View Full Version : Names! Aka's.

4th November 2008, 03:29 PM
I came up with this idea through the little discussion between Lance and Darkdrium777 about names real or not! I was wondering about:

What is your real name?
How did you get your forum name and or your other names?

My name is: Matthijs Boon
The pronunciation is very close to Mad-Ice, that is how I came up with my english nickname. My dutch nick before was; Mat-ijs. But I like Mad-Ice much better because it suits me well. Normally I am very relaxed as cool as ice but sometimes I like to go mad in the most positive sense of the word. There are also nicknames I got from friends like; Djemmy-M because I like to go wicked on the African drum (Djembee). Sometimes we play some poker in the weekends and somebody gave me the nick; pokerfacebaboon, obviously because of my last name. I'd like to know yours.

4th November 2008, 03:50 PM
Drenath is the name of my Warrior in EverQuest. Just something I came up with.

4th November 2008, 04:01 PM
Nice custom Avatar there Mad Ice.

My real name.... im not sure whether i want to reveal it yet, cause i might get my email inbox spammed if i where to accidentally to piss off someone. So ill wait a tad longer.

But the username KIGO came from the time i got a high record in Need for Speed 3 Hot Pursuit back all the way in 1998 on my old PSX, so since then ive been using the KIGO tag since then. 10 years old now when you think about it, and a few high ranked records here and there, i dont intend to change it anytime soon.

It also has a good meaning in the Wipeout world too since im a Goteki pilot, and also in some other racing games as well, and i just realised it also is Japanese related somehow also. Some sorta season transistion or something.

4th November 2008, 04:14 PM
Real names' Martin Hay, so my username comes from my initials, being MartinDanielHay

4th November 2008, 04:26 PM
Ah, my real name...don't think I want to post it this blatantly, haha. Although anybody who pokes around the forums enough will figure it out.

Forum name? Medusa...because there was a point in life where I was really rather bitter and hated the world, and also had a weird fondness for letting my long hair be completely wild...so I ended up using that name, lol. Now my hair's short and manageable, and I don't actually hate anything anymore. Oh well.
And there is kiTTun, when I was little my nickname was Kitten, so I thought I'd throw it out there and capitalize the TT to make it more wipeout (TimeTrial...).
I'm odd, yes.

4th November 2008, 04:34 PM
um.. MDH, you do realise that e-mail collector programs just read the character codes in the data stream. They don't operate visually, so you might as well have used the regular font colour.


My real everyday everywhere real-life nickname is Lance, which is short for Lancelot, as I've mentioned on the forum before. I used it because I wanna be me, rather than some fake persona. As many of you know, I'm gay and I grew up in a time and place where such things had damned well better nOt exist, if you wanted to stay physically uninjured and alive. I had to hide who I was and it really cost me the kind of life I should have had. I still live with the results of that hiding in that era. So I put a high value on being honest and open about things.

Even though I'm actually very imaginative. :g

edit: Maybe I should have chosen the username "MisterPassionatelyOverlySerious"? :D Mr. POS, for short? [laughs to self all crazy-like]

4th November 2008, 06:21 PM
So first I will reply to Lance's post in the avalon thread (sorry Kanar :lol)

IMO, "Asayyeah" is even more real than his given name, since he chose it himself. Names one chooses for oneself are truer expressions of one's character than anything else can be. Names chosen by a parent represent their own character rather than that of the child. Other than that, the official given name is just an instrument for government and businesses to keep track of you.So Darkdrium is this little guy:
and this represents my true character? :lol
Well to be honest I suppose you are right, as there is a little of a backstory concerning the choice of this username.

So before I get on with it and bore most people, my real name is Xavier.

Now, here we go.
This originates way back in the mid to late 1990s, in a used video-game store. There was this game in the display case, called Dragon Warrior Monster, was being sold for about fifteen dollars. It was sort of a precursor to Pokemon, with monsters you can capture/etc. Dragon Quest fans will be familiar with most of the monsters in it. The goal was to find your little sister capture by an evil monster at night in your house. Anyways, a cousin of the evil monster, the good monster, arrives and offers to help you, which you accept. You become a monster trainer and the goal is to find your sister and bring her back home by defeating the evil monster. Well the only copy of the store was being played by one of the shop owners, and I was offered the chance to try it (That wouldn't happen anymore in Gamestop :P). I immediately got hooked to it, and bought it.
I didn't delete the shop owner's save though (Name's Pako) and kept on playing in his steps, I only just started a new game to figure out the beginning of the game as Pako was really only at the beginning. And so I wasted many hours on this game, collecting and breeding monsters to make them stronger.
Eventually, I got pretty powerful, and my best monster's name was evidently: Darkdrium. I had poured a lot of monsters in it to make it the best, and was rewarded: at only level 20 or so, it had maxed stats (Max level was around 90 or something). At the same time as I was playing this game internet had arrived and the first username I used was Mistywing (I did not have Darkdrium yet, or any powerful monsters).
He's pretty cool don't ya think? Well anyways once I got Darkdrium I liked him a lot (Obviously since he was my best, and the effects of his attacks were just awesome [Note, I was impressed with GameBoy Color graphics and sounds at the time]). So eventually I stuck with it. The first ''Darkdrium'' account was my MSN, then others followed.
A few years ago, I wanted to make an account on a forum (I believe it was the Playstation Undeground, although I am not certain), and it required a number for the creation of the account. I chose ''777'' because of the following reason: Triple Seven is the best draw you can get on a slot machine, and therefore requires a lot of luck. So yeah, it's kinda like a ''Luck Bonus'' that I added to my username. And well I created a few other accounts since, including on the WOZ when Asayyeah showed me the way after I posted interest in Wipeout, was it on Youtube? I think so.
Anyways, that's pretty much the whole picture. I have to add though that I still own the Game Boy Color game, and the ''Pako'' save file is still on it. I will never delete it. The game has been part of me for so many years, well I think you understand.

4th November 2008, 06:56 PM
um.. MDH, you do realise that e-mail collector programs just read the character codes in the data stream. They don't operate visually, so you might as well have used the regular font colour.

Well, crap.

RJ O'Connell
4th November 2008, 06:56 PM
I bet no one could ever find my real name out. ;)

4th November 2008, 07:00 PM
Rory something O'Connell?

The homepage rules.;)

RJ O'Connell
4th November 2008, 07:17 PM
Replace "something" with James and you're set. ^^

Back to the names! XD

4th November 2008, 07:20 PM
Rory JAY O'Connell, if the Simpsons told you anything... ;)

I don't really know where my nickname comes from - hell I don't even know what language it's supposed to be. It does seem to mean something along the lines of 'a friend' or 'the friendly' in arabic, but then I'm not really friendly actually... ;) Also, somebody once told me it means something like 'convertible' in spanish - but I think that was BS.
Anyway, I do know that I acquired this nickname during my time in the military service, which by the way were completely wasted (not only in an alcohol-related sense) 8 months of my then too young life.

