View Full Version : Star Wars The Force Unleashed

15th September 2008, 03:51 PM
any 1 plan on buying this game tommorow cuz i will since i know there gonna be an extra for the psp version becuz it was originally created for it

Spaceboy Gajo
16th September 2008, 06:50 AM
Being a huge Star Wars fan, I'll be picking this up for the PS3. It was one of the games I was looking forward getting when getting the console.

Hopefully, I'll have it finished before HD comes out. I complete things notoriously slow. Which reminds me, I have to finish Pulse.

Seriously, looking forward to playing through the story and see how it fits into the Star Wars universe. Also want to have having fun using The Force on Wookies, Rebels, Stormtroopers and whatever else comes in my way.

All I ask in a game is for it to have some sort of replay value, be it multiplayer or some sort of goodies. All the versions other than the XBox and PS3 has some sort of mode outside the story to allow the user to come back for more. I wished there was multiplayer (Wii version has an offline duel mode), I'll take the five different endings to as my added enjoyment.

The PSP is getting historic missions which sounds cool in my opinion. However, I am not a big fan of purchasing more than one version of the game for stuff like this. I get the best version out there if it applies. If I didn't have the PS3 or did not consider getting one, I'd pick up the PSP version like I had for the Battlefront series.

Don't think there are many Star Wars fans on here. Perhaps they'll pop out of the woodwork, now that there are more members. Speaking of which, welcome to the 'Zone darkfiremat! Great to see another fellow Canucklehead into the AG racing :D

Nadia Elenova
16th September 2008, 08:46 AM
Another starwars fan here too! But I'll get that game after Wipeout HD.

16th September 2008, 11:01 AM
I might get a PS3 with this bundled with it.

16th September 2008, 12:05 PM
before i come to this site i tought that wipeout hd was a project but that they had abandoned it but now i know it gonna be on ps3 i feel like getting 1 too lol

Rapier Racer
19th September 2008, 08:02 PM
I don't particularly care for Star Wars much at all, however I played the demo for this and it was fun, I'll get it when it's on the cheap because I have Mercenaries 2 to play till HD comes along then it's quite possibly going to be all HD.

20th September 2008, 08:17 PM
I have heard that the PSP version is the best one. I'm am a total Star Wars geek super fan, but I don't want to drop the money for this yet. I have too many unfinished games and too little money. It will have to wait awhile.

Spaceboy Gajo
23rd September 2008, 06:58 AM
Well I finished the game on Sunday.

The verdict?

Unless you're an absolute crazy Star Wars fan, I'd say this game is good to rent/hire or buy on the cheap for the PS3.

As I said earlier, I'm a huge Star Wars fan and this game was one of the titles I was looking forward to when I got the PS3. No regrets, I love the game and also mentioned in my previous post, I'll be playing again trying to unlock as much as I can without walkthroughs or cheats. Not only that, there's so many fun ways you can kill that it doesn't get boring.

However my price of admission was the story and it definitely delivered. When they released the brief little bio of Vader's apprentice it didn't excite me at all. Even I scoffed at the idea naming him Starkiller since that was a recycled from a concept of what Luke was supposed to be called. By the end of the game, it got me debating about Vader's Apprentice being one of my favourite characters in the Expanded Universe. At least for the time being.

Two things that are annoying are the lock on feature and the camera. When both things go wrong it can be very annoying, as it was fighting Vader. In fact a few boss battles were annoying because of the camera angle they locked you in. I wonder if it was a decision the developers were content to live with and decided to work with the rest of the game (It got delayed and originally was supposed to launch in 2007). DMM (Digital Molecular Matter) didn't jump out at me like it did for the tech demos, but I'm hoping that'll change throughout the other playings. Euphoria stood out a bit more and like DMM, I just hope I'll notice it more playing the game again.

If I were to give the game a score and I've thought about it, I'd give it a B+. Usually I do not for a game, but for some reason that grade shouts out at me. However, if you can't tell I'm biased towards Star Wars. Any ways, for those interested and waiting for a reason to pick up the game, like I said try to find it on the cheap or borrow it if you can. Unless that is, you've got to know how this fits into the grand scheme of things in the Star Wars Universe like me ;)

synapticflow, thanks for suggesting the PSP version. I'm curious giving that version a go. Perhaps some time down the road. Not a big fan of getting more than one format for a game. Also, welcome to the boards!

PS - Now, that I finished it once I can focus a lot of my attention to HD :D

Rachel Johnson
23rd September 2008, 11:47 AM
My partner picked up his pre-ordered copy of this game on friday and lugged his PS3 over to my house for the weekend. I can honestly say that it was pretty fun to watch. I had a bash on it once, but I was a bit irritable at the time and I nearly threw the controller through the TV screen, because of the controls. (I haven't played many games lately due to my CTS and I'm having to get back into the swing of gaming again.)

The graphics are pretty, what I've seen of it, and so far it has been rather kick ass. Although, there are a few minor glitches that I think could have been worked out bvefore release, but ah well.

My partner is addicted to it though and refuses to put it down. ( Even when I'm on the bloody phone to him. -.- Lol. )

30th September 2008, 05:14 PM
I got this game bundled with the PS3 I bought on friday but I havent even unrapped yet. Got the PS3 specifically to play Wipeout so thats all ive been palying on it so far. Im a huge Star Wars fan though so I'll definatly get round to starting it soon. I did play the demo of it when it was released a a few weeks ago and was reasonably impressed with the way it played even if it does seem like it'll get a bit repetative after a while. Ive heard the story is very good though so thats the main thing thats drawing me in to play it.

Spaceboy Gajo
30th September 2008, 06:27 PM
Hey Renegäde, you wouldn't happen to have named yourself on PSN after a certain HK-series droid (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/HK-50_series_assassin_droid) now have you? ;)

5th October 2008, 10:20 PM
Answer: Affirmative meatbag!

Heh yeah I might have done, although I have to admit it was a second choice as HK-47 was taken.

15th October 2008, 01:24 AM
Picked up PS3 yesterday pretty much exclusively for WipeoutHD and I picked up Force Unleashed while I was at the store. Good thing I did, because my PS3 won't reach my modem. Argh!

The controls in this game are horrible. The last time I wanted to throw my controller through my television this bad, it was a tube.