View Full Version : trading in xbox360 for ps3

12th August 2008, 07:05 AM
what sort of rubbish deal can I expect? I'll be trading it when wipeoutHD arrives.

The Gracer
12th August 2008, 07:50 AM
you'd probably be better off keeping the xbox and saving a little bit longer - then youll have a wipeout console, and a good console! :D :D

Fanboy-ism aside, i think you should just save up a little longer and buy a ps3 straight up. Prices will come down soon, the xbox is so cheap it hurts..

12th August 2008, 10:02 AM
Smart choice Chris get rid of the CuntBox360 for a PS3 console.

Well in Aus the CuntBox has been dropped in price to $349.95 AUD, this has just happened just a few weeks ago i think. Something to do with the ring of death thing. You prob get an average deal with the trade, but you are upgrading for sure, you will now have a Blu-Ray player as well as a console that will have the best racing game to be released in 2008 or maybe 2009 at this rate. You'll need to save up a bit of cash with the trade in, but it will be one good investment for you. Maybe the PS3 will have a price drop soon or something then you can save even more. But its worth its price:D

Rapier Racer
12th August 2008, 11:29 AM
I'd suggest you go ahead with this trade in and get rid of the Xbox before it dies on you because its a matter of when not if.

Dunno what kind of deal you could get the only places I know to go to are GAME and Gamestation so try them both because despite the fact GAME owns Gamestation they're still quite different shops. I know that if you goto GAME you get more back for you kit if you trade it in and tell them you want credit to buy something else out the GAME store. you get less back if you ask for cash.

As said PS3 is a good choice, it's price has come down and aside from the best console out there you also get a good Blu Ray player without the ridiculous price tag. Most importantly though, you get WIPEOUT!! :D

12th August 2008, 01:12 PM
you'd probably be better off keeping the xbox and saving a little bit longer - then youll have a wipeout console, and a good console


But seriously, just keep it and wait on the PS3 price drop. there are no other decent games worth getting for the overpriced black monolith, so why sacrifice a machine with a better library AND wider variety of games available? And if the 360 RROD's on you, you can send it back to MS for a replacement. At this point, they're swapping in the new motherboards when they do repairs, so you won't have further problems. Plus the fall dash update is supposed to be ZOMG AMAZING, so one can only imagine what's around the corner.

13th August 2008, 06:31 AM

But seriously, just keep it and wait on the PS3 price drop. there are no other decent games worth getting for the overpriced black monolith, so why sacrifice a machine with a better library AND wider variety of games available? And if the 360 RROD's on you, you can send it back to MS for a replacement. At this point, they're swapping in the new motherboards when they do repairs, so you won't have further problems. Plus the fall dash update is supposed to be ZOMG AMAZING, so one can only imagine what's around the corner.

This is what I'm thinking, my 360 is one of the original batch but it's had no problems, saying that it will no doubt die on me the second I decide to keep it!

I would have trouble parting with RezHD, Ikaruga, N+ & Halo3 so I'm still undecided. I'll be going to Game at the weekend to see what deal they'll give me.

The Gracer
13th August 2008, 06:51 AM
RezHD and N+ are my two favourite games. some of the LIVE Arcade games are more fun than the full releases! haha.

im looking at getting a PS3 soon, when the prices drop - i cant justify spending 800 nzd on a console where the only feature i REALLY want is blu-ray, not to mention W'O HD.

Ultimately, its whether you think keeping both is a financially sound decision.

13th August 2008, 03:34 PM
I would have trouble parting with RezHD, Ikaruga, N+ & Halo3 so I'm still undecided. I'll be going to Game at the weekend to see what deal they'll give me.

Well, since you've already bought them, if you were to get rid of the 360 for now and buy one again in the future (after next price drop, perhaps), you just reassign your same live account to the new machine, and you can re-download them without having to pay a second time... same goes for any live content you've bought. but make sure you delete your profile from your current machine before you get rid of it, otherwise someone else can use it. It would be a good idea to write down the account name and password of course, so you don't forget it.

I'm thinking if you have a launch model machine, I'd trade it only so that you're not pushing your luck waiting for it to potentially die ;P Granted, I know people with launch models which still haven't given them any problems, but still it's not worth testing the waters. Get the PS3, be disappointed by its utter lack of anything redeeming besides Wipeout HD (and allegedly LittleBigPlanet), then buy a 360 again.