Real name's Martin Römer (Römer meaning 'a guy from Rome' - so I guess that's not true either :P)

4th November 2008, 08:06 PM
hm... darkdrium, the dark metal.... of which evil machines are made. ;)

4th November 2008, 10:39 PM
my real name is Stephen N'u'm'm'y, N'u'm'm'y (without the 's )wasn't helpful growing up(Mummy, Dummy, Bummy etc)

for my forum name I came up with zer0shen, it comes from two words: zero meaning nothing and shen is one of the 3 treasures in Chinese Medicine meaning consciousness, mind, spirit so zer0shen means energy from the void

I made the 'o' into a '0' or capital O to empasize how I want the word to sound
it's supposed to be pronounced something like Zh'rOcean
Ocean = racing with power and fluidity

keep the stories coming they have been really interesting so far


5th November 2008, 12:59 AM
I'm Ben. Poke around in the records and you'll find my real name sooner or later.

I was maybe 12, 13 when I joined the forum. I needed a name but at that time i had no online name - i saw the username 'username' and thought, hmmm what's a random phrase to pick and thus the name insertcoin was born.

I do not use the insertcoin tag anywhere else - everywhere else I use either radium, radiumx or rdmx. I picked the name radium because I was looking through the periodic table for a gaming name. It was element 88. (8s are lucky in azn culture). When the name 'radium' was taken on the PSN, I just added an X and tadaaaaa.

I have since shortened it to rdmx (because it's unpronouncable to most people, unless you're a kiwi >.< [rerr-dum-ucks])

5th November 2008, 06:13 AM
This thread is so going the way I had hoped! Very nice and interesting back stories guys, keep them coming.

5th November 2008, 07:55 AM
I am Arthur, King of the Britons.

Sorry, wrong thread ;) (http://wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5465&page=2&p=103315)

Guillaume is my first name, plain and simple. I believe it would be William in English.

5th November 2008, 09:25 AM
My real name is Fabrice Spenlehauer.

My nickname Zackdem comes from a very bad joke, from an old teenage movie that can only mean something if you speak french.
it's the contraction of 3 words, the first one modified to fit with an English name and only the first case of the last one, that can be literally translated by "scumbag" (I know, I know, that's very nice :)).

I use it since I started to play to online FPS 6 years ago and now I keep it for all games because I like it and I never need to find another one because somebody is already using it.

5th November 2008, 12:48 PM
Hi All!

Here in the zone a lot of mates wipers know me very well! ;)

but remember is a good thing....

Name: Romano
Age......old and wise (?) 46..... ;)
nick: Alterego - Alteregorr (psn) (is my older nick its first appearance in the mid of 1995 during my first step in the web world :) )
2nick: Big Bear and member of the XXL Team with my dear friend Asa Sensei :D
Founder of TIF (The Italian Flyers) a Wo Team like the most famous FFF team.

and my cheers is 'CdRom' acronymous of 'Ciao da Romano'

I Hope it's all.....but...maybe?

excuse my bad english, but it is so... :D

Read you soon!

5th November 2008, 02:34 PM
I thought CdRom was another of your usernames, not an acronym :O Thanks for explaining :)

5th November 2008, 02:48 PM
My real name is Edward. Not very exciting, I know.

1st Nick(SOS): Back in '95 or so, I chose the initial set of SOS for most arcade games. It hadn't been chosen by anyone at that point, and it stuck. I used it on the Wipeout demo at a local toy store, and had even heard discussions about who the "SOS player" was, and so forth. I still use it for any game that requires a 3 initial set.

2nd Nick(Avenger): When W3O was available to me, I fell in love with the series all over again. I'd always kind of imagined a new team to be added to the wipeout universe named Avenger. I used it on W3O, and many other games. The 2197 was an accident, as it was supposed to be 2097 instead.:) Thankfully, Pure used the year 2197, so it fit into the WO universe anyway. So, that's my story:g

5th November 2008, 03:43 PM
Real name Jeremy. never really liked it, or Jez. Dont hate it enough to officially change it though, that could just be laziness, hard to tell ;)

rushin came about, hmm. turn of the century, lots of parties, this fluffy new thing called MDMA. rushing was something my friends and I (and many complete strangers) were doing a lot together.. Don't want to harbour the point as attitudes toward such things are different across cultures and people. Lets just call me a permissive hippy semi-buddhist hedonist, know that i had a *really* good time, and leave it at that :hyper

For ease of use (and to aid my failing memory) i stick with rushin across the net. Often shortened to rush by others, which is better but generally not available on registration. Had to go the other way with PSN and lengthen it to rushinmonkey. With hindsight i might have something more interesting like akuuka :)

5th November 2008, 04:56 PM
Name's Charlie :)

There isn't really much behind my username, first picked it back when I registered for the Wipeout Fusion boards. Took it from the Apache-mounted missile rather than any particular burny-devily-stabby-fork connotation, suppose it could link back to my explosive temper ;)

5th November 2008, 06:19 PM
I picked my username more than 16 years back when I owned an AMIGA and me and my clique used to be programming some demo stuff. Everybody just had to have a veeeeery cool sounding alias back then, so I decided on "Tomahawk"... TomatoJoe is another handle I'm using for playing on pokerstars.com, Kai, PSN and portablegaming.de. I picked that one for two reasons: 1. As a child my face would turn red very fast when I was excited or did too much sports, so my friends called me tomato as a nick. 2. When I visited the united states for the first time I found a bottle of ketchup at Wall Mart which had a cute little tomato-face mascot called TomatoJoe. This reminded me of my nickname when I was a child. Years later I had to think of some alternative username for registering at the sites I mentioned above, cause Tomahawk wasn't available anymore. I remembered about TomatoJoe and that's about it...

Funnily enough my real name is Tom and I realized after I decided on my two favourite nicks that both begin with these three letters ( TomatoJoe Tomahawk) :lol

Nadia Elenova
5th November 2008, 09:08 PM
Well I think it's about time to reveal my secret personality (which is my real one :P)
My name is Miguel Angel, which means "God is just" and "Messenger of god".
I am not a religious person so I decided to change it to one that suits me better:
Nadia Elenova. (the only pilot's name mentioned in Pulse)
Why? Simple, she is a Qirex pilot. Now THAT really defines me! 8)

... Also, somebody once told me it means something like 'convertible' in spanish - but I think that was BS.
Confirmed, "eLhabib" it's not even close at "convertible" in spanish, that was BS :P

6th November 2008, 06:34 AM
Real name's Chris Harvey

Harvai started as a mis-pronounce of my last name,(Harveey! to Harvayeee!) which soon grew. I decided to keep it when I figured out 'vai' would work as well, and since Steve Vai is an awesome guitarist.

6th November 2008, 02:30 PM

Nice stories here!
My real name's oliver. I took "kanar" as username because of Timesplitters 2 (a great FPS for Ps2, in 2002). I played this game a lot (4 players split screen), we laughed a lot with the duck character (team kanar, drunk & high!) here's a picture I googlelized http://www.detstar.com/files/reviews/ts2_16.jpg (it was a funny FPS). Kanar is canard : means duck in French.

6th November 2008, 04:07 PM
:D Canard. I didn't think of that even though I knew you were in France.
heh. About 11 years ago I used to call myself 'Le Duc de l'Orange'.
A bilingual pun. :rolleyes:
It was in a Radiohead chatroom and all the regular chatters knew who I was, but I sometimes shifted nicknames for fun.

6th November 2008, 05:02 PM
My real name is Steven Hunter, my mates calls me stevie.

Steven Linda Hunter (Linda is my fiancee but she also called Cool-Lover on this forum)

I used to be called Stindah but someone had been calling me stin all the time through WWW. Now foxy change to stin for me and been stuck ever since.


