View Full Version : Cracks on PS3 Blu Rays *rant* (Nothing to do with pirating)

Rapier Racer
27th October 2008, 02:47 PM
Today on the PSN a patch was made available for GTA IV that adds trophy support to the game. So I thought I'd stick GTA in and have a look at the selection of no doubt humorous trophies Rockstar had ruslted up, and because I spend 40 quid on this game and felt I should maybe get more monies worth out of it seeing as I only made it to the second island about 30-odd percent through the game.

I thought wrong, PS3 wouldn't read the disk, oh dear I thought I hope this isn't that Blu Ray laser issue. Every other game worked so a quick clean of an already spotless disk and try again still no. On closer inspection the disk appeared to have no less than THREE cracks emitting from it's center. Google search shows this isn't an isolated case looks like some kind of problem with the quality of these supposedly superior to everything else Blu Ray Disks.

This came as a little bit of a shock to me considering I handle all my games with the upmost care so I knew it was nothing I'd done, the google search confirmed that. Be wary folks it could happen to you too.

I can't do anything with this now, had it for months so can't take it back to anyone, can't even trade its sorry ass in and most annoyingly of all I can't even play it. Thats 40 quid ****ing lost because Sony don't know how to make a disk. Thanks Sony, I'll keep this in mind the next time I'm at the games store looking to buy a cross platform game.

27th October 2008, 03:09 PM
Humph. So what you're saying is that the "extra thick protective coating" on Blu-ray that gives a better defense against scratches does absolutely nothing to prevent cracking? Lovely. Good to know, though.

Perhaps this explains why WOHD was downloadable.:lol

27th October 2008, 03:53 PM
VOD, GOD (game on demand lol) are the future... More & more virtual stuffs... I knew for the 1st blu-ray generation, but man gta4 is kind of recent! I should sell my games right now! Due to the hd-dvd/br war, they went too fast with their technology (worse lifetime than a cd-r sometimes!). I fear for my br movie collection now, I really hope sony will add a br back-up option for movies/games in a new firmware. Rapier, maybe you should give a call/send a mail to Rockstar, sometimes games have unlimited guarantee regarding your problem.

27th October 2008, 03:59 PM
I know how you feel, but take it on the positive: the PS3 doesn't overheat and die thirteen months after unwrapping, doesn't make circular scratches on all your disks, doesn't crack all your game discs (All issues are common with the other system, that's why there is now an extended warranty of two years (maybe more, not sure)).
This is a defect of the disk, and not the system (Although that is still a possibility, I doubt it), it would've happened sooner or later, no matter how careful you would've been with the disc. This doesn't mean however that all blu-Rays are the same, I've had games I play for over a year, and no cracks. Many more people are the same.
Stuff like that happens, and it sucks when it falls onto you, I understand.
I've had my PSP ****ed up completely because of an RSS feed download, in OFW no less (Now you might understand why I use the alternative, because I can recover from it). No need to say I was really pissed because I was sans-PSP for around a month, so no WipEout. It comes back all new (Well a new outside at least), I power it up, use it for a couple of hours and BAM, gone again with the same problems... I can tell you I made sure it was exchanged afterwards. Doesn't mean I have to go ranting about it because as I said, stuff like that happens.
Now I'm perfectly happy, I have no problems with the PSP but if ever there is one I know I can repair it (If it's software based of course, but since I take good care of it I doubt anything hardware related will show up.)
If there is the same issue with another disc, now I would start thinking that it's your system's fault. However until then just assume that it is a faulty disc.

27th October 2008, 06:57 PM
Man, that's too bad! Finally you think they found a new format which will work for ages and it still gets scratched and cracked. I hope it will work out for you. Good luck.

27th October 2008, 08:24 PM
One great thing about HD being downloadable :)

27th October 2008, 09:14 PM
Stephen - phone Rockstar support. They will replace the disk.

This has been pretty standard practice since the beginning of time, with regards to purchased software. If you have a defect with the original disc it has the same kind of warranty attached to it as you might expect from the console itself.

Rapier Racer
27th October 2008, 09:39 PM
The thought crossed my mind so I got the manual out looking for the warranty bit and a number but it said a few times they only cover it for 90 days?

I'll phone them tomorrow anyway see what they say.

4th November 2008, 12:18 AM
This reminds me of those PS2 blue-backed discs... Irony? Foresight? Dunno, but it's certainly one heck of a coincidence! Anyways, just rant to the guys who A. Sold you the disk B. Made the disk C. Made the disk player D. Made the content on the disk E. All of the above

Eventually, you will get at the very least your money back, it'll just take some ranting and time.