I WOULD keep both, but if you can get a discount on the PS3 using a potentially faulty 360, do that and then when you have the money to get a 360 again, you know you'll be getting a new model with no potential problems

13th August 2008, 04:12 PM
Ahem. Can someone explain to me why "No games interest me on the PS3" becomes "Nobody has games that interest him/her on PS3?

There's a good batch of nice and enjoyable titles out there for everyone on the system. I don't know why that argument still stands (It isn't even one).

If you wish to get a PS3 then so be it, I don't see how or why we should stop you. It's your money, your X-Box 360, do as you please. Just because someone else thinks he won't be satisfied if he does the same thing doesn't mean you wouldn't be.

A few games I strongly recommend you play on PS3 are:
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Heavenly Sword
Resistance Fall of Man (Even though it is a bit old right now)

Of course feel free to try out anything else you see, these are only my recommendations. You have the right not to like them.

Also on PSN games:
Super Stardust HD
Pixel Junk Eden (Try before you buy though)
Blast Factor (It's old though and I don't think many people like it)

There are others, when you get the PS3 (If you get one) make sure to browse the PS-Store thoroughly.

Rapier Racer
13th August 2008, 04:25 PM
Get the PS3, be disappointed by its utter lack of anything redeeming besides Wipeout HD (and allegedly LittleBigPlanet), then buy a 360 again

Goodness me! Your full of crap today aren't you!

the overpriced black monolith

And what’s this overpriced black monolith rubbish? Bringing a 360 more up to PS3 standards would end up costing more than a PS3 does, do some research before posting **** like that eh.

13th August 2008, 04:37 PM
*coff* }stares at screen, observes verbiage{

13th August 2008, 04:58 PM
Goodness me! Your full of crap today aren't you!
And what’s this overpriced black monolith rubbish? Bringing a 360 more up to PS3 standards would end up costing more than a PS3 does, do some research before posting **** like that eh.

1) It's "you're"

2) what do you mean "bringing 360 to ps3 standards" I've seen the comparison before, and since the HD-dvd and BRD "war" is over, there's no need to factor the HD DVD drive into the equation. They both offer comparable display capabilities, wireless controllers, internet connectivity. As a matter of fact, the "standards" comparison should be turned around... the 80gb PS3 (with no backwards compatibility) is slated to drop to $400 in september... which is the same price as a 60gb 360 and a 1 year Live subscription.
$400 for:
- a console which features everything promised at initial launch (in other words, nothing scrapped for sake of price reduction like with the ps3)
- both a larger independent AND 3rd party developer base
- a more established online marketplace
- a growing catalog of titles which were once playstation exclusives
- (also note, you don;t have to pay for the gold live membership to still be ablet oaccess the online marketplace, Gold merely means you're able to play games online)

or 400 bucks for
- a machine with a small handful of exclusives which may not even appeal to everyone
- something that can't even play your older titles (though, why anyone would actually get RID of a PS2 is beyond me)
- a glorified Blu-ray player (face it, how many people use their PS2s as DVD players? and unless you have an HDtv or plan on buying one soon, you shouldnt be buying bluray discs yet. In another year, you'll have a dedicated blu-ray player anyway because you won't want to subject your console to unnecessary wear and tear) And actually, few PS3 games really even use all the space on a blu-ray disc. If you look at disc rips online, the sizes are much lower than the actual disc capacity... space is often taken up by uncompressed audio/video or just padded.

I don't understand what the price comparison is anymore... spend X amount of money on a console that "promises results in time" or spend less than X amount of money on a console that already has a TON to offer with more on the way.

13th August 2008, 05:21 PM
there are no other decent games worth getting for the overpriced black monolith, so why sacrifice a machine with a better library AND wider variety of games available?QUOTE]


Wider Library.... BULLSHIT. Lets look into the entire collection of Playstation gaming titles and go back to 1993 with the first game on the PSX console '00001' Ridge Racer, then look at every single title released on that console, then look at the PS2 with every single game released on that console then look at the PS3 console library. So the sum of the Playstation library is larger and better than the CntBox(gotta watch myself there). The 'black monolith', over priced.... bullshit as well, its a 'BluRay' player. Compare the price of a 'bluRay' player then look at the PS3 console, the PS3 console is a fantastic buy. Darkdrium and Raiper have said the rest.

