. Then I can buy you a pint of your favourite lager/ale and truly say thank you for all that your've done.

WipeoutZone - Having a post on my birthday was a pleasant surprise. Made me feel special. Not only that, but playing some of you in Pulse or HD. Especially since we all dreamed of it happening for quite some time. Here's to another year of great posts, artworks, laughs and some incredible races for 2009!

Finally, here's a little something in the festive spirit of the season and this post. Something I think Arnaud would enjoy since I remember him telling me about one of his previous trips to Toronto. Especially the Eaton Centre (http://www.unit-of-g.com/Wipeout/Birds.JPG).

AG Tree (http://www.unit-of-g.com/Wipeout/AGTree.JPG) - Okay, just like my papercraft FEISAR it's hanging. However if you just stare off into the distance you can pretend it's Christmas in Ubermall and the Christmas Tree is just hovering ;)

Hope you all have a great and safe holiday season!

13th December 2008, 01:37 PM
Sorry Gajo, you should have been on the list as well. Thanks to Gajo (for me pronounced, Gaa Joe), for being a great host up at the Canadian tourney. I look foward to you coming down to the US tourney next year. Win or lose, I don't think Gajo ever got upset, great attitude

13th December 2008, 02:26 PM
May I say Jabberjaw that having such excellent wipeout racers such as your self that making visiting this forum a pleasure.

The "Let's be friends" attitude has never be so alive and well.

The embracing of new members to this forum should be how all forums are conducted.

We will as a forum only go from strength to strength if this attitude is kept up.

To quote Nadia who so beautifully phrased the whole wipeout experience.

It's wipEout! We race, we die.

15th December 2008, 01:03 AM
Hey Al just wanted to say i'm honored by your thanks...and your welcome for beating Arnaud in metropia ;) at the last tourney. i cant wait till june 09 to come up again. should be a blast.

also want to thank all of you guys on here that make this website a joy to visit each and everytime. every last one of you.

and another thanks to foxx for your recent support in me and xaviers expansion of the zone community in ps3 Home.

merry Christmas to you all , all over the world! now if we could only get some sebenco climb style snow here in Connecticut to complete the season :p.

17th December 2008, 10:23 AM
What a great thread Al

Thx a lot to you for inviting me twice into your home sweet home and same congrats goes to Jay for the canadian convention ( twice ), all those friends i saw there ( Travis, Xavier, Eric, Mike, Ben, Michael, Gajo, Fawad)

Thx to Stin, MadIce, Alterego(early jan 08), Eg-27 Snow X for inviting me this year at least one time ( multiple times for Stevie and Matthijs)

Thx to Foxxy for maintening this site alive and let all those meetings, conversation, etc... possible.

Merry Christmas to all WZ community

19th December 2008, 06:59 AM
thank you to the aussy guys that are going to save a sailor once again ;)

merry christmas everyone !