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25th February 2011, 02:03 PM
Anyone know how to avoid missiles?

You know the feeling... You're cruising along happily in pole position when you hear the dreaded "MISSILE". You sideshift like crazy hoping to avoid the lock-on but then a few beeps later you inevitably crunch to a standstill and watch your position move slowly down from 1st to 7th. You start to pull off hoping to prevent coming in last but it's all in vain as you are a now a sitting target and get nailed by the last guy's rockets :'(

Anyone know how to stop this from happening?

25th February 2011, 03:04 PM
Drop Ă* bomb or mines just before missile impact

25th February 2011, 03:14 PM
Amazing, THANKS!!!

25th February 2011, 08:24 PM
If possible use terrain exploit, also, if the road is bumpy, nose up and you're ship will elevate, allowing the missile to go beneath you.

And instead of side kiccking, tapping the air breaks works great to avoid missiles, or making sharp turns or staying close to the edge =P

Can also indeed use mines and bombs, but be carefull with bombs, the missile will set it off and if you're to close, you'll get hit too


13th March 2011, 01:19 PM
So, I finally made the 100 laps of the speed lap event...
I spent the rest of the day with a sore thumb...
Anyone felt the same thing?

13th March 2011, 02:42 PM
I've made 100laps x2 on chenghou and some 80lap SpeedLaps on other tracks... i fell nothing bad, nothing's hurt:g

13th March 2011, 03:03 PM
So, I finally made the 100 laps of the speed lap event...
I spent the rest of the day with a sore thumb...
Anyone felt the same thing?

I got that after 3-4 hours or more playing :p dam x button hurts xD

I tried the joystick once, but it's annoying to get to the other buttons then =/
So just gotta live with it :p


14th March 2011, 07:52 AM
Just a question a bit off topic (I swear I will slap myself after this post saturn return & moderators)
Am I the only one without a ps3? I own a disc of WipEout HD Fury, but I gave it to my friend, I brought it as a display case wasting (I would do anything for WipEout series!) 75 new Zealand dollars for it to put up on my wall as a display case. Then of course family problems arrives... Now I can't get a ps3. So yeah...

Flint Fandango
14th March 2011, 09:43 AM
You´ve asked this kind of question earlier, haven´t you?
I have also no PS3, like I told you before...my girlfriend owns one, but I am more than satisfied with my PSP and WipEout Pure!
Since I've tried Pure, there is currently no good reason to play another part of the WipEout series. Pure is the perfect blend of good old Wip3out feeling and fantastic graphics.
So, what I really want to say is:
You don´t need a PS3 + WO-HD/Fury to be part of the community, imho.
If you want to play online, you can compete others on Pulse or Pure!
Not everyone can afford to get the latest consoles, so don´t worry! You´re not alone!

(I swear I will slap myself after this post saturn return & moderators)
Feel free to slap yourself! :g

14th March 2011, 08:03 PM
If possible use terrain exploit, also, if the road is bumpy, nose up and you're ship will elevate, allowing the missile to go beneath you.

And instead of side kiccking, tapping the air breaks works great to avoid missiles, or making sharp turns or staying close to the edge =P

Can also indeed use mines and bombs, but be carefull with bombs, the missile will set it off and if you're to close, you'll get hit too


Great, thanks mate!

20th April 2011, 07:20 PM
Hi all.I,m sure the answer is already here somewhere but i cant find it.Why does my craft sometimes have a blue glowing ball at the front even when it is not armed.


20th April 2011, 07:26 PM
That sounds like a leech beam that has failed to cancel properly, so it just stays there on the nose of your ship. It's annoying isn't it?

20th April 2011, 07:40 PM
Yes it is and now you say that i have had a few times when i have locked on leech and fired and nothing.Doesnt even fire and then disconnect.I will make a point of noticing if they are happening in tandem.Thanks ;)


21st April 2011, 10:18 AM
I know that happens when somebody is already leeching you, or if the person you are attempting to leech is doing likewise to somebody else. Don't know if there are other circumstances when it regularly happens.

21st April 2011, 01:55 PM
The only circumstance i know is: Whenever it's possible, lech beam will leave you with glowing ball

29th April 2011, 08:03 PM
Thanks to all who answered my question :D.Here,s another. I,m at a point where i have all the skins except all the top ones.What are these skins and what should i be doing to get them.


29th April 2011, 08:14 PM
Those are addicional fury ships skins.
Get medal in every cell in fury campign.... :blarg... :g
btw. I'm too making offline trophies when online play is impossible :)

29th April 2011, 08:20 PM
Thanks for that :D i cannot believe how close i am then. i,m one detonater from completion of fury and i just cannot seem to get a medal, any medal even on novice and i have redone most of the cells on skilled and got gold on them but this one cell is really doing me :blarg


21st May 2011, 01:14 PM
Have you guys been able to reproduce a half-bug thing i'm having with Zone-Battle?

I go into to photo mode, I don't have to take a photo though, and when I come out the camera angle switches to a slighty odd postition, looks odd but it's sure better than the default "Orbital" spectator mode you end out with :| .

21st May 2011, 03:37 PM
Whoa... i didn't even know that such bug exist :brickwall

Ok, so my question is... where are the records in WOHD?!?!? I saw that many people have a problem with accesing them :/ Somebody know what is wrong?

21st May 2011, 11:45 PM
Yeah, I've been noticing just not being able to connect to the Records Server after Online Races or Offline Races or whatever.

Maybe they are resetting them to get rid of old glitched records from older patch revisions before Fury since everybody who want's it is going to have the Expansion after the Welcome Back programme.

27th May 2011, 07:42 PM
Hi all just a little thing ive been meaning to ask is when you look at a fury ships performance bars when selecting one they have a little red bit on the end of the bar and the other skins dont show it.So can someone tell me what it means.Also is there any difference between fury ships and the other ships other than design.


27th May 2011, 07:52 PM
The main difference is the performance increases indicated by those red bars. They're the added stats that the Fury ships have over the original HD ships. There are also some differences in handling characteristics etc, some ships more than others. Have a play with the HD versions and you'll get a feel for the differences.

27th May 2011, 08:04 PM
Right i see Adam.That explains why a lot players seem to choose fury ships but i will try the different ones but will most likely stick to fury as i definatley need the little extra they have how ever little it is.;)


27th May 2011, 08:45 PM
also have a question, is it better to absorb the leeching weapon or should you use it, is there a difference between how much shield is recharged?


27th May 2011, 11:14 PM
leach beam has a great effect on enemies, cause it slows them down, it's like a lasso. if u need the energy, absorb it, u'll get 1 energy point more

28th May 2011, 10:08 AM
Ah k, thx :)

30th May 2011, 03:16 PM
It used to slow people down, but it hasn't done that in a long time now. Not unless it's changed again recently. I feel it's more or less useless these days and it's buggy too.

1st June 2011, 11:13 AM
trying to get zone zeus and airbraker trophies today -can anyone tell me the best tracks to achieve these on ?

just got "own the zone" on syncopia

i dont do a lot of zone mode


1st June 2011, 11:22 AM
I'd stick with Syncopia for both of them Subtotal. You could try them on any of the other Zone tracks, or Anulpha Pass, but Syncopia is by far the easiest.

1st June 2011, 11:34 AM
cheers CG - these two trophies look like they are gonna be very hard !

1st June 2011, 12:56 PM
trying to get zone zeus and airbraker trophies today -can anyone tell me the best tracks to achieve these on ?

just got "own the zone" on syncopia

i dont do a lot of zone mode


update : i have now got Airbraker-which i thought was gonna be the difficult one, has anyone gone on to do Zone Zeus (75 zones) with just the airbrakes ?


1st June 2011, 03:03 PM
I think most people end up doing most of the 75 zones just using the air brakes.
Don't forget you can adjust the air brake sensitivity, a lower % = more sensitive.
You want to get as many perfect zones as possible before you start losing it and have to make larger adjustment via D-Pad or stick, so play it like you did Airbreaker for as long as possible.
Turning the music and HUD effect both off tends to help.
It's pretty safe to say that most people did Zone Zeus on Anulpa Pass forward, as Syncopia wasn't available till the FURY pack came out.

1st June 2011, 03:21 PM
cheers BW
at the moment i'm up to zone 58.
i will turn the airbrakes down as i have them at 100% -i think that will help a lot :+

i dont know if you remember but i use full motion control so i have turned that down to 40% which seems to be helping

thanks for your advice

1st June 2011, 03:23 PM
(Leech beam)

I feel it's more or less useless these days and it's buggy too.

I agree. It does not slow your opponent down at all and it "lets go" far to easily. I say absorb and start looking for the next red X :p

1st June 2011, 07:02 PM
leech beam

well, it's a very short range weapon, like a shot gun.
the nearer ur opposition, the greater the effect it's causing on ur enemy.
i love to use it, and it's not bugged if u have a lag-free room!

1st June 2011, 11:05 PM
Leech beam works best on people in front of you that you know tend to barrel roll a lot, then if you hit them with it, it can make them need go for the next weapons pad instead of the next speed pad [they tend to be close to each other], so you can grab the next speed pad and either get ahead or at least level.

It's the one weapon where you need to know your opponents likely moves to be effective if your running in the fist 3, otherwise you might as well absorb.

The most effective use is on some poor sod that has just regenerated after being eliminated, usually eliminating them a second time.:twisted

Or somebody you have just watched getting smashed with some other weapon or run into mines/bomb.

1st June 2011, 11:48 PM
Interesting reading blackwiggle and Jan, makes me want to practice using them more. I usually just absorb them in races, but in Eliminators they're much more powerful. They're a waste of time against the top Elim players though, because they're never without the ability to shield for more than a few seconds a lap.

2nd June 2011, 02:33 PM
Leech beam works best on people in front of you that you know tend to barrel roll a lot
Yeah.... i'm endangered species:cold

3rd June 2011, 09:21 PM
Is there a WOZ IRC? Because there definitely should be.

4th June 2011, 01:29 AM
on some lap times in the records i have a little white star next to it....

perfect lap?????


4th June 2011, 01:31 AM
exactly ! ;)

4th June 2011, 01:33 AM
cheers mate

5th June 2011, 12:50 AM
I just gotHD the other day after playing pulse and pure for so long, love the game save for one thing. What the hell is up with weight of certian ships? For whatever reason they changed the collision physics so now you can push people out of the way and bully them. I had my piranha run off the track by a fisar for christ sake. Can anyone explain to me if there are heavier ships than others or how to deal with such garbage mechanics? thanks

6th June 2011, 10:28 AM
I've read some comments here or on others videogame forums and it seems that wipeout HD have a great reputation for players who discovers it !
They often download it because of the welcome back offer and because friends advice them to do.
It's a shame how wipeout HD lacked of visibility at first release ! We, longtime fans, were sure about the quality of the game, but maybe the mass market also had some chance to elect it as a must have :?
I hope the welcome back offer and the buzz around the releasing of vita and 2048 will attract bunch of new players. Fusion's sales must be crushed !! :banzai

@turbovec - Those ramming issues are essentialy due to lag

6th June 2011, 11:43 AM
@leunbok; i'm still in the proces of convincing my friend, from dead nation and infamous i got him to infamous and doubting :D, and now he's leaning towards wipeout :nod

@turbovec; IMO that's just the other ships that have a designated path and would like to stay on that path, if you're on it, they will keep pushing until you get of their path (this is for single player though)

as for my own; WTF is zone battle?! i simply don't egt it, watched youtube vids and all, but i keep losing badly..... get to the zone ASAP, what's the best strategy to do so? barrel roll, get maximum amount of pads u can and boost when bar is full?


Eden Priest
6th June 2011, 11:58 AM
in zone battle you want to get to the requierd zone first you collect energy when you go over speed pads that can be used as a sheild or boost you a couple zones. i suggest that you quickly use your energy in the begining of the race to get ahead of the peloton then save up your energy from the pads so you can boost many zones in rapid speed. it might take awhle to grasp it (still hard on me ) but its rewarding ill tell you that

6th June 2011, 11:58 AM
@turbovec and @Cipher: I'm not sure about single player, I rarely play it and the AI is far behind lol but in online multiplayer the pushing is due to lag as leungbok sad. There is a thread somewhere in here about that.
The idea is that the other player has already been at that point but you see his ship let's say a second later. So when you ram it, it doesn't budge because he didn't when he was there, and only you are affected by this.

6th June 2011, 12:04 PM
@ cipher


6th June 2011, 01:29 PM
@edenpriest the early first boost is a nice tip, ty :) though i am quite good at avoiding barriers :p

@Chet_BG i don't experience lag, so i wouldn't know :p

@JFthebestjan i read those quite some time go, but they don't really contain a strategy except for barriers =/

thx all for info :)


8th June 2011, 08:42 PM
I know it is possible to listen to customized music while playing the game.
Is it possible to change the main menu's music?

8th June 2011, 09:11 PM
No :g

8th June 2011, 09:31 PM
YES; turn on the radio :D
ps3 itself not, but i wouldn't get why you'd stay in the menu for the lolz xD


8th June 2011, 10:02 PM
@leunbok; i'm still in the proces of convincing my friend, from dead nation and infamous i got him to infamous and doubting :D, and now he's leaning towards wipeout :nod
hehe, nice job ! ;)

9th June 2011, 06:40 PM
While absorbing energy from a powerup, can the ship take damage and loose energy?

9th June 2011, 11:04 PM
Yes it can still take damage.
The only mode where you are invulnerable when absorbing a pickup is Eliminator, but then you also do not recover energy in that mode by doing that.

23rd June 2011, 01:34 PM
Strange question: Is there a possibility to update leaderboards manualy? My doesn't seem to update automatically :/

23rd June 2011, 02:52 PM
i don't htink so, but unplugging your internet and plugging it back in might work, i'd guess it would refresh the list =/

also have a question, how the hell do you get gold on detonator elite?!?!?! i barely managed to get bronze, but gold... jeez...

Greetz Apple-Guy

23rd June 2011, 03:15 PM
No it's not possible to update leader boards manually.
The bigger the online load, the longer it seems to take to update.

Detonator Gold [in Campaign ] is a bit of a pain to get, mainly because of the ability of destroying the bomb on some tracks.
Because it randomly appears any F*** where on the track, this can lead to it appearing in places that are impossible for you to shoot the bloody thing.

I had it once appear on Anulpha Pass at a place that was at the beginning of the place where you choose to go below or take the overpass, except it was much higher than the overpass, you couldn't have shot it in a million years.

I'm pretty sure Darkdrium wrote a tutorial on detonator mode, might be worth a search back for.
Otherwise this is a decent sized detonator mode thread that has answers, some from Paul Tweedle from Studio Liverpool among it.