Now Chris im not sure if you are in the PAL or NTSC zone, but may i suggest that if your in the PAL zone that you hunt around for one of the old 60GB PS3 console with the 'Emotion Engine' from the PS2 in it, that way you can enjoy your old PS2 games. If you are in the NTSC zone there is the 80GB PS3 console which has some emulating hardware in it that allows you to use PS2 games on it, but i think the PS3 60GB ver with the PS2 emotion engine will allow you to have access to the greater majority of you PS2 library:D

13th August 2008, 06:00 PM
I'm talking current generation titles. You wouldn't compare Ridge Racer 1 with Forza 2, for example, would you? I didn't think so.

RJ O'Connell
13th August 2008, 06:25 PM
I'll sum my feelings up in one eight kilobyte attachment.

Rapier Racer
13th August 2008, 06:28 PM
Uh huh I see you conveniently missed parts out here like the smaller expenses that add up to one big one.

1) Since you felt the need to take things down to this level then. It’s ‘able to access’.

2) On with the comparisons

£299.99 – 40GB PS3
£259.99 – 360 ‘Elite’

Now in order to match the PS3 you would then need.

Rechargeable batteries for your controller(s) else your going to rack up a nice little sum in constantly buying disposable batteries. There are a few options.

£14.99 for a play and charge kit
£19.99 for a quick charge kit

Remember you’ll be needing an additional battery for each additional pad you buy unless disposables will suffice.

A gold membership for online play, don’t give me this merely stuff, being able to play online is a far superior feature than being able to browse the marketplace and you can do it on PS3 without paying a penny.

Xbox Live Gold Membership £39.99….but WAIT!! That’s only for 1 year! I do plan on having my PS3 and using it for online gaming for a bit longer than that, so the question is how many times do I need to multiply this cost? What seems reasonable? 3 times? 4 times?

3 Years of playing games online would cost me £119.97, what?? Outrageous, totally outrageous.

Now I imagine you might come back and try to downplay the importance of the next feature, as you did with online gaming, which was a nice little joke. The huge convenience of having a console with built in wireless is very apparent unless you want it stuck in the same room as your router, and its built into the PS3.

£59.99 Wireless adaptor

Now I could mention the fact that the PS3 doubles as a High def movie player but as you pointed out HD DVD is dead so the add on is no longer viable, however, the simple fact that the PS3 can do this adds to its value even further.

Stop taking shots at the PS3s lack of backwards compatibility, it’s not like the 360 is much better, and who goes out and buys a new console then jumps for joy at the thought of playing all their old games on it? The marketplace will be caught and furthermore third party development is shifting towards PS3 then downplayed for the 360.

What makes you think the PS3 has no good games on it or coming soon to it other than the named 2? Stop stating this like its fact and not your opinion.

There is also that little something that you cannot buy for the 360 and that would be quality and reliable hardware PS3 failure rate is so low compared to 360. I don’t really care if Bill is willing to sort it that means what? 2 weeks with no console for me? Shouldn’t there be mass questioning of Microsoft’s shoddy product? If it was any other company…

Note*** Even you buy the 'Premium' 360 @ £199 it's still costing you more in the long run.

13th August 2008, 06:30 PM
In another year, you'll have a dedicated blu-ray player anyway because you won't want to subject your console to unnecessary wear and tear)Unless you didn't know, the PS3 is far more than able to play blu-Ray movies. It is one of the best and most future-proof blu-Ray players out there, so why should we spend more money on a dedicated blu-Ray player that performs practically the same way, but has less frequent firmware updates? Not mentioning the fact that it's money thrown out the window.

RJ O'Connell
13th August 2008, 06:36 PM
If it were up to me and my family wasn't in such a stupid financial tie-up and I had the money, I'd own both consoles. I play games because they're fun, and if I have to get another piece of hardware to play them, so be it. Though right now I'd have to settle for either/or, unfortunately. And once Wipeout HD is released, I'll have to think about selling off all the Xbox 360 stuff unless I get really lucky in December.

13th August 2008, 06:39 PM
Erm, what He said.(On the financial side)

13th August 2008, 06:57 PM
- paying for online play
I dont mind paying for a network that always works; and you get reimbursed for downtime in the rare occasion that they have significant problems. Live has subscribers who've been paying from its inception on the original Xbox. If people really hated the idea of paying for the service, why are there so many subscribers?

- batteries for wireless controllers
whatever, I dont consider batteries really that expensive; and I personally use a wired controller because I don't like wireless (I even hate Wavebirds for GCN/Wii) In time, MS will more than likely include a play and charge kit anyway.

- wireless network adaptor
oh goody, more lag in online games. Yes, let me pay an extra 60-90 bucks for a completely unnecessary adaptor which will accomplish nothing other than a few more milliseconds lag because I don't have some way to conceal a network cable running to my console.

