View Full Version : Smokers?

1st August 2008, 05:15 AM
** The following information is not intended to induce smoking of any kind what so ever. If you chose to smoke it is not because of me! **

I want to know, out of all pilots here, who is smokers?
If so what brand of rolling tobacco do you use, or do you use pre-made ciggies?

Ill start the ball -
I smoke Golden Virginia, i am a light, yet proud smoker. I despise pre-made ciggies because they are packed with many artificial chemicals, and taste disgusting.

1st August 2008, 07:22 AM
We welcome our newest sponser for the AG-350 racing league, Golden Virginia Cigarettes. Where our motto is: Feeling stressed, roll one of our Golden Virginia's and taste the difference:

Other Official Sponser for the AG-350 racing league also includes:

Ignition Energy Drink: Need to study late into the night before an exam
Aicom Corperation: Where fixed interest rates are not an option
2nd Skin: Alternative Clothing of a different kind
Sylva: When Vista shits iteself there is always Sylva
Blimp: Advertise from above, just dont trip when walking and looking
Era Trek: See the good old days.. at a price.
Icom: Having a flower logo makes us connect to the greater community
Jap Energy Drink: Where coughing after too much Wasabi is just the begining
Joy Noodles: Whats better than having dinner ready in less than a minute
Lunar Parcs: Your guess is as good as mine
Magec Applied Anti Gravity Research Adeliade
Maglock: There on the walls on Basilico Black also
Mr Somo: Keeping the oceans thoroughly clean
Syncro Logitics: Where 'Program is non responsive' is history
Mindcorp: As good as clearing your mind as the time you got shitfaced bad
+01: Dumb at math? Use one of our universial calculators
Richochet: Where investing is always risky at the best of times
Iota: Just like Iowa
Netika: Whats better than using the neighbours wireless for free
Arial: Free cable for all is our primary goal for the greater community

This is just a spof, no offence taken:lol

1st August 2008, 07:42 AM
There is no such thing as a proud smoker. I don't mean to offend you by saying this, I'm saying it from my own experience. I used to think exactly like you, until I decided to stop the habit. Once you have quit, you will frown at so-called proud smokers. They live in their own world.

1st August 2008, 11:44 AM
Quit while you can, if you can. There is no such thing as a casual smoker, like there is no such thing as a casual crack addict. It`s an illusion. Eventually, smoking will destroy your teeth, skin, bank balance, personality and life-expectancy. Apart from that it`s fine. If you say you would find it easy to stop, then just stop, you have nothing to gain from continuing. If it`s not easy for you to stop - then that means your reasons for stopping are even stronger. No offense meant: glass houses/stones etc.

1st August 2008, 02:56 PM
Asa smokes, but smoking doesn't make you as good as him at Wipeout.

IMO both of you should quit before something bad happens to you :( The reasons have already been mentioned.

And in case they don't do it in Europe, here are a few pics (http://www.cipretvaud.ch/img/cancer_bg.gif) they (http://whyquit.com/whyquit/1addictlow.jpg) put (http://www.nsra-adnf.ca/images/pageimages/8mouthlow.JPG) on our cig packages (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/207/518194597_a7bb1c1a56.jpg?v=0) here (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/images/hecs-sesc/tobac-tabac/legislation/label-etiquette/graph/tab10a-eng.gif). Enjoy. (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/images/hecs-sesc/tobac-tabac/legislation/label-etiquette/graph/tab5a-eng.jpg)

If you don't want to stop for yourself, stop for the others around you.

1st August 2008, 02:59 PM
Not to mention the fact that some non and ex smokers are nauseated by the smell of cigarette smoke. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke more than the idea of castrating myself with a dull grapefruit spoon. To each their own, it's all a choice, etc etc, I've got friends who smoke but they do it somewhere that nobody else will be subjected to it. I just think it's filthy and vile... and I don't miss waking up next to someone in bed and getting a face full of stale tar-lung stench. ...woo, tangent.

besides, if you're gonna smoke, smoke a pipe with flavored natural tobacco or smoke pot, both smell better than the artificial chemical laden cancer sticks you buy at the convenience store :P

1st August 2008, 03:02 PM
The scared-by-health-issues method doesn't work on someone who loves smoking, I know that because I loved smoking, too.
What does work is that you actually feel a lot better once you've quit. I didn't believe it either, but it's true. Just try it. You don't have to smoke.

