View Full Version : Happy Birthday Romano :)

23rd September 2008, 09:07 AM
I wish you mate a sweet Happy Birthday from me and all frenchies from the FFF.
46 and you look like a thirties lil' boy :D
What's your secret ! Balsamic oil you are producing yourself ( still got a little bit of the bottle you offered me and Vic) or just the air you are breathing around Bergamo ?

Enjoy your day with your fantastic familie Romano

23rd September 2008, 09:50 AM
Happy Birthday Romano! :cake

What are the plans for celebration? Whatever it may be, I hope you have a great time. Give my regards to your family.

Take care. Cheers! :beer :g

23rd September 2008, 11:55 AM
Happy Birthday Rom, have a great day.

Hope you get a PS3 for your birthday, if you don`t have it yet. It`s better than cake! :cake

23rd September 2008, 02:59 PM
happy birthday =)

RJ O'Connell
23rd September 2008, 04:17 PM
No 46 year old has hair THAT good. :g

Happy birthday Mr. 'ego. :cake

23rd September 2008, 04:28 PM
Happy Birthday super slow Romano! :P


23rd September 2008, 05:23 PM
Hi dear mate,

Congratulations with your B-day! I wish you and your family all the best. I hope to see you a bit more here.

23rd September 2008, 06:04 PM
Hi, Romano. Happy Birthday! :)

BTW, I dunno that a PS3 is better than cake, but it's biGGer than cake. :g

23rd September 2008, 06:12 PM
happy birthday alterego! hope to race you soon!

Rachel Johnson
23rd September 2008, 06:18 PM
Happy birthday. Now... Where's the food/keg? :P

23rd September 2008, 08:09 PM
Hi All.

Tnx to all!


@Asa: Hi dear friend! my secret is a 'vinagrette' ah ah ah! but the real secret is 'stay tuned' and, only for infos, I just win a pair of basketball national tournament for players over 40...I'm old but not so wise guy.... ;)

@ Borell: My plans for this evening are simple....I've not to drive and I drink a right amount of italian wine eat a good grilled meat and stay with my family and.... ;)

@ lunar: I have a PS3 and test Everybody's golf, but I don't understand how works online mode for now......ah ah ah......I'm online for sure at day one with WO HD...It's better! :D

@ Rj : ah ah ah my hair it's a 'reality' ah ah ah like some natural documentaries about 'strange' natural genetic aberration! :D

@ Stin: Ah! Very slow......but....Surely.....I arrive!!!
in this moment I 'don't have any psp beacause I'm in standby for psp3000 version.... ;)

@ Mad Ice : tnx for my family and for sure I'm reading everything in the forum, but my new work is very intense far more than Outpost in Phantom class.....aaargh! excuse for my writing absence....ehm ehm

@Lance: Yes! Bigger than a cake, but also harder under my teeth ;) :D

@ Kanar: Sure.... when I own a new psp3000 I go online with Avalon Style races!

@ Rachel and Others: All is virtual in Wipeout World also the food.....

only one thing is REAL!

Our Friendship!

Let's be Friends dear mates!!!

Read You Soon