23rd June 2011, 03:34 PM
Sorry, im sure this is a really dumb question but I have had it happen 2 times now :P Is it possible to *bump* someone out of an online tournament? I have had my "network connection" error out twice- pulling me right out of the tournament and both times I was winning by a loooong stretch. Im sure it's just my internet connection dropping but it just struck me as odd that I never have it drop at any other time (and the crowd always seems really pissed right before it happens :P )

24th June 2011, 12:03 AM
Apologies in advance for not browsing through the thread before asking this but, does anyone know of any possible solutions or shortcuts to easier, more consistent BRs? I can pull em off more often then not(with dpad or stick) but i just wish there was an easier/thumb friendlier way lol.

24th June 2011, 12:58 AM
@blackwiggle; thx

@triphyr3 i don't think so =/, i haven't seen such option yet

@4tonmantis if you enable sixaxis, you can just shake your controller to do a barrel roll, but there's quite a bit of delay so i stay with the stick =/


24th June 2011, 01:19 AM
@triphyr:There is no bump/kick player option in online. And even if there was,it can only be done when in the lobby,not when racing.
@4tonmatis:It is based on personal preference. If you feel comfortable using motion sensor, go ahead. If you find the analog sticks less awkward than the D-pad or vice versa,use it.

24th June 2011, 06:13 AM
@4tonmantis If you by mistake heard somewhere that it's not possible to race with that on higher speeds than Flash... it's not true :g
btw. I don't know is there any delay for BR's... maybe it looked like this on my video, but nobody showed himself with hands and playing using Analog Stick/D-Pad.

24th June 2011, 06:46 AM
Thanks guys - i didn't think that was the case it just struck me as odd. Then again im not sure how things were for you guys tonight but it was all kinds of weird online tonight :P i ended up "racing" in 2 tournaments i was actually waiting on and spectating (so of course i was DNF for all of the races because I wasn't actually racing ).... anyway, thanks again for the answer.

24th June 2011, 09:49 AM
@zero3; i saw someone's youtube vid, and the delay was quite bad, i did try it though, but i couldn't bare with the delay on BR's, so i remain with the stick going left and right before a barrel roll xD

Greetz Cipher

24th June 2011, 10:33 PM
@zero3 til recently ive been using harimau over my usual ag-s in phantom simply for the higher speed with great handling and to maybe help put up better times on SL. since the top spots are usually icaras on alot of tracks im convinced higher speed plays a fair role in better times, but im really digging harimau atm, it just feels perfect to me plus im happy with the results so far ;)

also the BRs on some occasions i find have quite a gnarly delay, at times ill mash out LRL at least 3-4 times(w/dpad or stick) whilst airborne and the BR just doesn't wanna come out or sometimes the ship will fly through the air and just as it lands the BR activates lol. idk maybe its just me but ive had more BR troubles in hd than any other wo game ive played

24th June 2011, 10:47 PM
Some people just have a knack for doing BR's, I'm not one of them.

I'm pretty sure Subtotal uses full motion control for all his racing, so he's the one to ask about doing BR's that way, how he had the patience to learn how to race HD/FURY like that I don't know.

25th June 2011, 06:12 AM
Don't forget that i'm too a full motion pilot :P

25th June 2011, 06:27 AM
Just a quick question guys I thought the ads were removed ages ago but im hearing about Honda ads now. Were they added back? Im from NZ so never got them here so which country's get them now?

25th June 2011, 07:28 AM
@numskull usa has em, well at least i do here on the west side of usa anyways..i cant stand em lol often times with tournaments my ps has froze during the ads on the last few tracks so i tend to tense up and blurt out obscenities when they pop up, especially on the 8 track elite phantom tourneys... eat :turd and die advertisements :twisted

26th June 2011, 09:19 PM
Yep :( exact same thing for me. Im in the US too and that damn civic add has caused me plenty of freezing troubles......

29th June 2011, 08:05 AM
Not exactly a question concerning HD, but does anyone know where I can read the backstories to the teams and each FX league? It seems quite interesting...

29th June 2011, 01:15 PM
i think Wipeout 2097 had em, though i'm not quite sure =/


29th June 2011, 02:32 PM

Not entirely sure if that's exactly what you're after, but that link can be found on the wipeoutzone.com front page

29th June 2011, 02:49 PM
Is that from the games or is that just fan-fiction? I was more after the actual history of the teams...

6th July 2011, 01:03 AM
On zone battle, you go from 7.9 to 8 before the bar gets full. Why do that? Surely it's much more beneficial to boost then start filling the bar again.


6th July 2011, 07:45 AM
Maybe it's for battling needs.

6th July 2011, 08:22 AM
What do you mean by battling needs? I don't know what much the zone goes up each time you hit a zone pad, but i'd have though it would increase exponentially so that there was some kind of reward to getting more of them consecutively, but to get the bar 100% full the last one increases 0.1 zones. Don't get why.

6th July 2011, 10:18 PM
Ah yes. The amount there is utterly almost same. Well, it's a faster way to rank up zones at this rate.

6th July 2011, 10:50 PM
I think it's a perfect zone bonus JT.

7th July 2011, 02:29 AM
Oh, I've just realized I was wrong, it doesn't increase to 7.9 t 8. It increases from 6.9 to 8. :brickwall

My bad.

7th July 2011, 07:54 AM
in zone battle it's a superior tactic to boost immediately, when ur zone bar is filled with @ least 6.9.
there's no need to wait until 8.0 is reached.
especially on c12 this tactic is unbeatable :)

7th July 2011, 11:19 AM
Why? Seems like (and I'm very new to whipout HD, just keep that in mind) that if you can it's better to get the bar full as the 1.1 increase is much greater than all the other increases.

7th July 2011, 01:37 PM
lets say u have 6.9 zone bar and u re going to cross the finish line with a perfect lap. so in this case u re wasting zone energy, cause the bonus u'll get for a perfect lap is greater than 1.1.
that means, boost before crossing the finish line and u'll start with a little filled up zone bar (perfect lap bonus)

7th July 2011, 02:26 PM
There is a perfect zone bonus though isn't there? Or am I just imagining it? I'm sure on Anulpha Pass fwd, if you get every Zone Pad up to the bridge, your bar fills itself up from about 6.9 to 8 just as you round that corner.

I'm sure it happens on other tracks of course, but I always notice it on AP.

7th July 2011, 03:10 PM
yes, u get bonus energy for every perfect lap and every perfect zone

8th July 2011, 03:56 AM
does anyone have any tips on hitting that triple BR on metropia reverse? i cant for the life of me get the 3rd BR, i can occasionally get the first 2 but when i do i just cant get enough bounce/lift to execute the 3rd one.

any help would be appreciated as this has been flipping my :turd for a while now lol

8th July 2011, 04:26 AM
I would take a look at FEET_Flyback7's video at about 8:30. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw03VqqBAR0

Seems like you want to aim for the far right of the track, then while in mid-air start turning left to point you off the ground. Make sure you are holding nose up.

That said I've probably done that triple barrel roll only 5 times. :P

8th July 2011, 09:21 AM
@Unctuous sweet, thx a ton for that! i figured it had something to do with where you land....now time for practice

8th July 2011, 11:40 AM
That said I've probably done that triple barrel roll only 5 times. :P

I've never pulled it off but I'm gonna make it a personal mission now, it looks awesome :g

8th July 2011, 11:47 AM
I can't even do a double. O_o

8th July 2011, 11:57 AM
Me neither come to think of it! In fact last light I missed the single on one lap haha. Mind you I was missing loads, my left thumb was really saw and it's like I was chickening out of thrashing it round the D-Pad too much.

