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22nd May 2008, 11:13 AM
I don't think so. Sure, it'S possible to get pushed back this far, but on an educated guess I'd say late June.

22nd May 2008, 02:31 PM
I can't wait to play this... I've been watching the videos, and have my ps3 all fired up and ready... I wish there would be some solid date...

22nd May 2008, 06:19 PM
Now,I don't think for a release in the month following metal GEAR ...nor for the period of holidays...
on the other hand, I'm sorry but now that we know that the product is finished has 99%, if they were planned release for the end of year (or even in 4 months),we would be in right to hope for a little more contents like 1 or 2 new circuits for example ...

22nd May 2008, 09:00 PM
The game has been finished for some time already and is going through the final testing phase. Adding content is done. Sure DLC will come (Please, a reasonable price) but there will be 8 circuits and 8 ships in WipEout HD when you buy it.

RJ O'Connell
23rd May 2008, 01:13 AM
I'd pay any price if I could at least be able to buy it.

Thanks PlayStation Store!!! >_<

23rd May 2008, 04:50 PM
I've got plenty of things to keep me happy during the summer.

Getting married
DMB Summer tour (Toronto, SPAC x2, Alpine x2)
new album from The Verve
Formula One Grand Prix of Montreal

If WOHD is there to play by the time it gets cold (October) I'll be happy.

No doubt that 1080p60 trailer makes me just about fill the cup with excitement over this game, but from the way it looks already and the website shots, it will be WELL WORTH THE WAIT.

23rd May 2008, 04:58 PM
...Getting married...

Congrats.:clap :+

23rd May 2008, 05:21 PM


*dreams away*

24th May 2008, 04:15 AM
I'm gonna have to agree with Elhabib on this one, and say a late June, possibly early july release window. And, as far as I've seen, PSN titles don't tend to delay just because of major Blu-ray releases. I could be wrong, though.

24th May 2008, 09:33 PM
I'm gonna make everyone I know buy this game... I'll be sending photo-mode screenshots to everyone on my friends list every single day... lol.

24th May 2008, 10:52 PM
now there's an idea for marketing : include the option to send a photo-mode 'postcard' to an email adress in game...

24th May 2008, 11:27 PM
8 D
<picture of AG craft heating up a Plasma>
"Wish you were here!"

25th May 2008, 08:48 AM
8 D
<picture of AG craft heating up a Plasma>
"Wish you were here!"

Hahahaha exactly what I was thinking!!! Well what ever the wait for the game will be, I'm sure it will be good. I just hope they give us the chance to turn BR off. I want BR free multiplayer!!!

25th May 2008, 09:08 AM
http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/2647/wishyouwerehere3copypr8.th.jpg (http://img267.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wishyouwerehere3copypr8.jpg)

25th May 2008, 01:55 PM
Couldn't resist making my own version of that: clicky! (http://i88.photobucket.com/albums/k166/eLhabib/wipEout%20HD/wipEoutHDpostcardoldstyle.jpg)

Sorry, don't know how to make thumbnails...

25th May 2008, 04:17 PM
Nice!!!!! :D

25th May 2008, 05:04 PM
hah ^_^

25th May 2008, 05:10 PM
eLhabib your postal card is very cool and reminds me of Uncharted that has different rendering filters you can unlock. What if WipEout HD had these unlockables too? I wouldn't mind playing the way it is shown in your card, it looks awesome :g

25th May 2008, 11:38 PM

Nadia Elenova
26th May 2008, 12:01 PM
Playstation Official Website no longer tells that Wipeout HD will be released on 29th May, now it tells that the release date is not confirmed. What's going on? :dizzy

26th May 2008, 12:49 PM

26th May 2008, 03:07 PM
must be some sort of a sick joke nadia

26th May 2008, 07:23 PM
Playstation Official Website no longer tells that Wipeout HD will be released on 29th May, now it tells that the release date is not confirmed. What's going on? :dizzy

I have just read in polish console magazine that it will be realesed during vacation time due to work on online play.
I am dissapointed as well ....but I prefer to have perfect online play than some
fkn bugs.

26th May 2008, 07:54 PM
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but i've noticed that alot of PSN games don't ever get a street date and then just kind of appear on the update out of nowhere. Most of the time they don't announce what will be on the store untill just before the update on that day, or untill just after the update. So my question is: Will WipEout HD have an announced street date? Will the devs be able to tell us when the release is when they find out themselves? Or will WipEout HD be likely to just pop up whenever SONY feels the whim after development is complete?

26th May 2008, 10:29 PM
Both Warhawk and GT5Prologue had announced release dates. WOHD should have it too?

Rapier Racer
26th May 2008, 11:39 PM
Yeah it should have one, remember this is not some little quicky five quid game here, it's supposed to be setting a benchmark for downloadable games on the PSN.

27th May 2008, 01:32 PM
Maybe it's not out yet because of the UK debt thingybob:?:

27th May 2008, 04:40 PM
Well, the game should be finished right now according to what Colin said last week. Just hope we'll have a date soon...It's beginning to get on my nerves...:brickwall :dizzy

27th May 2008, 06:50 PM
I'm sure it frustrates the devs as well to not have their game ready when it's done, too.

27th May 2008, 11:28 PM
I can honestly say that I am dreading the release of this game now – so they can take as long as they like to finish it.

I know that SL claim that the recent Gamersyde footage is from an old build but some of the ‘artistic decisions’ that have been made spoil the game for me.

The speed boost effect is ugly and ruins the smooth motion flow which is signature to the Wipeout series. I honestly feel slightly sick after watching the footage of Anulpha Pass – as the ship passes over the speed boost pads it yo-yos back and forth, the screen blurs and the HUD stretches and shakes. It’s a totally unconvincing visual effect, particularly for the external view mode. Why do SL insist on tinkering with the big screen console releases of Wipeout to the point where they lose the basic identity of what made the game great in the first place.

I hope that the release delay is due to some major changes to the gameplay. After all of that stunning imagery and gameplay footage from E3 last year it would be a shame if Wipeout HD followed in the footsteps of Fusion.

27th May 2008, 11:34 PM
Game designers not only get bored with the old stuff; they're creative people who want to put their own stamp on the game.

27th May 2008, 11:42 PM
Iv'e never really liked the motion blur/ stretch effects to make the speed look faster. I know when I activate a turbo in wipeout xl, it has an excellent speed affect, just by going much faster, and you can still see the nice graphics.

28th May 2008, 12:50 AM
Well, the game should be finished right now according to what Colin said last week. Just hope we'll have a date soon...It's beginning to get on my nerves...:brickwall :dizzy

I wouldn't hold my breath just yet. The final 1% always takes the longest.

28th May 2008, 07:38 AM
...don't hope for radical change compared to what you saw… because the coming out date and the end of the development can be independent one of other… this is Sony which will decide the release after end of dev…
if they judges that commercially it is preferable to release it to Christmas, that will be the case even if the Devs. are on another project since July…Liverpool studio is the property of SCEE it isn't like an independent studio…
but for a " remake" online, I find that the waiting is a few long...

28th May 2008, 08:26 AM
They really should get rid of the boostpad visual effect. :<

28th May 2008, 09:08 AM
I wouldn't hold my breath just yet. The final 1% always takes the longest.

Sorta like defragging a harddrive. :D

28th May 2008, 10:21 AM
exactly ;) the long wait after the progress bar has already reached the right end!

28th May 2008, 12:25 PM
I hope that the release delay is due to some major changes to the gameplay.
Oh boy. It really, really, REALLY doesn't work like that in game development, sorry.

28th May 2008, 12:35 PM
I guess the chances of a May release have all but evaporated. Oh well.

If WOHD wasn't my most anticipated game for the PS3 I would probably not be so itching to get my hands on it. As it is though, the PS3 catalogue has almost universally disappointed. It's up to WOHD to put things right - and from what I've seen, it's more than up to the task!