- console reliability
disregarding the fact that I know people with launch models still running strong, and that all of my friends who HAVE had to replace their machines haven't had to wait more than two weeks; do take into consideration that the 360 was on the market a year before the PS3. Microsoft rushed production in effort to establish user base (which obviously worked), and by the time the PS3 sales finally picket up, MS had fixed the overheating problem with a new internal setup codenamed "Zephyr" (and the "opus" configuration is used in repaired launch models to avoid further RRoD problems). Nobody I've talked to about the PS3/360 argument has cited the initial 360 reliability as a detractive factor in their preference toward the 360.

on the subject of updating the BRD player specs... remember that the specs for blu-ray discs are a standard, which means a blu-ray disc will need to be playable on ANY blu-ray player... so if I buy a BRD six years from now, it would still have to work on a format-launch model blu ray player. They may add subsequent capabilities of course, which would then validate the PS3 as a player since it could evolve with the format specifications, but still, the general consumer public are going to buy a videogame console to play videogames. These kind of features and arguments really only matter to fanatics like us in the first place :P

13th August 2008, 06:57 PM
}understands the feelings expressed in Mr. O'Connell's pic post of Le Capitaine.{

Is this some sort of religious argument in which the believers feel that everyone else must be converted to one set of beliefs or all of us are doomed? Or is it just a few egos, each of which wants to be proved right and superior because the ego really really really can't abide its superiority being doubted so that it wouldn't be able to maintain the illusion of being number one anymore?

Let us each buy what is right for us, rather than trying to make everyone else believe that what is best for one is best for all.

For myself, I would like to own one of every game console ever made, but in practice, I buy whichever one best fulfills the needs at the top of my current priorities list at the time I have the money.

Everybody has a different priorities list.

13th August 2008, 07:01 PM
Or is it just a few egos, each of which wants to be proved right and superior because the ego really really really can't abide its superiority being doubted so that it wouldn't be able to maintain the illusion of being number one anymore?

That. :P Hell, I was a Sega zealot back in the day... Genesis-32x-CD all the way, the hell with Super NES; Saturn > Playstation.

Time passes and the other consoles get better games, my opinion changes. I love the SNES now as much as the Genesis, along with PSX and N64 as much as my saturn.

But right there is the real factor... the games. So far, personally speaking, there is nothing appealing on the PS3 to me than Wipeout HD... and if it plays as bad as Pure, it won't really even matter because I won't be banging down the door to get my hands on it.

Augh I need to rush to work or I'm gonna be late.

13th August 2008, 07:04 PM
This looks like fun, a quality bitch off, ill be back to join soon:D

Go Raiper!

Picture from HK S3 USA.

Can we have to two main courses together.... ohhhhhh!

13th August 2008, 07:13 PM
Right now, my videogame section of the priorities list isn't at the top, but down where it starts, the first thing on it is a PS2 !! :eek and the second, an X-Box. Either 360 or used original, as the mood strikes.

13th August 2008, 07:55 PM
Lance quote: "For myself, I would like to own one of every game console ever made, but in practice, I buy whichever one best fufills the needs at the top of my current priorities list at the time I have the money."

:+ Exactly!! Wouldn't it be nice to have a Playstation room, a MS room, a Sega room, an Atari room, and a Nintendo room? Just wander through the rooms of your video game museum house. Ahhh...

Seriously, it really doesn't matter in the end what anybody says about which console is better. It's the games that make the console.

If you know you're going to really miss playing a game on the xbox or whatever console, it doesn't make sense to go and sell it before you have a solid reason to, does it? Not that all of the arguments for and against both the 360 and PS3 sides here don't make sense, but really, it's the games that are the difference.

I was considering an XBOX (a long time ago...) because of KOTOR, a fantastic looking/sounding game. However, it made more sense to get a PAL PS2 to satisfy at once both the want of PAL playstation and the experience of a couple of PS2 games.

It's very important, due to the high cost of consoles these days, that people weigh the pros and cons of their choice carefully, putting a lot of emphasis on the games themselves. Console specs vs. console specs doesn't work if you take the games themselves out of the equation.

13th August 2008, 10:10 PM
Every single thing said by D777 and Rapier is ****in spot on, that is why you should purchase a PS3 console, hey here is another reason why to get a PS3 also Chris:


The PS3 is the only console on the market with a fully upgradable Hard Disk Drive.