I've also been missing boost starts a lot recently, which is weird. Maybe I need a break.

8th July 2011, 11:58 AM
WipEout Overload? :p

8th July 2011, 12:13 PM
I'm always surprised when people only discovers those tricks, this video was released more than 2 years ago. :rolleyes:
Courtesy of Pirahpac and I.

8th July 2011, 12:14 PM
JKP: WipEout Overload?

Possibly, but no more than most of the people on here :lol

Leungbok, I've seen the triple before the loop on a few vids, but I don't think I've seen the last one before, that's some crazy bounce / pitch you've got there.

8th July 2011, 10:31 PM
quick question for you guys.

I recently got wipeout HD from the PSN welcome back offer, and i was trying to get my brother to get the game also, but he said that when he downloaded it that it wasn't any where to be found. I told him to look in the stores download list but says it isn't there, when he went back to try get it again, the welcome back offer for it was removed.

In the end he was only able to recive 1 of the 2 games available.

is there a way to recover it for him or is he out of luck?


Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this

8th July 2011, 10:57 PM
Since he left it late and the WB program is over, I'm afraid you're probably out of luck, but it's worth a look:

Go to Account Management, select Services, and from there he should be able to find an option that allows him to download it - if he actually managed to get it from the WB program.

I think this is the same problem I had; where added a game to my cart and the PS store bugged out and seemed to think I made a final selection, automatically removing the title from the list of games I could select.
If your brother had the same problem, he won't be able to download the game as he never actually made a "purchase" of it in the allotted time.

@ Leungbok
I agree, I thought that trick was old hat by now ;P

Still cool though!

8th July 2011, 11:03 PM
thanks Amp, i'll have to go take a look for him

9th July 2011, 07:46 PM
Hi all.Is grid position totaly random or is there some sort of method of selection and would the guy in 8th on the grid get a better boost (if you can achieve it) than the guy in first.


9th July 2011, 09:02 PM
As far as I'm aware, previous race positions are taken into account online, so if you finished first, you'll start 8th, finished 2nd, start 7th and so on. As for boost, I'm not sure.

9th July 2011, 10:35 PM
For single races the grid positions are supposed to be random. For tournaments they are as trackripper says, i.e. the reverse of the finishing positions from the previous race.

However, sometimes the game gets confused and in single races the starting positions get stuck as exactly the same for a few races. Best to start a room if you notice that happening.

12th July 2011, 04:19 AM
Is there a limit to how much I can side shift? Maybe it's the lack of a fast trigger finger, but I can only seem to side shift only once every three seconds (absolutely fatal for me at Sol2 and Chenghou Project)!

12th July 2011, 05:56 AM
There is a delay. Not quite 3 seconds, but it's nevertheless still an annoying amount of time to wait.

12th July 2011, 08:27 AM
I'm glad there's a delay to be honest. For one thing it makes you think a bit more and choose your side shifts carefully.

21st July 2011, 08:08 PM
Here's a random question, in what year is WOHD set? I've done a cursory search but can't seem to find out.

21st July 2011, 08:10 PM
shouldn't it be in between Pure and Pulse in terms of chronology as its FX350 (i think)?

Just realised that didn't answer your question. Oops :P

21st July 2011, 08:40 PM
it plays between 2197 and 2207.
on modesto u can read 2197 as a holo on starting grid, but i believe i read it's placed in 2206. really don't know exactly, sry

21st July 2011, 09:13 PM
I know Chal wrote a race report that was set in 2211 but that's all I've found. Cheers Jan.

23rd July 2011, 02:17 AM
Wipeout Timeline.


23rd July 2011, 03:32 AM
Thank you blackwiggle. Who's this panopticon chap? Must be very dedicated :)

24th July 2011, 08:42 PM
Anyone else noticed that the "stands" on the right hand side (fwd) of the sloping long left hander on Chenghou Project can be flown on? I found this out accidentally the other day by ramming literally through the wall onto the stands, which took me round the corner rather nicely I have to say :P

24th July 2011, 10:16 PM
Yes, the panels can be flown on, but the transition from "stands" to over the wall is horribly awkward and slow, to the point where you should just stick to the track for minimal heartbreak.

24th July 2011, 10:26 PM
I preffer keeping my nose down to stay close to track and gain priceless seconds over my opponents, especially on wep off/phantom race ;)

24th July 2011, 11:09 PM
It is rather hard to press both up and left on your d-pad simultaneously though...

25th July 2011, 04:24 AM
It's a lot easier with analog sticks. Mind you I ride that turn through and if I can get enough air on one of the leaps I squeese in a quick BR to finish the turn. I think it's called 'Fishbowl' turn right? (Notice the consistent leaps of the ships compared to fish around the turn)

25th July 2011, 06:13 AM
Use motion sensor for sterring or pitching and you're free to use d-pad/analog stick to stick to the track :g (jup, me again with this :turd)

25th July 2011, 01:11 PM
The motion sensor is nowhere near as effective as the up down buttons... even if you set it to 20% :P For me its just a matter of alternation pressing :P
Also, what determines how much you sideshift? The distance seems to be rather random, and significantly bigger at slower speeds?

25th July 2011, 02:50 PM
you get used to motion pitching. Works for me.

And you kinda pointed the relation out in your post: the faster you're going, the less effective the momentum pushing you sideways moves you.

25th July 2011, 03:05 PM
It is rather hard to press both up and left on your d-pad simultaneously though...

You probably wouldn't like Pulse (and Pure, to a certain extent) then! :D
You have to pitch the nose down pretty much all the time (except for on magstrips) to compete, including while steering, and even during some BRs.

25th July 2011, 08:56 PM
Has anyone noticed times being set in the wrong race teams?

25th July 2011, 08:59 PM
You probably wouldn't like Pulse (and Pure, to a certain extent) then! :D
You have to pitch the nose down pretty much all the time (except for on magstrips) to compete, including while steering, and even during some BRs.

Actually, I've had absolutely no problem at all with Pure (144 golds, no DLC), just pitching down or up for some jumps and straight sections, where its so much more necessary in HD IMO...

25th July 2011, 09:08 PM
You forgot the "to compete" part on MSSA's post !
He means pitch is necessary to set top times on pulse/pure, not for wins against AI ! ;)

25th July 2011, 09:25 PM
...didn't notice that. My mistake :P

And about the sideshifts: is speed the only factor? How quickly you tap the airbrakes twice doesn't go into account? Nothing else? O_o

25th July 2011, 09:44 PM
What's the point of the handling stat if the airbrakes bypass this anyway?

25th July 2011, 10:20 PM
That's a good question, but airbrakes slow the craft on one side in order to make it turn, let alone 'air-brakes'. Whereas turning the craft normally does not slow it to make it turn.

I would think that having a much higher handling stat would allow you to brake more later in the turns; a craft with low handling would need to brake early.

26th July 2011, 01:53 AM
you get used to motion pitching. Works for me.

I've recently been trying this so I can pull br's off more easily, but I have to ask what % do you have the motion pitching on?

26th July 2011, 02:24 AM
I have MP set to 100%. It still feels like there's some kinda lag, but yeah... you get used to it.

26th July 2011, 03:04 PM
Is there any reason to barrel roll in Zone races? Seeing as BRing depletes energy, it seems counter-intuitive, unless it grants bonus points.

26th July 2011, 03:16 PM
Hi Archon, it's 1,000 points for a successful BR, and your energy will be restored after 2 perfect zones :)

26th July 2011, 03:39 PM
Does that means you'll go from 1 shield to 100 after 2 perfect zone's?
I always thought it was 10+ (or something) per perfect zone.

26th July 2011, 03:51 PM
No, you're right - since a BR costs 15 energy, you'll just make that amount (+5 if applicable) back every 2 perfect zones. That's what Gaddafi said.

26th July 2011, 05:44 PM
Yeah, 3 perfect zones for every 2 barrel rolls. Seriously BRs are crucial to setting records on Zone mode, or on the tracks on which they are possible anyway.

26th July 2011, 05:50 PM
My energy is recovering after 1 perfect zone... lol, you guys have other version or something? :g

26th July 2011, 05:55 PM
Yes +10 for every perfect zone, but since 1 BR costs you 15 energy you'd recover too much energy than needed (5). 2 BRs for every 3 perfect zones is more efficient. Tbh though I just BR for the life of me on most tracks, then recover till I have about 75-85 again, and repeat. ^^

26th July 2011, 07:07 PM
Yeah it's about getting the perfect balance and BRing right until you stop getting enough perfect zones to carry on. Then recovering to 100% energy before you stop getting perfect zones altogether. It's a difficult thing to get right, and often more luck than judgement.

27th July 2011, 07:41 AM
Nothing awesome, i just like when wipeout is 1st at something :D

27th July 2011, 11:55 AM
My energy is recovering after 1 perfect zone... lol, you guys have other version or something? :g

Well its more like how fast are you racing and on what track.

it costs 15hp to do a br you cant do a br with less then 16hp. else you would kill yourself....

you get 10hp back. so that means when you do a br that zone you have -5 hp. but on low speed classes it takes you longer to get to the next speed br section on the track so you already got all your hp back. as races tend to get faster for example a zone = lap then you got more br options then that you can recover. and if you do the math. br-15 +10(perfect zone)= -5 + 10 = 5 ( now you always have full hp after 2 zones) but, if you do a extra zone you have +15 this means you can do a othere br. so like Jaf said:

2br on 3 perfectzones = best.

just dont start with 100 hp else it is worse. 85 is max starting hp, for the 2br on 3 zones

27th July 2011, 01:05 PM
Oh, and you CAN do a BR on 15hp.

27th July 2011, 02:35 PM
That would be 15-15=0 and 0=dead :p so no ^^


27th July 2011, 02:39 PM
Actually, it is possible to BR at 15hp. You can have 0hp. ;) You blow up if you scrape anything though.

27th July 2011, 02:48 PM
Errr no, I know what I'm saying. What Woop said ^^

27th July 2011, 03:11 PM
Indeed, 0hp doesn't mean "dead", it just means "be careful!". In fact it goes down to decimal places so you can sometimes get away with the faintest of wall scrapes when on 0hp and still not die :g

27th July 2011, 03:12 PM
You guys know the first chicane/short S-bend on Metropia (Reverse), right? I always do a barrel roll instead of trying to stay on the ground. Is this a viable tactic, assuming I've got the energy to survive, or should I not indulge myself in silly acrobatic antics there?

27th July 2011, 04:17 PM
That's the way to go :)

4th August 2011, 01:56 AM
Sometimes when I die in ZB, I respawn with 60 hp instead of 100 (and once at 20 I believe). Has anyone a clear view of what's happening there ? At first, I thought it had something to do with my carcass hitting a barrier or going off-bounds, but that's not really consistent ie, I've already been through barriers as a carcass without receiving said damage and received the damage while not hitting any barriers (though "off-bounds" is sometimes weird for the game, I guess it could have been that). Besides, I can't fathom why wall-scrapping damage as a carcass wouldn't be dealt as well.

Any thoughts ?

4th August 2011, 07:00 AM
Is this a viable tactic, assuming I've got the energy to survive, or should I not indulge myself in silly acrobatic antics there?
I second Jav, and doing triple BRs here is less viable for sure, anyway it's faster ! ;)

4th August 2011, 07:32 AM
Silly acrobatic antics are a large part of making HD both fun and faster :)

4th August 2011, 01:10 PM
Denton - I'm trying to think if I've ever had that but I don't think I have. No idea why it would happen to honest, must just be a glitch :?

4th August 2011, 04:21 PM
Do some ships barrel roll easier than others? I mean does the height of the ship affect its roll ability? It looks like Piranha and Feisar would roll easier than the HD Goteki 45 for instance, but is it actually equal or not?

5th August 2011, 01:44 AM
Whats the best average craft? Besides Mirage.

ion harvest
5th August 2011, 01:55 AM
Ag-Systems, Feisar, Qirex, Assegai.

Ag-systems got a good thrust.

Feisar got handling down.

Qirex is well rounded but i dont use it much.

Assegai is amazing in many ways. But a great all rounder.

Mirage is again great all rounder and it loves to BR.

just my opinion ;)

The Black
5th August 2011, 07:52 AM
My 2 cents.

Harimau: great handling and stability, just don't ram into something (or someone)
Qirex also handles pretty well and it has a good shield.

The only problem with those two is the thrust, which I think was sorted out in the fury upgrade, but I'm not really sure.

Ag-S is great, the only problem is that when I use it i get the impression that I'm trying to steer a little moon... May be a personal problem though, because I actually prefer Icaras' handling and that doesn't make much sense.

Another great all-arounder is Assegai Fury... the HD ship has something in the handling that doesn't really convince me.. may be the center of gravity.

In any case experiment with ALL ships and don't just look at the four stats displayed: there's much more to discover driving... and experimenting you'll surely find the one best suited for you.

5th August 2011, 11:37 PM
Here's a random question, in what year is WOHD set? I've done a cursory search but can't seem to find out.

the answer is within the game, on a few tracks.
there's a billboard on this particular tracks.
i've added some examples ;)

5th August 2011, 11:54 PM
Nice find!

6th August 2011, 12:14 AM
Nicely done JF!

8th August 2011, 06:24 AM
ok something i have never figured out. What is the small wipeout logo with the F and what does it mean? it is seen on online multiplayer while we wait for the host to pick the track etc. It's directly to the right of the ship that each user has chosen. I used to think it meant that racer had the Fury expansion but I noticed sometimes I have the logo and other times not.

8th August 2011, 06:30 AM
It means the ship being used is the Fury Variant/Version.
And as to year,JF's not the only one.
Amphi-Scenic Hologram Exhibit A (http://feisar-csy.deviantart.com/art/WipEout-HD-Fury-Amphi-Scenic-187891687)
Entering the Hologram (http://feisar-csy.deviantart.com/art/WipEOut-HD-Fury-What-The-2of3-187891026)
(The above pics are quite similar to JF's,so there is practically nothing(new) to see here)
Seems like HD Fury takes place over a span of at least two years...

8th August 2011, 12:50 PM
BTW, does the tournament race time count as online record? Cause I made 1:52:67 (Rapier) on Moa Therma and I would like to see the best times.

8th August 2011, 03:55 PM
Ok so I go to my records today and find a time of around 1:12:xx on Modesto Heights FWD Phantom... with 0 speed pads. WUT WUT?

13th August 2011, 12:20 PM
u can ignore all records with 0 speedpads, all of those re obviously bugged. and a lot of the multiplayer race venom times re bugged too, somehow it has something to do with online zone battle mode (just my guess)

16th August 2011, 01:39 PM
BTW, does the tournament race time count as online record?

I've wondered that in the past, because some of my quickest times have been during tournaments. Never checked though, has anybody else?

5th September 2011, 01:20 PM
controller sensitivity;

less % = more sensitive? i always thought that 100% = max sensitivity, but now i watched some strategy guides and they say the contrary? o_O so 10% airbreak= most effect?

