View Full Version : Anti Grav Game - Voltage

23rd September 2008, 01:24 PM
Saw this game advertised a few weeks ago, and downloaded the trailer from their site (Lexicon Entertainments (http://www.lexiconentertainment.com/)) - While not quite up to the heady heights of Wipeout, it looks as though it could be quite a decent game, especially from the trailer.

Does anyone here know any more about it, or the company at all? I'd like to find as much info as possible before buying it (When it's finally released). I'm only really buying a PS3 for Wipeout, so any other AG games that i can get (Voltage, Fatal Inertia EX) will be a real boon. :)

23rd September 2008, 02:07 PM
I've seen this very trailer before. At least a year ago, and under a different name, I think.
While the FMV is certainly well produced, I don't really like the design of the ships, and who here thinks 6-lanes-wide tracks make for interseting gameplay? I sure don't.

23rd September 2008, 02:27 PM
and who here thinks 6-lanes-wide tracks make for interseting gameplay? I sure don't.

one reason (of many) why Mario Kart Wii sucks.

Also: I'm digging the ship designs, personally

23rd September 2008, 02:37 PM
Looks like next-gen F-Zero...don't ask my how or why I think this...just has an F-Zero vibe...

23rd September 2008, 02:57 PM
i think that looks pretty cool

23rd September 2008, 04:24 PM
Wow, thanks for the reply guys.... such a variety of opinions. :)

As i said in the OP, i'm really just after some decent AG style games to use on the PS3 (When i get it).

Re: the 6 lanes - I can't see how that would make too much difference to the overall gameplay, but again having never played Mario Kart et al, i'm kinda talking from ignorance and supposition. Maybe when i get/try the game it'll be horrendous, but from where i'm standing now it looks OK. The trailer looks pretty good.

As far as the ships etc go (More like Cars really) when i first looked at them, i didn't like them at all, but after viewing the trailer a few times i'm kinda getting used to them. I'd certainly give the game a try i think. Just a bit concerned about when the game will be released, if at all.

I've seen this very trailer before. At least a year ago, and under a different name, I think.

That's what makes me wonder if it'll ever get released at all. They've no release dates on the website at all. ??

23rd September 2008, 04:29 PM
The '6 lanes' was just a term to illustrate how wide the tracks actually are. One of the things that make wipEout so great is that the tracks are narrow, winding, and hard to perfectly navigate. IMHO, there's no fun in racing a track that wouldn't be a challenge at all without enemies on track.

23rd September 2008, 05:26 PM
I see what you mean. I've never tried many other games so i'm not sure if i'll like it or not, but as a pure AG "Crash & Bash" (With speed) i think 6 lanes may be needed, especially if i'm racing. :)

24th June 2010, 12:58 AM
Is there anything new on this game? new name? anything? wanted to try it out

24th June 2010, 04:47 PM
It appears the domain name for the developer's website has expired. This is NOT good new for the game obviously.

The game has not come out yet. It probably is cancelled unfortunately as I cannot seem to find anything on the developer on the internet other than websites of company directories and lists of games that were never released. For example, IGN (http://games.ign.com/objects/849/849293.html). Every game on that list does not have a release date; or if they do, they are incorrect (Speculative release dates that were never corrected.)

25th June 2010, 05:03 AM
According to this link (http://chaosedge.wordpress.com/2009/08/29/racers-coming-with-a-blast-of-voltage/), Voltage was released in Russia in 2008 for PC only. Recently the copyright troll Tim Langdell (responsible for suing EA and Mobigame over their usage of the word "edge" in game titles) picked up the rights for US release under his Edge Games label as "Edge Racers". The claim on the linked website is that he bought the rights (likely very cheaply) purely to be able to sue another company making a racing game with "edge" in the title.

Sad story really, but it looks like the game is available at least. Whether you'd want to give money to slime like Langdell for it is another question ;)

Dan Locke
4th July 2010, 09:47 PM
I was actually following this game for a while; the PC version was released in Russia way back in 2008 (or maybe later; it's been a while since I cared), but the PS3 and 360 ports never happened. I don't know any more.

13th July 2010, 05:26 PM
I was thinking about getting this later this week on amazon. does anyone have this game yet? I wanted to see actual gameplay footage (not a replay).

13th July 2010, 05:43 PM
I have tried looking for gameplay but all I can see is the same trailer over and over.
You would have to get it to see what it's like, then you will be like me and Kinetica :P The only one in the world playing this game xD
I would like to see it though if I go to the tournament. Hopefully it is not like Quantum Redshift (I still hate that elimination at the last lap.)

Aha a couple of screenshots (http://img59.imageshack.us/slideshow/webplayer.php?id=7e7c09e4d010.jpg)

14th July 2010, 02:40 AM
Ha, I am the only one saying he will play kinetica again eventually. Don't care what anyone says about that one, that thing requires some skill and serious practice to play correctly. I will pick this up thursday if I get a chance, and then in about a week or so we will see. I was a little optimistic about it watching the drift turn, and it looked like the ship was trying to correct itself on the straight, so it doesn't seem to be on rails.

28th July 2010, 07:54 PM
OK, double post here, but some time apart, and I just got the game.

NOT LIKE THE VIDEOS, not even close
you grip the ground, there is no sliding like in that video that looked kinda cool in some parts. YOu can jump, but no floaty feel whatsoever. don't waste your time in purchasing this crap, which prompts a new topic from me.

29th July 2010, 06:49 PM
Any chance for a video? I'd like to see this game in action :) (Even if it's crap xD)

30th July 2010, 02:37 AM
after the tourney, I hope to have a few videos up of some races, including that game.

30th July 2010, 09:39 PM
Haha, the site's been closed, by the looks of things. :lol: