View Full Version : WZ reaching 100 thousand posts, historic milestone

10th October 2008, 06:56 PM
Some of you may have noticed, some may not have, but this little forum on the WipeoutZone is just about to pass one-hundred thousand public posts since it was founded in February 2002.

Pretty damned impressive for such a specialised community with a tight focus. Impressive also that it has lasted so long and is more active than ever.

Thanks to you, Rob.


And cheers to all of our great members.


10th October 2008, 07:11 PM
IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBtpyeLxVkI)

The contrary can be said about the Dow-Jones:

IT'S UNDER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!!! (http://finance.google.com/finance?cid=983582)

Cheers Robert for making such an awesome site, and cheers to the whole community for making the stay really enjoyable :)

10th October 2008, 07:16 PM
Cheers, WipEoutZone!
Cheers, community!
And Cheers Rob, of course!

...all that "cheers" makes me want beer... yeah. I should take one ;)

10th October 2008, 08:10 PM
That much!!!, WOW!!!

Thank you to super foxy!!! with all his hard work! (I was meaning his fingers with all that typing on a keyboard!;))

That what makes community counts!:D:+


Flashback Jack
10th October 2008, 08:59 PM
This is officially the one hundred thousandth post. :)

- F

10th October 2008, 09:06 PM
Well, sorta. There probably is no way of knowing exactly what post was the one because many posts have been either soft-deleted or hard-deleted [physically removed]. Of the ones that remain viewable by regular members, that is probably the one. The 100,000th post actually made was probably at least as far back as last week, but it's iffy. If there were a way to truly know, I would probably have tried back then to make sure that Rob was the one to make it.

Flashback Jack
10th October 2008, 09:08 PM
Well, I refreshed after making the post in Pulse/Online Meetings and that was the 99,999th post. I then hurried back to this forum and quickly hit the submit button on the above post, which I had prepared and ready to go. Prior to that, the post count increased once roughly every ten minutes, so I'm confident I hit the jackpot.

Woot? Probably.

Now where's my new car? :)

- F

10th October 2008, 09:13 PM
I'm afraid you competed for a non-existent prize in a non-existent race. Oh, well, the real prize is that we've got a great forum to post in.

11th October 2008, 12:30 AM
If you use the URL to show a single post, here is (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showpost.php?p=100000) what comes up :P

Sorry Flash ;)

11th October 2008, 01:45 AM
Beat me to it!
Hehe what an inane comment for our 'omg 100,000th post' :P

11th October 2008, 01:46 AM
100 001 and 99 999 are a bit more substantial :D

11th October 2008, 03:19 AM
Xavier: Good thinking.

Damn, if that's truly the #100000 post, my guess as to when was very close.

edit: arg. Nope. This post right here is number 101194. Flashback Jack's 100000th post was actually 101148.
Bloody hell, now I feel so anticlimacticised. ;)

Flashback Jack
11th October 2008, 03:34 AM
Ah shoot. I can still pretend to be the 10,000th post. I still have the screenshot on my clipboard.. I think. :)

- F

11th October 2008, 09:03 AM
Wow, 100000 ey? Is that much, for an internet forum? Don't really visit any other (much less civilised) forums ;)
Anyway, cheers to Rob for being this wonderful site's daddy, and cheers to the moderators, especially Lance, for keeping this such a nice place! :beer

11th October 2008, 09:11 AM
+1 Martin, and special thanks to Rob for keeping our internet home up and running, we`re so fortunate to have a place to share our Wipeout obsession with others across the world.

11th October 2008, 10:47 AM
+1 too!!! This website changed my mind, I've never seen such a place before... I mean civilized people yes exactly Martin! It's been 6 or 7 months that wipeoutzone is my house now (ohh yesss Rapier Pilot tag just today great!!)... I turned to a full time wiper part because of this crazy community. And because wipeout is not just a game, it's a masterpiece. So thanks to all, to Rob, & to SL. That really helps me to bear my real life actually (my wife works in Paris 800km far from me, & I'm a banker :brickwall)

11th October 2008, 12:31 PM
Wow, 100,000 posts eh? Can't remember how many posts the forum had when I left (Which was quite a few years ago) And I was quite happy when I decided to see if it was still on the 'net and saw that it was.