Greetz Cipher

11th September 2011, 11:31 PM
Timing-wise, when do I normally use the airbrakes?

Usually I do it when entering a curve, usually letting go to side shift just after the apex, but I've heard most players who do use them will just hold them until they are clear of the corner. Which way is right, most of the time?

11th September 2011, 11:32 PM
controller sensitivity;

less % = more sensitive? i always thought that 100% = max sensitivity, but now i watched some strategy guides and they say the contrary? o_O so 10% airbreak= most effect?

Greetz Cipher

Yes. :nod

12th September 2011, 12:28 AM
Thx for the reply :p i'll have to change it then, cuz i always wondered why those air breaks didn't work that well xD


9th October 2011, 08:05 PM
For awhile, everyone was running time trials in Icaras crafts. Since, I've seen records made with Feisar and Harimau, and now AG-Systems is popping up all over the place! Aside from personal preference, is there an advantage to using one craft over another?

I suspect it deals with what track you're racing. On Sol 2 or Anulpha, you'd obviously benefit from Icaras' speed, but on a track with tighter corners I imagine there'd be struggling (for me, flying Icaras feels like I'm struggling against the craft's inertia). Does anyone feel more comfortable with specific crafts on specific tracks, or do you use one craft for all tracks?

9th October 2011, 08:37 PM
My AG-Sys is universal like TV-Remote... about those poping-up ships u mean those on leaderboards? If yes then let me say: don't look at it as it shows totally different ships than specific racer did used (they even don't work now).

btw. Does anybody know who the hell is that robocop called Quiesc3nce? Damn fast guy got 2nd place on Sol2 rev on phantom online and have rank 32 and don't know shortcut "WR" and has british flag...

10th October 2011, 05:33 AM
@archon i use 1 everywhere :p which is Harimau, only use the others in zone to up loyalty or in detonator ^^

had to use a different craft 3 times cuz i didn't get the gold medal on elite in the campaign :D


10th October 2011, 08:51 PM
I noticed people switching crafts during the HD Cup. Might have to do with weapons being on or off. Harimau and Icaras have low health, after all.

I use Harimau and have since my second day with the game, but found I like non-Fury Feisar for venom and flash races. Anything faster and I go Harimau.

11th October 2011, 07:05 AM
Harimau aaaalll the way :D

and yeah, they have a pretty low shield, but just keep sorbing it up ^^ (except for weapons off of course, but even then i stick to harimau :p)


18th October 2011, 06:58 AM
Does anyone have tips for nailing the starting line boost? I've tried counting down with the numbers, watching the red bar cross the numbers until "Go," listening to the beat of the countdown... nothing works. I may have successfully boost-started five times in the last five months!

I've seen methods where people will cycle through the ship viewpoints to time the countdown. I've also tried closing my eyes in order to listen and time the launch better. Nothing is working. This is the only technique I have not mastered. HAALP ME!

18th October 2011, 07:08 AM
I get it practically every time. I guess it just comes with practise; but anyway: press the accelerator about 0.28 of a second after the "go". There's another 0.22 or so of leeway after that which is easier to get in - which is obviously going to be a touch slower, but that's probably rather unimportant when you just want any kind of boost you can get :P.

I haven't timed it, just going on feeling. See how that goes.

18th October 2011, 08:56 AM
From my experience i can tell that you have around 1sec after "GO" to press thrust button to make speed boost start, so there shouldn't be any problem with that. I suppose that you just press it too fast and it doesn't count :cowboy
Just take it easy, relax and press the button :P

EDIT: Oh, and i've noticed that the faster i press it after GO, the stronger is my boost start :hyper

18th October 2011, 11:11 AM
I've wondered a bit about that myself, it almost seems like the boost is stronger, but I just passed it off as being due to the fact that I got moving earlier. Anyone else have an opinion on that?

18th October 2011, 11:32 AM
It's a good question. I've noticed being slower off the line than many other people on the grid, but I'd always put it down to a combination of ship selection and a bit of lag. :?

18th October 2011, 05:17 PM
Ive noticed that i press the button exactly on the third, poss fourth beep (i should know by now!) and usualy get it.Also recently i have convinced myself that pitching down on boost start gives me a better boost, but that could be bs and just me kidding myself.A question myself.Are we talking about hd/fury here as people are saying when it says go and on mine i get three (or is it four) peeps ?


18th October 2011, 06:11 PM
4th beep is "GO"

20th October 2011, 04:04 PM
Had time to play last night, and you guys were right. I was hitting accelerate too early. The sweet spot is just after the red bar fills and it says, "Go." I played a long Racebox tournament and got it 70% of the time. Felt like Christmas.

22nd October 2011, 08:14 AM
Good stuff mate. I've started paying more attention to exactly when I hit X, and I think there may be something to it with regards to how much boost you get. I've been starting ever so slightly earlier than before and I don't seem to be losing ground on people like I was.

So cheers for bringing this up Archon :)

22nd October 2011, 08:34 AM
I also have the feeling of I lose ground at the start with other racers with the same ship even when I get a boost start. I will do some trials these days.

24th October 2011, 12:16 PM
Think this is the place to put this.... Has there been any news on the times being updated on the leaderboards? I know pretty much everyone is wanting to see their times go up on there so, well... just wondered.

1st November 2011, 10:04 PM
In Zone Battle, sometimes the announcer says "Target depleted" or "Target repeated" or something along those lines. What does this mean? I know there's a message for "Target attainable," but I've heard her say both messages in one race.

Also, when I start getting those messages, it seems the track is always the black and red color scheme. Is this just the scheme for reaching zone 50-55 in Zone Battle, or does this color scheme indicate that you're in range for the winning zone amount?

1st November 2011, 10:28 PM
I think it's related to the situation of the 1st place holder.

If they suddenly loose all their shield energy, explode and respawn, then the current target would of changed as your position relative to whoever is now in 1st place is calculated.
Red & Black is the colours for those zone levels.

1st November 2011, 10:37 PM
Actually it's a lot simpler than that. You have a set amount of time to reach the target zone. This time limit varies depending on how high the target is, obviously the higher the target, the more time you are alllowed. Once the time limit has expired, the game gradually brings down the target one zone at a time, every few seconds.

No doubt Jan will be able to tell you the time limits for each target ;)

As for the colour scheme, it's probably just a fluke. The colours change every time you boost, and they cycle through the normal Zone colour schemes, starting at sub-venom and ending at Supersonic, then back to sub-venom etc.

Granpire Viking Man
2nd November 2011, 01:31 PM
Has anyone had any problems with voice chat? I know Playstation Network voice chat is always a pain, but I can't recall one time that I got a reply by using voice chat with Wipeout HD. I've tried both a Playstation Eye and a Bluetooth headset, and under both circumstances, I couldn't talk to the friend I was playing with.

I know NAT type can sometimes cause problems, but I'm not familiar with networking and how to influence this. Most of the time it's at 2, I believe, and once or twice I've seen it at type 3. Any help would be appreciated.

Granpire Viking Man
2nd November 2011, 01:31 PM
Has anyone had any problems with voice chat? I know Playstation Network voice chat is always a pain, but I can't recall one time that I got a reply by using voice chat with Wipeout HD. I've tried both a Playstation Eye and a Bluetooth headset, and under both circumstances, I couldn't talk to the friend I was playing with.

