View Full Version : Fallout 3: Help Surviving in the Wasteland.

4th November 2008, 02:55 PM
Hey guys,

Fallout 3 has been out for about 5 or 6 days now, and I keep running out of Stimpaks, RadAway and Ammo. Does anybody have any advice?

4th November 2008, 04:43 PM
er.. ask the question where there are a hell of a lot of Fallout experts? ;) :D

4th November 2008, 05:01 PM
Well, I just want to know if anyone can help with it.

4th November 2008, 05:08 PM
Well, I was just being a smartass. :)

4th November 2008, 05:38 PM
I don't really like spontaneously registering on forums.;)

6th November 2008, 06:25 AM
My tip - and I haven't really tried this out yet - is to carry two or even three of the same gun, if you can. Next time I see a shop I'm gonna sell my spare minigun for about 250 caps. That should get me a few stimpaks.

Also, pick your fights. Sure, ghouls are weak - but not when there's 4 trying to beat your head in!

Damn, this thread makes me want to beat heads in with my sledgehammer - not a bad idea considering the day at work I had...

6th November 2008, 07:21 AM
I tried that - Ferals just take 2 laser pistol shots, and off their head goes and turns to dust.:p

Real problem is that the burnt out cars are always irridated and I keep trying to take super mutants from a distance.:(

6th November 2008, 08:55 AM
Doesn't sound like I'm as far in as you guys, but I too have a problem keeping health up.

Because I missed a collectable at the start in the Vault I didn't get the health boost from it, which I'm regretting a bit now, as I always seem to be struggling for health. Haven't had a problem with Rads yet, though, but then I haven't eaten too much irradiated food.

Last night I had a great scrap with some raiders near Arafu - it was hilarious! They chased me for a bit, taking pot shots at me, before I finally got annoyed and turned to slug it out with the chinese pistol I had, only to find the lead guy had a fricking flame thrower and it was his distant pals who were doing the shooting. :eek

In a panic at seeing all the flames I grabbed the VATS scanner button instead of the trigger, but in doing so discovered the guy's head was ripe for shooting. Boom! One shot kill, but leaving me smouldering with next to no health as his pals rushed in for the kill.

Quickly I grabbed the flame thrower and cooked them both! :D

Had to sneak it all the way back to Megaton, though, happening upon a couple of minor skirmishes on the trip that I watched from afar. I think it's stuff like that which makes the game so atmospheric - it really does feel like a world where things are happening on a larger scale and not just waiting for player interaction.

6th November 2008, 01:35 PM
Actually, I've been looking at my brothers guide, and apparently, there's a perk that allows you to recharge health whilst in sunlight, but it isn't much use.
On a positive note, you can go back to 101, Rob.( but it's in a state)
BTW, what level are you? I've got the guide in front of me and if you want, I'll hava a look at some good guns and armour.:+

7th November 2008, 10:32 AM
Do you have any idea where the weapons cache is that Three Dog told me I could stop by? I'd like to have a weapon that's in reasonable condition! All mine are 1/3 - 1/4 on the way to uselessness... Exept my hunting rifle. Good, trusty hunting rifle. That and my sledgehammer make up most of my kills.

Speaking of Three Dawg, the GNR building was a bitch to find. I searched the area around it for 2 hours trying to find a way in, only to find super mutants and rubble blocking my way.

Had an interesting experience with a Fat Man and a Super Mutant Behemoth when I got there, though!

7th November 2008, 10:47 AM
You can't access it unless he gives you the key. Also, carry weaker gun duplicates as they can be salvaged to repair another gun

7th November 2008, 01:00 PM
I'll go back to Vault 101 at some point - probably the next time I need to go back to Megaton, I'll drop by.

To be honest, I'm not fussed at how I go through the game, as it's such a joy to play that I want to savour it and not just rush through the main quest for the sake of it, so I don't want to resort to guides and spoilers just to have it play out in a more "desirable" way.

Last night I got to level 4 with a beautifully timed frag grenade into a skirmish between three raiders and two super mutants. I got major XP as it killed all but one of the super mutants and left the remaining one in a state where he was easy to finish off.

I picked up a whole stash of amo, meds and armour from it, then carelessly got myself killed about 200 yards further up the riverbank and that set me back about 40 minutes and down to level 3 again.

Not sure when I'll get another go, as we're moving into a new house today and I'll be unpacking all weekend.

9th November 2008, 06:45 PM
hey all with fallout 3...

this is going a little off-topic but I didn't want to start a whole new thread for a simple question...

is this game as buggy as everyone online at the fallout 3 forums make it out to be??? I really want to get but am being held back and extremely reluctant that it will be buggy as hell...plus...some gamers even expressed that it 'broke' their ps3 blu-ray laser...???

anyway...thanks in advance for any answers...