6th November 2008, 05:10 PM
Al Sartwell is my real name, and online HD name as well. I started out on wip3out.de as al sartwell, switched to JABBERJAW when dave pegg yelled at me :), then switched to ZOOLANDER, then Rob and others said Jabberjaw was better, so I had it switched back.

6th November 2008, 06:22 PM
I went back in the forum archives to find this thread (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1), and saw you were referenced to as ZOOLANDER. You must have switched for some bit of time now though.

6th November 2008, 06:44 PM
I think that "PerfectionSeeker" might apply to Al.

6th November 2008, 06:53 PM
Djemmy-M 8) you got the right idea to create that thread : congrats my dear friend.

Kanar - Canard : Funnily enough i shared this nickname with you, Oliver ages ago ! i think I am old enough to reveal it now : I was 22 and 1st time in Amsterdam with a couple of flat broke mates into an antique ford Taurus-wagon ( close to the 2097 wuss-wagon :g) we spent 2 nights in that 'smoke-tank' ; I was 1st to be awake and 1st thing my eyes captured were ducks 'floating' on one of the Amsterdam canals so i literally yell ' Ca..nard ' to wake up my buddies, héhé. So they called me Canard during 2 years :D

My current nickname Asayyeah came from French Guyana (South America) , i spent 2 years working there (2000/2001) in Telecoms : job was not so hard but well paid, friendly & peacefull atmosphere if you see what i mean, so, around the aperitif hour we were celebrating/drinking to the beauty of life and fantastic landcape we were watching. Our anthem was short but euphoric : " Yeah ! I say Yeahhhh " . Phonetically speaking I say yeah turned into A say yeah with 'A' sounding like the A of Fat ( ala french pronunciation ). I stayed with that nickname which reminds me all the time a certain art of living.

6th November 2008, 06:57 PM
Thanks for the more complete story. :)

6th November 2008, 08:41 PM
My real name's Tristan; I ended up with the ID Maschinengeist, because it means Machine Spirit, or Ghost in the Machine. I got it because I love operating machinery of almost any type...planes, boats, cars, motorbikes...I love it all, and the faster the better. :)

6th November 2008, 10:28 PM
9 years ago my brother and I started playing Quake III Arena online, a little later I discovered IRC and was in need of a nickname to use regularly but didn't really have one to use straight away aside from the one used by my friends. Which is Ot, from Otto (totally different and unrelated story :) ), but I write it with inverted capitals: oT, because I find Ot to be rather unsightly.. But that time was a bit of a rough patch so I decided not to use it on irc.

I started looking around a bit and found that turning arena around gives you anera. Being a scifi and especially Stark Trek enthousiast that was easily converted into An'Era which is meant to be pronounced like "ahnerraa." I tend to be a twitchy and nervous guy and I think that is pretty well covered by the pronunciation.

An'Era wasn't allowed on the undernet though, so I ditched the quote and so AnEra it became. The regulars in the channel I frequented used initials to address friends and my nick became AE but I liked AnE better because it's still able to serve as a name so that is what I am using as my racing ID now. AnEra and variations like AnErare / AnEraro / AnErari I still use around the internets for different purposes with AnErare the most frequent.

7th November 2008, 04:13 PM
switched to JABBERJAW when dave pegg yelled at me :)
That was the reason?

Fork me, all this time and I didn't know that. :dizzy

I just figured the name change was part and parcel of the meltdown you were having back then, because round about the same time you did that thing where you locked your keys in your car with your engine running.

I ROFL'd at that, I'm afraid. ;)


The things you learn about people you've never met. :)

7th November 2008, 09:24 PM
that quote was in for comedy Rob, I saw some post with dave's name in it, and remembered when he went off on my. I really switched because you and a few other guys liked Jabberjaw better, thought about it, and agreed. I'm not going to go with ZOOBBERJAW, or anything like that in the future though. I do like the keys qoute though, is that still in the list of quotes on the main page?

Synthetic Consciousness
7th November 2008, 10:49 PM
My name's Robert. My alias actually existed on this forum before deciding it would be my musical alias. Just a fancy way of saying artificial intelligence. I suppose it fits; my stuff's been called IDM before. Not sure why...

8th November 2008, 06:14 PM
Real name's ɥɔɐǝl ɯɐpɐ (upside down) I don't know why I chose this username, I kinda hate it now, I'd rather be called qaz TBH...

8th November 2008, 06:39 PM
The analogue of your given name would be 'alpha' rather than 'omega'. :D

8th November 2008, 07:48 PM
Well, there is LordOmega as well, so I suppose a change would lessen confusion...
In fact, how would I go about asking for my name to be changed to Alpha?

9th November 2008, 05:53 AM
Ben will do - too many Ben's on this forum, what are we upto now? 5?
The forum name is from my first serious email address (I believe its still listed in my personal info), its a little cryptic I know but with a little thought one can easily pick it apart. First, Q cuz I love tinkering with things and I love the James Bond movies and I believe Q fits my description well. Second, DMC12 - my car :o I happened to obtain it by chance after an antique carshow in my area, I soo loved Back to the Future!!:g
Also, the Q comes from high school when in band practice a fellow classmate used to refer to me as "Benny-Q".

9th November 2008, 06:25 AM
My real name is Mikolaj,Nicholas in english.
My nick on the forum is just my initials but - thats the best - in the pronunciation in polish language.Just brilliant idea to do something like this on
english speaking forum dont you think?
And therre is 23 as well not without a reason.
Well there was a long time in my life when I was playing A LOT basketball
and my idol was Michael Jordan from Chicago Bulls he played with this number
so I let my self to use the nr .

10th November 2008, 12:25 AM
Ben will do - too many Ben's on this forum, what are we upto now? 5?
The forum name is from my first serious email address (I believe its still listed in my personal info), its a little cryptic I know but with a little thought one can easily pick it apart. First, Q cuz I love tinkering with things and I love the James Bond movies and I believe Q fits my description well. Second, DMC12 - my car :o I happened to obtain it by chance after an antique carshow in my area, I soo loved Back to the Future!!:g
Also, the Q comes from high school when in band practice a fellow classmate used to refer to me as "Benny-Q".

Alot of Ben's for sure on this forum. Also alot of Kieran's spelt that way on this forum too up in the high records;

KIeran fly's GOteki45, (well some of the time now... more like EG-X and Triakis)

Funny you mention the DeLorean DMC12 cause i saw one in Perth last week, no sht there. I think it 1 out of 2 in the entire country for sure. Nice car too.

10th November 2008, 02:44 AM

well that's the russian version anyway...eugene...is the americanised version...

euge or gene to most people...

10th November 2008, 04:51 AM
Funny you mention the DeLorean DMC12 cause i saw one in Perth last week, no sht there. I think it 1 out of 2 in the entire country for sure. Nice car too.
Horrible colour scheme but here ya go.
Here are the DeLorean owners in Australia
There aren't any sheep with DMC's except for the museum :D

10th November 2008, 11:01 AM
Well i took a photo of one when i saw it, cause the first thing i said when i saw it was "**** me, is that a DeLorean".

Those cars dont have paint on them all together, its just a stainless steel alluminum shell.

10th November 2008, 11:40 AM
But now what in somethings name is steenless steel aluminium, some kind of lager or just a malfunction? :P

10th November 2008, 03:35 PM
Back to the topic, please, gentlemen.

Rachel Johnson
11th November 2008, 01:22 PM
Okie-dokie. I believe it is my turn.