I dont support the Microsoft CntBox because if they successed in there Primary goal, they will have a monopoly in the gaming console market, just like the computing market and look at the **** and unrealible software they make now. Vista is crap. Just think about it, if you support these bastards at Microsoft, in ten years time they'll have 90% control of the market, this will mean higher prices for the consumer and more shitty build quality software and hardware. We dont want that, do we.

We all should do this instead:



Rapier Racer
14th August 2008, 12:16 AM
I don't like the way Microsoft has come into the industry and thrown their money at greedy developers, and use under handed tactics against PS, you realize the 360 is not good for the industry? If a developer made a game that really pushed the PS3 do you think the exact same game would run on a 360? No and as such only first and second party games are going to excel on the PS3, but the 3rd party bunch will catch up when they realize how bad their games look in comparison.

However, all that aside, if you can afford both consoles I guess thats great then when it comes to exclusives you have all the choice in the world. But if you can only afford one I still say you should invest in a PS3. I stand by my other posts.

The way you feel about the PS3 is the way I feel about the 360, I don't see all these great blockbuster games in their library, I see a lot of shooters, some of which are grossly overrated, nothing that makes me jump out my seat in this vast quality library they have.

Despite the dislike for Microsoft I still have a PC with their OS on it, but thats because theres not really much choice in the matter here is there? In terms of functionality lets be serious. Hold on to that fanboy sticker though because I also have through choice god knows why cos I never use it....


So, yeah, there it sits on top of my digi box Elitely gathering dust.

RJ O'Connell
14th August 2008, 12:29 AM
Lately though, Forza Motorsport is proving to be superior to Gran Turismo. Not many people can argue that.

Rapier Racer
14th August 2008, 12:50 AM
I wouldn't argue that because I simply cannot, I've only tried GT, bought it waaay back on the PS1 and found it to be boring, very, very, very boring, about as bad as Mass Effect. Played the free download version off the PSN too, meh, no weapons no fun if I want a realistic driving experience I'll get in my car lol

Is it an accurate comparison you make, I mean does Forza try hard to simulate real conditions? I'd rather have Motorstorm if I'm buying a racer where you use a car or other wheeled vehicle.

14th August 2008, 04:11 AM
I dont support the Microsoft CntBox because if they successed in there Primary goal, they will have a monopoly in the gaming console market, just like the computing market and look at the **** and unrealible software they make now. Vista is crap. Just think about it, if you support these bastards at Microsoft, in ten years time they'll have 90% control of the market, this will mean higher prices for the consumer and more shitty build quality software and hardware. We dont want that, do we.

Uhhhh dude? What do you think SONY has been trying to do since they entered the market? The only reason they're in the games business is because they wanted to take down Nintendo because nintendo insulted them back when the SNES-CD was in development. Their over-zealous approach to the entire gaming community with this current generation of consoles is also one of the reasons people SHOULDN'T buy a PS3... it's an overpriced status symbol... like whoever that team was in Wipeout Fusion that said "We'll just throw money at it until it flies." Sony has put companies out of business in the past couple years because they've gotten so full of themselves even; do you remember Lik-Sang? THE best import gaming website on the internet until Sony took them down by finding a legal loophole... what happened was people from Sony of Europe were importing PSP consoles through Lik-Sang because Sony of Japan wasn't providing them with development units to get game production and testing underway; Sony of Japan caught Lik-Sang with some legal bullshit about how imported electronics use different voltages and the courts ruled in Sony's favor. Sony expects since their PSX and PS2 were such phenomincal successes (and don't get me wrong, I totally agree, I loved both machines), that people would just eat the PS3 up the second it hit the shelves. It's the same reason Sega of Japan failed miserably when they forced the Saturn upon the American and European gaming public, they saw that the Genesis/MegaDrive was doing awesome outside of the asian market, and figured people would buy the Saturn... so, despite the fact that they made a very powerful machine (technically superior to PSX, but that's a whole other discussion for another day), it was too expensive and there wasn't enough to impress consumers.