Funny that after all the high profile BD releases that have been a huge let down (Heavenly Sword, Haze etc. etc. etc.), it's down to a PSN download to win the day (in my eyes). Still looking forward to MGS4 and Little Big Planet though...

At least I have my 360 in the meantime. Rock Band rules!

28th May 2008, 01:35 PM
Oh boy. It really, really, REALLY doesn't work like that in game development, sorry.

Really? ;)

So why the total overhaul to the gameplay and visuals since E3? It was already perfect. I mean, it looked like...Wipeout! Even the downloadable video from the official WipeoutHD website shows signature Wipeout gameplay sequences. No in-yer-face HUDs blocking the horizon, no blurring effects and no nauseating speed boost jolts. The problem with these effects is that they contradict one another and it looks ugly. For a start, the blurring effect looks physically wrong for the external ship view - the focus is on the CENTRE of the screen, which would only be correct if you were in cockpit view mode. Coupled with the stretching HUD, it looks like you a flying into the track! And then this conflicts with the horrible yo-yo-ing speed boost effect. And how many times does this occur during a typical race? I cant believe SL think this is a step forward for Wipeout. I could get the same effect from my old CRT TV!!

For the love of god, give us hardcore wipers a classic Wipeout gameplay mode, please!

28th May 2008, 02:04 PM
So why the total overhaul to the gameplay and visuals since E3?
The visuals are always evolving as new things go in, plus what you see at E3 isn't necessarily anything like what's being played that very same day in the studio. It's usually an older, more stable demo.

And there really hasn't been a radical overhaul in the gameplay. Tweaks to the balancing, handling, weapons, maybe. It's still WipEout.

28th May 2008, 02:06 PM
I feel like many people are jumping to conclusions about the speed boost effect when they haven't even experienced it themselves yet. It may be a welcome addition if you hold your mind open to it.

In any event, from what I've seen in the game trailer that was posted to the PSN, it looks like a fairly sharp addition to the series. After recently completing GTA IV, they way the blur effect is used when you hit the top speeds in the faster cars is very well done in that game. You can still see what's coming, but it increases the sense of speed dramatically.

28th May 2008, 03:36 PM
no communication of Sony since they informed of the release for the may 29… :-
with the result that much of people wait WOHD for tomorrow...

28th May 2008, 03:52 PM
I'm looking forward to the new effects.

Wipeout in the 90's was a game that always impressed by having visuals at the cutting edge and moving forward they should load up every effect they can think of as far as I'm concerned.

I remember being in a game store just prior to the release of the PS1 looking up at a demo of the original Wipeout and immediately thinking "I'm buying this the day it comes out no question". Bring it on.

Rapier Racer
28th May 2008, 05:00 PM
The speed pad effect is just an annoyance, Christ it's bad enough to watch it on a video, I was hoping this would be the only minor poor thing I can criticize the game for, but theres one more, if that sound is the final sound effect a speed pad makes then it also sucks ass, Pure and Pulse both had much better SFX for the pads.

It's a shame that things get changed for the sheer sake of change.

28th May 2008, 06:27 PM
Guys you just keep saying this speed boost effect sucks this, the speed boost effect blows that... Keep in mind it's a video, and that you are on the lookout for every single boost effect in that video. You're not focusing on the track, you're focusing on the speed boost effect! Which is not what you would do during gameplay. Try focusing on the track and imagine playing it (Who knows, grab your Sixaxis and do the turns if you must) and you'll immediately notice that the effect you seem to dislike so much is barely visible. Trust me, I have made that experience and I'm convinced it will work well for the game.

28th May 2008, 06:38 PM
i for one love the "blur effect" and the boost pad sound...cmon guys, your really reaching for complaints huh?.i agree with dark, are you really going to look at/complain about that when your racing online in phantom on your favorite track with your friends?? no... its the new wipeout, and of course constructive criticism is welcome. but everyone here is just bashing it because of mundane details. they could have just left it at wipeout pulse, how would you like that?. lets be serious and maybe complain about the lack of split screen multiplayer...instead of little audio bytes in the game...:rolleyes: back to topic....whenever it does come out, colin should be very proud and happy, like the rest of us! :)

28th May 2008, 06:57 PM
i'm sooo hoping this is released tomorrow, we shall see though...

i think the trailer looks absolutely jaw-dropping and for one can't wait, but may have to lol.

28th May 2008, 07:15 PM
I think the only futuristic racer we're getting tomorrow is Fatal Inertia EX:-

And that is not Wipeout HD. Just a subpar imitation.

Anyone want to start a betting pool on the WOHD release date? I call dibs on 6-27.

28th May 2008, 07:32 PM
As long as it is not within June, fine with me.

Watching the Hawk Swallows outside, dreaming a WipEout life.

28th May 2008, 09:15 PM
The boost pad effect actually does my head in which is the problem lol. Now as you said, I will be going for all the boost pads, this is another problem. We will see how it goes, but it could be more subtle to be honest.

29th May 2008, 05:59 AM
my feeling is that come June/July(possibly) many of us aren't, either going to notice the boost effect, or not care enough to stop playing it. We'll see when the time comes, but I'm reserving final judgment on all the above mentioned problems/worries for when the game is in my hard drive. Ready to be played. :nod

29th May 2008, 02:33 PM
well it isn't in this week's psn update in europe for sure

29th May 2008, 03:08 PM
Yeah, great!

I don't know if I will even bother getting it now TBH, I had holiday planned to cane this game next week, oh well.

{heads back to play GTP}

29th May 2008, 04:19 PM
Some good news guys!

According to Rahan (disappointed not to see the game on the PSN today) on Gameblog.fr which is a very reliable site,he has "very serilously investigated" (he says) and he claims the game will be released on the 6th OR the 11th of June from an official source. :nod

I've just checked: none of these dates falls on a Thursday... Not very plausible...

29th May 2008, 05:30 PM
Not to hate or anything, but I'm not holding any hope for a release on them two dates. 11th is the day before the release of MGS4. It just wont win against that. Heck even I wont be purchasing WOHD over that. 6th sounds too soon.

29th May 2008, 06:11 PM
The 6th and 11th?

That's a Tuesday and a Sunday. Seems unlikely.

I think it will be at LEAST a couple of weeks after MGS is released and I think we'll be lucky to see the game by the end of June. More likely July and for those of us in North America maybe a month after the Euro release.

29th May 2008, 06:50 PM
I do hope this reliable source is correct in saying the 6th or 11th, but I doubt it.

The PSN normally only gets updates on Thursday's. So to see a game released on a different day seems doubtful at best.

Rapier Racer
29th May 2008, 09:42 PM
Not very official official source considering the release calender of Playstation.com has it in the July section, not any date just July, infact its not even confirmed for July so could be even later but the calender only goes 3 months ahead...


Ally Graham
29th May 2008, 09:45 PM
That is not July, it is TBC, so no better.

29th May 2008, 09:49 PM
That is not July, it is TBC, so no better.

It is in the July section with TBC next to it.

In other words...July is the earliest but it might well be later.

29th May 2008, 09:55 PM
Guys GUYS! Wipeout High Definition will come out eventually! ;)

Be patience!:dizzy


Rapier Racer
29th May 2008, 09:57 PM
Be patient is Sonys answer to everything when it comes to the PS. Is there some of waiting for ever for everything culture in Japan or something?

29th May 2008, 11:27 PM
No, there isn't.

What there is a lot of is bureaucratic nonsense and archaic formalities that have no place in a modern global industry, however entrenched they may be in Japanese society.

30th May 2008, 03:37 AM
I don't think this release decision has anything to do with archaic formalities.

[and I kinda like some of those archaic formalities. The tea ceremony, anyway. A beautiful way to focus on present reality, to really see it, to really feel it.]

30th May 2008, 05:22 AM
I see super puzzle fighter was released today, a long time after it was released on the US psn store. Echochrome is still waiting for release in PAL territories. I don't see wipEout coming out before those two.

30th May 2008, 06:02 AM
It is in the July section with TBC next to it.