I usually go by the name of 'Axel Alloy' when I'm online, but I wanted to keep my other name from the WOF forums so folks would remember me easier. My name is 'Rachel Johnson' for a simple reason... The 'Rachel' part is my real first name (My full, real name being Rachel Prince) and the 'Johnson' part is the surname of my favorite Wipeout Fusion Pilot, Daniel Johnson.

I know, I know... No points for creativity. ;)

11th November 2008, 04:32 PM
heh! So your name really is Rachel.

Cool. :)

RJ O'Connell
11th November 2008, 05:54 PM
So what will you do, then, if you end up married to a guy whose last name is Johnson at some point? XD (couldn't resist.)

11th November 2008, 06:31 PM
I knew a Daniel Johnson, kind of an immature twit who thought he was cool for smoking at 14...

11th November 2008, 06:36 PM
My Real name is James but i get called Jamie.
My freinds constantly call me Clumsy and Daft and have given me the nickname Daft or Dafty , i can see why they have as i do walk into things and people, and sometimes knock things over and break them :redface: I just need to concentrate more xD

11th November 2008, 08:07 PM
That's not daft, that's just inattentive. I like daft better. :D

11th November 2008, 09:41 PM
My real name is Mike, but i love Dragoon knights from the final fantasy games, so when i bought a green katana sword several years back i named it Emerald Dragoon, it became my tag, i usually use that or Dawn Fire or a combination of the two.

11th November 2008, 09:41 PM
Your right there, Lance :lol
there are more mindless and stupid things i have done, but saying them might make me look like the biggest plank on the forum :lol

14th November 2008, 03:52 PM
Apparently,I'm only a preteen,teen next year,so i will not reveal my real name until i find it "safe" to(Meaning when no one would make fun of names considered "wierd" in english as i am chinese).My nickname came from the team FEISAR as it was my favourite team for all the wipeout games i played . In wipeout pulse,FEISAR would be the team with the most loyalty points.

14th November 2008, 06:57 PM
I doubt that you will ever find a time when there won't be at least one dumb-ass in the world somewhere who won't make 'fun' of your name or of something about you just to make themselves feel superior. Some people never cease to be immature that way. You shoulda seen how I tried to hide my real name from my classmates when I was a child. :turboeyeroll: :D

However, I agree that it's probably a good idea to continue to keep your real name secret until you're older, although for entirely different reasons. There are a lot of predatory people on the internet. There may not be a lot of them as a percentage of the total, but that still means there's a lot.

14th November 2008, 08:54 PM
Welcome, FEISAR. I have to admit that feels strange to type, being the AG-SYS monger that I am.

I for one would never make fun of your name. Different languages make for beautiful diversity. Besides which I've heard many a lame joke regarding my own.

"Is-a-door-a piece of wood?" Yawn...that gets old sooo fast.

14th November 2008, 09:09 PM
Isadora was a dancer. Isadora Duncan, that, is. But she couldn't dance around a racetrack as you can.

15th November 2008, 03:47 PM
I for one would never make fun of your name. Different languages make for beautiful diversity. Besides which I've heard many a lame joke regarding my own.

"Is-a-door-a piece of wood?" Yawn...that gets old sooo fast.

What is the meaning of the joke?

15th November 2008, 05:32 PM
It's a joke with her name in it. ;)

16th November 2008, 01:07 PM
Apparently,I'm only a preteen,teen next year,so i will not reveal my real name until i find it "safe" to(Meaning when no one would make fun of names considered "wierd" in english as i am chinese).

Yes,I am using what i typed.What i meant was that my name could be used as a pun as my middle name is part of the dictionary.Don't you ever dare to get any funny ideas!the word's meaning is to avoid someone or something.

16th November 2008, 05:13 PM
The previous one was a typo error.

I deleted it but you could have edited your own post. This is, after all, the preferred behaviour. :P

17th November 2008, 12:44 AM
dj (I can do this) Kyoto (one of my favorite places, also the name of one of my manga OC's).

Funny enough one of the WOHD tracks is there also ;)

17th November 2008, 05:44 AM
middle name is part of the dictionary.the word's meaning is to avoid someone or something.

Anyone found the word yet?

17th November 2008, 06:09 AM
abstain (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/abstain), avert (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/avert), bypass (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/bypass), circumlocute, circumvent (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/circumvent), deflect (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/deflect), desist (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/desist), ditch (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/ditch), divert (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/divert), dodge (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/dodge), duck (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/duck), elude (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/elude), escape (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/escape), eschew (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/eschew), evade (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/evade), fake out, fend off (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/fend%20off), flee (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/flee), give the slip, hide (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/hide), hold off (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/hold%20off), jump (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/jump), keep clear, lay low* (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/lay%20low), obviate (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/obviate), recoil (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/recoil), run for cover, shake (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shake), shake and bake, shake off (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shake%20off), shirk (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shirk), shrink from, shuffle off, shun (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shun), shy (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shy), sidestep (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/sidestep), skip* (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/skip), skip out on, skip town, skirt* (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/skirt), stay away, stay out, steer clear of, step aside, turn aside (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/turn%20aside), ward off (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/ward%20off), weave (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/weave), withdraw (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/withdraw) ?

Yes I just used a thesaurus :P
Don't be afraid about saying your name, even if it's chinese mate.
(heck i'm azn too)

17th November 2008, 11:04 PM

18th November 2008, 05:09 AM
What is azn?

abstain (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/abstain), avert (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/avert), bypass (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/bypass), circumlocute, circumvent (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/circumvent), deflect (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/deflect), desist (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/desist), ditch (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/ditch), divert (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/divert), dodge (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/dodge), duck (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/duck), elude (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/elude), escape (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/escape), eschew (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/eschew), evade (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/evade), fake out, fend off (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/fend%20off), flee (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/flee), give the slip, hide (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/hide), hold off (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/hold%20off), jump (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/jump), keep clear, lay low* (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/lay%20low), obviate (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/obviate), recoil (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/recoil), run for cover, shake (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shake), shake and bake, shake off (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shake%20off), shirk (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shirk), shrink from, shuffle off, shun (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shun), shy (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/shy), sidestep (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/sidestep), skip* (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/skip), skip out on, skip town, skirt* (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/skirt), stay away, stay out, steer clear of, step aside, turn aside (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/turn%20aside), ward off (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/ward%20off), weave (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/weave), withdraw (http://thesaurus.reference.com//browse/withdraw) ?

Yes I just used a thesaurus :P
Don't be afraid about saying your name, even if it's chinese mate.
(heck i'm azn too)

My initials are C.S.Y The surname is Chiang (As in Chiang Kai Shek).

18th November 2008, 04:28 PM
You'll tell us more about your life for all the ''stalkers'' by making us trying to guess your name instead of plainly saying it :D

18th November 2008, 06:00 PM
azn = asian


Read the guidelines, F.E.I.S.A.R., especially the part concerning multiple posting.

19th November 2008, 08:33 AM
I give up. The names Shun Yi.Sigh.......Yes ,my name contains "shun" but it is not pronounced the way you think it is.

19th November 2008, 09:09 AM
The asian people among us will know how to pronounce that ;)

19th November 2008, 03:40 PM
What's wrong with 'Shun'? It's a normal name IMHO, although I have no idea how to pronounce it?

19th November 2008, 04:51 PM
Something like a 'shortened' version of the English long sound of "oo", I should imagine, rather like the "ou" in "should".