Oh and don't think that I am the absolute non-smoker now. Sure I enjoy a cigarette every now and then, on a party, at a festival, whatever. It's just not a habit anymore. It's something I do on special occasions. Enjoyment, not burden.

1st August 2008, 04:04 PM
You shouldn't even do that eLhabib. Cigarettes are poison, no matter how few you smoke.
My mother is a pharmacist and she works in a hospital called "Montreal Chest institute". Before I went to high school and before the arrival of a lot of HIV patients at that hospital, there were a lot of patients in terminal phases with issues related to smoking. Some had cystic fibrosis, so that's unrelated, but I've seen my share of terribly ill old people hooked up to machines all day because they can't breathe on their own.
If that health issue doesn't work for you and makes you quit, then I don't know what will.
Maybe visit a hospital near you specialized in that kind of patients. It's just terrible. :'(

1st August 2008, 04:19 PM
You have to be an ex-smoker to understand how a smoker thinks. Of course, even a single cigarette every week is potentially dangerous. Still, there are heavy smokers who already have really bad health due to smoking, and are spitting up lung parts every morning, and they still won't quit smoking. It's not rational, believe me.

At least I managed to cut all the cigarettes I didn't enjoy smoking anyway. The ones when you leave the house, the ones during work breaks, the ones after a meal. It takes actually trying it to realise you feel better without them. (I'm saying this for the smokers here, non-smokers can't really understand what I'm talking about here)

The odd cigarette I smoke every other week is one I can concentrate on, I can enjoy. But my throat is sure to remind me the morning after that I shouldn't even have smoked that one.

1st August 2008, 04:31 PM
Two things:

take a hint from Snake.


it does cause impotence, do you want to be impotent? I know I don't:p;)

1st August 2008, 06:18 PM
I am smoking 'Morlay' : red & white box
I am wellknown as Cancer-Man

Asa smokes, but smoking doesn't make you as good as him at Wipeout.
non-smoking either


1st August 2008, 10:39 PM
I believe its 'Morley' :), but are they a real make, i wikipedia'd it the other night and it said its a fictional brand.
Ha i know cancer man, i love the X files! Im going to see the new film soon!

Its interesting on all of the opinions here, i should have done a poll actually! dont thiink i can add one to an existing topic though :(

3rd August 2008, 12:19 AM
Been smoking for 1 1/2 years. When I lived in the the States, I smoked Newports, here in Europe, Marborlo Menthol. However, it's been going on for awhile now, and the fun/enjoyment is starting to fade. More than likely I'm on my last pack (been planning this for awhile). The thing that makes smoking nice is being able to do something when you're waiting, or getting a break every few hours. I'll really miss that, making it the hardest part of quiting.

Rapier Racer
3rd August 2008, 12:28 AM
Being able to do something while your waiting... get you PSP out! lol

4th August 2008, 11:21 AM
More than likely I'm on my last pack (been planning this for awhile). The thing that makes smoking nice is being able to do something when you're waiting, or getting a break every few hours. I'll really miss that, making it the hardest part of quiting.

Hey, I've been just like that... all I needed the smoking for was to not get bored or nervous or whatever while I had nothing to do. What's funny, though, is that ACTUALLY these feelings exist only because at one point you start craving for that next cigarette... You'll realize as soon as you get off that **** (sorry all, but that's what it is). I consider myself a very, VERY nervous person and I hadn't anticipated it at all, but after I stopped I felt much more relaxed than I EVER felt while I had been on the drug (about 10 years). You know how I had to have a cig after each set of races during the con. ;) THAT'S what makes you feel nervous - don't ever think needing something to do is your reason to smoke. For me anyway it's just been an excuse. Of course, I only realized AFTER I quit... *g* Sorry if it sounds like preaching, it shouldn't. But what you wrote so reminded me of all I was experiencing recently.