9th November 2008, 07:21 PM
It's clear it's a port, and there's an obvious lack of polish, but I cant say I've encountered any game breaking bugs. The only one I've had so far come from respawning when I died - I got trapped in a small room with a robot that would kill me in one shot each time I respawned.

Thought I was going to have to trash my save and start the game again, but managed to pause before it shot me and take some health, giving me the time to spin around and get out of the room before I died!

The animations are foul - characters who are lying down do this weird neck snap thing when they get up, and they glide over the terrain rather than walking on it. The draw distance is terrible - haven't seen pop-up like it in a long while. What else?... Oh yeah, it's erased over 20 hours of my free time in less than a week!

The game itself is fantastic and none of the issues I mentioned above have taken away from just how great an experience it's been. I've only scratched the surface, too - I reckon it'll be weeks before I complete the main quest and when I do complete it I want to start again with a different style of character. It's that good. :)

10th November 2008, 03:17 PM
Just went near Minefield and I found a UFO! With a gun!

10th November 2008, 04:40 PM
I read about that some place else, but hadn't taken the minefield quest until last night when I went back to that crazy wench in Megoton and decided to take it. Might get on to it tonight - apparently you can get a dog there, too! :)

10th November 2008, 05:58 PM
I haven't found Dogmeat yet, but be careful, Rob - There's a sniper holed up in the north building, so it would be best to stay away from groups of mines and Car wreckages, if they explode, you'll also suffer radiation, but, but all you need to do is approach from the north and fire a Fatman into the center of town... if you have one.

11th November 2008, 11:16 AM
Bugs dont make the game unplayable. Biggest one i found is i noticed the game jumping a little but, didnt think much of it, then it crashed while saving and deleted my auto save file... me being the lazy guy i am relied entirely on the auto save.... so had to start again.

Dogmeat can be found in the scrapyard. SE from minefields i think.

Best advice i can give is to spend your money wisely. Ammo, repairs, and stims. just make sure you know whats most important.

Other little ways to make money are selling correct items to correct merchants (noticed items sell for different prices?) also collecting your scrap metals, unused laser pistols etc and giving them to the brotherhood outcasts is a very nice way to get a nice wedge of ammo.

Been playing it on very hard since day one, and its awesome.

Also, get dogmeat and another merc as quick as you can (jerichos easy to get early if your evil). they have huge amounts of health and act as great distractions to the enemy - dont forget though that if you dont get a load of hits on the enemy and just let your guys kill them you wont get any exp.... shame.

11th November 2008, 10:28 PM
Thought I'd try the fire ant quest yesterday. Damn, those buggers hurt! I've found the diner, but I have no idea where the kids house is. And I keep running into bloody fire ants!

I agree with the bugs. Sure, they take away from the polish of the game, but they don't wreck it. My only gripe (and I guess this has something to to with being in a post-apocalyptic location) Everything is grey, which makes it hard for me to get a bearing sometimes.

And where can I find Sentinel Lyons? I want my power armour already!

12th November 2008, 02:37 PM
Complete "The Waters of Life".

19th November 2008, 08:16 AM
I'm really loving this game. Picking up duplicate guns to repair the ones I have is a good idea, especially since Moira Browns' quests usually involve slogging through raider territory, which means muchos grande ammo and exp. Anyone else find (and have fun with) a Power Fist? Punching heads off people never gets old...

On another note, yay! I found Dad! But, did anyone else find that whole "Paradise Lane" (or whatever it was called) a little bit...disturbing?

One final thing - does anybody else know of any good 40's and 50's style music to listen to while playing Fallout 3? The stuff that's on there is actually quite good, but sadly it gets a wee but repedetive after a while.

19th November 2008, 04:24 PM
Ah, Tranquility Lane. Just done that, and yes, it was a bit on the mind-buggering side. Currently playing as the bog-standard rifleman, love seeing the slow motion bullet in VATS right before it plasters a Raider's head all over the nearby wall. Will probably try a melee/big gun build next.

19th November 2008, 05:21 PM
But, did anyone else find that whole "Paradise Lane" (or whatever it was called) a little bit...disturbing?

Ah, never has there been a sweeter sound of screams at the hands of a squad of virtual chinese communist Commandos.:p

19th November 2008, 09:38 PM
I just did the RobCo quest for crazy Moira tonight and it was pretty cool. Stumbled upon Tenpenny Towers just wandering afterwards, too!