Congrats to Rob for creating and running the site, and to the moderators as well, especially Lance, you're a champion mate!

11th October 2008, 12:42 PM
Your first ever post was this:

11th October 2008, 12:44 PM
+100000 Martin :D

I am so glad to be part of that community.

Compared to other gaming forums we are small but we created here a smooth atmosphere among pilots from various culture & area.
Now we are a true familie with Rob who continues to make that familie alive by administrating Wipeoutzone, moderators who find the right words to let our speech always in the right path, Studio Liverpool to feed us with amazing contents and the rest of us, brothers & sisters in arms, devoted to the Wipeout life.

Thx to everyone

11th October 2008, 04:00 PM
Nice speech there, Arnie.

11th October 2008, 05:27 PM
Wow, 100000 ey? Is that much, for an internet forum? Don't really visit any other (much less civilised) forums ;)

For a forum that is focussed on a single game series that up till recently has not even been playable online, and for a completely privately supported and operated site built and maintained by one person, that's a bunch. And that it's still here after what is an age for the internet, well, that's just amazing.

11th October 2008, 06:33 PM
I agree, it's an amazing thing.

I'm no expert but it seems that there aren't that many long-lived, medium sized forums that have a more or less stable community.

Hurray for WOZ! :)

12th October 2008, 05:13 AM
From this day forth... and by the divine power of the internet at my control, I dub thee...

Sir infoxicated

Now spread this proclaimation throughout the cities, towns, suburbs, villages and local counties... :)

Failure to acknowledge the Royal Title, can result in Plasma Bolt up the rear end...


12th October 2008, 06:46 AM
Yeah... I agree and have to say that Wipeoutzone kicks ass... it's pure flourishing with respect, of course you give respect in return, but that's extremely easy to do to such awesome people!! :D

Well hello legend oggob!! :D Haven't seen a post from such an incredibly legendary pilot in a long time, the Fusion Zone Mode master!!! :P

12th October 2008, 03:05 PM
ROFL @ Oggob

Unfortunately I was so busy with work last week that this milestone passed me by entirely, but I'll be sure to look out for post number 200,000 when the time comes. :)

Thanks to all of you for keeping the community going - especially the long term members who have kept the place alive during the dark days in between game releases. Things got a little bit slow in between Fusion and Pure, and it was the regulars who helped prop the place up and stopped it from becoming a ghost town. :+

The last few weeks we've cleared 1000 visitors a day - hopefully that kind of traffic can help keep the site busy and fun for everyone here.

12th October 2008, 03:20 PM
... and by the divine power of the internet at my control,...

um... How much power would that be, exactly, Brett? ;) :)

12th October 2008, 04:55 PM
Huge thanks to Rob and all the moderators for keeping this place like it is! Wonderful! Of course a big up for all the wicked members and the cool discussions.

Wipers Unite!

12th October 2008, 10:02 PM
um... How much power would that be, exactly, Brett? ;) :)

Ummm... I can view websites... and post on forums I've signed upto... so by my calculations... that would be about...


:p :D

13th October 2008, 11:35 PM
and the rest of us, brothers & sisters in arms

Great, now I've got to listen to Dire Straits' Brothers in Arms to get it out of my head!

@ insertcoin:
Ha ha oh wow, such a long time ago...

14th October 2008, 01:55 AM
Your first ever post was this:
:DI can't even go to my first post, it stops at my 500th post counting down from my current post count :( I wanna know what I said first coming here bwahahaha :'(

14th October 2008, 07:11 AM
'Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> Message Searching Options -> Maximum Search Results to Return '
C'mon - you know you want to :P Set it to something big.