Also, the Xbox division of Microsoft is separate from the Windows division. Bill Gates doesn't really have a handle on ANYthing that happens in the Xbox camp, he's merely a poster child for the Microsoft name since he started the company. I'm an EX-MAC USER. I was one of those people who would preach up and down, day in and day out that the Mac was the best thing in the world and Windows was a piece of garbage and blah blah blah... until I actually used Windows myself. Started late with 98se in early 2000, and have been using XP since 2003. With XP, I've had three problems in five years, all of which were MY OWN FAULT. Not one piece of spyware or malicious software, no crashes, absolutely nothing. The reason I migrated to XP, ironically, was the introductiong of Mac OS X. I used System 7.1, 7.6.1, OS 8, OS 9 for the longest time... I was productive, it worked fine. Then Jobs forced X down peoples' throats.. it's ugly, bloated, and ****ing slow as molasses unless you buy the Latest and Greatest (tm) piece of colorful, clear, gunmetal, white, whatever the hell joke of a computer that stupid company decided to throw at you next. I've used every itteration of OS X from Rhapsody, 10.0, 10.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, and every single one of them crashed on me, froze, wouldn't run program X or Y that I've used for years, or I couldn't find a simple shareware app to accomplish something I managed to do effortlessly in OS 9 prior.

If nothing else in the 360 v PS3 argument, do NOT bring THAT aspect into the fold, because it doesn't even factor in. If you want to talk about business practices, Sony and Microsoft both live in glass houses

You're right though, the PS3 is the only console on the market at the moment with a fully user-serviceable drive... and I like that a lot :D Buuut I'm gonna be swapping my 20gb 360 drive for a 120 drive I buy from NewEgg for 50 bucks because I like modding and exploits anyway *shrug*

Rapier Racer: Look around online for Forza 2 information; it's one of the most accurate driving/racing simulators out there. Graphically, GT5 outpaces it just a bit (but that's because the Gran Turismo series has leaned more toward automotive elegance in recent years), but Forza 2 is more technical. You can even get real-time statistics WHILE you're driving... even down to individual tire pressures and temperatures and all sorts of other things :P The Racing Simulation genre isn't for everyone though... I'd rather more arcade style stuff myself like Burnout or Need for Speed

14th August 2008, 06:33 AM
Well, since you've already bought them, if you were to get rid of the 360 for now and buy one again in the future (after next price drop, perhaps), you just reassign your same live account to the new machine, and you can re-download them without having to pay a second time... same goes for any live content you've bought. but make sure you delete your profile from your current machine before you get rid of it, otherwise someone else can use it. It would be a good idea to write down the account name and password of course, so you don't forget it.

I'm thinking if you have a launch model machine, I'd trade it only so that you're not pushing your luck waiting for it to potentially die ;P Granted, I know people with launch models which still haven't given them any problems, but still it's not worth testing the waters. Get the PS3, be disappointed by its utter lack of anything redeeming besides Wipeout HD (and allegedly LittleBigPlanet), then buy a 360 again.

Wise words, this sounds like a plan.

14th August 2008, 07:02 AM
Jeez, since when did the WoZone turn into the Eurogamer boards? :P
Seriously, this whole discussion is useless since you can't really argue which console is 'better' - it's all down to personal preferences. This is all just a matter of 'I want to win this discussion' anyway. If you guys have so much passion for winning discussions, go outside and try to convince a 13-year-old that smoking is bad for him. That would be a discussion worth winning.

14th August 2008, 08:02 AM
That is an argument worth winning!

14th August 2008, 08:32 AM
That is an argument worth winning!

Thats the spirit. Seems like people in the UK have a fighting spirit.

Another reason why i hate those bastards my favourite games that where once a common sight on the PSX console is not to be seen on the PS3 like, Ridge Racer (i rather have Ridge Racer 1 over Forza anytime AG-Wolf:g), Ace Combat (another Namce title gone) and the Crash Bandicoot Series (Serously Naughty Dog should by back the rights for this title, this was on of the first classic games on the PSX console, a piece of history gone)

If Sony falls in years to come im not supporting Microsoft in anyway. Im going down with the ship, so to speak. Ill just continue with my other hobby, working on my cars, if petrol is still at a practical price. **** Microsoft, shitheads for releasing 'Vista', ive lost the amount of times ive had problems with this operating system this year. The only **** that was safe was the contents on my Flash Drive.

I remember i had a CAD exam back in 2006 and all my 2 hour work was ****ed over because the stupid program became 'non responsive' and all the work was manditory to be saved onto a floppy disk. Thank **** there was a resit the following week for that unit. Same thing happened with several other people as well that day. My god ive never seen so many floppy disks became UFO's out of the computers lecture rooms windows.

Vista is the worst operating system ever:evil

14th August 2008, 08:39 AM

14th August 2008, 08:58 AM
Thats why its called ****ing non stick.

Ramsay must of had troubles with Vista earlier in the day to make him that pissed off.

