View Full Version : Petition for a Rollcage Resurrection...

21st September 2008, 09:35 PM
Don't know how effective these online petition thingies are...but I figured...with SL lurking around and whatnot...maybe a show of numbers will convince them to try and secure whatever rights they can to revive the Rollcage franchise on the PS3...maybe under another name even...

Who's up for a next-gen (well current now)...Rollcage???

*hand up*

21st September 2008, 09:35 PM

21st September 2008, 10:08 PM
Well I'm afraid my hands up will appear to be down, because I'm driving on the roof :lol

We need Rollcage in HD. You got the graphics engine with WipEout HD, now get the physics going and the cars thundering down 'Outworld' to some of Aphrodite's best D&B ;)

swift killer
22nd September 2008, 07:56 AM
the problem is the rights to the game have gone missing, so, petition or no petition, i dont think we will see rollcage again.

22nd September 2008, 09:04 AM
Where do you take this information from, swift killer? Could you give us a definite source please if you're stating such things? AFAIK the rights to Rollcage have been at Psygnosis which was bought fully by Sony. So the rights for the game should belong to Sony now. Look at our forum thread "The history of Psygnosis" for further information on the matter.

swift killer
22nd September 2008, 09:10 AM
Its in another thread on this forum, one of the members tracked the movement of the rights to the game, in a nutshell, it ended up at an american developer/publisher which went bust and then dissappeared.

22nd September 2008, 09:16 AM
Wasn't there another party involved that was called a little something like...Attention To Detail???

What I was hinting at was...couldn't SL maybe redevelop the game...have a similar premise of gameplay with some tweakages...

Change the graphical styling...keep the musical styling and maybe name it something else???

"Super Fast Racer that Lets You Drive on Walls and the Ceiling with Super Cool Weapons...HD"???

22nd September 2008, 09:21 AM
Uhm, if the rights to the franchise have disappeared, who's gonna sue you if you infringe them? :P

22nd September 2008, 09:30 AM
Its in another thread on this forum, one of the members tracked the movement of the rights to the game, in a nutshell, it ended up at an american developer/publisher which went bust and then dissappeared.

Can you give a link to this thread please? Could you give the name of the american publisher/developer you're mentioning? I've never seen anything like it on these forums, but since I'm a real big fan of the Rollcage franchise I'd like to know more about this matter. In the thread I mentioned it is stated that Sony bought an uncomplete rights package from Psygnosis at first and bought the rest of the rights they owned lateron. So, as I already said, the rights for Rollcage should fully belong to Sony now. That's how far my information and my own research I've done about a year ago in the internet on this matter goes.

swift killer
22nd September 2008, 09:59 AM
"Super Fast Racer that Lets You Drive on Walls and the Ceiling with Super Cool Weapons...HD"???

They can it name Goatse for all i care, as long as they bring it back!

...and heres the thread, says the rights ended up at Acclaim before they went bust http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4069&highlight=rights+rollcage

22nd September 2008, 04:39 PM
In the thread I mentioned it is stated that Sony bought an uncomplete rights package from Psygnosis at first and bought the rest of the rights they owned lateron.

What I actually said was that Sony first bought a large part of the corporate stock in Psygnosis, then later completed the purchase by buying all remaining stock that they didn't already own, so that they owned the company outright and entirely rather than just having a controlling interest. I wasn't talking about purchasing rights to games, but about purchase of the company.


As Martin said about IP rights to Rollcage, who's going to sue?
It is possible, however, that some other company could somehow purchase the rights from the Acclaim holdings. I've no idea if anyone has done that. Hell, there's a cruise-ship company that still owns the IP of The White Star Line, the company that directly owned the Titanic [but no longer does.], and White Star [The Oceanic Steam Navigation Company] no longer exists as a company. So it should be possible to get complete control of Rollcage IP if anyone were actually interested.

22nd September 2008, 04:57 PM
Hell yes!! Complete new game or even a remake of the old Rollcage in HD! Love the series, imagine 8 or more players online... complete carnage madness:lol

swift killer
22nd September 2008, 08:48 PM
I think the first thing they will do is increase the feild size, 4 opponants always felt abit empty, and those opponants were usually easy to whip the crap out of.