In other words...July is the earliest but it might well be later.

as much in July as in June…(it appear on all sections of the calendar)
<dream>perhaps that the no communication of Sony about delay implies finally imminent release… next week

Colin Berry
30th May 2008, 12:17 PM
When it has a release date, I'll let you know
in the mean time, pay no mind to internet rumour from your mums brothers uncles dads seconds wives granddaughters nephews pet cat who heard from a plumber in the pub that a taxi driver said it would be out on the 6th of june

Its bollocks and will only cause more angst when it is not out on the 6th of June (its not, fact)

30th May 2008, 12:41 PM
So you're saying ... some stuff some guy found on the internet wasn't true?

I'll never trust anyone again.

Hint to bloggers - if you're going to make up a pretend PSN release date, at least do your homework and make it a Thursday. Ta.

30th May 2008, 12:54 PM
Those two posts made me laugh :D

30th May 2008, 01:20 PM
yeah me too!

Also, I am reading (yes on the internet, so it must be true, honest) that we are getting a new firmware update for our shiney black boxes, maybe next month. This update will include (maybe!?) In Game XMB access, invites and the like. This is a big deal to many gamers if true, even more so if you have ever played on Xbox Live.

Who's know, maybe once this is released it will pave the way for a better online experience with the PS3 in preperation for WipeoutHD online games.

30th May 2008, 04:07 PM
I'm sorry I've brought these dates on this thread, they really seem wrong now that I think about it. Just keep in mind I'm not the one that invented them.
I just was so happy when I read "from an official source"...
Forgive me guys.

30th May 2008, 05:46 PM
When it has a release date, I'll let you know[...]
I just went from sporadic, some times a week, to daily check. :burger

30th May 2008, 05:56 PM
I'm sorry I've brought these dates on this thread, they really seem wrong now that I think about it. Just keep in mind I'm not the one that invented them.
I just was so happy when I read "from an official source"...
Forgive me guys.

Ah we forgive you dude. Come here...

*Axel gives ColdRem'S a hug :D

30th May 2008, 07:21 PM
Thank you Axel.:burger

31st May 2008, 09:51 PM
Fatal inertia EX is to be released for the ps3 next week. It's more polished than the 360 version, significantly cheaper, and downloadable. The reviews for it compare favourably to the 360 version.

It would make sense, I think, to delay your bigger, better futuristic racer (wipeout). You can sell fatal interia as a game you can play while you wait for wipEout. Also, you'll get a lot more buisness selling wipEout during the next firmware update that will give an ingame XMB and trophies, roumered to be a few weeks away. Some extra 'mindshare' will be created that will help sell wipEout, in the same way that LBP will probably be sold as the same time as Home nearer to christmas.

Now that this scenario seems obvioius, I see this as being a good outcome for wipEout, and am prepared to wait. I also assume that's why wipEout has been 99% done for a while, as the game is fundamentally completed, but some of the team can do bug testing until release. I hope that means that the rest of the team can take some time off.

2nd June 2008, 02:35 PM
WipEout HD has been removed from the official Playstation Site's release calendar. Read into it what you will :robot >link (http://uk.playstation.com/games-media/release-calendar/)

2nd June 2008, 03:46 PM
Oh dear.

Maybe they think we'll all be too busy playing MGS4 to notice.

On the positive side: reading that list I notice Space Invaders Extreme. Never heard of it before but it looks pretty good.

EDIT: Just checked Wikipedia which has the following information, "To be released on the PlayStation Store on the 15th of July ".

The info seems to come from 1UP and looks unofficial. I'm guessing it is wrong since the Wipeout developer who posts on here hasn't given us any date yet.

2nd June 2008, 04:12 PM
That's not a Thursday, either ...

Rapier Racer
2nd June 2008, 05:07 PM
lol they're not even trying with these fake dates now

2nd June 2008, 06:07 PM
Exactly. It will be released at some point though, I think the rumor of it being after the release of the in game XMB update is pretty solid, and I think that as hard as it is now, once the game is on my harddrive, we'll immediately start hoping for new tracks and ships to DL.

2nd June 2008, 06:19 PM
Exactly. It will be released at some point though, I think the rumor of it being after the release of the in game XMB update is pretty solid, and I think that as hard as it is now, once the game is on my harddrive, we'll immediately start hoping for new tracks and ships to DL.

I would guess its release has been pulled so as not to kill the third party Fatal Inertia game which lets face it no-one would buy if it was put up for sale at the same time as Wipeout HD.

2nd June 2008, 06:31 PM
Nice, so very true. I for sure ain't picking that one up. The demo on the 360 ruined me on the whole concept.

2nd June 2008, 07:23 PM
You should try the demo on PS3. I said to myself the same thing but then I tried it on PS3 and it's a very different game. It's not as good as WipEout but it's acceptable (Fi on 360 was just pure :turd Fi EX looks like its going to be better.)

2nd June 2008, 07:44 PM
i wont spend money on a game that will "hold me over" for 3 weeks lol...unless mommy and daddy are buying it for me....HA, ya right, not since i was 16 and old enough to make my own money.

save ur money and wait for HD and pick up something that will actually BE worth picking up *MGS4 next week*

3rd June 2008, 02:43 PM
The ESRB has rated woHD: Everyone 10+ / Fantasy Violence.
Things get rolling. ;)

Rapier Racer
3rd June 2008, 05:21 PM
Oh its 10+ in America? It's only 3+ here, just imagine all the upset 3 years olds who would be deprived of their Wipeout if that were the case here :g

3rd June 2008, 10:38 PM
Great so its coming :D

RJ O'Connell
4th June 2008, 12:48 AM
Oh its 10+ in America? It's only 3+ here, just imagine all the upset 3 years olds who would be deprived of their Wipeout if that were the case here :g
Of course, if it were up to me, I'd fine any institution $500K and up that enforces game ratings systems on its own by carding customers rather than leave the parents in charge of deciding what games their kids should be playing.

Besides, it's been 6+ since WO1, and has only been 10+ since that rating was put into place...

...anyway, the ESRB rating just confirmed the release will be right around the corner...ish.

4th June 2008, 02:59 PM
Having it clash with MGS4 would be my personal nightmare. I'll have two weeks off then, but I do still need to sleep at times. :coffee

4th June 2008, 04:03 PM
same probz here, delayed for delayed, they can't do that now, with a ps store poppin' up tomorrow LOL, with mgs on the way, yeah we must sleep sometimes...

4th June 2008, 04:17 PM
Guys, I don't think that registration with ESRB provides reliable indication on a release date, unfortunately. It's a good sign that the game is in the pipeline, yes, but as I recall sometimes games get ESRB rated a long, long time before they are actually released... witness the VC games on the Nintendo Wii as an example.

I'm sure Wipeout HD will be here soon enough though.

4th June 2008, 04:42 PM
... witness the VC games on the Nintendo Wii as an example.

games vc wii are not a good example in measure that their content is known and defined since a long time ago (and their release does not depend only of the end of conversion) ... on the contrary , the fact that wipeout hd was not rated yet was worrying (since it is an obligatory step), this news is reassuring...:D

4th June 2008, 07:58 PM
This thread has been viewed more than 20000 times... It seems some players are losing patience ^^'.

4th June 2008, 08:10 PM
patience will be your ultimate virtue grasshopper...

I have a funny feeling HD is not too far off now...plus...I've still yet to finish a whole heap of games...GTA4, Everybody's Golf World Tour and also I am now getting The Bourne Conspiracy after watching all these videos on the game...

Believe me...just keep yourself busy and before you know it, you'll be defying gravity all over again...

4th June 2008, 08:15 PM
This thread has been viewed more than 20000 times... It seems some players are losing patience ^^'.

Yes but 10,000 of those viewings have been by me alone. :P

5th June 2008, 02:33 AM
the website is down, at least the pages for america and usa. I wonder if that means they are updating it now with a release schedule?

5th June 2008, 05:04 AM
No refresh it and it will come back. It does that to me too sometimes, and I use the american one as well. Most likely a problem server side.

5th June 2008, 11:29 AM
it's not this week



Nadia Elenova
5th June 2008, 11:38 AM
:naughty Not so fast, it's not the first time they update the store on friday, so there's still hope.

5th June 2008, 06:29 PM
Waiting for HD has now become more tedious than when i was waiting for Gran Turismo 2 to come out 9 years ago back in late 1999 on the PSX. I sure its the same with everybody else. Prob just getting the last glitches out of the game before release.

Rapier Racer
5th June 2008, 07:46 PM
I doubt they're getting anything out bar the champaign at this point. :banzai

5th June 2008, 08:21 PM
Yeah, every thursday has become pretty much the same as Christmas Eve to me. I anxiously await for the update all day to see if WOHD is included, and my hopes come crashing down like I was just given a sweater instead of toys.

5th June 2008, 10:07 PM
my hopes come crashing down like I was just given a sweater instead of toys.

Or even worse - Fatal Inertia instead of Wipeout HD.

6th June 2008, 12:21 AM
man... the suspense really is killing me!

6th June 2008, 03:49 PM
Yeah, every thursday has become pretty much the same as Christmas Eve to me.
LoL. I can almost forget about thursdays normally. There's mostly nothing to look at due to our restrictive media politics (consoles <-> children). The USK even managed to top the U.S. 10+ apparently and gave wohd a 12+. It's 3+ plus almost everywhere else in Europe. I wouldn't let any kid below 6 play it though. ;)

6th June 2008, 04:48 PM
This thread has been viewed more than 20000 times... It seems some players are losing patience ^^'.

and +1400 in two days...

(Hello everybody :g)

6th June 2008, 09:44 PM
I wouldn't let any kid below 6 play it though. ;)

yeah, because those kids would likely destroy us at it :(

RJ O'Connell
6th June 2008, 09:56 PM
^ Not likely - there's a reason why most of the top players are in at least their late 20s, and the super elite two pilots at the 'Zone are pushing 40 right now.

I'm not saying it's impossible that a 7 year old couldn't knock someone like Arnaud off the top step, but it's very unlikely - now, Fusion, on the other hand...;)

7th June 2008, 02:26 PM
yeah, because those kids would likely destroy us at it :(
So basically old gamers are protected from all those kiddos in the first place?
Man, you really made my day. :?

7th June 2008, 08:58 PM
hmmm...i'm starting to get a little discourage by how quite it is on the PSN about anything related to WipEout HD...wonder what's going on...

RJ O'Connell
7th June 2008, 09:02 PM
Probably the testers just having another multi-race tournament to see who the best player is before releasing HD to the public.

9th June 2008, 11:41 AM
the more days that pass, the closer it becomes! thats a fact! right?

9th June 2008, 01:40 PM
kind of
on the other hand - the more days that pass without a release date being announced, the longer the wait...

9th June 2008, 02:22 PM
Ha! Let's not get into 'release date psycology' - that will truly mess our heads up! :P

"Paging mr. Brown, paging Mr. Brown. There is a mind emergency in thread 2. Please attend immediately."

9th June 2008, 03:27 PM
that they release it when it will seem perfect to them ...after such delays,worst which could arrive it is that it 's not as high as our requirements/waits...

9th June 2008, 07:07 PM
Bah. I've just decided to expect it for around christmas time... keep my hopes realistic.

9th June 2008, 08:53 PM
i'm prepared for whatever...got to finish writing up my thesis by this friday which is keeping me busy...joy *note sarcasm*

going off topic for a little bit if you may permit me *looks towards lances way*

[ random question

anyone know anything about materials with variable densities???

if so, how do you change the densities??? electric current???

read something about eutectic mixtures in materials...kinda intriguing...please pm me ]

back to the topic...I have a feeling there will be a mention after MGS 4 is released...after all, it is a Sony only product too, and they would want to stagger their releases I reckon, to capture maximum exposure to the market...

Nadia Elenova
9th June 2008, 09:10 PM
Snake will make this wait a bit more bearable, but if they are going to hold the WoHD release much longer I will appreciate a demo for day 12 or something. :nod

9th June 2008, 09:10 PM

Materials with variable densities could possibly include an item with the added factor of humidity. If the humdity percentage of the material changes it could possible effect the density of the material over time. You probaly should think about that a little cause i was just thinking about the effect of wood how it expanses and contracts during the sessions due to the effect of exterior events like temperature and humdity.

9th June 2008, 09:25 PM

Materials with variable densities could possibly include an item with the added factor of humidity. If the humdity percentage of the material changes it could possible effect the density of the material over time. You probaly should think about that a little cause i was just thinking about the effect of wood how it expanses and contracts during the sessions due to the effect of exterior events like temperature and humdity.

maybe I didn't make it clear enough...I was thinking more materials that could change densities like super-quick...like maybe send an electric charge through the sucker and 'voila'...new density...

*runs from lance*

9th June 2008, 11:01 PM
Hmmm you may want to be a little more specific... technically what you are asking for from what I can tell is a material that can change density while retaining its volume... there is no such material as it would have to be able to alter its total mass to become more dense while keeping it's volumetric measure constant. A sponge is a good example of something with variable density, you can squeeze it and make it more dense, but will reduce its dimensions. Other than that there are gasses, you can compress them to increase density, but you would have to add more gas to keep the over all volume the same. What is this for?

10th June 2008, 06:23 AM
wouldn't a sponge decrease in density when you squeese it, as water has a higher density than the sponge material?

I wonder if the question is about 'current density' (which changes with the magnetic field), rather than 'density'.

10th June 2008, 05:18 PM
Conservation of mass - The mass of a closed system will remain constant.

It is impossible to change the density of a system without altering its mass or volume. The act of wetting a sponge may increase the density of the system, but you are adding the mass of the water to it.

The only time this does not apply is when special relativity is taken into account when looking at bound systems in nuclear physics, where the mass of a bound nucleon system will be less than the sum of the masses of its individual parts if they were separate.

10th June 2008, 06:05 PM
You guys are freaking me out with this! Here's me hoping for some new release info, jumping in and getting lost in a discussion I don't understand a word of! I hope the density of the PSN Store changes rather soon, producing a certain object which I will then use to change the density of my wallet!

10th June 2008, 07:10 PM
Lmao Martin :clap

10th June 2008, 07:22 PM
well.. water is really close to what you guys are describing, however i doesnt change density fast, its very slow, when it freezes its very hard but less dense (the reason why it floats), when ice melts water is denser

10th June 2008, 07:36 PM
Oh dear, has'nt the topic tangent off really bad. lol lowering the density of my wallet:lol Hopefully it might appear on the PSN at weeks end.

10th June 2008, 07:41 PM
if it really is July 15th then I will be sad. burnout update comes out then, and one of the two should hold me over until the other comes out, not both coming out the same time !

10th June 2008, 10:24 PM
taqili how dare you put burnout anywhere near WipEout on the priorities list

10th June 2008, 10:55 PM
Good one El!:clap I'm hoping for soon too, although playing XL,W3O, and Pulse should hold me over till then.8)

11th June 2008, 07:00 PM
it better not release tommorow, ill be playing mgs4

Nadia Elenova
11th June 2008, 08:41 PM
What you just said? No land for old Snake! I WANT WIPEOUT HD NOW!!
(I'd play WoHD BEFORE Metal Gear, no hard feelings though :beer)

11th June 2008, 09:38 PM
oh ya, i think you took me the wrong way nadia :p. i would rather play HD than mgs 4 too, but i love both game series, and it would suck to have to pick between the two of them on release Also, we already have an online clan together for mgs online, we all played through the beta, and plan to stay together for competative play. but yes, HD will take over a lot of that mgs time when it releases

11th June 2008, 10:00 PM
how many views will this thread get before release. i reckon 30,097.
i'm in two minds wether to get MGS4 or not, havent played any of the other ones but this one does look good but i dont know if i could handle all the sneaky sneaky stuff

11th June 2008, 11:44 PM
man...you gotta try a metal gear series...

be warned though... the story and cinematic elements can get a bit heavy...but if you love a great action story and a game that is laced with so many intricacies of gameplay, twists and plots...go get some

my copy's arrive apparently but i can't pick it up...wrapping up my thesis today...

if you can, try and find the whole series, it'll be worth it...

back to HD...i'm putting my bets on 50,000 views before the game comes out...

12th June 2008, 08:21 AM
i will cry so hard if wipeout doesnt come out tomorrow

i will cry so hard if wipeout comes out tomorrow (tears of joy)

12th June 2008, 11:50 AM
you won't be shedding any tears of joy today, at least not if you are on this side of the pond.

-Yasir Said
London, England

12th June 2008, 02:49 PM
Hmm, with MGS4 today, it will be the first Thursday in months that I wasn't really itching for WOHD.

At the same time, man, I just want to play it. Just a one lap, one ship, one track demo and I would play it non-stop!

12th June 2008, 03:51 PM
next week Fatal Inertia gets released in the US. So I guess it will be a while before WOHD hits us.

12th June 2008, 05:19 PM
Release Date:


According to Wikipedia source.

Im in the mean time to buy Ministry of Sound Sessions Five a relax for a while. Maybe i might get one PS3 game or something. The end of finacial year sales are on now, it is the best time to get cheap titles from the shops, might even find an old classic. Hmm might get Burnout on the PS3.

12th June 2008, 06:05 PM
15/7 is a tuesday, not a thursday...

12th June 2008, 08:56 PM
Release Date:


According to Wikipedia source.

You have a link of something ?...

Nadia Elenova
12th June 2008, 09:16 PM
This is a link to the source:

Anyway, in the playstation official website the release date is still To Be Confirmed, what to think?

BTW, lucky all of you who already have MGS4 to ease your wait for WoHD.
(This is funny, if you search "transport strike spain" in google the first you find is news about the delayment of MGS4). :D

12th June 2008, 09:34 PM
The only release date that i would take is from Colin as he did say a few pages back that when he knows he'll let us know.

12th June 2008, 09:49 PM
Here is the link:


12th June 2008, 10:43 PM
Wikipedia says July 15? Well, if Wikipedia says it, it clearly must be true...


The only source, as mentioned before, is Colin. Don't believe what anyone else says, not even Playstation.com :mr-t

13th June 2008, 12:00 AM
im crying so hard right now... i knew it

13th June 2008, 12:25 AM
Wikipedia can be edited by anybody... It's never a very reliable source for anything...

13th June 2008, 12:32 AM
taqili how dare you put burnout anywhere near WipEout on the priorities list

why not? just because I'm a fanatic about wipeout doesn't mean I can't also be a burnout fan.

I want HD now though.

13th June 2008, 03:17 AM
I never said IT MUST BE TRUE. I said ACCORDING to wikipedia.

At this current moment in time, that is the suggested release date which is not 100% fixed and could be postponed. Various other websites have suggested this date 15/07/2008 also. Wikipedia is always edited by many sources and therefore unreliable. But it is always a good website to obtain miscellaneous information, due to its expanse library.

13th June 2008, 04:58 AM
Starting your last post off with "Release Date:" then the date in large bold red letters simply gave that impression... it's all good though bro...

13th June 2008, 09:55 AM
Sorry, but the July 15 release date is definitely bullshit. Even if so many sites copied it, it's still bullshit. Fact is, SL themselves don't have a date yet, otherwise we would know.

13th June 2008, 01:57 PM
MGS4 is out now, we can wait a little longer lol. I really hope this extra delay time is currently used to polish the game...

13th June 2008, 04:18 PM
Yeah I hope they do polish this game. I doubt it though. They are probably working on the next Wipeout title for the PS3.

13th June 2008, 04:22 PM
Or working on something else entirely, like a platformer "wipeout style". :)

Rapier Racer
13th June 2008, 05:18 PM
MGS4 is out now, we can wait a little longer lol.

No we can't:bomb I don't give a rats ass about Metal Gear Solid!!

I doubt anything is being done to the game at this point, it'll just be sat there on some server waiting for what marketing think is a good date, so, looks like I've got time to play through HAZE, COD4 and GTA again.

................. I'm not saying I don't have faith in this particular team of suits.

13th June 2008, 05:57 PM
Rapier Racer said : "No we can't:bomb I don't give a rats ass about Metal Gear Solid!!" <======== Woaw it can't be true!!! I'm sure Snake can't wait for WipeOut Hd release like u! (maybe he feels guilty about that situation)

"I doubt anything is being done to the game at this point"<============= Unfortunately I agree

"looks like I've got time to play through HAZE, COD4 and GTA again"=====>>> LOL anyway, don't play too much Haze, you could lose your passion for videogames...:cold

Yeah, tried the quote thing lol for the 1st time. But I'm much more at ease with the edit mode!!

13th June 2008, 07:09 PM
From a psychological point of view, I find the structure of that post quite interesting, and I got the feeling you really really wanted to use the quote button. :)


I don't care about MGS, either; the stealth game genre doesn't appeal to me.

13th June 2008, 11:04 PM
Stealth? You can blast your way through the entire game!!! This is one of the best game i have ever played period. Totally fantastic!!!

14th June 2008, 12:21 AM
"The only source, as mentioned before, is Colin. Don't believe what anyone else says, not even Playstation.com (there was a mr t face here) "

I pity the foo that don't give the release date

14th June 2008, 01:08 AM
Stealth? You can blast your way through the entire game!!! ~snip~

I've always seen it described as a stealth game, and seen screens of Snake skulking around building walls and stalking carefully through corridors. Sorta like Syphon Filter [which I played but never finished cos I got bored very quickly]. Infiltrate, thEn shoot.

14th June 2008, 04:59 AM
it is structured to be a stealth game, from the interface to the controls to the level design.

you can blast through it as an option, but it fits the steath genre better.

i do like MG series, i have only played it since MGS on PS, but it always manages to hook me like an action flick, its more than that of course, but its so "hollywoodesque" that the mention is inherent

14th June 2008, 06:35 AM
"The only source, as mentioned before, is Colin. Don't believe what anyone else says, not even Playstation.com (there was a mr t face here) "

I pity the foo that don't give the release date

This might seem a dumb question, but Ive only been part of this community for a month now, but who is Colin? Sounds like he works at Studio Liverpool.

14th June 2008, 08:51 AM
He's only the lead designer of wipeout hd and pulse...;)

14th June 2008, 02:11 PM
Stealth? You can blast your way through the entire game!!! This is one of the best game i have ever played period. Totally fantastic!!!

how good is it!!!

goty for me...refines so many aspects of the mgs world...how cool is his octocamo...

seeing that this is the last mgs...i reckon they should remake mgs, mgs2 and mgs3 with this engine...

14th June 2008, 09:28 PM
Must admit I bought MGS4 today (mainly just to check my PS3 'Forman Grill' was still working before HD comes out! Haven't used it in SO long!)

Have to agree that it's possibly the game of the year so far for me. I've never really been into MGS before, as I just don't get on with stealth games (Splinter Cell is REALLY frustrating IMHO...), but this is just so cool! Before, being spotted was kinda a death sentence, but now you can just shoot your way out of trouble - just so long as you clear the area and hide the evidence (ie. bodies). Great game, and that's coming from me, who was so meh about it before today.

I am actually elated! I have what I consider to be a must-have game for my shiny black dust magnet! If SL makes it two in the space of a month I'll be overjoyed!

C'mon guys! Make it happen!

15th June 2008, 04:16 PM
Ah, yes, Splinter Cell, another game I didn't have the patience to get into.

16th June 2008, 02:45 AM
We haven't heard anything from Colin about that last 1% being done...

16th June 2008, 03:45 AM
Ah, yes, Splinter Cell, another game I didn't have the patience to get into.

I kinda went through a Splinter Cell phase...but then it got to formulaic...(if that is a word)...MGS seems to have a bit more freedom with what you can actually to play the game...eg either brutally kill all soldiers...going out into a firefight...or stealthy non-hostile takedowns by tranquiliser dart...and sneak across the finish line...

16th June 2008, 08:16 AM
Yeah I agree, MGS4 does rock big time, very impressed.

16th June 2008, 04:37 PM
formulaic...(if that is a word)

Yes, it's been an official standard usage for a long time.

16th June 2008, 11:51 PM
So...forgot where I read this, Fatal Inertia EX apparently arrives this week on the Aus PSN...does this mean WipEout HD might, (emphasis on might) be the week after??? (contemplates...)

Think I might give Fatal Ineria EX a go...apparently it's only $30 AUD...

17th June 2008, 08:06 AM
There is a demo(at least on the japan store, in english..), play it there first. :P

17th June 2008, 11:08 AM
my guess, with relation to a release date is that sony will wait for metal gear to have it's moment in the spotlight, it's like gta iv and halo 3, anything released within a month/two months of those games is gonna struggle for sales, it's still mid june, people who get paid at the end of the month will probably pick up metal gear, so august/september seems likely for sony to put wipeout HD out there...been PSN download only means sales will be lower than a blu-ray release anyway, so they're gonna have to play it carefully and have a massive ad campaign for example....oh wait.

17th June 2008, 01:46 PM
bought mgs4, wipeout will have to wait till I get through this one first. I can see the reasoning for not releasing it now, summer time is a low sale time anyway.

17th June 2008, 03:24 PM
It will be interesting to see, in general, how digital distribution may (or may not) change publishers' approach for release dates.

Yeah, normally no publisher would ever push a big mid-summer release, sales are too slow over the summer and most game sales accumulate pretty quickly after a game's release date.

But with digital distribution, you don't have to worry about projecting sales at retail, and in principle, folks can go online whenever to buy the game. I'm guessing that the release date is still a hugely important factor, though.

(Personally, I HATE the fact that gamers just don't go out and buy games whenever they are released, regardless of whether it is over the holidays or the summer. It makes for such clumped game releases in the fall and then in the spring :/)

17th June 2008, 09:50 PM
It may be nothing, but have you seen the list of games to be shown next month at E3?
Here it is:

Sony Computer Entertainment:
Killzone 2 (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (PS3)
PixelJunk Eden (PS3)
Resistance 2 (PS3)
SIREN: Blood Curse Episode #1 [PSN] (PS3)
SOCOM: Confrontation (PS3)

(source: http://www.game-focus.com/?nav=new&nid=8512 )

No Wipe...
Well, IMO, either it will be out before E3, either Sony doesn't want to show a finished game as they would have to explain why it's not available yet.
What do you guys think 'bout it?

PS: MGS4 is a great game :nod

Rapier Racer
17th June 2008, 10:17 PM
I think someone at Sony doesn't give a **** about this game.

17th June 2008, 10:37 PM
It may be nothing, but have you seen the list of games to be shown next month at E3?
Here it is:

Sony Computer Entertainment:
Killzone 2 (PS3)
LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
MotorStorm: Pacific Rift (PS3)
PixelJunk Eden (PS3)
Resistance 2 (PS3)
SIREN: Blood Curse Episode #1 [PSN] (PS3)
SOCOM: Confrontation (PS3)

I may be wrong but haven't ALL those games been delayed in the past? Sometimes several times?

Also, no Home - the uber-delayed PS3 title?

18th June 2008, 04:42 AM
I don't see reasons for sony to communicate a hundredth time on this title (WOHD) at E3 , which everybody know the imminent arrival (imminent since end of 2007 :evil) on the psn (and this game is already appeared at numerous expo, almost final demo )... the E3 expo with rather vocation to introduce futures games in development (this of wipeout is certainly finished now) and especially some surprises, announcements and news (like a truth new wipeout ) ...

so if there any new elements to show about wipeout hd, I shall prefer not seeing about it at e3...

18th June 2008, 05:55 AM
I have an idea, howabout we just stfu and wait for the game!! I mean holy ****, it's a freakin' video game!!! Be aware that all the amount of time waiting for the game is spent on making it better, so pleeeaaassee be patient, and donate your remaining money to starving children and quite boohooing all the damn time... play one of the earlier sequals to get your fill or something, jeeze...

18th June 2008, 06:59 AM
wait for this game ?
best thing which one have has make now would be more to forget it and no wait for it not precisely...
and after some months (around chritmas...), when it will suddenly release , they will cry all " déjÃ** !" :g


Rapier Racer
18th June 2008, 02:05 PM
Be aware that all the amount of time waiting for the game is spent on making it better, so pleeeaaassee be patient,

Be aware that the game is finished and is in no way being made any better than what it already is. If this is not the case which I doubt, someone please step in and correct me.

18th June 2008, 03:32 PM
Colin said a few weeks ago that the game was already 99 percent done. That would seem to mean that no further development would be done, just minor things like touch-ups on graphics screens, or some such. Game release now would be dependent on the marketing department of Sony, not on SL. But in any case, all the moaning for it to be released is accomplishing nothing other than to vent frustration. I would think it would be better to eliminate frustration by thinking about something else. It'll be out when it's out. Enjoy doing other things; pay more attention to your girlfriend or boyfriend, set new record times, get better at playing guitar, invent a new way to make fuel, something, something. :D

18th June 2008, 07:15 PM
Enjoy doing other things; pay more attention to your girlfriend or boyfriend, set new record times, get better at playing guitar, invent a new way to make fuel, something, something. :D

Ok... but how much time left to think these other things ? :g


18th June 2008, 08:03 PM
I think OPEC have seen it as an alternative to fossil fuels, so bought it off Sony and locked it up untill the worlds oil resources dry out.

18th June 2008, 09:19 PM
I would think it would be better to eliminate frustration by thinking about something else (...) Enjoy doing other things; (...) set new record times :D

Note that i am not frustrated at all about HD's delay but i am pretty excited by those new records done in ntsc Pure with Goteki :hyper

18th June 2008, 09:24 PM
Colin said a few weeks ago that the game was already 99 percent done. That would seem to mean that no further development would be done, just minor things like touch-ups on graphics screens, or some such. Game release now would be dependent on the marketing department of Sony, not on SL. But in any case, all the moaning for it to be released is accomplishing nothing other than to vent frustration. I would think it would be better to eliminate frustration by thinking about something else. It'll be out when it's out. Enjoy doing other things; pay more attention to your girlfriend or boyfriend, set new record times, get better at playing guitar, invent a new way to make fuel, something, something. :D

try to finish GTA IV and MGS 4 concurrently...impossible when I keep getting distracted by its online capabilities...

19th June 2008, 09:42 AM
try to finish GTA IV and MGS 4 concurrently...impossible when I keep getting distracted by its online capabilities...

Haha same here, or at least with MGS4.
I dont play GTAIV online and still havent completed the game. Maybe because its 15 frames per second? I dont know, but MGS4 and MGO > GTAIV so it will take some time before i finish GTAIV hehe.

19th June 2008, 12:11 PM
...., invent a new way to make fuel, something, something. :D

Lance : http://uk.reuters.com/news/video?videoId=84561

He's probably waiting for Hd too, & followed your advice lol.

19th June 2008, 05:09 PM
dial-up don't do video ;)

19th June 2008, 05:30 PM
You could always wait for two years :g

30th June 2008, 01:12 PM
In Game XMB access is coming this week, 2nd July;


Firmware v2.40 will become available for download on July 2nd. We hope you enjoy these much-requested features, and look forward to your feedback.

Maybe this will pave the way for better online gaming and WO:HD!