14th August 2008, 09:15 AM
Err...I think that this thread should be deleted/locked.

14th August 2008, 01:23 PM
Did you get the answer that you where looking for Chris?

Alot of passion in our favourite gaming consoles, this thread has shown us.:g

14th August 2008, 01:37 PM
Did you get the answer that you where looking for Chris?

Alot of passion in our favourite gaming consoles, this thread has shown us.:g

Yes I've got my answer!

Mods: close this one maybe?

14th August 2008, 04:48 PM
not really worth closing, I mean it turned out pretty civil in the end actually :P a good discussion as opposed to deteriorating into something much nastier.

Kigo: one of the reasons a lot of your favorite once Playstation-exclusives are now seen on the 360 is because the developers realised that the 360 is a viable platform for their product. They'd reach a larger audience by going multi-platform (or switching exclusivity) for their titles. As far as the Playstation 3 goes, it has yet to prove itself to the gaming world, on both the consumer and development levels. I have my own reasons and justification for preferring the 360 over the PS3, but at the same time I'd like to see the PS3 pick up steam and actually establish itself so that there can be some real competition for the 360... at that point, the quality of exclusive titles on BOTH machines will improve, as well as the user experience as a whole.

14th August 2008, 06:20 PM
Never forget that pretty much aNy corporation is without scruples or ethics; its only goal is to win, to maximise profit.

Sony took down Sega by using every bit of leverage they could, every trick they could. They succeeded because they were bigger, had cash flow from other major sources that Sega did not have.

Sega would have done the same to Sony if they could have.

I hate to state generalities when specifics are available, but, in general, corporations are mindless money-making machines. That's what they're for. Generally none of them deserve our loyalty because they have none for us.

The Gracer
14th August 2008, 07:19 PM


14th August 2008, 10:44 PM
It's a lot easier to have fond sympathy for the one that was defeated. :)

I loved Sega, and the Dreamcast. I still give my Dreamcast a mental hug now and then. And I do mean 'mental'! :g

14th August 2008, 11:18 PM
This is an argument from the past. I'm sorry AG-Wolf but what you say would have been correct six months ago, now it's almost all wrong.
Granted, the PS3 does not have the 360's install base, but it has been shown a lot of times now that the PS3 in Europe and in Japan surpasses the 360 in terms of sales. The only safe place for Microsoft is North America.
Next, whatever you say about quality of exclusives of 360 vs PS3, that is totally wrong. Show me one game that has better quality than Rachet and Clank Future, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Heavenly Sword and Warhawk on the 360 and I will agree with you on that point. But since you can't, I disagree. And just to clarify, when I mean quality, I mean the whole gameplay expercience is excellent. I have played some of the best games on 360 (Gears of War which I have finished, Forza 2, Halo 3...), and these four titles as well on PS3 (Which are among the best too), and objectively I can assure you that both sides were equally as fun.
The PS3 has not proved itself entirely yet, but it's getting damn close, with upcoming titles such as LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2 and many others, as well as the Home online service (Which has got to launch soon, they're starting to lose credibility because of all those darned delays).
I would've mostly agreed with you six months ago (I confess I am a bit of a Sony fan, because all their products never failed, except for the very recent troubles with the VHS player), but now I can assure you that objectively most of what you say about the quality of games and the install base, as well as the weak competition done by the PS3 vs the 360, is false.

For all it's worth, the new 360 dashboard is the proof that Microsoft is sensing the pressure from both Nintendo and Sony, because honestly when you look at it it's just a combination (Albeit very well disguised) of the XMB and the Miis. It sure looks great, but the fact that Microsoft keeps improving like this in both the casual and hardcore markets means that Sony and Nintendo are really pushing it to do so. Which is good for us, because we get better games :)

And honestly, as long as there is competition, that's good. That means lower prices for everyone, more games, more fun :D Yay :g
And I think that is where we think similarly, and why this discussion turns out better than on other forums where it's just fanboys mindlessly blasting each other thanks to the anonimity of the internet.
The fact that we might meet in real life might help too. Which brings me to an offtopic remark: long live the conventions! This is really the only place I know that does that across the world :) :nod

15th August 2008, 04:41 PM
Seriously, this whole discussion is useless .

Seriously, it really doesn't matter in the end what anybody says .