Now I have three seperate quests that require me to go to Rivet City, so I don't think I'll hold out much longer and just go there next time I play. Been trying to hold off for as long as possible in case there's a quest "gate" closed behind me by going there.

I read that they did that kind of thing with Oblivion, so I'd rather not lock myself off from doing anything. I've actually been pacing myself really slowly with Fallout 3, but with Resistance 2 on the horizon I might need to pick up the pace a bit. :)

20th November 2008, 02:17 AM
I'd rent R2 if I were you Rob, I was a big fan of the first game but was severely disappointed by the sequel.
The story and level design seemed rushed IMHO, meaning that the story was pretty bad (If you're going to make enemy installations detonate, don't wait for a lameass countdown!), and I felt that through the levels I was going from point A to point B only, with a bunch of enemies standing between me and the end door (And occasionally a Chameleon, invisible enemy that kills you in one shot no matter the difficulty, just so you die there the first time you come through).
Also, level design was bad because who heard of a control room in an alcove in the middle of a corridor??? Not serious. It's supposed to be an important objective yet there is only one guy guarding it... :|
I also beat the game in the week-end, I wouldn't touch it again unless it was given to me for free (And yet I might not, there's better games out there).

/End Off Topic.

20th November 2008, 08:34 AM
Cool - I'll keep all that in mind. There are a couple of guys from work picking it up, though, so I know for sure I'll have friends available for the co-op stuff. :)

20th November 2008, 08:41 AM
Ah, never has there been a sweeter sound of screams at the hands of a squad of virtual chinese communist Commandos.:p

Chinese Communist Commandos? Is that what that 'failsafe' whatsit does? I had to run around and butcher everyone! But, woudn't they come after you, too?

Rob, Tenpenny tower is right next to RobCo, right? If it is, I can do Tenpenny's quests and then shoot the poor bugger in the head for another quest I'm supposed to do for a ghoul.

20th November 2008, 10:42 AM
Yeah, it is - I just happened upon it when I was leaving the RobCo building and wandering off into the wasteland.

After exploring Tenpenny Towers and finding Sarah Lancaster, whom I was meant to enslave for the Paradise Falls quest, I changed my mind. She's hawt! Norks a go-go and a fine set of legs. If there's any enslaving to be done, then I'd want her to be my slave - not some Paradise Falls scumbag.

I had no problem slapping a collar on that tosser with the sniper rifle in the minefield - fecker almost killed me, but a man has to have his principles and, well, the nights with Nova are getting a little samey. I'm hoping I can bring Miss Lancaster around to my way of thinking without the mesmotron or a slave collar. ;)

20th November 2008, 11:49 AM
Oh oh - that guy with the sniper rifle may or may not have had is head forcibly removed by a sledgehammer...

Moira was all "hey!~ why don't you go to the playground in minefield~"
And what I got was a...minefield, AND some loopy bugger taking pot-shots at me. What was I supposed to do? He did have some nice .308 ammo, though.
So I guess I can't do that Paradise Falls quest now...

20th November 2008, 01:14 PM
You're better off not doing it - apparently by taking that quest you guarantee you'll end the game with negative karma regardless of how you do otherwise. I wish I hadn't taken it - I figured at the time I would only be going after bad people. Not sexy people. ;)

20th November 2008, 03:13 PM
Chinese Communist Commandos? Is that what that 'failsafe' whatsit does? I had to run around and butcher everyone! But, woudn't they come after you, too?


Strangely, no.

20th November 2008, 04:30 PM
Aren't there any bad sexy people?

21st November 2008, 01:09 AM
Whats the deal with the guy living out in dc with his girls? If hes such a good shot he can be on my team, and bring the girls and booze with him.

At least until i get bored and sell them as slaves :p

First thing i really didnt like to see, how come jericho magically knows how to equip power armour from day 1.

21st November 2008, 08:15 AM
Probably because he's been there, seen it, done it, bought the Rad-x and taken it. He's an old hand, so equipping some armour shouldn't be too much of a stretch.

Aren't there any bad sexy people?
From what I've seen so far, it's not as simple as them being good or bad - there's a very wide grey area. Plus, I've only spent thirty-odd hours outside of the vault and can only just begin to understand the harsh lessons in survival that those who have lived their lives in the Capital Wasteland have had to endure.