The Gracer
25th November 2008, 04:19 AM
Well, my name is Brook.

I really just dont know why, sometimes i detest my parents for naming me with such a feminine name!

I also hate it when people spell it with an 'e' on the end - especially when its a family member!

Gracer or The Gracer came into my head when i was flicking through the channels on the TV - a film which depicted a white reaper floating above a meadow, tattered and dirty, but somehow graceful popped up and thats about it! ive pretty much used the same name everywhere ever since.

6th February 2009, 03:20 PM
Very interesting stories from all of you.

Well... My real name is Vladimir Alexantrof and yes I am russian but I live in Greece.(?!) Long story.

Anyway, my nickname is Seraph Hikaryu. More of a second name rather than a nickname. My closest friends call me Seraph. That's because I'm blonde and tend to wear white clothes, something like an angel or whatever. Also I'm friendly and nice with everyone unless they give me reason not to be. SO that is how I got this one. Hikaryu is a combination of japanese words "hikari" and "ryu" meaning "light" and "dragon". So I got Hikaryu in an attempt to create Dragon of Light but in one word. I know that it may not be corect in japanese but it's just a name so I think it's ok. And so I got Seraph Hikaryu. Nice to meet you all!
Almost everywhere you'll find me with this name either it is Seraph or Seraph_Hikaryu...

That's my story more or less.:)

6th February 2009, 07:53 PM
my name is James

and i have been called slimjim because i ride my bmx and run alot so i stay slim and it just stuck

Benny Lava
19th June 2009, 07:12 AM
Just don't feel like disclosing my real name yet.I'll just tell you about my nickname.
My nickname came from this youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA1NoOOoaNw

19th June 2009, 07:39 AM
Real Name: Drew

Well I am actively interested in weapons of all sorts. Just as I was getting into online gaming (oh so long ago it seems now), I had been reading a bunch on the former Soviet Union and its weapons which used to scare the "west" during the cold war. So I was going for Red Scare, but the name was already taken. I took off the "e" and it was open, so I took it. Ever since its stuck with me. I like to say that it now refers to the "scar" that the cold war has left on the world, but most ppl just think I was cut, lol. If I'm bored I alternate with different colours. If heaven forbid its taken, I add Teh infront (see PSN) half as a easy way to get the name since its always available, half since its an ongoing inside joke with friends (Tehspoon, Tehgreen, Tehraven, get the pattern).

19th June 2009, 07:41 AM
I'm not sure if it is allowed to own to accounts,but I confess.I can be either F.E.I.S.A.R or Nightmare.
on to what this thread is all about,my other nick Nightmare comes from SoulCalibur 4's Nightmare

19th June 2009, 09:34 AM
chboing come from this thing :

http://chboing.free.fr/chboing.avi < :hyper

you pronounce the same way it sounds

19th June 2009, 12:07 PM
Rory JAY
I don't really know where my nickname comes from - hell I don't even know what language it's supposed to be. It does seem to mean something along the lines of 'a friend' or 'the friendly' in arabic,

Yes it can mean "The Friend" and also "The Lover"... Arabic is a language of word association - where the root word can have up to 500 different variations of meaning - depending on how the word is used...

Anyway, my nickname is Seraph Hikaryu. More of a second name rather than a nickname. My closest friends call me Seraph.


Almost everywhere you'll find me with this name either it is Seraph or Seraph_Hikaryu...

That's my story more or less.:)

Or is it? TeamLink last weekend - I seemed to racing someone called Seraphita? Oooh - lovely, Ahem... Sorry Seraph, but it's time this world of wipers knew what you preferred to be called when racing Pulse online... hahaha nice one mate!

Just don't feel like disclosing my real name yet.I'll just tell you about my nickname.
My nickname came from this youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA1NoOOoaNw

Benny - that is really funny man - I'm an Indian - but not from South India (thank the Lord) coz that's where the crappy bollywood movies come from - however - your idea of what's going on in the song (though far from the truth) is actually more entertaining than the song itself +1 for that man.

Oh - the translation is too damn awesome (though incorrect) - the part where they all sing "we can't wait for you to pee on us" gut wrenchingly funny man!

I must add at this point - that if you were to win a race online against someone you never thought you'd beat - then this is the perfect opportunity for you to actually blast this song out - as a kind of "victory dance song" I think it works just perfectly... Also - you should paste that link in the "Need a good laugh?" thread - it's right up there mate!!! Topping most entries...

Ok - so to me then...

My real name is Mohsin (pronounced Moe+Seen at home and pronounced Muhsin in Arabic which means "to be a friend" apparently...

My PSN-ID is ACE-FLO, the hyphen breaks up both parts due to the fact that I have 2 very cool personalities... One of which is the ACE part (Ace because I always make someones day, also because it was the highest ranking I achieved in Fusion, and also because I like it) and the FLO part - coz, that's what I call my mojo - i call it my flo, simple... hence - ACE-FLO...

Pretty boring huh?!? Ok - not asking you to comment on that lol

19th June 2009, 04:32 PM
Real name: Shawn Thompson
Tag: IDReaper

Originates from when I first started gaming. I wanted to choose a gamertag that would reflect my chaotic and unconvetional play style that made me hard to predict. Reaper was the name of the first human-like AI developed by iD games studios for the early Quake games. I used simply Reaper in UT99/Quake/Halo/etc for a long time. Then when I signed up for xbox live to my suprise:o my name isn't unique!(I was a kid cut me some slack;) ) So I changed my name to IdReaperbI, using Id and bI as brackets. But when I played online I would only be called "Id" or "IdReaper". My friends at school eventually made a habit of calling me "Id". Ever since I graduated highschool I have chosen to stick with IDReaper because I feel the name carries with it my entire legacy of gaming. It symbolizes who I am in a metaphoric way of sorts.

19th June 2009, 06:03 PM
Wel i guess it's my turn...
i've had several aliases, none of them linked to any others (that i know of)...

So my name is...well...just my name :)
On to more interesting things:

DividedXZero- pronounced Divided by Zero (much like you call out dimensions 3X4 -> three by four etc.)

I've had THIS one for a few years, as my other names where no longer fitting through personal growth and maturity. For now this seems generally fitting IMO. I've heard this song called Pink Noise by Neotek(which i initially posted under "What are you listening to now" thread) a long time ago...i love the beat and the lyrics intrigue me. The particular phrase "I feel divided by zero..." really stuck to me, called out to me. Perhaps my general feelings of misanthropy (not to an extreme, but the "general public" frustrates me, usually seem so oblivious to their surroundings causing accidents and inconviniences to others, etc...just dont have much patience for it.). But as most of us know, you can't divide by zero..it is undefinied. And it is by this meaning that I associate myself in such a way. A lot of my personality characteristics fit into this as well, I'm very adaptable to most situations, I don't follow many set patterns...If i see a pattern arising (within me) i change it.

Overall, i'm just a bit different..
LOL (can i laugh maniacally, or is that too much?) :lol

21st June 2009, 02:49 AM
real name:
knud,it rhymes with brute but with a kn at the start.(insidentally my 1 month long WoW career was under the name KnudtheBrute. i also go under that name on youtube.)
motorsagmannen, i randomly came up with because i wanted a norwegian online name for BF2142. my nic means directly translated to english "the chainsaw man." it has just sticked with me ever since lol. (also i later found out there was a song called motorsagmannen made by the norwegian band "postgirobygget" :P.)

if you think you seen me under any other name, it is a filthy lie and i had nothing to do with that i swear:P.