Agreed : most important thing is to look at RJO : he is young but feel so old on his attached picture :
I'll sum my feelings up in one eight kilobyte attachment.
That is the REAL problem

16th August 2008, 06:08 PM
IMO, all consoles have advantages over others, ATM the 360 appears to have a rather good online system, however it costs extra for live; the PS3 easily wins in sheer processing power, however it is apparently hard to develop for and lacks games that really show off its potential; the Wii on the other hand has taken a different route and attempted to be approacable by the casual gamer. I would say that this generation of consoles could quite possibly be one of the most varied that we've had in a long time.

On a seperate note, if you take the fact that PS3s can run linux and view them more as a sort of computer, then the processing power and disk drive that you get for you're money is simply astounding...

16th August 2008, 08:49 PM
For any purpose but 3D game processing, one could get far more for the same money in a desktop. More RAM and radically more harddrive space, rewritable removable media, more internet connection options, and far fewer usage restrictions.

-- ---------


16th August 2008, 09:23 PM
Not to mention it's a laptop.

That's a true thing Lance, however I think consoles, while being multimedia is good, should still mainly concentrate on the games. I like the fact that my PS3 can do a bunch of things, and that's cool. However it would be even more appreciable if such things worked correctly (I'm looking at you, Netfront [FYI it's the PS3's internet browser]). I don't mind that it's there, I use it sometimes. But most of the times I turn on my PC instead. Even if it takes much longer to boot, Firefox 3 kicks Netfront's ass any day.
However to counterbalance this criticism, I must say that I am impressed with the PS3's media capabilities. If I could get TVersity working again, I might even be happier (I will).

17th August 2008, 10:26 AM
For all it's worth, the new 360 dashboard is the proof that Microsoft is sensing the pressure from both Nintendo and Sony, because honestly when you look at it it's just a combination (Albeit very well disguised) of the XMB and the Miis. It sure looks great, but the fact that Microsoft keeps improving like this in both the casual and hardcore markets means that Sony and Nintendo are really pushing it to do so. Which is good for us, because we get better games :)

Are you serious? First MS takes stuff from FireFox and Mac for IE7/Vista, and now they're taking parts from other machine's front-ends? Goddamn Microsoft, goddamn. Do you have to have this new dashboard? Or is it "Get this or don't play online"? This, and the fact that M$ won't allow user-created mods for Unreal Tournament 3 is pushing me towards not getting Live.

Personally, this whole thing over different consoles is a big waste of time. It's pretty much
"I like X over Y"
"You're a dickhead. Y is much better than X" and so on.
And I can also charge my PSP and play songs off it via my 360. So there!
EDIT: Does the DS charge via USB? because that'd be rather funny, the big three console brands working in harmony...

17th August 2008, 03:22 PM
The old dashboard system (Well it's still the current system) are the blades. I kinda like them, I think they're a little bit all over the place from what I've seen and used(Pictures and text everywhere), but they're kinda cool.
The new dashboard is really some scrolling text just like the XMB ('Cept there's no wave), you've got categories [Like Settings, Game, Video] I think vertically (Instead of horizontally for the PSP, PSX, PS3 and the new Sony HDTVs) and items horizontally, and they've added this innovative feature of 'Avatars' which you can customize with clothes and physique, and from what I've seen they'll be all over the dashboard, some of them being your friends online. Your friends list for example won't be gamerpics and gamertags but Avatars in a sort of virtual world (Again if I remember correctly).

I don't really remember for sure everything about the new interface, but when the guy said: "HERE'S THE NEW X-BOX 360 DASHBOARD!", there was like two or three seconds of silence from the audience, then people started clapping. I'm sure they were as confused as I was (watching the E3 2008 live). When he set the thing in motion, I immediately thought of the XMB. There's no denying that it is the same system, except rotated. Once you've seen the XMB you must be pretty dumb not to notice the strong similarities of the categories/items system. Sure the options are not the same, but the system is definitely the same.

Which is sad because even though I kinda dislike the blades for being full of pictures at some places, it was a unique system that set the X-Box apart. :nod Now it just looks average to me. Even if the features provided will be great for the people, the design is really average IMHO.

Here's the video from Youtube. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9JonXfgKpg)

EDIT: Ok I should watch my videos first.
Two things:
The avatars are only in your friends list channel.
It's not scrolling text only: vertical scrolling text (Categories or 'Channels' => Wii) and horizontal scrolling pictures (Coverflow system from Apple? Or very similar) with possibly options inside these 'pictures', just like the 'items' in the XMB and the possible options inside.

18th August 2008, 12:16 PM
If it wasn't for the Convection font and the 'My Xbox 360' text, I'd swear it was a new PS3 interface quite frankly.