View Full Version : Racing advice please!

6th October 2008, 10:04 AM
Hi All,

It seems as though there are some pretty talented WO racers on here. I am not one of them - and am struggling to get golds on campaign level 5 and above on some time trials/speed laps.

I'm using the Icarus, and hitting all the blue pads. Is it purely a case of examining my racing line now?

6th October 2008, 10:07 AM
If you're not hitting any walls, it can only be your race line. Might wanna throw in a Barrel Roll every now and then, as well.

6th October 2008, 12:56 PM
Maximize you effectivness by utilizing Pitch

Pitch Down for Speeds on straights adn Pitch Up for increased air(more time for a Barrel Roll)

6th October 2008, 01:25 PM
Yar...second on the pitch, race lines and barrel rolls...

I was experiencing the same problem as you...driving as perfect as I could...but couldn't seem to beat the time...so I chucked in a few barrel rolls and re-analysed my race lines...

My advice...learn to play from the internal view...external doesn't give you...well me anyway...a good sense of the extremes of my craft...don't know if I'm making sense...but with internal...I can gauge exactly where my wing tips are so I can push the craft a lot more harder by scraping walls...2097 old school style...this way...race lines become so much more closer and tighter...

Also...with pitch control...if you're using digital...try analogue...I feel that analogue allows a better sense of flow over the contours of the track...unless of course you're a master of the sixaxis...then just disregard the analogue...

anyway...my 2 cents...

6th October 2008, 02:03 PM
Pitching down does NOT give you a speed advantage on a straight track in HD - thoroughly tested. Pitch control is only needed for jumps, setting up sharp turns, and bumps in the road.

Btw I race in external camera mode and have never had any troubles getting top times that way. It's just down to personal preference, really...

6th October 2008, 02:03 PM
I use analogue stick anyway. Does pitch really make that much of a difference? I hadn't really noticed any beyond stopping you bouncing off the floor of the track when hitting a boost pad followed by a long sweeping curve with increasing gradient. Does it help with cornering hard? I.e. pitch up to try and bring the nose round more when sideways on.

I played campaigns 1-4 internal, but have had to switch to external view to see what I can do about my racing line, as I'm sure that is the problem.

I do sometimes have trouble hitting walls at rapier level - which is another frustration, as some corners, try as I might, I can't avoid them - the one that springs immediately to mind is that hard S-bend at the end of Ubermall just after the double boost pad.

Thanks for the input though :)

6th October 2008, 02:51 PM
Pitching down does NOT give you a speed advantage on a straight track in HD - thoroughly tested. Pitch control is only needed for jumps, setting up sharp turns, and bumps in the road.

Btw I race in external camera mode and have never had any troubles getting top times that way. It's just down to personal preference, really...

I didn't think pitching contributed to a speed boost...was more concerned with the fact that bouncing around uncontrollably and hitting the track too much will slow you down...also...pitching down can sometimes help navigate a sweep or a corner better...craft is less likely to stray too much off track

6th October 2008, 03:50 PM
Pitch matters a lot in HD so far as I've noticed. I'm starting to learn how to use the motion controls to pitch. My speeds are really picking up. If you keep pitch in control to have your craft paralel to the ground often, your times will pick up like crazy.

7th October 2008, 03:11 AM
I use analogue stick anyway. Does pitch really make that much of a difference? I hadn't really noticed any beyond stopping you bouncing off the floor of the track when hitting a boost pad followed by a long sweeping curve with increasing gradient. Does it help with cornering hard? I.e. pitch up to try and bring the nose round more when sideways on.

I played campaigns 1-4 internal, but have had to switch to external view to see what I can do about my racing line, as I'm sure that is the problem.

I do sometimes have trouble hitting walls at rapier level - which is another frustration, as some corners, try as I might, I can't avoid them - the one that springs immediately to mind is that hard S-bend at the end of Ubermall just after the double boost pad.

Thanks for the input though :)

That last right in Ubermall, never use your air brakes going into that corner otherwise the rear of your craft will hit the side,
Just after you have run over those three speed pads hit your D-pad or stick a hard right and hold it,the space your aiming for is invisible until you have got half way around that right,then quickly steer left and a very slight tap on the left air brake,and then steering hard right again and holding that.
The thing to remember is not to waver with the pressure of your steering otherwise your line goes out,just hold it,commit to the line and that gap will appear for the quick left then right.

7th October 2008, 04:18 AM
That's really dependant on the speed class and vehicule you're using. Try avoiding hitting the walls w/o airbreaks using Triakis on rapier :/

7th October 2008, 05:47 AM
Well in that case,I would side shift over the end of the speed pads and then steer into the corner.

7th October 2008, 08:28 AM
Well, I got half hours worth of racing time last night and managed to move a couple of bronzes to silvers...who knows, maybe I can improve more! Cheers for the input :)

7th October 2008, 03:56 PM
aye, that's the way I've improved too -- you just stick to a track and you'll start to get it. I just race it like a TT but with random turbos rather than saved ones.

although, my nemesis Chenghou Project is still destroying me because I fail at pitch control...