I know NAT type can sometimes cause problems, but I'm not familiar with networking and how to influence this. Most of the time it's at 2, I believe, and once or twice I've seen it at type 3. Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: My school's finicky network caused me to post the message twice, and I don't see how to delete my message when I click Edit/Delete. :(

2nd November 2011, 09:51 PM
HD's voice chat has always been broken

2nd November 2011, 10:56 PM
...The colours change every time you boost, and they cycle through the normal Zone colour schemes, starting at sub-venom and ending at Supersonic, then back to sub-venom etc.

starting at sub-venom and ending at the zone scheme AFTER supersonic, then back to sub-venom etc. ;)

3rd November 2011, 08:06 AM
Yeah fair play. Come on then, what are the time limits? You must have timed it at some point :g

3rd November 2011, 03:22 PM
sry, but i can't tell u the time-limits for each zone target, b4 it says 'target depleated'.
but i guess 55target has a limit of 5min, maybe. have to try this later...

edit: after testing a bit at ZB55 syncopia (novice AI), i found out that after 7min20sec the zone-target starts to depleate.
i never used the boost in my tests, instead i absorbed all energy. 1.0 zone in ZB = 20sec! in normal zone mode 1zone = 10sec!
after reaching 22.0 (without using boost once) the target began to drop.
lets do the math: 22.0*20sec=440sec

3rd November 2011, 04:48 PM
Good man :+

3rd November 2011, 05:55 PM
i fancied getting a copy of wipeout pulse as i love hd so much but do not have a psp (anymore).I realised that you can get a ps2 copy but for a much higher price. Does anyone know anywhere i could try apart from the obvious? (ebay, amazon) oh and ive already looked everywhere in town :P Or would i be better off re-inesting on another psp? :)

3rd November 2011, 06:34 PM
I asked about Pulse on the PS2 a while back, and I was told it's a really bad port from the PSP :(

You may be better off getting another PSP Scott.

3rd November 2011, 06:54 PM
aah right cheers, was hard to find one at a reasoable price anyway xD

3rd November 2011, 07:10 PM
so here's the complete list of the time limits for each ZB-target (until 'target depleated' is announced)

ZB55 - 7min20sec / tested
ZB50 - 6min40sec / tested
ZB45 - 6min / tested
ZB40 - 5min20sec / tested
ZB35 - 4min40sec / tested
ZB30 - 4min / not tested
ZB25 - 3min20sec / not tested
ZB20 - 2min40sec / not tested
ZB15 - 2min / not tested
ZB10 - 1min20sec
ZB5 - 40sec
ZB0 - 0sec :D

3rd November 2011, 10:30 PM
Ha, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist it. Good work Jan.

6th November 2011, 11:20 AM
ZB5 would be awesome...We could finally beat P_Denton,as long as he misses a speed pad or crashes in the wall and loses the perfect zone :lol

1st December 2011, 09:00 AM
I notice in a lot of speed lap videos pilots will sideshift across the finish line. Are you guys turning opposite the direction you're sideshifting (turn left and shift right)? Does this make you cross the finish line faster?

1st December 2011, 09:17 AM
Are you guys turning the opposite the direction you're sideshifting (turn left and shift right)?
i just hope not ! ;)

1st December 2011, 09:36 AM
It's superstitious at best. The theory is that you can cover a short distance faster than normal, but since you have to go off the racing line to even make the shift propel you forward, you're ruining at least part of the benefit; and if you leave the shift late, a part of the actual boost you're aiming for will be wasted by finishing past the finish line.

Not worth it, IMO, but there's a chance it could save you 0.01 of a second if executed perfectly, maybe. It's safer and more logical to just make a direct approach.

It would be interesting if someone were to set up a test: if you can find an EXACT spot to park your ship on the final stretch to the finish line that you can reach time and time again AND if you can find a timer (perhaps a fast video camera that can capture the exact moment, as you couldnt find an external timer easily that would stop once you cross the line) that is guaranteed to begin as soon as you start accelerating, you could perform a few runs using the technique and not using it to see which is faster, if any. Personally I think going wide and sideshifting is going to slow you down more likely than not, but I'd be interested in finding out for sure.

1st December 2011, 11:45 AM
I assumed it was a quick way to pull your ship diagonally across the finish line and steal one hundredth of a second (or two *eye roll*). Like you said, though, any turning and even the first tap of the airbrake would lower your speed, so its worth is debatable. If there's no turning involved and only one strict sideshift, maybe it does something. This is the sort of thing that makes me stick to time trials and not speed laps, because I get so anal retentive about these types of things! Fighting the clock already makes me barf...

6th December 2011, 01:05 AM
It's faster at all speed classes. Greatest benefit at Venom, least at Phantom, but that's more common sense than info.

7th December 2011, 05:06 AM
I watched some videos, and it seems the slightest turning doesn't lower a ship's speed at all. Sideshifting also boosts your speed around 30km/h. I knew shifting to correct a line was faster than turning, but I thought it was because turning cut speed, not that shifting made you boost. Weird.

10th December 2011, 06:08 PM
The records section tells me I set a time on Vineta K (single race - rapier) at 1.01, this is at least 40 secs ahead of my second time and it would also be in the top page of the global best (alongside some 'too' fast times). I know I didn't cheat but did I really drive that fast??? Please help me figure this out!

10th December 2011, 07:07 PM
I believe it's a glitch that shows Zone Battle times, at least I think that's what Wotan said when I had a similar record.

10th December 2011, 07:09 PM
i'd better remove it from the leaderboards here then...

3rd January 2012, 12:36 AM
What's the 'Pristine' medal? I've never seen it before tonight when I raced against mikefive.

3rd January 2012, 12:45 AM
You get that one when you finish a race at full shield without absorbing.

3rd January 2012, 10:07 AM
Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that one. Never got it before, might have to try for it this week.

1st February 2012, 01:36 AM
Anyone here know "kousoku3180"? He's just entered a zone WR on Conna's site while his other scores seem fairly average, still possible of course but can anyone confirm he is legit? Does seem like he puts most of his time into zone, I think he's legit.

1st February 2012, 10:35 AM
Don't know him. Out of interest, what track, score etc? And how much of an improvement over the previous WR? I'm not just being lazy by the way, can't access that site where I am right now.

1st February 2012, 10:44 AM
Vineta K Rev. He got to zone 86 of which (only) 55 were perfect. It's the highest zone anyone's ever reaced on VK Rev so that's suspicious. As for score, he beat the previous world record (mine) by no more than 600 points.

1 1 214712 jp kousoku3180 86 55 12-01-29 1000
2 2 214154 nl Javariko 78 61 11-01-14 998

1st February 2012, 10:56 AM
Hmm. Maybe send him a message and ask him if he would mind uploading or sending a photo of his records page. Not a nice thing to have to do I know, but I certainly wouldn't take offence if somebody asked the same of me.

Zone 86 is pretty amazing for VK Rev, I'd be sending everybody photos :D

1st February 2012, 11:43 AM
legit score!

1st February 2012, 04:36 PM
Yep probably, just took back #1 anyway :p

19th February 2012, 01:07 PM
I just got a quick question about the ranking system:

I cannot find myself in the world raking list. When I look at my own ranking [for example: TT Sol2 fwd Venom 01.36.39] and then check the list at around 01.36.xx I cannot find my entry. Same for every other track, racing mode, speed mode etc. My PS3 is always online while playing, how do I synchronize my own records with the world records?

19th February 2012, 02:06 PM
The leaderboards haven't been updated in nearly a year. That is expected to change "soon", so keep an eye out.