22nd September 2008, 09:51 PM
bring it back :D

RJ O'Connell
22nd September 2008, 10:28 PM
says the rights ended up at Acclaim
I'll just say this, while we're on the subject of Acclaim:

**** Throwback Entertainment (http://www.throwbackentertainment.com/games/index.html).

Either publish new games based on the assload of properties you aquired in the fire sale or just sell the assets. And yes, I am specifically pin-pointing Extreme G, since a lot of those other titles are just garbage.

Burnout has succeeded NFS as the premiere arcade car racer.

Turok has been revived, albeit in a stupid manner, but it's still back.

It's a shame when two great intellectual properties are sitting around, collecting dust in the catalogues of companies that really have no business in video games. :-

23rd September 2008, 04:08 AM
it's almost insulting the number of titles that Throwback acquired from Acclaim and aren't doing a ****ing THING with. I know a bunch of them are owned by other companies in the first place (Bust a move is Taito, Ecco -presumably the Dreamcast one- is Sega, Myst is Cyan/UBIsoft, etc)...

Are we sure they've got Rollcage? I know Psygnosis and ATD were on RC1, and Psygnosis obviously still MADE RC2 but it was ATD and Midway on the second one... Midway also helped out with Wipeout 64...

It's annoying because i'd like to see a new Rollcage... if they at least made the cars do axis spins (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIbagOa60Es) a little less easilly.

(Tangent; Midway needs to make a new San Francisco rush game that DOESN'T suck like that piece of garbage "LA Rush")

RJ O'Connell
23rd September 2008, 04:24 AM
Blowback does not own Rollcage's assets, but Acclaim had been mentioned and I wanted to do my tangent.

Sadly, I have not played Rollcage. But from what I understand it's an amazing couple of games. So I'll sign for a third. :g

24th September 2008, 07:16 PM
...and heres the thread, says the rights ended up at Acclaim before they went bust http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4069&highlight=rights+rollcage

Thanks for the link swiftkiller, seems like I really missed this thread...

But look (http://www.gorcx.net/) what I've found while doing some research on the web about rollcage. Maybe we'll actually see another title of the series in the near future! :g

24th September 2008, 07:21 PM
Very interesting!!!! Great find mate!:clap


Rapier Racer
24th September 2008, 08:13 PM
I hate to break it to you guys but I've known about this Rollcage X thing for a while, a long while, the idea was generated on the forums of this site http://www.planetrollcage.com/ which seems to be dead now.

It's been about for AGES and gotten no where, just like these countless people that come in to these forums claiming they need a team to make their own amazing Wipeout clone game, nothing ever materializes.

I'll sign the petition though cos I loves the Rollcage games me does with all those weapons and break neck speeds, 99 lap races those were the days... bring back the Skyway tracks and their spookyish music :P:P:P

24th September 2008, 09:21 PM
Yes RR, I've seen the connection between the two sites www.gorcx.net and www.planetrollcage.com before I posted my reply. But the forum on the site I've linked to in my previous post seems to be still active (last post on 23rd of september). Every single fansite or project on the web helps to keep the spirit of Rollcage alive and maybe some day a (bigger) software developer will pick the game up again and produce a worthy sequel. And nobody of us does know who is behind this gorcx-project anyway - could be only some big mouths talking about producing a sequel, but maybe the project will go on and one day we really see some open source sequel to Rollcage. For me it's at least worth to keep an eye one it and see how (and if) it develops any further... Never give up hope, mate! :p

Rapier Racer
24th September 2008, 10:03 PM
I'll never give up hope for a new Rollcage! Hopefully this thing will take off a bit, some company with the rights will notice "oh look we can't have this" step up to put a stop to it and and bang we have the answer that so eludes us and an inbox to fill.

RJ O'Connell
24th September 2008, 10:11 PM
While we're at it, we could get a petition for Incognito to revive Jet Moto. :g

30th September 2008, 05:27 PM
A reissue on psp would be enough for me, but I sign up this petition for a next gen rollcage anyway :D

1st October 2008, 02:16 PM
Awesome game and I'm surprised they never made another. I'd buy it :)