21st June 2009, 06:54 AM
you pronounce the same way it sounds


I can make a lot of sounds with my mouth but that is not one of them ;D

22nd June 2009, 01:13 AM
My real name is Martin

I have been using Blackwiggle at nearly all forums for around 10 years.
How I got the name.
I used to play trivia at a local pub with a bunch of writers for TV & radio and also a lot of actors & musicians.
One of the local bands used to be "The Cockroach's",they used to live around the corner,they used to spray paint on walls in the area that "The Cockroachs would make you wiggle",they later changed their name to "The Wiggles" and found a more lucrative career catering for a younger audience ;) .

Anyway,one cold winters trivia night I turned up in a black polo neck skivvy.
I copped heaps off my witty cohorts,Darth Wiggle,the Lost Wiggle,Nelson manwiggle,Johnny "Wiggle" Cash JR and The Blackwiggle [more of a nod to the Black Adder],well the last one stuck,It just eventually got shortened.

14th July 2009, 08:54 AM
My real name is Oleg (read as Aleg whatever). It derives from the Scandinavian Helge (Holy)

My virtual nickname comes from the times I played different Role-Playing games. I named characters Arh (dunno why just wanted to name so). Prefix appeared cos I played at nights usually. I am an owl and it is hard for me to work in daylight :lol

14th July 2009, 01:46 PM
At least you're an owl, that's pretty reputable; I tend toward vampirism; I am very pale and I burn in the sun.

14th July 2009, 01:54 PM
@ Blackwiggle - my 4 year old daughter loves the Wiggles. They appear quite a bit on Nick Junior over here (which I'm forced to watch more than I'd like to).

@ my name - obviously I'm a fox that's silver. End of ;)

14th July 2009, 02:33 PM
Real names Haydn. :)
After beer, smoking, banter and fighting, my mate called my "osama bin haydn". Been my internet name ever since. Also use "headsh0ts" sometimes.

14th July 2009, 03:45 PM
I think I might regret this.

But I will try and find a postable Blackwiggle photo.

Don't hold much hope,if it suddenly appears,well you got me.

If it does,well it will be one you won;t forget.

And I'll never live down I suspect. :paperbag

6th November 2009, 08:48 AM
I could have gotten an English name.but if you just want to call me in a friendly(and simple)way,you can call me Ernest(original name to complex for people,i think)
It is also my name in a fantasy of mine.Details at http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?p=157134#post157134

DJ Techno
6th November 2009, 09:05 AM








6th November 2009, 09:42 AM
please check your keyboard, it seems to be broken

6th November 2009, 02:45 PM
Real Name: Jesse Almeida
Online name(s): abukii-- This originated from Street Fighter Alpha 3. My best character to use was Ibuki. Of course registering the name was impossible. I tried derivatives, but language filters wouldnt allow it. So Ibuki>Abuki>abukii
and that name has stuck since the era of dial-up internet. Before abukii, it was coldgirl. The name of my first album was TranslucentColdGirl. I also use the name Legodub. Dub being slang for a Volkswagen and Lego (the popular toys):Legodub-- To build a volkswagen. Get it:P Before the days of the net, I operated under Neuro,Syn-Tek, SYN, and my stage name now is Falling Star...yes because I actually witnessed a "falling star". Twas memorable.

6th November 2009, 03:47 PM
Hmm? :P

Also, my name is pretty simple. I like wolves, I like AG racing. No other "unique" name really feels appropriate for me other than "Eric," so "AG-Wolf" is more like just a handle ala Crash Override, Acid Burn, Lord Nikon, etc etc ;) hahaha

please check your keyboard, it seems to be brokenMike always posts like that :P

6th November 2009, 04:02 PM
A: ha! I caught a serial killer while he was murdering another victim! let's put him away!
B: nah, that's ok. he always kills like that.
A: oh, I guess that's ok then. let's release him and give him a candy bar for his troubles.


6th November 2009, 05:06 PM
How about I just delete every shout-post, since there is no category for it yet in infractions? <rhetorical question.

I suggest 4 point shout-posting infractions for egocentric disrespect of other members. Oh, wait a minute, maybe that disrespect part can be used as a general case. There is as yet no assigned category and points value for disrespect. What usually happens is do-it-much-and-you're-gone.

6th November 2009, 07:09 PM
Mike should almost be an exception; when I've talked to him at Al's place and online and stuff, his brain seems to think in prose and kind of existentially. I know I know people complain about caps, but it really fits him somehow lol

6th November 2009, 07:18 PM
But it doesn't fit into the world where one actually relates to other people and is highly aware of thEir input. Being disconnected and inside only your own mind doesn't work well on a forum, which obviously requires considering what effect it has on others. This is an area which has become a sore point in the WZ as the year has advanced. It's become too much of a loud, evil-tempered crapfest where other people's feelings are not considered. Mike has always been a bit distracted by his own thoughts, and does not seem to intentionally offend by continual disagreements with people. For that, I like him. Still need to eliminate the all-caps, though.

6th November 2009, 07:38 PM

6th November 2009, 07:58 PM
And now for something completely different, the actual topic of the thread>

While my real name actually is Lance, I am Also Known As: That Utter and Complete Bastard Prick Moderator.

6th November 2009, 08:15 PM
So, THUBPM? :g

6th November 2009, 08:20 PM
TUCBPM. Unless you want to subject the acronym to the impurity of a lowercase 'a'. The 'H' in your version is not an initial letter in any of the words, so theoretically, it shoudn't be in the acronym.

"THUMP" might be properly descriptive if a different set of words that fit is created. :g

6th November 2009, 08:29 PM
I don't know why I put the 'H' in there, my head ain't screwed on... :dizzy

6th November 2009, 08:35 PM
That's good, 'coz it probably wouldn't move enough to make it safe to drive a car or ride a bicycle or cross the street. :eek

Do you have any other AKA's?

I've got a few, like "geek", or "faggot", but I suspect those weren't complimentary. :D

6th November 2009, 11:29 PM
Well, nicknames other people give you out of context don't count, people are generally stupid and also everyone's nickname would be fag then.

I've got a few other nicknames, including Murphy, MC (Martin Cornelius are my 1st and middle names), Matschi (pronounced like Muchie in english), Maddin, and Tin, all of which I am comfortable with ;)

6th November 2009, 11:36 PM

6th November 2009, 11:40 PM
You forgot Saturn's Little Helper. ;)

7th November 2009, 12:05 AM
Let me guess Yeldar = Radley?

7th November 2009, 12:11 AM

Subtle ain't it ;)

@SatR: You wish :P

7th November 2009, 12:15 AM
I always thought it was Dutch. The mystery unveiled at last. :D

7th November 2009, 12:25 AM

What? Who's coughing? :P

7th November 2009, 12:32 AM
K. George B

That's a start (actually a middle):P

7th November 2009, 12:50 AM
We have the same middle. It's a good one. Was your middle named after the Beatle?;) My middle was named after my Grandad.:)

7th November 2009, 12:56 AM
I wish! No it was after my dad, who's initials were GKB. Different K for my name

Can Mods see all members names Saturn by the way, or can you not divulge?

7th November 2009, 01:01 AM
Haven't looked to be honest.

7th November 2009, 01:06 AM
K. George B

That's a start (actually a middle):P

OMG! You're Kenneth Branagh?! ;)

7th November 2009, 01:09 AM
****! You got me, my dear,dear fellow.

Actually the first one is right, busted.:P

7th November 2009, 02:02 AM
My Real Name is Michael Dean P.

For my online alias, Vartazian was made up when I was 9, Im the only person who uses this name except for a former clanner in a old game I used to pay who tried to steal it from me "Vartazian360" on youtube.

The Name has just stuck, and ive been recognied across systems and many games. Im most recognized as "A Highly Aggressive, but respectable player" (as told by outside sources)

Lets see for Real life nicknames... I got Lucas and Dingleballs

Dingleballs came from my football coach. I messed up a play and he just said "HEY DINGLEBALLS GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" unfortunately the name stuck. ;)

7th November 2009, 05:20 AM
My real name is Daniel Rondeau. And no im not French, though my ancestors are, like many of my fellow citizens of Québec. However, french is my first language.

The origin of my nickname is from the original chinese legend of the Jiangxi or Jiangshi. Kyonshi is how you pronounce it in japanese.

Surely some people know about the kyonshi. The legend is about the times in Ancient China, where it is the tradition to have the family of an early dead person to mourn his/her passing among the relatives. But sometimes, the deceased would be too far from his/her family, and they couldn't pay for transport to bring them the corpse. So they would hire a Taoist priest who'd be in charge of bringing back the corpse. The priest would then put a spell on the deceased in a state of rigor mortis, typical stiffness of a dead body, that would make the corpse stand up. Unable to use its members properly to walk, the kyonshi would hop to be able to advance, hence the popular appellation "hopping vampire". The priest would control the kyonshi will a little bell, commanding it to follow him to the family waiting. He could also put him to a stop with a special paper sticker with holy scriptures placed on its forehead.

If a kyonshi would be released out of control, it would simply go trigger happy and kill everyone it sees, until it have proper burial.

I chose this nick because i love the way it sounds, i love asian and oriental culture and mythology, and i like pretty much everything that is related to vampires (even though a kyonshi would be considered a zombie first). Also, i played a game called "Phantom Fighter" on the NES, where a shintoist priest fights Kyonshees and i loved it back in the time. "Kyonshi" was the result of fusing all those influences that i like :)

7th November 2009, 09:27 AM
People call me a lot of things that aren't repeatable, so I'm not going to post anything, providing nobody wants to know.....:S

7th November 2009, 10:21 AM
Kyonoshi-- I learn something new and cool every day.:beer

Abuki is also a chain of mountains in Japan. I found that out a few years back when I googled my name and actually went through ALL of the pages of responses.

7th November 2009, 11:23 AM
Kyonshi, interesting story.


I thought one had to be able to bend one's knees to hop. :)

8th November 2009, 01:09 PM
Aah but you don't argue with chinese mythology! :naughty

Sel The Don
8th November 2009, 01:27 PM
My real name is Selcuk Turkoglu (Turkish but I live in the UK)

My alias came from being called The Don (Mafia Boss) because I'm foreign by all of my mates.

If I'm putting my high score name in on the arcades I'll either use MRX (MR.X) or 1up.

8th November 2009, 04:28 PM

That's a logical observation indeed. But as far as i remember, the kyonshi hops by slightly propelling itself with its ankles and calves instead of bending the knees :)

8th November 2009, 07:03 PM
The dead can pivot their ankles?! I am astonished! ;)

8th November 2009, 11:42 PM
Well, of course you'd have to break 'em first - not that they would care anyway being dead and all...

Oryx Crake
11th November 2010, 11:50 AM
Mine is an allusion to a book I read once called Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood, it's a dystopic story of life after the third world war...

so what is the story behind your PSN ID if there is one?:)

11th November 2010, 12:00 PM
Mine is like an awfully weird combination of a "Jawa" from Star Wars and "Kakariko Village" from Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. I was 8 at the time, or something. :beer

Mr Phlanj
11th November 2010, 01:01 PM
i got mine when i got warcraft 3. I needed a battle.net account and my friend mowg came up with it and ive used it ever since.

p.s. i get asked this alot. its pronounced flanj (theres no e at the end :P)

11th November 2010, 01:13 PM
Mine is quite simple. FEISAR is my favourite team. The CSY after the dash are my initials,and you won't want to know my actual name as it will read wierd if I type it out.

11th November 2010, 02:13 PM
REBUS used to be my bombing/graff name... So I liked to abuse walls, And do it again... So I found rebuser. In the end it became R3BU5ER. Just to spice it up lol

11th November 2010, 05:47 PM
Er, um, well you know... Colonel Gaddafi, the lovable Libyan dictator :redface:

It was something I was going to use as a Dj name but stopped DJing before I really got the chance.

11th November 2010, 06:30 PM
Names! Aka's. (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5469)

Yeah ok it's two years old but it's quite long :P

11th November 2010, 07:45 PM
Well, after a couple of years, I became notoriously known for not getting cold. It could be below freezing outside and I would be in shorts and a Tee Shirt. Also, I liked it really cold in my bedroom, to the point where my family couldn't stand to be in there all the time. I also did not have an e-mail at the time, so I wanted to make one with a unique name that would be remembered. So I came up with IndoorSnowStom! :)

P.S.: In case you are concerned if this is a medical problem, it is not. I don't want anyone worrying on here. :)

11th November 2010, 07:48 PM
I'm more worried about your family being in your bedroom all the time. Do they not have anywhere else to go?

12th November 2010, 12:54 AM
PFFFFF!!!!! ROFL!!!! Too funny, Saturn.
(Hey, some of us have small houses ya know. A way back in the day, my grandparents and eight of their kids lived in a renovated grainery...the square kind btw.)
Great story to your name IndoorSnowStorm!

12th November 2010, 01:37 AM

The explanation is quite simple.

1. You're an undead.

2. You have an innate sense of self-conservation.

3. Beware any Clerics roaming around to turn you.


12th November 2010, 04:50 PM
Hehe, cool story (no pun intended) behind your username, IndoorSnowStorm. I'm also pretty resistant to the cold (but not the heat lol); probably the only person in the UK who considers it too hot most of the year. :D

My username is just a quote from a horrible horrible guy on The Jeremy Kyle Show (kind of a low budget UK Jerry Springer), who tried to insult Jeremy Kyle by calling him a smart alec, but fell over his words and said "Just keep going, Mr smad... smart alex.", much to the audiences' amusement. My name isn't actually Alex btw.
In many ways, I regret naming myself after such a total ass :lol, but the PSN swear filter wouldn't allow the awesome name that I wanted, and I only intended to play Pulse online casually and browse the Playstation Store, so I didn't care too much at the time (also didn't know that you can't change your PSN ID). Still, too late now. :D

12th November 2010, 09:00 PM
I'm more worried about your family being in your bedroom all the time. Do they not have anywhere else to go?
No, I have a fairly large house, but when I refer to my "family" it usually means my brothers. There in there either to take something from me or to bug me about something. :)


The explanation is quite simple.

1. You're an undead.

2. You have an innate sense of self-conservation.

1. How did you find out?! ( Very Funny, btw ) :beer

2. You have to keep the wrinkles away and look good somehow, right? :lol

12th November 2010, 09:37 PM
I studied a year of Chinese at Uni, a teacher gave us Chinese names that sounded similar to our real names and the rest is history...


12th November 2010, 11:36 PM
2. You have an innate sense of self-conversation.