30th June 2008, 01:34 PM
You know, I'm thinking that WOHD will be coming out soon now. Maybe I just never noticed this before, but when you watch the trailer on the PS3, and press the PS button, it pulls up the XMB, which if you are playing a movie off a disc, it just pulls up the option to cancel playback or turn off the system.

So I'm thinking that now that we have in game XMB, they'll be able to let WOHD out

30th June 2008, 01:56 PM
That's an interesting thought. It lends credence perhaps to July 15th release date (seemingly) randomly touted by 1-up. Put XMB friends update in on July 2nd, allow roughly 2 weeks for any serious unseen bugs to arise/be fixed, release WipEoutHD! :D Studio Liverpool have said it's nearly done a while back - is this the final piece? I was driving to work this morning wondering if it was a HUD re-design causing the hold-up, but then it could be this instead. Fingers crossed, ey? :) Trophies, XMB friend invites. I'm as expectant as a hungry man who's waiting for a 16 ounce steak! (Rare of course. None of this 'well-done' nonsense :P)

30th June 2008, 02:31 PM
You should lose the quote ;)

And well, release date discussion, blabla.
Still waiting, but I guess that's the only thing I can do, AND watch Stargate :P

32 168 views... Unless we (the members) are the only ones coming back frantically to this topic, here's an invitation to all the non-members to join this forum if they are fans of Wipeout :)

30th June 2008, 02:58 PM
I favour the 'members frantically refreshing the topic' theory.

30th June 2008, 06:07 PM
:P Ditto!

30th June 2008, 06:09 PM
Or a lot of lurkers...

30th June 2008, 06:43 PM
Lurker reporting in :dizzy

30th June 2008, 07:29 PM
Yes, I have been lurking....<sigh!> waiting VERY patiently for over a year now. I bought my PS2 just for <ugh!> Fusion, and I got my PS3 specifically because of Wipeout HD (as well as the "full" version they promised last year). The worst part of waiting is not having ANY info to go on! No release dates, no promotions aside from one trailer, no news! If they just told us to hold tight for another 2 weeks, it would be all good! Heck, even if they said September 12th (random date) I would be happy. Just give us a date already SONY!:evil

Rapier Racer
30th June 2008, 07:31 PM
Thats too much to ask, apparently.

30th June 2008, 07:31 PM
Soccermom: the epicity of that username is beyond description
Anyway, it could be worse, SL could burn down, along with all the copies of HD

30th June 2008, 08:00 PM
Is that even a word? :g

Oh I hope that your prediction does not happen. It would be awful :/

30th June 2008, 08:52 PM
It is because it sounds cool! :g
*hides from Lance*

30th June 2008, 09:16 PM
well, as the #wipeoutzone crew can attest, I have been neutral to no HD to distract me from getting my new sorceress up and running on the new D2 Ladder, but now she's almost fully ready and I want my HD :\

maybe it will get released when I finally get hired!

1st July 2008, 01:42 AM
*hides from Lance*

That could prove difficult.

"epicity". :rolleyes:

1st July 2008, 12:54 PM
...am now more convinced than ever that WOHD was waiting for this system update. Reading into it further, they've added the ability to play your own music in game, if the game supports it.

Re: #446 Apologies for the quote of the post directly above. Usually do that in order to prevent later editing of the post making the reply nonsense - if you follow. But point taken...and now I understand Darkdrium777's comment :P

Rapier Racer
1st July 2008, 12:57 PM
If it comes out in July at some point then you might be onto something there, I thought about this, but thought again along the lines of this update sets some sort of standard that developers can work with to allow custom playlists in game, I presumed SL just went that little bit further in that area to allow HD custom musics.

Also if that is the reason, uh, wonder why no one said as such.

1st July 2008, 01:02 PM
Because it's not the reason. Colin said the game is not 100% finished yet. So, as long as he doesn't tell us any different, it's still not finished. Who knows, maybe they had to make changes. I don't think the game is even in Sony's hands by now, it's still at SL. When they have it ready, Sony will receive it and decide on a release date. I wouldn't hope for July, actually... :(

1st July 2008, 01:15 PM
Leave me be in my little world of want :P

The not being finished was kind of what I was getting at though - i.e. waiting for the update to be deployed so they can tweak the final bits and get it working seamlessly. Pure conjecture, obviously.

Rapier Racer
1st July 2008, 01:34 PM
More time in SL costs more money, thats why I doubt this, what sort of budget do you think they're on? Enough to have money fights? Distinctly not the impression I had.

1st July 2008, 02:35 PM
Custom soundtrack was already possible before 2.40 (I don't know which update it was in but it's been there for a few months now). All that 2.40 allows for games with this custom music patch added (It does NOT work for games that have not been patched) is to play music via the pop-up XMB instead of going into the game's menu to change the music (Is longer). So the custom soundtrack issue is not the problem.

1st July 2008, 02:38 PM
I give this theory a lot of credence. the 2.4 update was just announced yesterday. Maybe it is that 1% SL and Sony were waiting on. It would explain why they can't talk about it. Because 2.4 and in game XMB was an announcement Sony wanted to make when they decided it was ready to be made.

I don't believe they'd want a developer spilling the beans as to why a game has not been released yet. There no fun and glory there.

1st July 2008, 04:03 PM
Because it's not the reason. Colin said the game is not 100% finished yet.

And you know for sure this is not the reason, if so how matey?

Yes Colin stated the game was 99% finished but that was a month ago.

I think it's quite possible that SL/Sony whoever "could" be waiting on this new firmware as it contains some of the most asked for features on the ps3 blog since the PS3 was launched. I was not talking about custom sound tracks, this "has" been available for quite some time as a option for devs to use or not use. I was talking about the features for actually arranging online races, GTP5 anyone?!?

This firmware update is massive, biggest yet and the one most owners have been waiting for, no more quiting games to send and read messages for starters, I mean come on, how fundimental is this feature to online gaming?

WO:HD is a big game, a first party game too. The new reward system (trophies) that comes with this update adds gamer points (style) features to games. But games will need to be patched to support it, the only first party game that will support this at the start is Super StarDust (great game for £5 bwt) and that needs patching if you already have it. Maybe they held off releasing partly due to wanting the new features in from the start instead of patching later, that and MGS4 of course (game of the year so far for me btw)

Anyways, I was only posting my thoughts based on what I read, the PS3 blog is a good referance what with it being the offical sony blog.

Linkys for those that wanna read more;

In Game XMB



1st July 2008, 04:27 PM
The game has already been rated by PEGI right? So it IS finished. I really doubt such an organism would rate an unfinished game...

1st July 2008, 04:48 PM
... WO:HD is a big game, a first party game too. ...

It's a big game for us, I'm not so sure it is for Sony...

1st July 2008, 09:19 PM
Enough to have money fights?

This is where paper dollars do less damage than Pounds Sterling. Nerf money. :D

2nd July 2008, 05:30 AM
The game has already been rated by PEGI right? So it IS finished. I really doubt such an organism would rate an unfinished game...
Exactly, unfinished games don't get a rating. It has been rated by ESRB and USK as well.

4th July 2008, 12:20 AM
As I remember, the last time I waited for something like I do for WOHD, was my first time with a girl...

4th July 2008, 08:16 AM

4th July 2008, 08:32 AM
As I remember, the last time I waited for something like I do for WOHD, was my first time with a girl...

Is your right forearm as big now too?

Colin Berry
4th July 2008, 11:48 AM
Because it's not the reason. Colin said the game is not 100% finished yet. So, as long as he doesn't tell us any different, it's still not finished. Who knows, maybe they had to make changes. I don't think the game is even in Sony's hands by now, it's still at SL. When they have it ready, Sony will receive it and decide on a release date. I wouldn't hope for July, actually... :(


We have a winner

The game was 99% done, however for various reasons its now more like 97%
So how does something go from being 99% done to 97% done, well we were waiting on the final 1% which was out of our hands and we decided to make some small tweaks and the like. Is it worth it, well in my eyes yes and I know there are people on here that will be happy, can I tell you what we did or are doing, no, not yet I'm afraid. Will you notice, yes.
Its like the xfiles isnt it

I dont mean to be secretive but I'm just not allowed to reveal details, suffice to say I think you will say (down the line) aaaah you delayed it because of that, ok, cool.
But right now its not my remit to say.