Btw: Yes, you WILL feel less "cool" if you don't have a cigarette while all the guys you wanna be friends with do. Be prepared for that. But then, so what. :)

Oh, and all the best for your quitting! I hope your "last pack" attempt works out. These never worked for me. I needed that specific date at which I'd quit.
Even though I do have the occasional cigarette at a party, much like eLhabib. For some reason it doesn't make me get back as a regular. Apart from that I'd like to underline everything he said so far. It's quite similar to my own experience.

Here's to newly-found freedom! :)

4th August 2008, 11:24 AM
Btw, I think the trick for the occasional cigarette is to tie it to events you don't experience most of the time in your life. Me, I only smoke when I'm drunk! ;) This way I don't have a chance of craving one 99% of my life. If you're an alcoholic that's not gonna work of course :D

4th August 2008, 03:27 PM
... The thing that makes smoking nice is being able to do something when you're waiting, or getting a break every few hours. I'll really miss that, making it the hardest part of quiting.

Why don't you try meditating within that new-found time, reflecting on the days events and how you handled them - did you handle them at the best they could be handled?

6th August 2008, 12:46 AM
My parents were both incapacitated quite severely by smoking-caused emphysema long before they died. My dad could not go up a single flight of stairs without stopping to rest at least once. He was in his early 50's at the time, so he was in very bad condition for more than twenty years after that. Not a good way to exist.

I'm a non-smoker now, though I smoked for a few months in university to be 'cool' and feel adult. Because of the smoking, I was in fact exactly the opposite of 'cool' and adult.

When I have lots of time to wait, I either read or think or both.

6th August 2008, 07:35 AM
Yeah that's sad Lance... I've never propped one cigarette in my mouth yet... not cause I'm extremely against it or hate anyone that does it, but just because I don't see much of a reason for it. People think it takes stress away, but those people usually start becoming more stressful after they started smoking... Plus I'm not the type to be turned on to a girl that smokes, so I would never smoke. It's like negative everywhere, losing money, shorter life, everything... screw that! Lol...

6th August 2008, 08:00 PM
Smoker trying to quit.. probably have been trying to quit since I started. LOL

I alternate between Camel Turkish Golds and Camel Lights. Smoother than most other blends out there. However, the prices of smokes are reaching ludacris levels in TX. Quitting is quickly becoming beneficial to my wallet as well as to my own personal health.

6th August 2008, 08:30 PM
They reached ludicrous levels long ago.

Back when I was a kid, my parents were paying two dollars U.S. per 10-pack carton.

Much of the increase since then is not due to generalised inflation, though a part of it is.

6th August 2008, 08:42 PM
You poor US-citizens do know that a pack of 20 cigarettes in Austria costs 4 €, right? That's 6.50 of your american dollars. So quit whining! ;)

Rapier Racer
6th August 2008, 08:56 PM
What about here? The average price for 20 is over £5 so we're looking at near $10 a pack.

I used to smoke often but not anymore, waste of money really, also they introduced a ban on smoking in public places here so that put an end to smoking while out drinking because quite frankly, **** having to go stand outside like a reject man, now I can drink a little more to make up for it lol

6th August 2008, 08:58 PM
That's a lot better for people than back when they could smoke for one cent per ciggie. Cheap addiction isn't necessarily better than expensive addiction.


I prefer alcohol to smoking. Smoking isn't even in the race. Luckily, I'm not an alcoholic.

6th August 2008, 09:01 PM
They reached ludicrous levels long ago.

Back when I was a kid, my parents were paying two dollars U.S. per 10-pack carton.

Much of the increase since then is not due to generalised inflation.

Could that be a Government plan to make the public stop smoking?

6th August 2008, 09:14 PM
Government desire to raise taxes for more funds to spend stupidly plus do-gooders trying to be your mother.

6th August 2008, 09:50 PM
...average price for 20 is over £5 so we're looking at near $10 a pack.

Holy ******* **** ************!!!!!!!!!!

eLhabib, average is $5.20 in Austin, where I live. So we are close.

7th August 2008, 12:50 AM
But in the states the prices vary from gas station to gas station, whereas in Europe it a country-wide price.