I believe that's the first sign of madness. Or is that reading thing wrongly?:dizzy

13th November 2010, 12:55 AM
Hmmm.... well, my real name is Jonnathan (although my last name is classified, unless people are wanting to find out), the only person (hopefully) with two N's :P.

Plus, I got the nickname "MetaKraken", both the forums and the ID name from the PS3, seeing as how it's a mix between Meta Knight from Kirby and a giant kraken from the movie Pirates of the Carribean :D.

Challenger #001
13th November 2010, 08:07 AM
My own name came about because all the other ones I wanted were for some reason already picked, and I was beginning to think that there was some sort of glitch and nothing I put in would work. So I thought about what I'd liked as a kid, and I'd had a Mega Machines video about tanks, and I'd always loved the Challenger 1. So I gave that a go, no go. And then I added two zeros and presto, I'm on PSN.

13th November 2010, 12:33 PM
my name just came to me one night when, I was setting up my PSN account. Needless to say, I was ripped out ma tree at the time... So when I thought of it, it cracked me up for 10 mins or so. I thought the picture it conjured up in my mind, was such a paradox of who I actually am. so I went with it!

I've been asked, is it a character from the first Shrek movie?. it's not!


13th November 2010, 12:38 PM
Ah god! Hate explaining this:twisted

1) UBER - The ol' SSX games had special tricks and that was there name so in tribute I made this my first part of the name
2) BRENDAGE - First you need to know my name is Brendan.One time me and my friends were watching tele and this great looking gal came on the screen, and I sais
"she looks like she's into bondage"
and then my mate said:
"If you performed it, i believe it would be the art of "Brendage"
...and there you have it!

My WZ id is basically Part 1) But JKP means "Jeremy Kyle's Protege!

13th November 2010, 01:20 PM
If anyone has played Motorhead, a 1999 futuristic racing car game, I picked the last half of the name from the character/driver/racer Spitfire. When I used to own an XBox 360, I wanted to use that name but it was not allowed since it was taken.

It randomly stuck Twitchy in front of it and it has stuck ever since. At one time, when I owned the XBox, a little girl (a daughter of my dad's friend), used to call out my name whenever I logged on while she watched kid shows.

Challenger #001
13th November 2010, 01:29 PM
Tarquin, whenever you're on, I can't help myself but think of the Silly Party candidate in the Monty Python Election Special.

"Tarquin Fim-Tim-Wim-Bim-Lim-Bim-Wim-Bim-Bus-Stop-F'tang-F'tang-Ole-Biscuit-Barrel"

13th November 2010, 02:23 PM
TF,your online name's second part,"Farqhuar" reminds me of Sir Stamford Raffles' aide William Farquhar. I know they are spelled differently,but I just wanted to tell you this.

13th November 2010, 06:25 PM
@ Challenger: that made me chuckle!, I don't think I've seen that sketch?.. I'll need to check it out :)

@ F.E.I.S.A.R: it really should be spelled Farquhar, but for some reason the PSN wouldn't allow it, and I really wanted it, so I doctored it a little, hehe :)

13th November 2010, 06:31 PM
My own name came about because all the other ones I wanted were for some reason already picked, and I was beginning to think that there was some sort of glitch and nothing I put in would work. So I thought about what I'd liked as a kid, and I'd had a Mega Machines video about tanks, and I'd always loved the Challenger 1. So I gave that a go, no go. And then I added two zeros and presto, I'm on PSN.

I had the whole collection of those for my kid :P. Has to be the best thing John Leslie did since the sex tape :+.

Challenger #001
13th November 2010, 07:11 PM


13th November 2010, 07:34 PM
hahahahahaha, rofl that stuff is funny as fek. Can't believe I aint seen that before.. Thnx for that challenger :+

13th November 2010, 08:35 PM
i thought it was your real name..

would of loved to know the story behing I8YOU's psn id

lol..saw a player on psn called shitza brown pants or something like that and i certainly would not be interested in the story behing their name..

as for me there is no story behind my name so im..sorry to b boring..

13th November 2010, 09:48 PM

nutcase is cause ive hit my head on too many things, and im a bit thick :lol :P :rock

259 just a random sequence of numbers being the second the middle an second to last number on the ps3 keyboard.

lol ub3r im glad you said about the bondage thing because i read UB3R BONDAGE every time i see it on psn, i actually thought that was it untill i actually read it :D

15th November 2010, 07:12 AM
I came up with mine once I figured out I could draw really good Bipedal Dialgas
It's stuck ever since
I'm considering and alternate name like Aerrow though

15th November 2010, 09:49 AM
i thought it was your real name..

would of loved to know the story behing I8YOU's psn id

really?.. that name makes me think of a Hoorah Henry. so not me lol

I'm sure IH8YOU made that id for COD?.. or some other FPS. wasn't intended for WO.

15th November 2010, 03:40 PM
Resistance: Fall of Man :)

Oryx Crake
16th November 2010, 12:48 AM
Haha all your stories makes my id sound pretentious and nobby :paperbag

though I did have another one before... Frumpman which came about when I was about 12 and me and a mate of mine figured out that you can replace every word in a song with the word frump(sounds a little different in swedish than how I imagine most of you would pronounce it) and just thought it sounded funny... it was only later when I saw an eddie izzard show that I learned there is actually a meaning to the word.

and thusly it became even funnier, however since I've forgotten the password for that psn acc I now no longer use it.

love all the stories btw.

16th November 2010, 04:26 PM
my name just came to me one night when, I was setting up my PSN account. Needless to say, I was ripped out ma tree at the time... So when I thought of it, it cracked me up for 10 mins or so. I thought the picture it conjured up in my mind, was such a paradox of who I actually am. so I went with it!

I've been asked, is it a character from the first Shrek movie?. it's not!


I always thought your name was a Chris Morris character, something from "The Day Today" or "Brasseye".

24th November 2010, 02:10 PM
I got mine because i call all my mates geeza as im originaly from surrey (near london) and as i live in the midlands now people find it funny and now everyone i know calls me geeza! even the ladys! geeza is another word for mate, man and the like in the london area! "alright geeza, how are ya!" in america a geeza is a mini water volcano.... I love translations. The mega bit was just something i added on the spot.

24th November 2010, 02:26 PM
Since this is an off-topic discussion thread,is it possible to know who some here are on other sites like,say,deviantArt and Youtube?

Oryx Crake
24th November 2010, 03:19 PM
@feisar frumpman on both... though I'm not so sure I'm very proud of either account XD

Flint Fandango
30th November 2010, 09:08 AM
Back in the days, when I was a pupil, I´ve read "Treasure Island" countless times. My classmates thought it would be fun to call me a pirate, and as a result of that, they gave me this name: Flint
It could´ve been worse. And resistance was futile - so it had been my nickname from that day on.
But there was a problem: Too many people have called themselves "Flint", so I decided to get a suitable surname...
At this time, I´ve played an Adventure-Game wich impressed me very much - maybe some of you know it - it´s called "Grim Fandango".
I always liked the Film Noir-Background and the humor, so it was inevitable:
Flint Fandango was born!
This is, by the way, also a spanish dance, but because I can't dance and don´t want to, this fact plays no role.

4th December 2010, 09:15 PM
My real name is Tanja.
I´m piloting a piranha, which inspired me to get this nickname. It's german. The first part of my name can be translated with race (Renn-), the second part means fish (Fisch). It sounds nice, imo, so I have chosen it.