4th July 2008, 12:14 PM
So, Colin, any clue on how much longer it will be? We're not even asking for a date, we know you can't give us that, but could you at least tell us if we are talking about weeks, months, or (heavens forbid) even chrismas? That would be uber-sweet to know.
Thank you.
(oh and we absolutely appreciate final changes for the better ;))

4th July 2008, 01:00 PM
The speculation begins...
Changed HUD?
Putting in an option for classic handling?
Mysteries, mysteries :D

4th July 2008, 01:06 PM
Trophies? I`m sure if they put these in they`ll sell a lot more downloads.

Whatever it is, thanks for the information, Colin.

4th July 2008, 01:07 PM
my money's on the HUD...and maybe...maybe...2097 handling...;)

Thanks col for giving some feedback...personally...I can wait for HD knowing it is being fine-tuned...what I can't wait for is 2097 and Wip3out to be released on the PSN!!! I need some big screen WipEout goodness...

4th July 2008, 01:09 PM
I guess the trophies were the original 1% they were waiting on, that wasn't in their hands, as Colin stated. And in the meanwhile they came up with something else...

4th July 2008, 01:55 PM
Cheers for the update Colin.

4th July 2008, 02:34 PM
Is your right forearm as big now too?

Not as big as my will to play WOHD this summer :D

Otherwise,I hope you'll forgive my ignorance but what means HUD please. Thanks.

4th July 2008, 02:37 PM
Head Up Display, basically the info stuff that you see when playing a game.

4th July 2008, 02:42 PM
Thank you. So it calls another question (sorry): How do we know that HUD needed to be changed ?

4th July 2008, 02:55 PM
On some of the preview vids, folk said they didn't like the HUD.


I guess the trophies were the original 1% they were waiting on, that wasn't in their hands, as Colin stated. And in the meanwhile they came up with something else...


4th July 2008, 02:56 PM
A lot of people here disliked the HUD as shown in the preview build of the game. Check out the discussion thread here (http://www.wipeoutzone.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4821)

4th July 2008, 04:46 PM
XMB implementation... ô_O
I still can't see why anyone would go through a second rating instance.

Nah, nah, I got it:
HOME implementation ;)

(100% pure satire)

4th July 2008, 06:17 PM
It will never come out if it waits for Home! ^^
The XMB is already available to those who have the firmware 2.40. But it doesn't do much apart from being there...
Custom music is already confirmed, since WO HD is coming out after firmware 2.40 custom music should be available via the XMB in-game.
Trophies? Maybe. Depending on number of Golds, times, kills, etc, that could be fun.
HUD? Well this is the one thing we complained about over here, so it's very probable that it has finally changed (Who knows? ^^)
Handling, well we didn't play the game so no complaints about that. Maybe it was changed, but we wouldn't know about it so we wouldn't notice it...

Anyways thanks for the update Colin! I'm still waiting :P

5th July 2008, 10:16 AM
Well here is my 2cents worth.

Look at the whole release by Download only........

What are the problems with this?

1]Those who want the game but don't have internet assess.:-
2]Those that do want the game....but are on Dial up.:-
3]Those that want the game,have download speed,but have glitches whilst downloading...corrupt game [It happens,don't pretend it doesn't]
4]Anybody that tells me that this game [running at TRUE 1080p] is going to be a 1 GB download is kidding themselves.:dizzy

I think a re think on how this game is going to be made available to the "Great Unwashed"=[That being you and I] has been under review for at least the last few months.

Don't be surprised if this game ends up on a Blueray disc...Not a bad thing IMHO.:rolleyes:

5th July 2008, 10:32 AM
i'm sure it was explained yesterday that it had been delayed due to 'some' extra work been done to the game. i think it'll still be a download only game. as to what the extra stuff is, is anyone's guess. most guess' seem aimed at the HUD, which to be fair is one of the things i think needs looking at.

5th July 2008, 10:59 AM
In all honesty.
I think an solely adjustment in the HUD of the game would not explain the differential of release dates to the extreme that have progressed.

Metal Gear Solid 4 has not been the Killer game in JP that SONY hoped.

All "NOW' hopes are centered on a XMAS blitz with WIPEOUT HD.

Self explanatory.:brickwall

MGS did not have the impact it should of because of one very vain reason.
The JP WANT the very best [Highest Tec] a game can give.
MGS was made to be reproduced at 720p.....that might not mean much to you or I.,but it does to the TEC HEAD JP people that buy games ....720p is OLD HAT...it has to be 1080p........Live in Japan for a while and know what commence.

5th July 2008, 12:01 PM
This is utter and complete bullsh*t. If you read around these boards, you will find information right out of Colin Berry's mouth (lead designer), stating that the game is indeed below 1 gig. Furthermore, I'm afraid, while wipEout may be a big deal to all of us here, it sure isn't for Sony. Maybe SCEE cares enough to even advertise it, but the rest of the world just doesn't care for this franchise. so forget the whole bluray speculation.
I really don't think those changes have anything to do with the HUD either, that's an artistic choice, and even though I would love to see it changed, it'S THEIR work, and they would be stupid to listen to every nagging fanboy.
Pretty sure these last changes have to do with nothing else but the very gameplay itself, maybe also some online tweaking. After all, a smooth gameplay is all that counts.

5th July 2008, 12:45 PM
Can we expect a release date before september ?... :rolleyes:

5th July 2008, 02:51 PM
You mean can we expect a release date being announced before September, or the actual game being released before September? ;)
My money is on mid-August. I'm sure they want to have it ready and playable at the Games Convention, since it's the biggest european event.

5th July 2008, 08:03 PM
Note to 'blackwiggle' and others posting in the thread he started: This is already being discussed in the Release Date thread; we do not need yet another thread for this. I am merging it with the ^Release date^ thread.

edit: threads are now merged. New posts, numbers 488-491, plus this notification post [494] are blended in from the thread started elsewhere

5th July 2008, 08:14 PM
I guess we don't live in the same world because from what I've heard Metal Gear Solid has sold like crazy everywhere...

And it was explained about two days ago why WipEout HD isn't released yet. Shouldn't be hard to find the answer, it's the only thread with 30,000+ views on this forum.

5th July 2008, 08:28 PM
Ok, I go back to "Stardust HD"...

5th July 2008, 08:38 PM
And how good is Super Stardust HD...one of my favourites of all time... On a side note...I can't wait for Capcom's re-release of 1942...

In the meantime...I'm just chugging along playing Pure, Pulse, the original WipEout and lord forbid...even Fusion...

Looks like my predicted 50,000 views before HD release might be true...

6th July 2008, 09:20 AM
Furthermore, I'm afraid, while wipEout may be a big deal to all of us here, it sure isn't for Sony.

Yes, but, a wipeout hd banner has been on the threespeech blog for almost as long as I can remember. That's a pretty big vote of confidence.

7th July 2008, 09:45 AM
MGS did not have the impact it should of because of one very vain reason.
The JP WANT the very best [Highest Tec] a game can give.
MGS was made to be reproduced at 720p.....that might not mean much to you or I.,but it does to the TEC HEAD JP people that buy games ....720p is OLD HAT...it has to be 1080p........Live in Japan for a while and know what commence.

Really? It sold 1.3 million day one in the US and has shipped over 3 million copied so far. Guess that is a pretty poor show.


MGS4 is quite simply the best looking game released on any console this year IMO and 720p/1080p makes very little difference unless you have a 50" plazma or a projector setup.

7th July 2008, 10:35 AM
While I agree that MGS4 is one of the best looking games ever, I have to very clearly state that there is a WORLD of difference between 720p and 1080p. even if you're playing on a 20" screen you will notice the difference instantly.