So, by that measure, I don't know whether Sarah Lancaster is good or bad. All I know is, she's smokin' hot! :P

21st November 2008, 05:14 PM
And that's what really matters, right? ;)

Which is what I was getting at, not just for the game, but in life in general. We seem to cut the sexy people a hell of a lot of slack. Gee, I wonder why thAt is, eh? :g

Sometimes I can look at some evildoer and think, "Man he is hOt." Sometimes I think this makes me a bad person, but this attraction to hotness is a non-rational behaviour that is built into us. We just have to make sure we don't let sexy evil kill us. :D

8th December 2008, 09:51 AM
Must admit...I was really hesitant to get this with all the negative feedback on the Fallout 3 forums...but I just got it today and it rocks...just my two cents...

This and Far Cry 2 are gonna see me through Christmas quite nicely...o and Guitar Hero World Tour for the girlfriend...eheh...

Fallout 3...wicked fun...

8th December 2008, 10:17 AM
How far through are you cybrpnk? I've left it alone for a few weeks (so many other games to play) after chewing through several side-quests. Apparently, for the "You Gotta Shoot 'em In The Head" quest, blowing someone's head off with a shotgun is NOT acceptable. Psh.

8th December 2008, 10:35 AM
Have you got bloody mess on? Never mind about the caps, the t-51b is the real prize.

8th December 2008, 10:37 AM
like i said..just only started...only just left Vault 101 and doing a little exploration...came across a school full of raiders...got killed...restarting from when I left 101...I've turned off autosave because I heard it locks up some games and does some weird things...

8th December 2008, 10:48 AM
t-51b? Never got that. All I got was a few caps and a mumbling gratitude...

8th December 2008, 10:51 AM
Did you not go to Fort constantine? Have you killed Crowley?

8th December 2008, 11:04 AM
Nope, haven't done that. After finishing that quest, decided to do another one. T-51b, sounds like a tank! I know you can't get tanks, but I can still dream, can't I?

8th December 2008, 11:33 AM
It's the best power armour in the game.

24th December 2008, 01:17 PM
For anyone whos interest a 1.20 patch has been released. Including trophies, bug fixes (including game freezes when people come online), and the first DLC has been announced "Operation Anchorage".

screenshots look pretty damn incledible. theres even a tank :)


Shame i dont have the pc version because the user content creator (G.E.C.K) has been released, and really doesnt look all that complicated!! I hope PS3 users will be able to download what everyone creates too.

24th December 2008, 10:28 PM
i just picked up fallout 3 for ps3 yesterday and im loving it, very fun. too bad no DLC for PS3 though :(

4th January 2009, 04:01 AM
Fallout 3 continues to eat up all of my time...35 hours and counting.

I'm trying to ket those kids out of Paradise Falls so I can get into Little Lamplight so I can get into Vault...whatever number it is (a whole lot of walkin' and muckin' about if you ask me)
and I have no idea how to get that guy out of the 'box'. I thought doing the slaver quest would help, but that didn't work.

Anybody kind enough to give me a hand? I have no freaking idea what to do...

4th January 2009, 04:36 AM
i dont want to spoil it, but one of the two boys should have told you something about how to get into "the box" before they ran off. if you missed that, try asking the girl who wont leave....

5th January 2009, 07:53 AM
I know they said two people might have keys, but I have no dialogue options about that. Does this mean I get to 'forcibly' remove said keys from their personage?

5th January 2009, 05:45 PM
I'm getting trophies on the PS3 version, and doing G.E.C.K stuff on the PC. I've been so busy with Fallout, in fact, that I never really posted in this thread =P.

This game is bliss, and I've been fighting some for it's respect on gamefaqs.com forums, but those guys are just haters.

My next idea for a character will have a flame focus (flamer and shishkabab, with all the appropriate perks) while wearing some Brotherhood Outcast armor that I'll tweak for the character. Something with boost to flame damage or reduction to damage taken.

The other idea I had it to play with the slavery theme in the game, and create a base of operations for a slaver character. Give a Dart gun the effects of a Mesmatron, and make it so people I enslave go back to my base.

The editor is essentially the same as the one from previous Bethesda Games, with a couple minor improvements (that you'll notice and use if you know the software). Probably the most difficult part is if you want to do something nice, you have to have a strong grasp of all the functions of the editor. Sure level design is a blast, but at the end of the day, you still have to create the scripts for your actors and monsters.

5th January 2009, 06:39 PM
you COULD say that harvai ;)

7th January 2009, 04:33 AM
Hurrah! Somebody's getting a date with the business end of my Power Fist!

14th February 2009, 08:07 AM
i just picked up fallout 3 for ps3 yesterday and im loving it, very fun. too bad no DLC for PS3 though :(

Maybe a GOTY Edition?

14th February 2009, 08:12 AM
screenshots look pretty damn incledible. theres even a tank :)

Looks like a shagohod.

Apologies about the double post.