19th February 2012, 02:20 PM
Oh, I did read that article about the Head Office response... So, is the leaderboard fixed with that new HD patch which isn't accepted so happily here on the forum? :)
Sorry for maybe asking old questions but I just signed in here two weeks ago or so and didn't have the time to read through all the old posts yet.

19th February 2012, 04:39 PM
you would make a terrible journalist

but anyway, the response was that they got one of the devs pulled off from 2048 programming to sort all the records by hand and fix the boards for HD by manually posting each new time uploaded to the servers. So by "soon" I mean, whenever that guy gets around to it. They said he was pretty quick, but you know. It may still take a little while before he finds your records.

26th February 2012, 10:17 AM
I saw kousoku a couple of times in ZBs rooms. He's good, I wouldn't have any reason to doubt he's legit... though I'm a little late aren't I ? ^^
Anyways, has anyone ever noticed a weird glitch in ZB which occurs sometimes. It causes ships not to respawn at full health but at 60 hp ? It's far from systematic, but frequent enough for me to notice. I know the colonel hasn't, but if anyone has, I'd gladly take the confirmation I haven't gone batshit insane yet^^

26th February 2012, 09:41 PM
you're not insane, it happens quite often to me, really frustrating :(

27th February 2012, 08:04 AM
Really? I dont play zb much but I only remember respawning on 60...

6th March 2012, 02:21 AM
hi, i have a really weird problem, with custom soundtrack, in my ps3 i have 3 albums:
- Robert Miles: Dreamland
- Shatter - Oficial Soundtrack
- Wip3out

well, the game recognize the two first, but the album "wip3out" nothing, 0 audio... why T_T, the music plays really nice in xmb, but in game, nothing T_T

7th March 2012, 07:30 AM
Check to see what format the Wip3out music is.
Seems it might differ from the other two [probably a WAV file, so will play via XMB], I think music has to be in MP3 format to work as a added custom soundtrack in HD.

8th March 2012, 07:05 PM
Is there any part of the tracks where letting go of the thruster button is advantageous? I always lose more time with that method than just going in at full speed and using airbrakes/pitch liberally, even if I graze the wall at the end (first hard turn in Chenghou), but I'm a terrible Phantom pilot.

14th April 2012, 03:16 PM
so euhm... anyone else noticed weird bugs in zone battle with the new 2.5 patch?

i randomly lose shield from time to time o_O, it also depletes the zone bar

also don't see EU hosts anymore, only us wtf :p


14th April 2012, 05:23 PM
ZB is nearly unplayable since 2.5. I posted about it there (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?5321-Bug-Reports-HD-and-Fury-expansion-standardised-format-Report-only-no-discussion-or-replies&p=214509#post214509). Apparently, all hosts are displayed as being US, even if they're european, but they're hosting just fine.

8th May 2012, 09:43 PM
it's me again ^^

not really an HD question, rather Fury question, how do your complete detonator elite on Corridon 12 ? you need to reach 185 000 but i barely get 145 =/

Thanks in advance


9th May 2012, 04:48 PM
I was wondering...

You know pitching? When you can tilt the nose of the craft. Is that different depending on which craft you're using?
When I use a Goteki 45 I don't seemed to be able to pitch quite as well, so it made me wonder.

9th May 2012, 05:55 PM
i have a random question, i have a problem with the music, i have two ost, shatter (example = 12 tracks), and only work 8, and the ost from wipeout 3, any song don't work, but in the xmb, works and sound really good xD

9th May 2012, 06:17 PM
i think hey have to be .mp3 for wipeout =/

might want to make a playlist and try playing the playlist


10th May 2012, 04:30 AM
good idea, tomorrow i make the test (i so tired, university = full time x.x)

Amaroq Dricaldari
11th May 2012, 12:43 AM
And concerning Zone mode, when do the zone speeds stop increasing? I know in Pure it was ~ zone 65, but maybe because of the better hardware it has been increased for PS3?

Zone 75

I really love the way the computer voice sounds when it says that.

Oryx Crake
11th May 2012, 01:33 AM
I don't know but I dont think the speed actually does stop increasing doesn't look like it in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSJ8TowUoW0 (wotan is an absolute zone beast)

11th May 2012, 08:00 PM
@ amaroq:
i guess, im the only player on the planet, who has seen zone 3800+
i can assure you, zone speed does increase every 10sec.

11th May 2012, 09:36 PM
Zone 3800??

Amaroq Dricaldari
11th May 2012, 10:09 PM
I can assure you, zone speed does increase every 10sec.

Only as you go up in Zone Class. For example, your speed increases when you go up from Mach 1 to Supersonic, but not in between Mach 1 and Supersonic. In this case, it can be explained scientifically becauase as soon as you hit Mach 1, if you go even 1 tenth of a centimeter per hour faster you will immediately be going Supersonic.

Ragsus Maxima
11th May 2012, 11:10 PM
It does increases the speed between milestones. The problem is you don't notice it because you're focused in the game even if you know the speed is constantly increasing.

Amaroq Dricaldari
12th May 2012, 03:09 AM
I am not sure if it belongs in this thread, but I was wondering how many of you think there will ever be a new expansion for WipEout HD?

12th May 2012, 04:50 AM
i doubt that, they've recently finished 2048, so they're probably working on a new one now or a totally different game

@zone discussion, yes it increases every 10 seconds which is very clear if you're a noob in zone mode xD (at leas tnot as high as the pros 55max here)


23rd May 2012, 02:28 AM
Hello! It's been a long time since I've been here!
But I have a question about online games in HD; I can't seem to change my location for filtering games.
For some reason it's stuck on USA. I want to be able to view all games from EU, USA, AUS, and JP. It's really annoying having to join a game in the USA, because for some reason they all seem to leave pilot assist enabled *gag*.
Is there any way I can change this? (PS: I have tried changing the location setting from the filter options to all, or my location - to no avail).

23rd May 2012, 06:22 AM
it's a bug since the new patch :p all servers show up as USA, eventhough they are whatever you selected ^^


28th May 2012, 02:22 AM
A few questions:

1) I have to download the latest patch for WoHD. Any downside to doing so?
2) Do advertisements still exist between races?


28th May 2012, 06:29 AM
Answer to
1} Yes, ships seem to be not as agile in the handling dept since the update, several other problems exist as well, but seem to differ both in frequency of occurrence and severity, depending where you are located.
Oh, one major problem, all online ranks have been reset to 1
See various reports in this thread.
2] No, well not in Australia at least....I'm pretty sure I read that they got knocked on the head everywhere else as well. :)

28th May 2012, 11:37 AM
^not in EU either regarding the adds ;)

some bugs i've noticed that in zone battle, you will randomly lose lots of shield (as if you were to fly into a barrier), the servers all showing up as USA

i haven't noticed any difference regarding handling of my ship though

the rank, well.. what does it mean? it's just a number after all...


28th May 2012, 12:18 PM
I also couldn't tell any difference at the ship handling... Well, but I am no hardcore gamer, so for someone who is very skilled and can bring the best out of his ship, he maybe feels a difference...

28th May 2012, 06:42 PM
Thanks for the responses. I just went through the long thread about the update, and it seems that it broke things in exchange for cross-play with 2048 (which I've yet to pick up).

29th May 2012, 12:58 PM
...and fixing an exploit that didn't need fixing, which now means all records are now nigh on unbeatable....except zone which is now easier. :rolleyes:

17th June 2012, 04:41 PM
hmmm, how does one complete detonator on corridon 12 elite? in the fury campaign? i can't seem to be able to get to 175.000 my max is at 147.000 =/
