View Full Version : Full SIXAXIS pilots, advice & experiences.

30th September 2008, 11:32 AM
In my mind this should be a thread where the ones who follow the path of full sixaxis control share their experiences and tips.

I'm going down this road from the first moment in wipeout hd. I've been chosing the no barrel roll road too.

In the first hour it was a complete mess. Now i'm feeling in full control at flash speed in almost any tracks. I achieved gold in all the first tree tournaments but a zone in last one where i'm stuck at silver.

But approaching Rapier class, i'm starting to think that there is no way to play in a proficient way with sixaxis control. The problem is that i have no reference and i cant undertand if it's me, or if it'a problem with this control metod. It feels like there is simply not enough precision to place the ship where you want in the short period of time you have at your disposal.

I've been playing with sensitivity a lot and i've come to this conclusion. As speeds go up, you have to up sensitivity. Track configurations count too.

At venom 40 % worked well. At flash i upped at 50 % and now at rapier i'm at 60 %.

What do you guys think ? Is there someone on full sixaxis control who's doing well ar rapier speeds ?

Thanks !

30th September 2008, 11:35 AM
I cant see how motion sensor would be enough for phantom or even rapier. Its fun at venom and maybe flash. But I stopped using it early because I knew it wouldnt last in the long run.

I love it in Motorstorm though, but that game is so slow. Thats why it works. :)

And I dont like that people call it "sixaxis". xD

30th September 2008, 12:03 PM
tried it, then dumped it.

just yesterday I tried it again. With full courage I started up zone with motion controll. Sufficient to say I didn't last long, even after a few restarts. Guess it's not meant for me...

30th September 2008, 01:41 PM
Tried it briefly for the Trophy, but man do I NOT have the patience for this. It might be quite fun at lower speeds once you learn it, but it's just not worth the time for me when I can get tons of fun out of the game instantly by using 'normal' controls...

Congrats on mastering it in Flash, though - something I could never do.

30th September 2008, 02:13 PM
Thank you :)

Once you nail it ( in my humble opinion and speaking of feeling only ) its so much better than the classic analog. It's quite "negconesque" :)

I'm really hoping that someone comes in this thread saying that it's possible to be consistent and having decent speeds at rapier and more.

30th September 2008, 02:16 PM
I think the problem with really high speeds is that there is a slight delay between the motion input and the reaction on screen. You don't notice it on Venom, but at Phantom it kills your line.

30th September 2008, 02:21 PM
I think i will have to give a try at analog controls then.

As if barrell rolls where not enough :(

Thank you :)

30th September 2008, 02:59 PM
Certainly didn't mean to discourage you from perfecting your motion control skills! :(

30th September 2008, 03:07 PM
You know, yesterday i tried vineta k Time Trial at raptor speed.
It took me 2 hours ( literally ) to be at 1 tenth from silver.

Considering that this challenge comes at the fourth tournament i must understand if it's a matter of the player not being good enough or if it'a a question of control method.

Because if it's doable i can continue to give it a shot... but if it is not i need to move on.

30th September 2008, 03:12 PM
Well why don't you try on any given track how fast you can go with 'normal' controls, and then try to achieve that time with motion controls. That way, you will clearly see if motion control is valuable or not.

30th September 2008, 03:44 PM
This is a logical way to go.



Well i'm giving analog controls a go now, flash class. It looks much easier and so in the end ( expecially on "long" runs ) faster.

It's a pity because the feeling is much worse. I think everibody who miss the negcom felling should give full sixaxis control, just for the joy of it.

Yome NetSan
1st October 2008, 09:47 AM
What I like about it is that both control are one in the same time (motion + stick).
This way I use a natural miw of both : motion when I have a little trajectory correction and stick in sharp turns.
It feels really natural to me and I love it !

1st October 2008, 09:51 AM
This is another approach that i could follow. Thinking about that , now that im trying normal analogic controls, while being faster, i miss "sixaxis" controls in certain situations.

I'll give this approach a try, thanks for the heads up.

1st October 2008, 11:30 PM
I've only been playing with the sixaxis (default 60%) and it works great for me, you can definately control rapier speeds once you get the hang of it.
I suggest speed lapping round a track untill you get into the rhythm of it.

1st October 2008, 11:47 PM
What I like about it is that both control are one in the same time (motion + stick).
This way I use a natural miw of both : motion when I have a little trajectory correction and stick in sharp turns.
It feels really natural to me and I love it !

That's not a bad idea actually - I have a tendency to over correct wildly with the analogue stick after contact with a wall.
On the other hand, previous experiments have shown that I don't exactly have a delicate touch when it comes to motion controls either :p.

I think I'll give it a shot though.

2nd October 2008, 12:09 AM
I found that I was able to get golds without too much trouble at flash speeds with sixaxis controls. but I just can't do it at rapier.
I cranked it up to (I think it was) 80% just to do flash.

The combination of the two modes is not a bad idea though. might play with that for a while and see how I get on

2nd October 2008, 03:05 AM
used it...very un-responsive at high speed classes, almost to the point of being a broken feature

2nd October 2008, 08:43 PM
in a comparison video i saw a while back it showed a new player and an experience player using the motion controls. the experienced player used a hybrid of both motion turning/pitching and the d-pad for trickier turns. i think that's probably the strongest route to go.

i don't have a ps3 or w-HD, so i can't confirm if it's intuitive to play that way or not. hopefully my roommate will finally buy the ps3 he wants and i'll buy HD. haha

4th October 2008, 02:18 AM
I'm upto the fourth grid in campagin. I thought I'd give motion controls a go, so I did a speed lap with the d-pad (vinita k, venom), and tried to beat it by using motion controls. I got close after about 30 laps, but I got frustrated. I'll have another go later on.

I've never really played wipeout without the dpad though, so that might be an issue for me. The analoge control bothers me because I can't accelerate/brake with the right stick (not that there's much accelerating/braking in wipeout, but it's seems very awkward).

6th October 2008, 06:02 PM
After a motorcycle accident, I can't use my left thumb/hand for a few weeks. This has left me no choice but to play using only my right hand with SIXAXIS (I'm left handed too!).

I felt like giving up but boredom and determination have enabled me to post some good times at Phantom level. (currently 60th global on Moa Therma).

I can't wait to get back to the stick though. In fact I can't wait to have my good hand back! But it goes to show the feature works very well and is far from "broken".
I've had to change left airbrake to L1 because of my current 'one-handedness'. Works well though. Big thanks to the developers. :nod

6th October 2008, 06:15 PM
Bloody hell, get well soon Lizard!!!

6th October 2008, 06:21 PM
Thanks for the input, crushedlizard, that brings a whole new consideration to our outlook on the six-axis control. There must be quite a few people who don't have full use of their hands either temporarily or permanently through accidental injury or longterm affliction. This control could really help them.

6th October 2008, 08:49 PM
:eek top 60 on Moa Therma Phantom, with only one hand (not even your main one), and using Motion Control?! WOW, just WOW. I am impressed by your determination and skill.

May I ask if you were using Pilot Assist?

6th October 2008, 09:10 PM
:eek top 60 on Moa Therma Phantom, with only one hand (not even your main one), and using Motion Control?! WOW, just WOW. I am impressed by your determination and skill.

May I ask if you were using Pilot Assist?

I'm actually ~258 on Moa Therma. :redface: I'm 60th on Metropia, I got confused! In fact, since writing that, I'm now 62nd! lol
To be honest, I think it's just because no one plays phantom. only 900-1200 times posted. On venom, I rank around 3500!

I don't use pilot assist though, no. I don't see the point. It's like traction control, I don't want something interfering.

I must admit, I pretty much just play speed laps as it's the best way to learn the SIXAXIS.

6th October 2008, 09:18 PM
Impressive nonetheless! Especially since you don't use pilot assist!

6th October 2008, 09:34 PM
Thanks, I can't wait to use my thumbs though! I still have to use my hand for barrel rolls as the SIXAXIS is not responsive enough to do lock-to-lock quickly. It usually ends in me barrel rolling off the track.

I hadn't played a WO since 2097, but Pulse got me into it again. The screen was so small, it was used to strain my eyes! lol
Now it's in glorious HD! :dizzy

12th February 2009, 02:19 AM
I am onto vertigo on skilled now. I use full motion control and inside cockpit view! At first it takes ages to get used to, but once you get used to it, no probs. It is just a case of what you are used to (I have never played any other wipeout games so have no preference to unlearn)

12th February 2009, 09:33 AM
I force myself to use it.

I think that "motion control" is the future of gaming.

I'm on 40% by now, but I take care to not use it everytime, I hold controls tight in my hands among my knees, so I can use it when I think it's necessary (tight curves, nose-moving...)

I don't use motion control on TT cause it's not so careful like I want.

12th February 2009, 09:38 AM
I'm actually ~258 on Moa Therma. :redface: I'm 60th on Metropia, I got confused! In fact, since writing that, I'm now 62nd! lol
To be honest, I think it's just because no one plays phantom. only 900-1200 times posted. On venom, I rank around 3500!

I don't use pilot assist though, no. I don't see the point. It's like traction control, I don't want something interfering.

I must admit, I pretty much just play speed laps as it's the best way to learn the SIXAXIS.

You are warmly welcome here, fellow pilot.

12th February 2009, 08:29 PM
I tried it and found it to be too unstable. I thought that perhaps if you could fix it to an object that was stable so that, in a way, it would behave like a wireless wheel.....

23rd May 2011, 01:36 PM
Just thought I'd drop a post with my thoughts on using only motion controls, I decided to see how far I could get using only the motion controls and no pilot assist and as yet haven't actually played at all using the sticks (I do use the dpad for barrel rolls however). I found it very difficult at first and it took me a while to tweak the sensitivity to my liking but I'm now only 4 gold medals away from completing the campaign on normal. From watching my friends play using the analogue sticks I notice that I use the air brakes in a very different manner to them, constantly applying tiny adjustments to one or the other instead of just using them as a cornering aid.